< Deotoronomia 22 >
1 Raha hitanao mania ny omby na ny ondrin’ ny rahalahinao, dia aza atao tsy ho raharahanao izany, fa avereno any amin’ ny rahalahinao mihitsy izany.
When you see the calf of your brother or his sheep wandering in the way, you shall not overlook them; you shall by all means turn them back to your brother, and you shall restore them to him.
2 Ary raha tsy akaiky anao, na tsy fantatrao, ny rahalahinao, dia ento mody any aminao ilay nania, ary aoka hitoetra aminao mandra-pitadin’ ny rahalahinao azy, dia haverinao any aminy.
And if your brother do not come near you, and you do not know him, you shall bring it into your house within; and it shall be with you until your brother shall seek them, and you shall restore them to him.
3 Ary toy izany koa no hataonao amin’ ny borikiny, na ny fitafiany, na ny zavatry ny rahalahinao, na inona na inona izay very ka hitanao; fa aza atao tsy ho raharahanao izany.
Thus shall you do to his ass, and thus shall you do to his garment, and thus shall you do to every thing that your brother has lost; whatever shall have been lost by him, and you shall have found, you shall not have power to overlook.
4 Ary raha hitanao ny borikin’ ny rahalahinao, na ny ombiny, potraka any an-dalana, dia aza atao tsy ho raharahanao izany; fa manampia ny rahalahinao hanarina azy.
You shall not see the ass of your brother, or his calf, fallen in the way: you shall not overlook them, you shall surely help him to raise them up.
5 Aoka ny vehivavy tsy hitafy ny fitafian-dehilahy; ary aoka ny lehilahy tsy hitafy ny fitafiam-behivavy; fa fahavetavetana eo imason’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao izay rehetra manao izany.
The apparel of a man shall not be on a woman, neither shall a man put on a woman's dress; for every one that does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.
6 Raha sendra mahita akanim-borona eo anoloanao eny an-dalana ianao, na amin’ ny efa foy, na mbola atodiny, ary ny reniny manomba ny efa foy, na mikotrika ny atodiny, dia aza maka ny reniny mbamin’ ny zanany.
And if you should come upon a brood of birds before your face in the way or upon any tree, or upon the earth, young or eggs, and the mother be brooding on the young or the eggs, you shall not take the dam with the young ones.
7 Alefaso mihitsy ny reniny, fa ny zanany ihany no alao ho anao, mba hahita soa ianao ka ho maro andro.
You shall by all means let the mother go, but you shall take the young to yourself; that it may be well with you, and that you may live long.
8 Raha manao trano vaovao ianao, dia asio aro-fanina ny tampony, fandrao hisy olona hianjera eny, ka hahatonga heloka ny amin’ ny rà ho ao an-tranonao ianao.
If you should build a new house, then shall you make a parapet to your house; so you shall not bring blood-guiltiness upon your house, if one should in any wise fall from it.
9 Aza fafazana voan-javatra roa karazana mifangaroharo ny taninao, fandrao samy ho lasa ho sazy ny vokatry ny voan-javatra nafafinao sy ny vokatry ny tanim-boalobokao.
You shall not sow your vineyard with diverse seed, lest the fruit be devoted, and whatever seed you may sow, with the fruit of your vineyard.
10 Aza mampikambana omby sy boriky hiasa tany.
You shall not plow with an ox and an ass together.
11 Aza mitafy lamba volon’ ondry sy rongony mifamahofaho.
You shall not wear a mingled [garment], woollen and linen together.
12 Asio somotraviaviny ny zorony efatra amin’ ny lambanao izay itafianao.
You shall make fringes on the four borders of your garments, with which soever you may be clothed.
13 Raha misy lehilahy mampaka-bady ary mandry aminy, ka tsy tiany indray ravehivavy,
And if any one should take a wife, and dwell with her, and hate her,
14 dia haratsiny sy alàny baraka ka ataony hoe: Efa nampakatra ity vehivavy ity aho, nefa raha nandry taminy, dia tsy hitako ny famantarana azy ho virijina:
and attach to her reproachful words, and bring against her an evil name, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her I found not her tokens of virginity:
15 dia halain’ ny ray aman-drenin-drazazavavy ny famantarana azy ho virijina ka ho entiny ho eo amin’ ny loholona amin’ ny tanàna eo am-bavahady.
then the father and the mother of the damsel shall take and bring out the damsel's tokens of virginity to the elders of the city to the gate.
16 Dia hiteny amin’ ny loholona ny rain-drazazavavy hoe: Ny zanako-vavy nomeko ho vadin’ io lehilahy io, kanefa tsy tiany indray izy;
And the father of the damsel shall say to the elders, I gave this my daughter to this man for a wife;
17 ary indro fa efa noharatsiny izy ka nataony hoe: Tsy hitako ny famantarana ny zanakao-vavy ho virijina; kanefa indreto ny famantarana ny zanakao-vavy ho virijina. Dia hamelatra ny lamba eo anatrehan’ ny loholona amin’ ny tanàna izy mivady.
and now he has hated her, and attaches reproachful words to her, saying, I have not found tokens of virginity with your daughter; and these [are] the tokens of my daughter's virginity. And they shall unfold the garment before the elders of the city.
18 Ary halain’ ny loholona amin’ ny tanàna izany lehilahy izany ka hofaizany.
And the elders of that city shall take that man, and shall chastise him,
19 Dia hosaziny sekely volafotsy zato koa izy, ka homeny ny rain-drazazavavy izany, satria nahafa-baraka ny virijina anankiray tamin’ ny Isiraely ralehilahy; nefa dia ho vadiny ihany razazavavy ka tsy azony hisaorana amin’ ny andro rehetra hiainany.
and shall fine him a hundred shekels, and shall give [them] to the father of the damsel, because he has brought forth an evil name against a virgin of Israel; and she shall be his wife: he shall never be able to put her away.
20 Fa raha marina kosa izany lazainy izany, ka tsy hita ny famantarana an-drazazavavy ho virijina,
But if this report be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel;
21 dia ho entiny mivoaka ho eo anoloan’ ny varavaran’ ny tranon-drainy razazavavy ka hotorahan’ ny mponina amin’ ny tanànany vato ho faty, satria nanao izay fady indrindra teo amin’ ny Isiraely izy ka nijangajanga tao an-tranon-drainy; ka dia hofongoranao tsy ho eo aminao ny fanao ratsy.
then shall they bring out the damsel to the doors of her father's house, and shall stone her with stones, and she shall die; because she has wrought folly among the children of Israel, to defile the house of her father by whoring: so you shall remove the evil one from among you.
22 Raha misy lehilahy azo mandry amim-behivavy vadin’ olona, dia samy hatao maty izy roroa, na ralehilahy izay nandry tamin-dravehivavy, na ravehivavy koa; ka dia hofongoranao tsy ho eo amin’ ny Isiraely ny fanao ratsy.
And if a man be found lying with a woman married to a man, you shall kill them both, the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shall you remove the wicked one out of Israel.
23 Raha misy zazavavy virijina voafofo ho vadin’ olona, ary misy lehilahy mahita azy eo an-tanàna ka mandry aminy,
And if there be a young damsel espoused to a man, and a man should have found her in the city and have lain with her;
24 dia ho entinareo mivoaka ho eo amin’ ny vavahadin’ izany tanàna izany izy roroa ka hotorahanareo vato ho faty: razazavavy moa, satria tsy niantso, nefa tao an-tanàna ihany; ary ralehilahy koa, satria nandry tamin’ ny vadin’ ny namany; ka dia hofongoranao tsy ho eo aminao ny fanao ratsy.
you shall bring them both out to the gate of their city, and they shall be stoned with stones, and they shall die; the damsel, because she cried not in the city; and the man, because he humbled his neighbor's spouse: so shall you remove the evil one from yourselves.
25 Fa raha any an-tsaha kosa no ahitan-dralehilahy an-drazazavavy voafofo ho vadin’ olona, ary misavika azy ralehilahy ka mandry aminy, dia ralehilahy izay nandry taminy ihany no hatao maty.
But if a man find in the field a damsel that is betrothed, and he should force her and lie with her, you shall kill the man that lay with her only.
26 Fa ravehivavy dia tsy hasianao na inona na inona; fa tsy misy ota tokony hahafaty azy; fa tahaka ny olona mitsangana hamely ny namany ka mahafaty azy no hevitr’ izany zavatra izany.
And the damsel has not [committed] a sin worthy of death; as if a man should rise up against his neighbor, and kill him, so [is] this thing;
27 Fa tany an-tsaha no nahitany azy; ary niantso ihany razazavavy voafofo ho vadin’ olona, nefa tsy nisy hamonjy azy.
because he found her in the field; the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to help her.
28 Raha misy lehilahy mahita zazavavy virijina, izay tsy voafofo ho vadin’ olona, ka misavika azy sady mandry aminy, koa hita izy roroa,
And if any one should find a young virgin who has not been betrothed, and should force [her] and lie with her, and be found,
29 dia hanome sekely volafotsy dimam-polo ho an’ ny rain-drazazavavy ralehilahy izay nandry taminy; ary hovadiny izy, satria efa nosavihiny sady nandriany; ary tsy azony hisaorana izy amin’ ny andro rehetra hiainany.
the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the damsel fifty silver didrachmas, and she shall be his wife, because he has humbled her; he shall never be able to put her away.
30 Tsy mahazo maka ny vadin-drainy ny olona, na maniry amin’ izay nandrian-drainy.
A man shall not take his father's wife, and shall not uncover his father's skirt.