< Asan'ny Apostoly 17 >

1 Ary rehefa nandeha namaky an’ i Amfipolia sy Apolonia izy, dia tonga tao Tesalonika, ary nisy synagogan’ ny Jiosy tao.
Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews.
2 Ary Paoly dia niditra tao araka ny fanaony; ary Sabata telo no niadiany hevitra avy amin’ ny Soratra Masìna tamin’ ny olona tao.
So Paul, as was his custom, went in to them and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
3 Dia nanambara izy ka naneho marimarina fa tsy maintsy nijaly sy nitsangana tamin’ ny maty Kristy; ary Jesosy, Izay toriko aminareo, hoy izy, no Kristy.
explaining and demonstrating that the Messiah had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and that “this Jesus whom I proclaim to you is the Messiah.”
4 Ary ny sasany tamin’ ireo dia nino ka nanampy ho isan’ ny mpianatr’ i Paoly sy Silasy, ary maro be koa tamin’ ny jentilisa izay mpivavaka, ary tsy vitsy tamin’ ny vehivavy nanan-kaja.
Some of them were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, as did a large number of devout Greeks and not a few of the prominent women.
5 Fa nialona ny Jiosy ka naka olona ratsy fanahy teny an-tsena ary nahavory vahoaka betsaka, dia nampitabataba ny tanàna ka namely ny tranon’ i Jasona ary nitady hamoaka azy roa lahy ho ao amin’ ny olona.
But the disobedient Jews rounded up some wicked men from the marketplace, and forming a mob they created an uproar in the city; and attacking the house of Jason, they wanted to bring them out to the crowd.
6 Ary raha tsy nahita azy roa lahy izy, dia nisarika an’ i Jasona sy ny rahalahy sasany ho ao amin’ ny lehiben’ ny tanàna ka niantso mafy hoe: Tongay koa ireo lehilahy namadika izao tontolo izao ireo;
But not finding them they dragged Jason and some other brothers before the city officials vociferating: “These who have upset the whole world have come here too,
7 ary efa nampandrosoin’ i Jasona izy, ka izy rehetra ireo manohitra ny tenin’ i Kaisara, satria izy milaza fa misy mpanjaka hafa, dia Jesosy.
to whom Jason has given lodging. These all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying there is another king—Jesus.”
8 Dia taitra ny vahoaka sy ny lehiben’ ny tanàna, raha nahare izany.
Well they agitated the crowd and the city officials when they heard these things.
9 Ary rehefa nasainy nametraka antoka Jasona sy ny sasany teo aminy, dia navelany handeha izy.
Then they took a security bond from Jason and the rest and let them go.
10 Ary Paoly sy Silasy dia nampandehanin’ ny rahalahy niaraka tamin’ izay nony alina hankany Beria; koa raha tonga tany izy, dia niditra tao amin’ ny synagogan’ ny Jiosy.
Immediately, during the night, the brothers sent both Paul and Silas away to Berea; on arriving they went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11 Ary ny toe-panahin’ ireo dia tsara noho ny tao Tesalonika; satria nandray ny teny tamin’ ny zotom-po indrindra ireo ka nandinika ny Soratra Masìna isan’ andro, na marina izany, na tsia.
Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all goodwill, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things might be so.
12 Koa maro tamin’ ireo no nino, ary tsy vitsy tamin’ ny vehivavy jentilisa nanan-kaja sy ny lehilahy.
Therefore many of them believed, and also not a few of the Greeks, prominent women as well as men.
13 Fa raha ren’ ny Jiosy tany Tesalonika fa Paoly nitory ny tenin’ Andriamanitra tany Beria, dia nankany izy ka nampikotrana sy nampitabataba ny vahoaka.
But when the Jews from Thessalonica learned that the Word of God was also being proclaimed by Paul in Berea, they came too, agitating the crowds.
14 Ary niaraka tamin’ izay dia nasain’ ny rahalahy nandeha hatrany amoron-dranomasina Paoly; fa Silasy sy Timoty kosa dia mbola nijanona teo ihany.
So then, without delay, the brothers sent Paul away, as if to go by sea, while both Silas and Timothy remained there.
15 Ary izay nanatitra an’ i Paoly dia nitondra azy nankany Atena; ary rehefa nahazo teny holazainy amin’ i Silasy sy Timoty izy mba hankanesan’ izy roa lahy any aminy faingana, dia lasa nandeha ireo.
But those who were conducting Paul actually took him all the way to Athens; and receiving a command to Silas and Timothy that they should come to him as quickly as possible, they started back.
16 Ary raha niandry azy tany Atena Paoly, dia taitra tao anatiny ny fanahiny, raha nahita ny tanàna feno sampy izy.
Now while Paul was waiting for them in Athens, his spirit was increasingly aroused within him as he observed that the city was full of idols.
17 Ary izy niady hevitra tamin’ ny Jiosy sy ny proselyta tao amin’ ny synagoga sy tamin’ izay tafavory tany an-tsena isan’ andro.
So he reasoned both in the synagogue with the Jews and devout persons, and in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there.
18 Ary ny olon-kendry sasany tamin’ ny Epikoreana sy ny Stoika nanohitra azy koa, ka hoy ny sasany: Inona no tian’ io mpibedibedy io holazaina? Ary hoy kosa ny sasany: Toa mitory andriamani-baovao izy, satria Jesosy sy ny fitsanganan’ ny maty no notoriny.
Then certain philosophers, both Epicureans and Stoics, encountered him. Some said, “What might this idea-scavenger want to say?” Others said, “He seems to be a proclaimer of foreign deities”—because he was preaching Jesus and the resurrection.
19 Ary ireo naka azy, dia nitondra azy ho any Areopago ka nanao hoe: Moa mba mahazo mahafantatra izany fampianarana vaovao lazainao izany izahay?
So taking him in tow they led him to the Areopagus and said: “May we know what this new teaching is that you are presenting?
20 Fa mampandre ny sofinay zavatra hafahafa izay tsy fantatray ianao; koa tianay ho fantatra izay hevitr’ izany zavatra izany.
Because you are bringing some strange things to our ears, and we would like to know what they might mean.”
21 (Fa ny Ateniana rehetra sy ny vahiny izay nitoetra teo tsy nandany ny androny tamin’ ny zavatra hafa, afa-tsy ny hilaza na hihaino zava-baovao.)
(Now all Athenians and resident foreigners spent their time in nothing else but to tell, or else to hear, some novelty.)
22 Ary Paoly nitsangana teo afovoan’ i Areopago ka nanao hoe: Ry lehilahy Ateniana, hitako fa amin’ ny zavatra rehetra dia fatra-pivavaka amin’ ny andriamanitrareo indrindra ianareo.
So standing in the middle of the Areopagus Paul said: “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious;
23 Fa raha nandeha aho ka nandinika izay zavatra ivavahanareo, dia nahita alitara anankiray misy izao soratra izao: HO AN’ IZAY ANDRIAMANITRA TSY FANTATRA. Koa izay ivavahanareo, kanefa tsy fantatrareo, dia izany no toriko aminareo,
because as I went along and scrutinized the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO UNKNOWN GOD. Now then, the one you worship as ‘unknown’, this is the One I proclaim to you:
24 dia Andriamanitra Izay nanao izao tontolo izao sy ny ao aminy rehetra, Izy no Tompon’ ny lanitra sy ny tany ka tsy mba mitoetra ao anaty tempoly nataon-tanana,
The God who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples built by hands,
25 sady tsy mba tompoin’ ny tànan’ olona toa mila zavatra, fa Izy ihany no manome izao rehetra izao aina sy fofon’ aina ary ny zavatra rehetra;
neither is He cared for by men's hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself has always given life and breath to all.
26 ary ny firenena rehetra avy amin’ ny iray ihany dia namponeniny ambonin’ ny tany rehetra, ary efa notendreny ny fotoan’ andro sy ny faritry ny fonenany,
And from one blood He made every ethnic nation of men to dwell on all the surface of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,
27 mba hitady an’ Andriamanitra izy, raha tàhiny hahatsapa ka hahita Azy, kanefa tsy mba lavitra antsika rehetra Izy;
so that they should seek the Lord, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;
28 fa Izy no ivelomantsika sy ihetsehantsika ary iainantsika; araka ny nataon’ ny mpanao tonon-kira sasany teo aminareo hoe: Fa terany koa isika.
because in Him we live and move and have our being. As also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also his offspring.’
29 Ary satria terak’ Andriamanitra isika, dia tsy mety raha ny fomban’ Andriamanitra no ataontsika ho tahaka ny volamena, na volafotsy, na vato voasoratry ny fahaizana aman-tsain’ olombelona.
Therefore, since we are God's offspring, we ought not to think that the divinity is like gold or silver or stone—something shaped by human skill and imagination.
30 Ary Andriamanitra ninia tsy nijery ny andron’ ny tsi-fahalalana; fa ankehitriny Izy mandidy ny olona rehetra amin’ izao tontolo izao hibebaka,
Such times of ignorance God did indeed overlook, but now He commands all people everywhere to repent,
31 satria Izy efa nanendry andro iray, izay hitsarany izao tontolo izao amin’ ny fahamarinana amin’ ny alalan’ ny Lehilahy iray voatendriny, koa efa nanome vavolombelona hampino ny olona rehetra izany Izy tamin’ ny nananganany Azy tamin’ ny maty.
because He has appointed a day in which He will judge the inhabited world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained; He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”
32 Ary raha nahare ny amin’ ny fitsanganan’ ny maty izy, dia nihomehy ny sasany; ary ny sasany kosa nanao hoe: Mbola hihaino anao indray izahay ny amin’ izany zavatra izany.
Well when they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some started scoffing, while others said, “We will hear you again about this.”
33 Ary Paoly dia niala teo aminy.
And with that Paul went out from among them.
34 Anefa ny olona sasany niray taminy ka nino; mba naman’ izany Dionysio Areopagita sy ny vehivavy anankiray atao hoe Damary ary ny sasany koa.
However some men believed and joined him, among them Dionysius the Areopagite, also a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

< Asan'ny Apostoly 17 >