< Estera 9 >

1 Ary tamin’ ny andro fahatelo ambin’ ny folo tamin’ ny volana faharoa ambin’ ny folo (volana Adara izany), rehefa akaiky ny andro hanatanterahana ny tenin’ ny mpanjaka sy ny didiny, dia ny andro izay efa nantenain’ ny fahavalon’ ny Jiosy haharesena azy indrindra (kanjo navadika izany, ka ny Jiosy kosa no naharesy izay nankahala azy),
For in the twelfth month, on the thirteenth day of the month which is Adar, the letters written by the king arrived.
2 dia nivory tany an-tanànany avy ny Jiosy, tany amin’ ny isan-tokony eran’ ny fanjakan’ i Ahasoerosy mpanjaka, mba hamely izay nividy hanisy ratsy azy; ary tsy nisy olona nahajanona teo anoloany, fa efa nahazo ny olona rehetra ny fahatahorana azy.
In that day the adversaries of the Jews perished: for no one resisted, through fear of them.
3 Ary ny mpanapaka rehetra isan-tokony tamin’ ny fanjakana sy ny solo-mpanjaka sy ny governora mbamin’ ny mpanao raharahan’ ny mpanjaka dia nanampy ny Jiosy, satria azon’ ny fahatahorana an’ i Mordekay izy.
For the chiefs of the satraps, and the princes and the royal scribes, honoured the Jews; for the fear of Mardochaeus lay upon them.
4 Fa Mordekay dia lehibe tao an-tranon’ ny mpanjaka, ary ny lazany niely tany amin’ ny isan-tokony eran’ ny fanjakana; fa nitombo sy nisandratra ihany io lehilahy Mordekay io.
For the order of the king was in force, that he should be celebrated in all the kingdom.
5 Ary nasian’ ny Jiosy ny fahavalony rehetra ka nokapainy sabatra sy novonoiny ary naringany, fa nahazo nanao araka izay sitraky ny fony tamin’ izay nankahala azy izy.
6 Ary tany Sosana renivohitra aza ny Jiosy dia nahavono sy naharingana diman-jato lahy;
And in the city Susa the Jews killed five hundred men:
7 ary Parsandata sy Dalfona sy Aspata
both Pharsannes, and Delphon and Phasga,
8 sy Porata sy Adalia sy Aridata
and Pharadatha, and Barea, and Sarbaca,
9 sy Parmasta sy Arisay sy Ariday ary Vaizata,
and Marmasima, and Ruphaeus, and Arsaeus, and Zabuthaeus,
10 izy folo lahy, zanak’ i Hamana, zanak’ i Hamedota, fahavalon’ ny Jiosy, dia novonoiny koa; kanefa ny fananany tsy mba norobainy tsy akory.
the ten sons of Aman the son of Amadathes the Bugaean, the enemy of the Jews, and they plundered [their property] on the same day:
11 Androtrizay ihany dia nambara tamin’ ny mpanjaka ny isan’ ny voavono tany Sosana renivohitra.
and the number of them that perished in Susa was rendered to the king.
12 Ary hoy ny mpanjaka tamin’ i Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka: Teto Sosana renivohitra aza ny Jiosy efa nahavono sy naharingana diman-jato lahy mbamin’ izy folo lahy, zanak’ i Hamana; koa nanao ahoana kosa no nataony tamin’ ny isan-tokony eran’ ny fanjakan’ ny mpanjaka! Dia inona koa no angatahinao? Fa hatao izany. Ary inona no mbola tadiavinao? Fa homena izany.
And the king said to Esther, The Jews have slain five hundred men in the city Susa; and how, think you, have they used them in the rest of the country? What then do you yet ask, that it may be [done] for you?
13 Dia hoy Estera: Raha sitraky ny mpanjaka, dia aoka ny Jiosy izay eto Sesana havela hanao toy ny natao androany ihany koa rahampitso, ary aoka hahantona amin’ ny hazo koa izy folo lahy, zanak’ i Hamana.
And Esther said to the king, let it be granted to the Jews so to treat them tomorrow as to hand the ten sons of Aman.
14 Dia nasain’ ny mpanjaka natao izany; ary nantsoina tany Sosana ny teny, ka dia nahantona izy folo lahy, zanak’ i Hamana.
And he permitted it to be so done; and he gave up to the Jews of the city the bodies of the sons of Aman to hang.
15 Dia nivory indray ny Jiosy izay tany Sosana tamin’ ny andro fahefatra ambin’ ny folo tamin’ ny volana Adara ka namono olona telon-jato lahy tany Sosana; kanefa ny fananany tsy mba norobainy tsy akory.
And the Jews assembled in Susa on the fourteenth [day] of Adar, and killed three hundred men, but plundered no property.
16 Ary ny Jiosy sasany isan-tokony tamin’ ny fanjakan’ ny mpanjaka dia nivory hiaro ny ainy, ka afaka tamin’ ny fahavalony izy, ary dimy arivo amby fito alina no matiny (kanefa ny fananany tsy mba norobainy)
And the rest of the Jews who were in the kingdom assembled, and helped one another, and obtained rest from their enemies: for they destroyed fifteen thousand of them on the thirteenth [day] of Adar, but took no spoil.
17 tamin’ ny andro fahatelo ambin’ ny folo tamin’ ny volana Adara; ary nitsahatra izy tamin’ ny andro fahefatra ambin’ ny folo, ka nataony ho andro fanasana sy firavoravoana izany.
And they rested on the fourteenth of the same month, and kept it as a day of rest with joy and gladness.
18 Fa ny Jiosy izay tany Sosana kosa nivory tamin’ ny andro fahatelo ambin’ ny folo tamin’ io ihany sy tamin’ ny andro fahefatra ambin’ ny folo koa; ary nitsahatra tamin’ ny andro fahadimy ambin’ ny folo izy, ka dia io no nataony andro fanasana sy firavoravoana.
And the Jews in the city Susa assembled also on the fourteenth [day] and rested; and they kept also the fifteenth with joy and gladness.
19 Koa noho izany ny Jiosy tany ambanivohitra, izay nitoetra tamin’ ny vohitra madinika, dia nanao ny andro fahefatra ambin’ ny folo amin’ ny volana Adara ho firavoravoana sy fanasana sy andro mahafaly ary fifanateran-javatra.
On this account then [it is that] the Jews dispersed in every foreign land keep the fourteenth of Adar [as] a holy day with joy, sending portions each to his neighbour.
20 Ary Mordekay nanoratra ny amin’ izany zavatra izany sady nampitondra taratasy ho any amin’ ny Jiosy rehetra izay tany amin’ ny isan-tokony eran’ ny fanjakan’ i Ahasoerosy mpanjaka, na ny akaiky na ny lavitra,
And Mardochaeus wrote these things in a book, and sent them to the Jews, as many as were in the kingdom of Artaxerxes, both them that were near and them that were afar off,
21 mba hampitandrina azy ny andro fahefatra ambin’ ny folo sy ny fahadimy ambin’ ny folo amin’ ny volana Adara isan-taona,
to establish these [as] joyful days, and to keep the fourteenth and fifteenth of Adar;
22 dia araka ny andro nahafahan’ ny Jiosy tamin’ ny fahavalony, sy ny volana izay nampodiana ny alahelony ho fifaliana ary ny fitomaniany ho andro mahafaly, mba hatao ho andro fanasana sy fifaliana sy fifanateran-javatra ary fanomezan-javatra ho an’ ny mahantra izany.
for on these days the Jews obtained rest from their enemies; and [as to] the month, which was Adar, in which a change was made for them, from mourning to joy, and from sorrow to a good day, to spend the whole of it [in] good days of feasting and gladness, sending portions to their friends, and to the poor.
23 Ary ny Jiosy nanaiky hanao araka izay vao nataony, dia araka izay efa nosoratan’ i Mordekay taminy,
And the Jews consented [to this] accordingly as Mardochaeus wrote to them,
24 satria Hamana, zanak’ i Hamedota Agagita, fahavalon’ ny Jiosy rehetra, efa nihevitra handringana ny Jiosy ka efa nanao pora (filokana izany) handreseny sy handringanany azy;
[showing] how Aman the son of Amadathes the Macedonian fought against them, how he made a decree and cast lots to destroy them utterly;
25 fa raha nankeo anatrehan’ ny mpanjaka izany, dia nampanoratra taratasy handidy mba hatsingerina ho eo amin’ ny lohany ihany ny hevi-dratsy nokasain’ i Hamana hatao amin’ ny Jiosy, ary mba hahantona amin’ ny hazo izy sy ny zananilahy.
also how he went in to the king, telling [him] to hang Mardochaeus: but all the calamities he tried to bring upon the Jews came upon himself, and he was hanged, and his children.
26 Izany no nanaovana ireo andro ireo hoe Porima, dia araka ny anarana hoe Pora. Ary araka ny teny rehetra tamin’ izany taratasy izany sy izay hitany ny amin’ izany zavatra efa nanjo azy izany
Therefore these days were called Phrurae, because of the lots; (for in their language they are called Phrurae; ) because of the words of this letter, and [because of] all they suffered on this account, and all that happened to them.
27 dia nanao lalàna tsy azo ovana ny Jiosy ka nanaiky fa izy sy ny taranany ary izay rehetra miray aminy dia hitandrina izany andro roa izany araka ny voasoratra sy araka ny fotoany isan-taona;
And [Mardochaeus] established it, and the Jews took upon themselves, and upon their seed, and upon those that were joined to them [to observe it], neither would they on any account behave differently: but these days [were to be] a memorial kept in every generation, and city, and family, and province.
28 ary mba hotsarovana sy hotandremana ireo andro ireo amin’ ny taranany rehetra sy ny fokony rehetra sy ny isan-tokony eran’ ny fanjakana rehetra sy amin’ ny isan-tanàna; ary mba tsy ho tapaka amin’ ny Jiosy ireo andro Porima ireo, ka tsy hitsahatra ny fahatsiarovana izany amin’ ny taranany.
And these days of the Phrurae, [said they, ]shall be kept for ever, and their memorial shall not fail in any generation.
29 Ary Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka, sady zanakavavin’ i Abihaila sy Mordekay Jiosy, dia nanoratra tamin’ ny fahefana rehetra hanamafy izany taratasy faharoa milaza ny Porima izany.
And queen Esther, the daughter of Aminadab, and Mardochaeus the Jew, wrote all that they had done, and the confirmation of the letter of Phrurae.
30 Ary nampitondra taratasy ho any amin’ ny Jiosy rehetra izy dia ho any amin’ ny toko fito amby roa-polo amby zato amin’ ny fanjakan’ i Ahasoerosy, manao teny fiadanana sy fahamarinana,
31 mba hampitandrina azy Ireo andro Porima ireo amin’ ny fotoany, araka izay nandidian’ i Mordekay Jiosy sy Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka, azy sy araka izay efa nekeny ho an’ ny tenany sy ny taranany koa ny amin’ ny fifadian-kaniny sy ny fitarainany.
And Mardochaeus and Esther the queen appointed [a fast] for themselves privately, even at that time also having formed their plan against their own health.
32 Ary ny tenin’ i Estera dia nanamafy izany teny milaza ny Porima izany; ary voasoratra tao amin’ ny boky izany.
And Esther established it by a command for ever, and it was written for a memorial.

< Estera 9 >