< Estera 5 >
1 Ary nony tamin’ ny andro fahatelo, dia niakanjo akanjo fiandrianana Estera ka nitsangana teo amin’ ny kianja anatiny amin’ ny tranon’ ny mpanjaka, dia teo anoloan’ ny tranon’ ny mpanjaka, ary ny mpanjaka nipetraka teo ambonin’ ny seza fiandrianan’ ny fanjakana tao an-dapa, tandrifin’ ny vavahadin’ ny trano.
And on the third day Esther put on her royal apparel, and stood in the inner court of the king’s house, over against the king’s hall: now he sat upon his throne in the hall of the palace, over against the door of the house.
2 Ary nony hitan’ ny mpanjaka fa, indro, Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka nitsangana teo an-kianja, dia nahita fitia teo imasony izy; ary ny mpanjaka nanondro an’ i Estera tamin’ ny tehim-bolamena izay teny an-tànany. Dia nanatona kosa Estera ka nanendry ny loha-tehina.
And when he saw Esther the queen standing, she pleased his eyes, and he held out toward her the golden sceptre, which he held in his hand: and she drew near, and kissed the top of his sceptre.
3 Dia hoy ny mpanjaka taminy: Inona no angatahinao, ry Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka, ary inona no tadiavinao? Fa na dia hatramin’ ny antsasaky ny fanjakana aza, dia homena anao izany.
And the king said to her: What wilt then, queen Esther? what is thy request? if thou shouldst even ask one half of the kingdom, it shall be given to thee.
4 Dia namaly Estera ka nanao hoe: Raha sitraky ny mpanjaka aoka, ny mpanjaka sy Hamana hankao anio amin’ ny fanasana izay efa namboariko ho azy.
But she answered: If it please the king. I beseech thee to come to me this day, and Aman with thee to the banquet which I have prepared.
5 Dia hoy ny mpanjaka: Asaovy avy faingana Hamana mba hanao araka ny tenin’ i Estera. Ary ny mpanjaka sy Hamana dia nankeo amin’ ny fanasana izay efa namboarin’ i Estera.
And the king said forthwith: Call ye Aman quickly, that he may obey Esther’s will. So the king and Aman came to the banquet which the queen had prepared for them.
6 Ary hoy ny mpanjaka tamin’ i Estera teo am-pisotroan-divay: Inona no angatahinao? Fa homena anao izany. Ary inona no tadiavinao? Fa na dia hatramin’ ny antsasaky ny fanjakana aza, dia homena Izany.
And the king said to her, after he had drunk wine plentifully: What dost thou desire should be given thee? and for what thing askest thou? although thou shouldst ask the half of my kingdom, thou shalt have it.
7 Dia namaly Estera ka nanao hoe: Izao no angatahiko sy tadiaviko:
And Esther answered: My petition and request is this:
8 Raha mahita fitia eto imason’ ny mpanjaka aho, ka sitraky ny mpanjaka ny hanome izay angatahiko sy hanome izay tadiaviko, dia aoka ny mpanjaka sy Hamana hankao amin’ ny fanasana izay hamboariko ho azy indray; ary rahampitso dia hanao araka ny tenin’ ny mpanjaka ihany aho.
If I have found favour in the king’s sight, and if it please the king to give me what I ask, and to fulfill my petition: let the king and Aman come to the banquet which I have prepared them, and tomorrow I will open my mind to the king.
9 Dia nivoaka tamin’ izany andro izany Hamana, sady faly sy ravoravo ny fony; fa raha nahita an’ i Mordekay teo am-bavahadin’ ny mpanjaka izy, fa, indro, tsy mba nitsangana na nihetsika hitsaoka azy akory dia feno fahatezerana taminy izy.
So Aman went out that day joyful and merry. And when he saw Mardochai sitting before the gate of the palace, and that he not only did not rise up to honour him, but did not so much as move from the place where he sat, he was exceedingly angry:
10 Kanefa nanindry fo ihany Hamana ka lasa nody tany an-tranony aloha; dia naniraka naka ny sakaizany sy Zaresy vadiny izy.
But dissembling his anger, and returning into his house, he called together to him his friends, and Zares his wife:
11 Ary nambaran’ i Hamana tamin’ ireo ny voninahitry ny hareny sy ny hamaroan’ ny zanany mbamin’ Izay voninahitra rehetra nomen’ ny mpanjaka azy sy ny nanandratany azy ho ambony noho ny mpanapaka sy ny mpanompon’ ny mpanjaka.
And he declared to them the greatness of his riches, and the multitude of his children, and with how great glory the king had advanced him above all his princes and servants.
12 Ary hoy koa Hamana: He! Estera, vadin’ ny mpanjaka, aza tsy naka olona afa-tsy izaho ihany hiaraka amin’ ny mpanjaka ho amin’ ny fanasana izay efa namboariny; fa nasainy hiaraka amin’ ny mpanjaka aho koa rahampitso.
And after this he said: Queen Esther also hath invited no other to the banquet with the king, but me: and with her I am also to dine tomorrow with the king:
13 Nefa na dia izany rehetra izany aza, dia tsy mbola mahafa-po ahy ihany, raha mbola mahita an’ i Mordekay Jiosy mipetraka eo am-bavahadin’ ny mpanjaka aho.
And whereas I have all these things, I think I have nothing, so long as I see Mardochai the Jew sitting before the king’s gate.
14 Dia hoy Zaresy vadiny sy ny sakaizany rehetra taminy: Aoka hanaovana hazo, dimam-polo hakiho ny hahavony, ary raha maraina dia lazao amin’ ny mpanjaka mba hahantona eo Mordekay; fa mandehana miaraka amin’ ny mpanjaka amin’ ny hafaliana ho any amin’ ny fanasana ianao. Ary sitrak’ i Hamana izany zavatra izany, ka dia nampanao ilay hazo izy.
Then Zares his wife, and the rest of his friends answered him: Order a great beam to be prepared, fifty cubits high, and in the morning speak to the king, that Mardochai may be hanged upon it, and so thou shalt go full of joy with the king to the banquet. The counsel pleased him, and he commanded a high gibbet to be prepared.