< Daniela 4 >

1 Nebokadnezara mpanjaka nampitondra teny ho any amin’ ny fokom-pirenena sy ny firenena ary ny samy hafa fiteny rehetra, izay monina amin’ ny tany rehetra, nanao hoe: Hitombo anie ny fiadananareo.
King Nebuchadnezzar sent this decree to all peoples, nations, and languages who lived on the earth: May your peace increase.
2 Sitrako ny hanambara ny famantarana sy ny fahagagana izay nataon’ Andriamanitra Avo Indrindra tamiko.
It has seemed good to me to tell you about the signs and wonders that the Most High has done for me.
3 Akory ny halehiben’ ny famantarany! Ny fanjakany dia fanjakana mandrakizay, ary ny fanapahany dia hahatratra ny taranaka fara mandimby.
How great are his signs, and how mighty are his wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion lasts from generation to generation.”
4 Izaho Nebokadnezara niadana tao an-tranoko ary faly finaritra tao an-dapako.
I, Nebuchadnezzar, was living happily in my house, and I was enjoying prosperity in my palace.
5 Nanonofy zavatra nahatahotra aho ka nieritreritra teo am-pandriako, ary ny fahitan’ ny lohako dia naharaiki-tahotra ahy.
But a dream I had made me afraid. As I lay there, the images I saw and the visions in my mind troubled me.
6 Ka dia nandidy aho mba ho entina eo anatrehako ny olon-kendrin’ i Babylona rehetra hilaza amiko ny hevitry ny nofy.
So I gave a decree to bring before me all the men of Babylon who had wisdom so they could interpret the dream for me.
7 Dia niditra ny ombiasy sy ny mpisikidy sy ny Kaldeana ary ny mpanandro; ary nambarako teo anatrehany ny nofy, kanjo tsy nahalaza ny heviny tamiko ireny.
Then came the magicians, those who claimed to speak with the dead, the wise men, and the astrologers. I told them the dream, but they could not interpret it for me.
8 Fa nony farany dia niditra teo anatrehako kosa Daniela, izay atao hoe Beltesazara, araka ny anaran’ andriamanitro, sady misy fanahin’ ireo andriamanitra masìna ao anatiny; ary ny nofy dia nambarako teo anatrehany hoe:
But at last Daniel came in—the one who is named Belteshazzar after the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods—and I told him the dream.
9 Ry Beltesazara, lehiben’ ny ombiasy, fantatro fa misy fanahin’ ireo andriamanitra masìna ao anatinao, ary tsy misy zava-miafina manahirana anao, koa ambarao ahy ny fahitana izay hitako tamin’ ny nofy mbamin’ ny heviny.
“Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that no mystery is too difficult for you. Tell me what I saw in my dream and what it means.
10 Fa izao no fahitan’ ny lohako teo am-pandriako: Nijery aho, ka, indro, nisy hazo teo afovoan’ ny tany, ary fatratra ny hahavony.
These were the sights that I saw in my mind as I lay upon my bed: I looked, and there was a tree in the middle of the earth, and its height was very great.
11 Nihalehibe sy nihahery io hazo io, ary ny hahavony nipaka tamin’ ny lanitra, ary ny fijery azy dia hatrany amin’ ny faran’ ny tany rehetra.
The tree grew and became strong. Its top reached to the heavens, and it could be seen to the ends of the whole earth.
12 Tsara tarehy ny raviny, ary betsaka ny voany, sady teo aminy no nisy hanina ho an’ ny rehetra; teny ambaniny no nialokalofan’ ny bibidia, ary teny amin’ ny sampany no nitoeran’ ny voro-manidina, ary ny nofo rehetra nahazo hanina avy aminy.
Its leaves were beautiful, its fruit was abundant, and on it was food for all. The wild animals found shade under it, and the birds of the heavens lived in its branches. All living creatures were fed from it.
13 Nijery tamin’ ny fahitan’ ny lohako teo am-pandriako aho, ka, indro, nisy mpiambina masìna anankiray nidina avy tany an-danitra.
I saw in my mind as I lay on my bed, and a holy messenger came down from the heavens.
14 Niantso mafy izy ka nanao hoe: Kapao io hazo io, dia rantsano; ahintsano ny raviny, ary aelezo ny voany; aoka ny biby hipariaka avy eo ambaniny, ary ny vorona hiboridana avy eny amin’ ny rantsany.
He shouted and said, 'Chop down the tree and cut off its branches, strip off its leaves, and scatter its fruit. Let the animals flee from under it and the birds fly away from its branches.
15 Nefa avelao amin’ ny tany ao amin’ ny ahitra maitso any an-tsaha ihany ny fotony, ka asio fehy vy sy varahina; ary aoka ho kotsan’ ny andon’ ny lanitra izy, ary aoka ny anjarany ho amin’ ny biby any amin’ ny ahitra amin’ ny tany;
Leave the stump of its roots in the earth, bound with a band of iron and bronze, in the middle of the tender grass of the field. Let it be wet with the dew from the heavens. Let it live with the animals among the plants on the ground.
16 aoka hovana ny fony tsy ho fon’ olombelona, ary aoka ho fom-biby no ho ao aminy; ary aoka ho fetr’ andro fito no holanina aminy.
Let his mind be changed from a man's mind, and let an animal's mind be given to him until seven years pass by.
17 Didin’ ny mpiambina izany zavatra izany; eny, avy amin’ ny tendrin’ ireo masìna izany zavatra izany, hahafantaran’ ny velona fa ny Avo Indrindra no manapaka amin’ ny fanjakan’ ny olona ka manome izany ho an’ izay tiany, ary olona ambany toetra no ampanapahiny azy.
This decision is by the decree reported by the messenger. It is a decision made by the holy ones so that those who are alive may know that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of people and gives them to anyone he wishes to place over them, even to the most humble men.'
18 Izany no nofy izay hitako, izaho Nebokadnezara. Ary ianao kosa, ry Beltesazara, milazà ny heviny, fa ny olon-kendry rehetra amin’ ny fanjakako tsy nisy nahay nampahafantatra ahy ny hevitr’ izany; fa ianao no mahay azy, satria misy fanahin’ ireo andriamanitra masìna no anatinao.
I, King Nebuchadnezzar, had this dream. Now you, Belteshazzar, tell me the interpretation, because none of the men with wisdom in my kingdom can interpret it for me. But you are able to do so, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you.”
19 Dia gaga vetivety Daniela, izay atao hoe Beltesazara, ary ny eritreriny naharaiki-tahotra azy. Ary niteny ny mpanjaka nanao hoe: Ry Beltesazara ô, aoka tsy haharaiki-tahotra anao ny nofy na ny heviny. Beltesazara namaly ka nanao hoe: Tompokolahy ô, ny nofy anie ho an’ izay mankahala anao, ary ny heviny ho an’ izay fahavalonao.
Then Daniel, who was also named Belteshazzar, was greatly upset for a while, and his thoughts alarmed him. The king said, “Belteshazzar, do not let the dream or its interpretation alarm you.” Belteshazzar replied, “My master, may the dream be for those who hate you; may its interpretation be for your enemies.
20 Io hazo hitanao io, dia ilay nihalehibe sy nihahery, ka ny hahavony nipaka tamin’ ny lanitra, ary ny fijery azy hatramin’ ny tany rehetra,
The tree that you saw—which grew and became strong, and whose top reached up to the heavens, and which could be seen to the ends of the whole earth—
21 ny raviny dia tsara tarehy, sady betsaka ny voany, ary teo aminy nisy hanina ho an’ ny rehetra, teny ambaniny no nitoeran’ ny bibi-dia, ary teny amin’ ny rantsany no nitoeran’ ny voro-manidina,
whose leaves were beautiful, and whose fruit was abundant, so that in it was food for all, and under it the animals of the field found shade, and in which the birds of the heavens lived—
22 ianao indrindra izany, ry mpanjaka ô; ianao dia nihalehibe sy nihahery; fa ny halehibiazanao efa nitombo ka mipaka amin’ ny lanitra, ary ny fanapahanao hatramin’ ny faran’ ny tany.
this tree is you, king, you who have grown so strong. Your greatness has grown and reaches to the heavens, and your authority reaches to the ends of the earth.
23 Ary ny nahitan’ ny mpanjaka ny mpiambina masìna anankiray nidina avy tany an-danitra nanao hoe: Kapao io hazo io, ary simbao; nefa avelao amin’ ny tany ao amin’ ny ahitra maitso any an-tsaha ihany ny fotony, fa asio fehy vy sy varahina, ary aoka ho kotsan’ ny andon’ ny lanitra izy, ary aoka ny anjarany ho ao amin’ ny bibi-dia, ambara-pahalanin’ ny fetr’ andro fito aminy,
You, king, saw a holy messenger coming down from heaven and saying, 'Chop down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump of its roots in the earth, bound with a band of iron and bronze, in the middle of the tender grass of the field. Let it be wet with the dew from the heavens. Let it live with the wild animals in the fields until seven years pass by.'
24 izao no heviny, ry mpanjaka, ary izao no tendrin’ ny Avo Indrindra, izay mihatra amin’ itompokolahy mpanjaka:
This is the interpretation, king. It is a decree of the Most High that has reached you, my master the king.
25 Horoahina hiala amin’ ny olona ianao, ary ny fonenanao ho any amin’ ny bibi-dia ary hampihinanina ahitra toy ny omby ianao ary ho kotsan’ ny andon’ ny lanitra, ary fetr’ andro fito no holanina aminao, ambara-pahafantatrao fa ny Avo Indrindra no manapaka amin’ ny fanjakan’ ny olona ka manome izany ho an’ izay tiany.
You will be driven from among men, and you will live with the wild animals in the fields. You will be made to eat grass like an ox, and you will be wet with the dew from the heavens, and seven years will pass by until you acknowledge that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of people and that he gives them to anyone he wishes.
26 Ary ny nasainy namelana ny fotony: ny fanjakanao mbola hampodina ho anao tokoa, rehefa fantatrao fa ny lanitra no manapaka.
As it was commanded to leave the stump of the roots of the tree, in this way your kingdom will be returned to you from the time you learn that heaven rules.
27 Koa aoka hankasitrahanao ny anatro, ry mpanjaka, ka dia ny fahamarinana no ento mampitsahatra ny fahotanao, ary ny fiantrana ny mahantra no ento mampitsahatra ny helokao, fandrao mba hampaharetina ahay ny fiadananao.
Therefore, king, let my advice be acceptable to you. Stop sinning and do what is right. Turn away from your iniquities by showing mercy to the oppressed, and it may be that your prosperity will be extended.”
28 Izany rehetra izany no nanjo an’ i Nebokadnezara mpanjaka.
All these things happened to King Nebuchadnezzar.
29 Ary nony afaka roa ambin’ ny folo volana, dia nitsangantsangana teo an-tampon’ ny tranony tao Babylona izy.
Twelve months later he was walking on the roof of the royal palace in Babylon,
30 Ary ny mpanjaka niteny ka nanao hoe: Tsy ity va no Babylona lehibe, izay nataoko ho lapan’ ny fanjakana tamin’ ny haben’ ny heriko mba ho voninahitry ny fahalehibiazako?
and he said, “Is this not the great Babylon, which I have built for my royal residence, for the glory of my majesty?”
31 Raha mbola teo am-bavan’ ny mpanjaka ihany ny teny, dia nisy feo latsaka avy tany an-danitra nanao hoe: Ry Nebokadnezara mpanjaka, ianao indrindra no anaovana hoe: Ny fanjakana niala taminao.
While the words were still on the lips of the king, a voice came from heaven: “King Nebuchadnezzar, it is announced to you that this kingdom has been taken away from you.
32 Fa horoahina hiala amin’ ny olona ianao, ka ho any amin’ ny bibi-dia ny fonenanao; hampihinanina ahitra toy ny omby ianao, ary fetr’ andro fito no holanina aminao ambara-pahafantatrao fa ny Avo Indrindra no manapaka amin’ ny fanjakan’ ny olona ka manome izany ho an’ izay tiany.
You will be driven away from people, and your home will be with the wild animals in the fields. You will be made to eat grass like an ox. Seven years will pass until you acknowledge that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of people and he gives them to anyone he wishes.”
33 Tamin’ izay indrindra no nahatanterahan’ izany tamin’ i Nebokadnezara; fa noroahina niala tamin’ ny olona izy ka nihinana ahitra toy ny omby, ary ny tenany dia kotsan’ ny andon’ ny lanitra ambara-panirin’ ny volony ho toy ny an’ ny voromahery, ary ny hohony ho toy ny an’ ny vorona.
This decree against Nebuchadnezzar was carried out immediately. He was driven away from people. He ate grass like an ox, and his body was wet with the dew from the heavens. His hair grew as long as eagles' feathers, and his nails became like birds' claws.
34 Ary rehefa tapitra ny andro, izaho Nebokadnezara nanandrandra ny masoko tamin’ ny lanitra, ary nody tamiko indray ny saiko, ka dia nisaotra ny Avo Indrindra aho ary nidera sy nankalaza Izay velona mandrakizay, ny fanapahany dia fanapahana mandrakizay, ary ny fanjakany hahatratra ny taranaka fara mandimby;
At the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was given back to me. “I praised the Most High, and I honored and glorified the one who lives forever. For his reign is an everlasting reign, and his kingdom endures from all generations to all generations.
35 ary ny mponina rehetra etỳ an-tany hatao tsinontsinona; ary manao izay sitrapony amin’ ireo maro be any an-danitra sy amin’ ny mponina etỳ an-tany Izy; ary tsy misy mahasakana Azy, na manao aminy hoe: Inona no ataonao?
All the earth's inhabitants are considered by him to be as nothing; he does among the army of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth whatever suits his will. No one can stop him or challenge him. No one can say to him, 'Why have you done this?'”
36 Tamin’ izay dia nody tamiko ny saiko, ary nody tamiko koa ny fahalehibiazako sy ny voninahitro ho tabihan’ ny fanjakako, ary ny mpanolotsaiko sy ny andriandahiko nikatsaka ahy, ka nampitoerina teo amin’ ny fanjakako aho, sady nanampy ho ahy ny fahalehibiazana malaza.
At the same time that my sanity returned to me, my majesty and splendor returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My counselors and my noblemen sought my favor. I was brought back to my throne, and even more greatness was given to me.
37 Koa amin’ izany, izaho Nebokadnezara midera sy manandratra ary mankalaza ny Mpanjakan’ ny lanitra; marina avokoa ny asany rehetra, ary araka ny rariny ny lalany; ary izay mandeha amin’ ny fiavonavonana dia hainy aetry.
Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, extol, and honor the King of heaven, for all his deeds are right, and his ways are just. He can humble those who walk in their own pride.

< Daniela 4 >