< Deotoronomia 18 >
1 Ny Levita mpisorona, dia ny firenen’ i Levy rehetra, tsy mba hanana anjara na lova eo amin’ ny Isiraely; ny fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho an’ i Jehovah sy ny anjaran’ i Jehovah no ho fihinany.
The priests, the Levites, even the whole tribe of Levi, shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel; the burnt offerings of the Lord [are] their inheritance, they shall eat them.
2 Fa tsy hanan-dova eo amin’ ny rahalahiny izy; Jehovah no lovany, araka izay nolazainy taminy.
And they shall have no inheritance amongst their brethren; the Lord himself [is] his portion, as he said to him.
3 Ary izao no ho anjaran’ ny mpisorona avy amin’ ny olona, dia avy amin’ izay mamono zavatra hatao fanatitra, na omby, na ondry, na osy: dia homeny ho an’ ny mpisorona ny sorony sy ny takolany roa ary ny vavoniny;
And this [is] the due of the priests in the things coming from the people from those who offer sacrifices, whether it be a calf or a sheep; and you shall give the shoulder to the priest, and the cheeks, and the great intestine:
4 ary ny voaloham-bokatry ny varinao koa sy ny ranom-boalobokao sy ny diloilonao ary ny voalohan’ ny volon’ ondrinao no homenao azy.
and the first fruits of your corn, and of your wine, and of your oil; and you shall give to him the first fruits of the fleeces of your sheep:
5 Fa izy sy ny taranany no nofidin’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao tamin’ ny firenenao rehetra hitsangana hanao fanompoam-pivavahana mandrakizay amin’ ny anaran’ i Jehovah.
because the Lord has chosen him out of all your tribes, to stand before the Lord your God, to minister and bless in his name, himself and his sons amongst the children of Israel.
6 Ary raha misy Levita miala amin’ ny tanànanao anankiray, izay nivahiniany, amin’ ny Isiraely rehetra, ka mandeha araka ny fanirian’ ny fony ho any amin’ ny tany izay hofidin’ i Jehovah,
And if a Levite come from one of the cities of all the children of Israel, where he himself dwells, accordingly as his mind desires, to the place which he shall have chosen,
7 ka manao fanompoam-pivavahana amin’ ny anaran’ i Jehovah Andriamaniny, tahaka ny Levita rahalahiny rehetra, izay mitsangana eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah,
he shall minister to the name of the Lord his God, as all his brethren the Levites, who stand there present before the Lord your God.
8 dia anjara mitovy amin’ ny an’ ireo ihany no ho fihinany, na dia misy aza izay vidin’ ny azony tamin-drainy.
He shall eat an allotted portion, besides the sale of his hereditary property.
9 REHEFA tonga any amin’ ny tany izay omen’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao anao ianao, dia aza mianatra hanao araka ny fahavetavetana ataon’ ireo firenena ireo.
And when you shall have entered into the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to do according to the abominations of those nations.
10 Aoka tsy hisy eo aminao izay mampandeha ny zananilahy na ny zananivavy hamaky ny afo, na mpanao fankatovana, na mpanandro, na mpanao sikidy, na mpanana ody,
There shall not be found in you one who purges his son or his daughter with fire, one who uses divination, who deals with omens, and augury,
11 na manao ho masim-bava, na mpanadina amin’ ny manao azy ho tsindrian-javatra, na mpanao hatsarana, na mpanontany amin’ ny maty.
a sorcerer employing incantation, one who has in him a divining spirit, and observer of signs, questioning the dead.
12 Fa fahavetavetana eo imason’ i Jehovah izay rehetra manao izany zavatra izany, ary izany fahavetavetana izany no androahan’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao azy eo anoloanao.
For every one that does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God; for because of these abominations the Lord will destroy them from before your face.
13 Aoka ho tanteraka amin’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao ianao.
You shall be perfect before the Lord your God.
14 Fa ireo firenena izay efa horoahinao ireo dia mihaino ny mpanandro sy ny mpanao fankatovana; fa ianao kosa tsy navelan’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao hanao izany.
For all these nations whose [land] you shall inherit, they will listen to omens and divinations; but the Lord your God has not permitted you so [to do].
15 Mpaminany avy eo aminao, dia avy amin’ ny rahalahinao, tahaka ahy, no hatsangan’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao ho anao; izy no hohenoinareo;
The Lord your God shall raise up to you a prophet of your brethren, like me; him shall you hear:
16 araka izay rehetra nangatahinao tamin’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao tao Horeba tamin’ ny andro nivoriana hoe: Aoka tsy hihaino ny feon’ i Jehovah Andriamanitro intsony aho, ary aoka tsy hahita izany afo lehibe izany intsony aho, fandrao maty.
according to all things which you did desire of the Lord your God in Choreb in the day of the assembly, saying, We will not again hear the voice of the Lord your God, and we will not any more see this great fire, and [so] we shall not die.
17 Dia hoy Jehovah tamiko: Tsara ny teny izay nolazainy.
And the Lord said to me, They have spoken rightly all that they have said to you.
18 Mpaminany no hatsangako ho azy avy amin’ ny rahalahiny, tahaka anao, ka hataoko ao am-bavany ny teniko, ary holazainy aminy izay rehetra handidiako azy.
I will raise up to them a prophet of their brethren, like you; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them as I shall command him.
19 Ary izay rehetra tsy mihaino ny teniko, izay holazainy amin’ ny anarako, dia Izaho no hitsara azy.
And whatever man shall not listen to whatever words that prophet shall speak in my name, I will take vengeance on him.
20 Fa ny mpaminany izay sahy hilaza teny amin’ ny anarako, nefa tsy nasaiko nolazainy, na izay miteny amin’ ny anaran’ andriamani-kafa, dia hatao maty.
But the prophet whoever shall impiously speak in my name a word which I have not commanded him to speak, and whoever shall speak in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.
21 Ary raha hoy ianao anakampo: Hataontsika ahoana no fahafantatra ny teny izay tsy nolazain’ i Jehovah?
But if you shall say in your heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?
22 Raha miteny amin’ ny anaran’ i Jehovah ny mpaminany, ka tsy efa ny zavatra, na tsy tanteraka, dia teny izay tsy nolazain’ i Jehovah izany: tamin’ ny fahasahisahiana no nilazan’ ny mpaminany izany, koa aza matahotra azy.
Whatsoever words that prophet shall speak in the name of the Lord, and they shall not come true, and not come to pass, this [is] the thing which the Lord has not spoken; that prophet has spoken wickedly: you shall not spare him.