< 2 Samoela 23 >

1 Ary izao no fara-teny nataon’ i Davida: hoy Davida, zanak’ i Jese, dia ny lehilahy izay voasandratra ho ambony, Ilay voahosotry ny Andriamanitr’ i Jakoba sady mpanao fihirana mahafinaritra amin’ ny Isiraely:
And these [are] the last words of David. Faithful [is] David the son of Jessae, and faithful the man whom the Lord raised up to be the anointed of the God of Jacob, and beautiful [are] the psalms of Israel.
2 Ny Fanahin’ i Jehovah no mampiteny ahy, ary ny teniny no eo amin’ ny lelako;
The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, and his word [was] upon my tongue.
3 Andriamanitry ny Isiraely manao hoe, eny, ny Vatolampin’ ny Isiraely miteny amiko hoe: Indro ny Mpanapaka ny olona; Marina Izy sady manapaka amin’ ny fahatahorana an’ Andriamanitra;
The God of Israel says, A watchman out of Israel spoke to me a parable: I said among men, How will ye strengthen the fear of the anointed?
4 Ary izany dia toy ny fahazavan’ ny maraina, raha miposaka ny masoandro, dia ilay maraina tsy misy rahona iny; Ary ny ahitra manorobona amin’ ny tany noho ny hain’ andro manarakaraka ny ranonorana.
And in the morning light of God, let the sun arise in the morning, from the light of which the Lord passed on, and as it were from the rain of the tender grass upon the earth.
5 Ary tsy toy izany indrindra amin’ Andriamanitra va ny taranako? Fa fanekena mandrakizay no nataony tamiko, Voalamina amin’ ny zavatra rehetra sady voatandrina; Fa ny famonjena ahy rehetra sy ny iriko rehetra, moa tsy hampitsimohiny va?
For my house [is] not so with the Mighty One: for he has made an everlasting covenant with me, ready, guarded at every time; for all my salvation and all my desire [is], that the wicked should not flourish.
6 Fa ny tena ratsy fanahy rehetra kosa dia tahaka ny tsilo ariana, Fa tsy azo raisin’ ny tanana izy;
All these [are] as a thorn thrust forth, for they shall not be taken with the hand,
7 Ary ny olona izay mikasika azy Dia tsy maintsy mitondra vy sy zaran-defona; Ary hodorana amin’ ny afo avokoa amin’ izay itoerany ireny.
and a man shall not labour among them; and [one shall have] that which is fully armed with iron, and the staff of a spear, an he shall burn them with fire, and they shall be burnt in their shame.
8 Ary izao no anaran’ ny lehilahy maherin’ i Davida: Joseba-basebeta Takemonita no lehiben’ ny mpanafika malaza; izy ilay Edino Eznita izay namely ny valon-jato lahy ka nahafaty azy tamin’ ny ady indray mandeha monja.
These [are] the names of the mighty men of David: Jebosthe the Chananite is a captain of the third [part]: Adinon the Asonite, he drew his sword against eight hundred soldiers at once.
9 Ary ny manarakaraka azy dia Eleazara, zanak’ i Dodo, zanak’ i Ahohita, anankiray amin’ izy telo lahy mahery teo amin’ i Davida, raha nihaika ny Filistina izay niangona hiady ireo, ka niakatra ny lehilahy amin’ ny Isiraely;
And after him Eleanan the son of his uncle, son of Dudi who was among the three mighty men with David; and when he defied the Philistines they were gathered there to war, and the men of Israel went up.
10 dia nitsangana Eleazara ka namely ny Filistina mandra-pahavizan’ ny tànany ka efa niraikitra tamin’ ny sabatra; ary Jehovah nanao famonjena lehibe tamin’ izany andro izany, ka ny haka babo ihany no sisa nanarahan’ ny olona azy.
He arose an smote the Philistines, until his hand was weary, and his hand clave to the sword: and the Lord wrought a great salvation in that day, and the people rested behind him only to strip [the slain].
11 Ary ny manarakaraka azy dia Sama, zanak’ i Age Hararita. Ary nony nivory ho iray toko teo amin’ ny tany nisy voanemba maniry ny Filistina, ary ny olona nandositra azy,
And after him Samaia the son of Asa the Arachite: and the Philistines were gathered to Theria; and there was there a portion of ground full of lentiles; and the people fled before the Philistines.
12 dia nijanona teo afovoan’ io tany io kosa izy ka nahazo io ary namono ny Filistina; ka dia nanao famonjena lehibe Jehovah.
And he stood firm in the midst of the portion, and rescued it, and smote the Philistines; and the Lord wrought a great deliverance.
13 Ary nisy telo lahy samy malaza avy tamin’ ny telo-polo lahy nidina ka tonga tao amin’ i Davida tao amin’ ny zohin’ i Adolama nony fararano; ary ny miaramilan’ ny Filistina nitoby teo amin’ ny Lohasahan’ ny Refaïta.
And three out of the thirty went down, and came to Cason to David, to the cave of Odollam; and [there was] an army of the Philistines, and they encamped in the valley of Raphain.
14 Ary Davida dia tao amin’ ny batery fiarovana tamin’ izay, ary ny miaramilan’ ny Filistina kosa dia tao Betlehema.
And David [was] then in the strong hold, and the garrison of the Philistines [was] then in Bethleem.
15 Ary Davida naniry ka nanao hoe: Enga anie ka hisy hampisotro rano ahy avy amin’ ny fantsakana ao Betlehema, ilay ao akaikin’ ny vavahady!
And David longed, and said, Who will give me water to drink out of the well that is in Bethleem by the gate? now the band of the Philistines [was] then in Bethleem.
16 Ary ireo telo lahy mahery namaky teo amin’ ny miaramilan’ ny Filistina ka nanovo rano tamin’ ny fantsakana tao Betlehema, izay teo anilan’ ny vavahady, dia nentiny ho any amin’ i Davida; kanjo tsy nety nisotro izy, fa naidiny ho an’ i Jehovah iny.
And the three mighty men broke through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well that was in Bethleem in the gate: and they took it, and brought it to David, and he would not drink it, but poured it out before the Lord.
17 Fa hoy Davida: Sanatria, Jehovah ô, raha hanao izany aho; tsy ran’ ny lehilahy izay nandeha nanao vy very ny ainy va ity? Ka dia tsy nety nisotro izy. Izany zavatra izany no nataon’ ireo telo lahy mahery ireo.
And he said, O Lord, forbid that I should do this, that I should drink of the blood of the men who went at [the risk of] their lives: and he would not drink it. These things did these three mighty men.
18 Ary Abisay, rahalahin’ i Joaba, zanak’ i Zeroia, no lehibe amin’ izy telo lahy, ary izy namely ny telon-jato lahy tamin’ ny lefona ka nahafaty azy, ka dia izy no nalaza tamin’ izy telo lahy.
And Abessa the brother of Joab the son of Saruia, he [was] chief among the three, and he lifted up his spear against three hundred whom he slew; and he had a name among three.
19 Tsy izy va no be voninahitra noho izy telo lahy? Fa izy no lehibeny; nefa tsy nahomby ny telo lahy teo izy.
Of those three [he was] most honourable, and he became a chief over them, but he reached not to the [first] three.
20 Ary Benaia, zanak’ i Joiada, zanaky ny lehilahy mahay tany Kabezela, izay nahavita asa be, izy no namono ny roa lahy mahery tany Moaba; ary izy no nidina ka namono ny liona tao an-davaka fantsakana tamin’ ilay andro nisy oram-panala iny;
And Banaeas the son of Jodae, he was abundant in [mighty] deeds, from Cabeseel, and he smote the two sons of Ariel of Moab: and he went down and smote a lion in the midst of a pit on a snowy day.
21 ary izy koa no namono ilay Egyptiana makadiry be; ary ilay Egyptiana nitondra lefona teny an-tànany, nefa namorotsahan’ i Benaia tamin’ ny tehiny ihany izy, dia nosarihany ny lefona teny an-tànan’ ilay Egyptiana, ka iny lefony iny ihany no namonoany azy.
He smote an Egyptian, a wonderful man, and in the hand of the Egyptian [was] a spear as the side of a ladder; and he went down to him with a staff, and snatched the spear from the Egyptian's hand, and slew him with his own spear.
22 Izany no nataon’ i Benaia, zanak’ i Joiada, ary tamin’ izy telo lahy mahery dia izy no nalaza.
These things did Banaeas the son of Jodae, and he had a name among the three mighty men.
23 Izy no nalaza noho ny telo-polo lahy, nefa tsy nahomby azy telo lahy teo izy. Ary Davida nanendry azy ho isan’ ny mpanolo-tsaina azy.
He was honourable among the [second] three, but he reached not to the [first] three: and David made him his reporter. And these [are] the names of King David's mighty men.
24 Asahela, rahalahin’ i Joaba, no anankiray amin’ ny telo-polo, ary Elanana, zanak’ i Dodo, avy any Betlehema,
Asael Joab's brother; he [was] among the thirty. Eleanan son of Dudi his uncle in Bethleem.
25 Sama Harodita, Elika Harodita,
Saema the Rudaean.
26 Heleza Paltita, Ira, zanak’ Ikesy Tekoïta,
Selles the Kelothite: Iras the son of Isca the Thecoite.
27 Abiezera Anatotita, Mebonay Hosatita,
Abiezer the Anothite, of the sons of the Anothite.
28 Zalmona Ahohita, Maharay Netofatita,
Ellon the Aoite; Noere the Netophatite.
29 Haleba, zanak’ i Bana Netofatita, Itahy, zanak’ i Ribay, avy any Gibean’ ny taranak’ i Benjamina,
Esthai the son of Riba of Gabaeth, son of Benjamin the Ephrathite; Asmoth the Bardiamite; Emasu the Salabonite:
30 Benaia Piratonita, Hiday, avy any amin’ ny lohasahan-driak’ i Gasy,
Adroi of the brooks.
31 Abi-albona Arbatita, Azmaveta Psaromita,
Gadabiel son of the Arabothaeite.
32 Eliaba Salbonita, tamin’ ny zanak’ i Jasena, Jonatana,
the sons of Asan, Jonathan;
33 Sama Hararita, Ahiama, zanak’ i Sarara Hararita,
Samnan the Arodite; Amnan the son of Arai the Saraurite.
34 Elifeleta, zanak’ i Ahasbay, zanaky ny Makatita, Eliama, zanak’ i Ahitofela Gilonita,
Aliphaleth the son of Asbites, the son of the Machachachite; Eliab the son of Achitophel the Gelonite.
35 Hezray Karmelita, Paray Arbita,
Asarai the Carmelite the son of Uraeoerchi.
36 Jigala, zanak’ i Natana, avy any Zoba, Bany Gadita,
Gaal the son of Nathana. The son of much valour, [the son] of Galaaddi. Elie the Ammanite.
37 Zaleka Amonita, Naharay Berotita, mpitondra ny fiadian’ i Joaba, zanak’ i Zeroia,
Gelore the Bethorite, armour-bearer to Joab, son of Saruia.
38 Ira Jitrita, Gareba Jitrita,
Iras the Ethirite. Gerab the Ethenite.
39 Oria Hetita; fito amby telo-polo no isan’ izy rehetra.
Urias the Chettite: thirty-seven in all.

< 2 Samoela 23 >