< Asan'ny Apostoly 13 >
1 Ary teo amin’ ny fiangonana tany Antiokia nisy mpaminany sy mpampianatra: Barnabasy sy Simeona, izay atao hoe Nigera, sy Losio Kyreniana sy Menahema (izay niolonono tamin’ i Heroda mpanapaka) ary Saoly.
Among [the people in] the congregation at Antioch there were (prophets/those who spoke messages from God) and those who taught [people about Jesus. They were] Barnabas; Simeon, who was also called Niger/Blackman; Lucius, from Cyrene [city]; Manaen, who had grown up with [King] Herod [Antipas]; and Saul.
2 Ary raha nanao fanompoam-pivavahana ho an’ ny Tompo sy nifady hanina ireo, dia hoy ny Fanahy Masìna: Atokàny ho Ahy Barnabasy sy Saoly hanao ny asa izay efa niantsoako azy.
While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said [to them], “Appoint Barnabas and Saul to [serve] me and to [go and do] the work that I have chosen them [to do]!”
3 Ary rehefa nifady hanina sy nivavaka ary nametra-tanana taminy izy, dia nandefa azy.
So they continued (to fast/to abstain from eating food) and pray. Then having put their hands on Barnabas and Saul and [praying that God would help them], they sent them off [to do what the Holy Spirit had commanded].
4 Ary rehefa nirahin’ ny Fanahy Masìna izy roa lahy, dia nidina nankany Seleokia izy ka niondrana an-tsambo teo hankany Kyprosy.
Barnabas and Saul, guided by the Holy Spirit, went down [from Antioch] to Seleucia [port]. From there they went by ship to Salamis [port on Cyprus Island].
5 Ary nony tonga tany Salamisy izy, dia nitory ny tenin’ Andriamanitra teny amin’ ny synagogan’ ny Jiosy; ary nitondra an’ i Jaona koa ho mpanampy azy izy.
While they were in Salamis, [they went] to the Jewish meeting places. There they proclaimed the message from God [about Jesus]. John [Mark went with them and] was helping them.
6 Ary rehefa namaky ny nosy ka tonga tany Pafo izy, dia nahita Jiosy anankiray atao hoe Barjesosy, mpanao ody sady mpaminany sandoka,
[The three of] them went across the entire island to Paphos [city]. There they met a magician whose name was Bar-Jesus. He was a Jew who falsely [claimed] (to be a prophet/to speak messages from God).
7 izay nitoetra tao amin’ i Serygio Paolo, governoran’ ny tany sady lehilahy hendry; ary izy nampaka an’ i Barnabasy sy Saoly hankao aminy ka naniry mba hahare ny tenin’ Andriamanitra.
He often accompanied the governor [of the island], Sergius Paulus, who was an intelligent man. The governor sent [someone] to ask Barnabas and Saul to come to him, because he wanted to hear God’s message. [So Barnabas and Saul came and told him about Jesus].
8 Fa Elyma, mpanao ody (fa izany no anarany, raha adika), nanohitra azy roa lahy sady nitady hampivily ny governora tsy hanaiky ny finoana.
However, the magician, whose name was Elymas [in the Greek language], was opposing them. He repeatedly tried to persuade the governor not to believe [in Jesus].
9 Fa Saoly kosa, izay atao hoe koa Paoly, feno ny Fanahy Masìna, dia nibanjina azy
Then Saul, who now called himself Paul, empowered by the Holy Spirit, looked intently at the magician and said,
10 ka nanao hoe: Ialahy feno ny fitaka rehetra sy ny fahafetsena rehetra, ialahy zanaky ny devoly sady fahavalon’ ny fahamarinana rehetra, tsy hitsahatra tsy hamily ny lala-mahitsin’ ny Tompo va ialahy?
“You [(sg)] are serving the devil and you oppose everything that is good! You are always lying [to people] and doing [other] evil things to them. (You must stop saying that the truth about the Lord [God is a lot of lies!]/When will you stop changing what is true about the Lord [God and saying] what is not true about him?) [RHQ]
11 Ary, indro, ankehitriny ny tanan’ ny Tompo hamely an’ ialahy, dia ho jamba ialahy ka tsy hahita masoandro aloha. Dia latsaka tao aminy niaraka tamin’ izay ny mampanjambena sy ny aizina, ary niraparapa nitady olona hitantana azy izy.
Right now the Lord [God] [MTY] is going to punish you! You will become blind and not [even] be able to see light for [some] time.” At once he became [blind, as though he was] in a dark mist, and he groped about, searching for someone [to hold him by the] hand and lead him.
12 Ary ny governora, nony nahita izay efa natao, dia nino sady talanjona tamin’ ny fampianaran’ ny Tompo.
When the governor saw what had happened [to Elymas], he believed [in the Lord Jesus]. He was amazed by [what Paul and Barnabas] were teaching about the Lord [Jesus].
13 Ary Paoly sy ny namany, rehefa niondrana an-tsambo niala avy tany Pafo, dia tonga tany Peryga any Pamfyha; fa Jaona nandao azy ka niverina nankany Jerosalema.
[After that], Paul and the two men with him went by ship from Paphos to Perga [port] in Pamphylia [province. At Perga] John [Mark] left them and returned to [his home in] Jerusalem.
14 Ary rehefa niala tany Peryga izy ireo, dia nandroso nankany Antiokia any Pisidia, dia niditra tao amin’ ny synagoga tamin’ ny andro Sabata ka nipetraka teo.
Then Paul and Barnabas traveled [by land] from Perga, and arrived in Antioch [city] near Pisidia [district in Galatia province]. (On the Sabbath/On the Jewish rest day) they entered the synagogue/the Jewish meeting place and sat down.
15 Ary rehefa vita ny famakiana ny lalàna sy ny mpaminany, ny mpanapaka ny synagoga dia nampilaza taminy ka nanao hoe: Ry rahalahy, raha misy fananarana hataonareo amin’ ny olona, dia ataovy.
[Someone] read [aloud] from what [Moses had written. Then someone read from what the other] prophets [had written] [MTY]. Then the leaders of the Jewish meeting place gave [someone this] note [to take] to Paul and Barnabas: “Fellow Jews, if [one of] you wants to speak to the people [here] to encourage them, please speak [to us(exc) now].”
16 Ary Paoly nitsangana, dia nanofa tanana azy ka nanao hoe: Ry lehilahy Isiraely sy ianareo izay matahotra an’ Andriamanitra, mihainoa;
So Paul stood up and motioned with his right hand [so that the people would listen to him]. Then he said, “Fellow Israelis and you [non-Jewish people] who [also] worship God, [please] listen [to me]!
17 Andriamanitr’ izao olona Isiraely izao efa nifidy ny razantsika ka nanandratra ny olona, raha nivahiny tany amin’ ny tany Egypta izy, ary sandry avo no nitondrany azy nivoaka avy tany.
God, whom we [(inc)] Israelis worship, chose our ancestors [to be his people], and he caused them to become very numerous while they were foreigners living in Egypt. [Then after many years], God helped them [MTY] powerfully and led them out of there.
18 Ary Izy nandefitra tamin’ ny nataony tany an-efitra tokony ho efa-polo taona.
[Even though they repeatedly disobeyed him, he] cared for them for about 40 years [while they were] in the desert.
19 Ary rehefa nandrava firenena fito tany amin’ ny tany Kanana Izy, dia nampandovainy ny tanin’ ireny izy
He [enabled the Israelis] to conquer seven tribal groups [who were then living] in Canaan [region], and he gave their land to us Israelis for us to possess.
20 tokony ho dimam-polo amby efa-jato taona; ary rehefa afaka izany, dia nomeny mpitsara izy hatramin’ i Samoela mpaminany.
[Our ancestors began to possess Canaan] about 450 years after [their ancestors had arrived in Egypt].” Acts 13:20b-22 “After that, God appointed leaders [to rule the Israeli people. Those leaders continued to rule our people] until the time when the prophet Samuel [ruled them].
21 Ary rehefa afaka indray izany, dia nangataka mpanjaka izy; ka dia nomen’ Andriamanitra azy efa-polo taona Saoly, zanak’ i Kisy, lehilahy avy tamin’ ny firenen’ i Benjamina.
Then, [while Samuel was still their leader], the people demanded that he [appoint] a king [to rule them. So] God appointed Saul, the son of Kish, from the tribe of Benjamin, [to be their king]. He [ruled them] for 40 years.
22 Ary rehefa nanaisotra an’ i Saoly Izy, dia nanandratra an’ i Davida ho mpanjakany sady nanambara azy hoe: Izaho nahita an’ i Davida, zanak’ i Jese, lehilahy araka ny foko, izay hanao ny sitrapoko rehetra.
After God had rejected Saul [from being king], he appointed David to be their king. God said about him, ‘I have observed that David, son of Jesse, is exactly the kind of man that I desire [IDM]. He will do [everything that] I want [him to do].’”
23 Avy tamin’ ny taranak’ izany lehilahy izany no nitondran’ Andriamanitra an’ i Jesosy araka ny teny fikasana ho Mpamonjy ny Isiraely,
“From [among] David’s descendants, God brought one of them, Jesus, to [us] Israeli people to save us, just like he had told [David and our other ancestors] that he would do.
24 rehefa notorin’ i Jaona tamin’ ny olona Isiraely rehetra aloha ny batisan’ ny fibebahana, fony tsy mbola tonga Izy.
Before Jesus began his work, John [the Baptizer] preached to all of our Israeli people [who came to him. He told them] that they should turn away from their sinful behavior [and ask God to forgive them. Then he] would baptize them.
25 Ary Jaona, rehefa nadiva no nahatanteraka ny nalehany, dia nanao hoe: Ataonareo ho iza moa aho? Tsy Izy aho; fa, indro, misy Anankiray avy ao aoriako, ka izaho tsy miendrika hamaha ny kapa eo an-tongony akory.
When John was about to finish the work [that God gave him to do], he frequently said [to the people], ‘Do you think [RHQ] that I am [the Messiah whom God promised to send]? No, I am not. But listen! The Messiah will [soon] come. [He is so much greater than I am that] I am not [even] important enough to be his slave [MET].’”
26 Ry rahalahy, taranak’ i Abrahama, sy izay rehetra eo aminareo matahotra an’ Andriamanitra, dia ho amintsika no nampitondrana ny tenin’ izao famonjena izao.
“Fellow Israelis, you who are descendants of Abraham, and [you non-Jewish people who] also worship God, [please listen! It is] to [all of] us that [God] has sent the message about [how he] saves people.
27 Fa izay monina any Jerosalema sy ny loholony, satria tsy mba nahafantatra Azy, na ny feon’ ny mpaminany izay vakina isan-tSabata, dia nahatanteraka izany tamin’ ny nanamelohany Azy.
The people who were living in Jerusalem and their rulers did not realize that this man [Jesus was the one whom God had sent to save them]. Although messages from [MTY] the prophets have been read [aloud] {someone has read [aloud] messages from [MTY] the prophets} every (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest), they did not understand [what the prophets wrote about the Messiah. So] the [Jewish leaders] condemned Jesus [to die], which was just like the prophets predicted.
28 Ary na dia tsy hitany aza izay tokony hanamelohana Azy ho faty, dia nangataka tamin’ i Pilato ihany izy hamonoana Ary.
[Many people accused Jesus of doing wicked things], but they could not prove that he had done anything for which he deserved to die. They insistently asked Pilate [the governor] to command that Jesus be executed {to command soldiers to execute Jesus}. [So Pilate did what they asked him to do].
29 Ary rehefa nahatanteraka izay rehetra voasoratra ny amin’ i Jesosy izy, dia nanaisotra Azy tamin’ ny hazo ka nandevina Azy tao am-pasana.
They did [to Jesus] all the things that [the prophets long ago had] written [that people would do to] him. [They killed Jesus by nailing him to a cross. Then] his body was taken {[some people took] his body} down from the cross and placed it in a tomb.
30 Fa Andriamanitra kosa nanangana Azy tamin’ ny maty.
However, God (raised him from the dead/caused him to live again after he had died)
31 Ary Izy niseho andro maro tamin’ izay niara-niakatra taminy avy tany Galilia ho any Jerosalema, ka dia ireo no vavolombelony amin’ ny olona ankehitriny.
and for many days he [repeatedly] appeared to [his followers] who had come along with him from Galilee [province] to Jerusalem. Those [who saw him] are telling the [Jewish] people about him now.”
32 Ary izahay mitory ny filazantsara aminareo, dia ilay teny fikasana nolazaina tamin’ ny razana,
“[Right] now we [two] are proclaiming to you this good message. We want to tell you that God has fulfilled what he promised to [our Jewish] ancestors!
33 dia ny nahatanterahan’ Andriamanitra izany tamin’ ny zanatsika, raha nanangana an’ i Jesosy Izy, araka ny voasoratra eo amin’ ny Salamo faharoa hoe: Zanako Hianao, Izaho niteraka Anao androany.
He has now done that for us [(inc) who are] their descendants, [and also for you who are not Jews], by causing Jesus to live again. That is just like what [David] wrote in the second Psalm that [God said when he was sending his Son], You [(sg)] are my Son; Today I have shown everyone [that I really am] your Father.
34 Ary ny amin’ ny nananganany Azy tamin’ ny maty, ka tsy hiverina ho amin’ ny lò intsony Izy, dia izao no voalazany: Homeko anareo ny famindram-po mahatoky nampanantenaina an’ i Davida.
[God] has (raised [the Messiah] from the dead/caused [the Messiah] to live again after he had died) and will never let him die again. [Concerning that, God] said [to our Jewish ancestors], ‘I will surely help you, as I [promised] David [that I would do].’
35 Fa hoy Izy ao amin’ ny Salamo hafa koa: Tsy hamela ny Iray Masinao ho tratry ny lò Hianao.
So [in writing] another [Psalm, David] said this [to God about the Messiah]: ‘Because I am devoted to you and always obey [you, when I die] you [(sg)] will not let my body decay.’
36 Fa Davida, rehefa nahatanteraka ny sitrapon’ Andriamanitra hahasoa ny olona niara-belona taminy, dia nodi-mandry ka nangonina ho any amin’ ny razany izy ary tratry ny lò;
While David was living, he did what God wanted him to do. And when he died [EUP], his [body] was buried, [as] his ancestors’ [bodies had been buried], and his body decayed. [So he could not have been speaking about himself in this Psalm].
37 fa Izay natsangan’ Andriamanitra no tsy mba tratry ny lò.
[Instead, he was speaking about Jesus. Jesus also died], but God (raised him from the dead/caused him to live again), and [therefore] his body did not decay.”
38 Ary aoka ho fantatrareo, ry rahalahy, fa izany Lehilahy izany no itoriana famelan-keloka aminareo;
“Therefore, [my] fellow Israelis [and other friends], it is important for you to know that [we(exc)] are declaring to you [that God] can forgive you for your sins as a result of [what] Jesus [has done]. Because of [what] Jesus [has done], [God] considers that everyone who believes [in Jesus] is no longer guilty (OR, the record has been erased {[God] has erased the record}) concerning everything that they [have done that displeased God. But] when [God] does [that for you], it is not as a result of [your obeying] the laws [that] Moses [wrote].
39 ary ao aminy no anamarinana izay rehetra mino ho afaka amin’ ny heloka rehetra izay tsy azo nanamarinana anareo tamin’ ny lalàn’ i Mosesy.
40 Koa tandremo fandrao hihatra izay voalaza eo amin’ ny mpaminany hoe:
Therefore be careful that [God] does not judge you [MTY], as one of the prophets said [MTY] that God would do!
41 Izahaonareo mpamotsifotsy, dia gagà, ka levona; Fa Izaho manao asa amin’ ny andronareo, Dia asa izay tsy hinoanareo akory, na dia hisy hilaza aminareo aza
[The prophet wrote that God said], You who ridicule [me], you will [certainly] be astonished [when you see what I am doing], and [then] you will be destroyed. You will be astonished because I will do something [terrible to you] while you are living. You would not believe [that I would do that] even though someone told you!”
42 Ary rehefa nivoaka izy, dia nangatahiny holazaina aminy indray izany teny izany amin’ ny Sabata manaraka.
After Paul [finished speaking], while he and Barnabas were leaving the Jewish meeting place, [many of] the people there repeatedly requested that on the next (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest) [the two of them] should speak to them [again] about those things [that Paul had just told them].
43 Ary rehefa nirava ny fiangonana, dia maro tamin’ ny Jiosy sy ny proselyta izay nanompo an’ Andriamanitra no nanaraka an’ i Paoly sy Barnabasy, izay niteny taminy ka namporisika azy haharitra amin’ ny fahasoavan’ Andriamanitra.
After they began to leave [that meeting], many [of them] went along with Paul and Barnabas. They consisted of Jews and also of non-Jews who had accepted the things that the Jews believe. Paul and Barnabas continued talking to them, and were urging them to continue [believing the message that] God kindly [forgives people’s sins because of what Jesus did].
44 Ary nony tamin’ ny Sabata manaraka, dia saiky tafangona avokoa ny tao an-tanàna hihaino ny tenin’ Andriamanitra.
On the next Jewish rest day, most of the [people in Antioch came to] the Jewish meeting place to hear [Paul and Barnabas] speak about the Lord [Jesus].
45 Nefa ny Jiosy kosa, raha nahita ny vahoaka betsaka, dia feno fialonana ka nanohitra ny teny nolazain’ i Paoly, sady niteny ratsy.
But [the leaders of] [SYN] the Jews became extremely jealous, because they saw that large crowds of [non-Jewish people were coming to hear Paul and Barnabas. So] they began to contradict the things that Paul was saying [and also] to insult [him].
46 Ary Paoly sy Barnabasy dia niteny tamin’ ny fahasahiana ka nanao hoe: Hianareo no tsy maintsy nitoriana ny tenin’ Andriamanitra aloha; fa rehefa mandà izany ianareo ka manao ny tenanareo ho tsy miendrika hahazo fiainana mandrakizay, dia indro, mitodika mankany amin’ ny jentilisa izahay; (aiōnios )
Then, speaking very boldly, Paul and Barnabas said [to those Jewish leaders], “[We two] had to speak the message from God [about Jesus] to you [Jews] first [before we proclaim it to non-Jews, because God commanded us to do that. But] you are rejecting God’s message. [By doing that], you have shown that you are not worthy (to have eternal life/to live eternally [with God]). [Therefore], we are leaving [you, and now we] will go to the non-Jewish people [to tell them the message from God]. (aiōnios )
47 fa izao no nandidian’ ny Tompo anay: Efa nanendry Anao ho fahazavan’ ny jentilisa Aho, Mba ho famonjena hatrany amin’ ny faran’ ny tany Hianao.
[We are doing that also] because the Lord [God] has commanded us [to do it]. He said to us, ‘I have appointed you [to reveal things about me] to non-Jewish people [MET] that will be [like] a light to them. [I have appointed] you to tell people everywhere [MTY] in the world [about the one who came] to save [them].’”
48 Ary rehefa nandre izany ny jentilisa, dia faly izy ka nankalaza ny tenin’ Andriamanitra; ary izay voalahatra ho amin’ ny fiainana mandrakizay dia nino. (aiōnios )
While the non-Jewish people were listening [to those words], they began to rejoice, and they repeatedly said that the message about the Lord [Jesus] was wonderful. And all of the non-Jewish people whom [God] had chosen (to have eternal [life/to live eternally with God]) believed [the message about the Lord Jesus]. (aiōnios )
49 Ary ny tenin’ ny Tompo dia naely eran’ izany tany rehetra izany.
[At that time, many of the believers] traveled around throughout that region. As they did that, they were proclaiming the message about the Lord [Jesus] [MTY].
50 Fa ny Jiosy nampitaitra ny vehivavy manan-kaja izay nivavaka sy ny lehibe tao an-tanàna, dia nahatonga fanenjehana tamin’ i Paoly sy Barnabasy ireny ka nandroaka azy niala tamin’ ny taniny.
However, [some leaders of] [SYN] the Jews incited the most important men in the city, and [some] important/influential women who had accepted what the Jews believe, to oppose [Paul and Barnabas. So those non-Jewish people] incited [other people also] to persecute Paul and Barnabas. As a result they expelled the two men from their region.
51 Fa izy roa lahy kosa nanintsana ny vovoka tamin’ ny tongony hiampanga ireo, dia nankany Ikonioma.
So, [as the two apostles were leaving, they] shook the dust from their feet [to show those Jewish leaders that God had rejected them and would punish them. They left Antioch] and went to Iconium [city].
52 Ary dia feno fifaliana sy ny Fanahy Masìna ny mpianatra.
Meanwhile, the believers [in Antioch] continued to rejoice greatly, and they continued to be completely controlled by the Holy Spirit.