< Estera 7 >

1 Ary ny mpanjaka sy Hamana dia nankao amin’ i Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka, ho ao amin’ ny fanasana
So the king and Aman went in to drink with the queen.
2 Ary hoy indray ny mpanjaka tamin’ i Estera teo am-pisotroan-divay tamin’ ny andro faharoa inona no angatahinao, ry Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka? Fa homena anao izany. Ary inona ange no tadiavinao? Fa na dia hatramin’ ny antsasaky ny fanjakana aza dia hotovina izany.
And the king said to Esther at the banquet on the second day, What is it, queen Esther? and what [is] your request, and what [is] your petition? and it shall be [done] for you, to the half of my kingdom.
3 Dia namaly Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka, ka nanao hoe: Raha mahita fitia eto imasonao ary aho, ry mpanjaka, ka sitraky ny mpanjaka, dia aoka homena ahy ny aiko araka ny fifonako ary ny fireneko araka ny fangatahako;
And she answered and said, If I have found favour in the sight of the king, let [my] life be granted to my petition, and my people to my request.
4 fa namidy izahay, dia izaho sy ny fireneko, mba haringana sy hovonoina ary haripaka; fa raha tahìny namidy ho andevolahy sy ho andevovavy izahay, dia ho nangina ihany aho; kanefa anie tsy mahonitra ny fatiantoky ny mpanjaka tsinona ilay fahavalo e.
For both I and my people are sold for destruction, and pillage, and slavery; [both] we and our children for bondmen and bondwomen: and I consented not to it, for the [is] not worthy of the king's palace.
5 Dia namaly Ahasoerosy mpanjaka ka nanao tamin’ i Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka, hoe: Iza moa izany, ary aiza no hisy hasesiky ny fony hanao izany akory?
And the king said, Who [is] this that has dared to do this thing?
6 Fa hoy Estera: Io Hamana ratsy fanahy io no rafilahy sy fahavalo! Dia raiki-tahotra teo anatrehan’ ny mpanjaka sy ny vadin’ ny mpanjaka Hamana.
And Esther said, the adversary [is] Aman, this wicked man. Then Aman was troubled before the king and the queen.
7 Ary tezitra dia tezitra ny mpanjaka, dia nitsangana niala teo am-pisotroan-divay ho eny an-tanimbolin’ ny trano; ary Hamana kosa nitsangana hangataka ny ainy tamin’ i Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka, satria hitany fa misy loza hamelin’ ny mpanjaka azy.
And the king rose up from the banquet to go into the garden: and Aman began to entreat the queen; for he saw that he was in an evil case.
8 Ary ny mpanjaka niverina avy teo an-tanimbolin’ ny trano ho ao amin’ ilay efa nisotroany divay teo, ary Hamana sendra niapoka tamin’ ny farafara nandrian’ i Estera. Dia hoy ny mpanjaka: Moa hisavika ny vadin’ ny mpanjaka eto anatrehako eto an-trano va io? Raha vantany vao naloaky ny vavan’ ny mpanjaka izany teny izany, dia nisy nanarona ny tavan’ i Hamana
And the king returned from the garden; and Aman had fallen upon the bed, intreating the queen. And the king said, Will you even force [my] wife in my house? And when Aman heard it, he changed countenance.
9 Ary Harbona, tsindranolahy anankiray, izay teo anatrehan’ ny mpanjaka, dia nilaza hoe Indro miorina eo akaikin’ ny tranon’ i Hamana ny hazo, dimam-polo hakiho ny hahavony, izay nataon’ i Hamana hanantonany an’ i Mordekay, ilay niteny soa ho an’ ny mpanjaka. Dia hoy ny mpanjaka ahantòny amin’ io izy.
And Bugathan, one of the chamberlains, said to the king, Behold, Aman has also prepared a gallows for Mardochaeus, who spoke concerning the king, and a gallows of fifty cubits high has been set up in the premises of Aman. And the king said, Let him be hanged thereon.
10 Ary Hamana dia nahantony tamin’ ilay hazo efa natsangany hanantonana an’ i Mordekay. Dia vao izay no nionona ny hatezeran’ ny mpanjaka.
So Aman was hanged on the gallows that had been prepared for Mardochaeus: and then the king's wrath was appeased.

< Estera 7 >