< 2 Samoela 17 >

1 Ary hoy Ahitofela tamin’ i Absaloma: Aoka aho hifantina lehilahy roa arivo amby iray alina ka hiainga hanenjika an’ i Davida anio alina;
Moreover Ahithophel said to Absalom, Let me now choose out twelve thousand men, and I will arise and pursue after David this night;
2 ary ho tonga ao aminy aho amin’ ilay izy mbola sasatra sy reraka iny, ka dia hotairiko; dia handositra ny vahoaka rehetra izay any aminy, ary ny mpanjaka ihany no hasiako;
And I will come upon him while he [is] weary and weak-handed, and will make him afraid: and all the people that [are] with him shall flee; and I will smite the king only:
3 dia haveriko ho etỳ aminao ny vahoaka rehetra miankina amin’ io lehilahy tadiavinareo io ny hiverenan’ ny vahoaka rehetra, ka dia hiadana ny olona rehetra.
And I will bring back all the people to thee: the man whom thou seekest [is] as if all returned: [so] all the people shall be in peace.
4 Ary sitrak’ i Absaloma sy ny loholon’ ny Isiraely rehetra izany.
And the saying, pleased Absalom well, and all the elders of Israel.
5 Kanefa hoy Absaloma: Mba antsoy kosa Hosay Arkita, ary aoka ho rentsika koa izay teniny.
Then said Absalom, Call now Hushai the Archite also, and let us hear likewise what he saith.
6 Ary nony tonga teo amin’ i Absaloma Hosay dia hoy Absaloma taminy: Izao no hevitr’ i Ahitofela; ka hanao araka ny teniny va isika? Sa ahoana kosa no hevitrao?
And when Hushai had come to Absalom, Absalom spoke to him, saying, Ahithophel hath spoken after this manner: shall we do [after] his saying? if not, speak thou.
7 Ary hoy Hosay tamin’ i Absaloma: Tsy mety ny hevitra nataon’ i Ahitofela tamin’ ity.
And Hushai said to Absalom, The counsel that Ahithophel hath given, [is] not good at this time.
8 Ary hoy kosa Hosay: Hianao mahalala ny rainao sy ny olony, fa olona mahery izy sady masiaka tahaka ny bera very anaka any an-tsaha; ary lehilahy mpiady rainao ka tsy miara-mitoetra amin’ ny vahoaka raha alina.
For, said Hushai, thou knowest thy father and his men, that they [are] mighty men, and they [are] chafed in their minds, as a bear robbed of her whelps in the field: and thy father [is] a man of war, and will not lodge with the people.
9 Fa, indro, miery any an-davaka anankiray izy izao, na ao amin’ ny fitoerana hafa; ka raha misy resiny amin’ ny voalohany, izay mandre izany dia hanao hoe: Nahafatesana ny olona manaraka an’ i Absaloma,
Behold, he is hid now in some pit, or in some [other] place: and it will come to pass, when some of them [are] overthrown at the first, that whosoever heareth it will say, There is a slaughter among the people that follow Absalom.
10 ary na dia izay mahery ka manana fo tahaka ny fon’ ny liona aza dia ho ketraka tokoa; fa fantatry ny Isiraely rehetra fa lehilahy mahery rainao, sady lehilahy mahery koa ireny manaraka azy ireny.
And he also [that is] valiant, whose heart [is] as the heart of a lion, will utterly melt: for all Israel knoweth that thy father [is] a mighty man, and [they] who [are] with him [are] valiant men.
11 Koa izao kosa no mba hevitro: Aoka hovorina ho eto aminao avokoa ny Isiraely rehetra hatrany Dana ka hatrany Beri-sheba, toy ny fasika amoron-dranomasina no hamarony; ka dia ny tenanao no hankany an-tafika.
Therefore I counsel that all Israel should be generally gathered to thee, from Dan even to Beer-sheba, as the sand that [is] by the sea for multitude; and that thou shouldst go to battle in thy own person.
12 Dia ho tonga ao aminy amin’ izay fitoerana anankiray hahitana azy isika, ka dia hilatsaka aminy toy ny filatsaky ny ando amin’ ny tany, ka tsy hasiantsika miangana na dia iray akory aza izy mbamin’ izay olona rehetra manaraka azy.
So shall we come upon him in some place where he shall be found, and we will light upon him as the dew falleth on the ground: and of him and of all the men that [are] with him there shall not be left so much as one.
13 Fa raha miditra an-tanàna izy, dia hitondran’ ny Isiraely rehetra mahazaka izany tanàna izany, ka dia hotarihintsika ho any amin’ ny ony izany ambara-paha-tsy hisy na dia vato kely iray aza hita ao.
Moreover, if he shall have entered into a city, then shall all Israel bring ropes to that city, and we will draw it into the river, until there is not one small stone found there.
14 Ary hoy Absaloma sy ny lehilahy rehetra amin’ ny Isiraely: Tsara noho ny hevitra nataon’ i Ahitofela ny nataon’ i Hosay Arkita. Fa efa notendren’ i Jehovah ho foana ny sain-dalina nataon’ i Ahitofela, hampidiran’ i Jehovah loza amin’ i Absaloma.
And Absalom and all the men of Israel said, The counsel of Hushai the Archite [is] better than the counsel of Ahithophel. For the LORD had appointed to defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel, to the intent that the LORD might bring evil upon Absalom.
15 Dia hoy Hosay tamin’ i Zadoka sy Abiatara mpisorona: Izany ka izany no hevitra nomen’ i Ahitofela an’ i Absaloma sy ny loholon’ ny Isiraely; ary izao ka izao kosa no hevitra nomeko azy.
Then said Hushai to Zadok and to Abiathar the priests, Thus and thus did Ahithophel counsel Absalom and the elders of Israel; and thus and thus have I counseled.
16 Koa maniraha haingana izao, ary ambarao amin’ i Davida hoe: Aza mitoetra any amin’ ny fitàna any amin’ ny efitra anio alina, fa mità faingana tokoa, fandrao ho levona na ny mpanjaka na ny olona rehetra any aminy.
Now therefore send quickly, and tell David, saying, Lodge not this night in the plains of the wilderness, but speedily pass over; lest the king be swallowed up, and all the people that [are] with him.
17 Ary Jonatana sy Ahimaza nitoetra tao En-rogela; fa tsy sahy niseho tao an-tanàna izy; ary nisy ankizivavy anankiray nivoivoy nanambara taminy; dia lasa nandeha nanambara tany amin’ i Davida mpanjaka kosa izy roa lahy.
Now Jonathan and Ahimaaz stayed by En-rogel; for they might not be seen to come into the city: and a maid servant went and told them; and they went and told king David.
18 Fa nisy zazalahy iray nahita azy ka nanambara tamin’ i Absaloma; nefa lasa faingana izy roa lahy ka tonga tao an-tranon’ olona tao Bahorima, izay nisy lavaka fantsakana tao an-tokotaniny, dia nidina tao izy roa lahy.
Nevertheless, a lad saw them, and told Absalom: but they went both of them away quickly, and came to the house of a man in Bahurim, who had a well in his court; into which they descended.
19 Ary nalain’ ny vadin-dralehilahy ny rakotra ka narakony teo am-bavan’ ny lavaka fantsakana, ary dia nanahy koba teo amboniny izy, ka tsy nisy nahalala.
And the woman took and spread a covering over the well's mouth, and spread ground corn upon it; and the thing was not known.
20 Ary nony tonga tao amin-dravehivavy tao an-trano ny mpanompon’ i Absaloma, dia nanao hoe: Aiza Ahimaza sy Jonatana teto? Fa hoy ravehivavy taminy: Tafita ny renirano kely izy izay. Ary nony efa nitady azy ireo ka tsy nahita, dia niverina nankany Jerosalema.
And when Absalom's servants came to the woman to the house, they said, Where [is] Ahimaaz and Jonathan? And the woman said to them, they have gone over the brook of water. And when they had sought and could not find [them], they returned to Jerusalem.
21 Ary nony efa lasa ireo, dia niakatra avy ao amin’ ny lavaka fantsakana izy roa lahy, ka lasa nandeha izy, dia nanambara tamin’ i Davida mpanjaka hoe: Miaingà, ka mità faingana ny rano; fa izany no hevitra nataon’ i Ahitofela hamelezana anareo.
And it came to pass, after they had departed, that they came out of the well, and went and told king David, and said to David, Arise, and pass quickly over the water: for thus hath Ahithophel counseled against you.
22 Dia niainga Davida sy ny olona nanaraka, azy, ka nita an’ i Jordana izy; ary nony maraina ny andro, dia tsy tafita an’ i Jordana na dia olona iray aza.
Then David arose, and all the people that [were] with him, and they passed over Jordan: by the morning light there lacked not one of them that had not gone over Jordan.
23 Ary nony hitan’ i Ahitofela fa narahina ny hevitra nataony, dia nasiany lasely ny borikiny, dia niainga izy dia nody tany an-tranony tany an-tanànany; ary nanafatra ny ankohonany izy, dia nanaton-tena, ka dia maty ary nalevina tao amin’ ny fasan-drainy.
And when Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed, he saddled [his] ass, and arose, and went home to his house, to his city, and put his household in order, and hanged himself, and died. and was buried in the sepulcher of his father.
24 Ary Davida tonga tao Mahanaima. Ary Absaloma nita an’ i Jordana, dia izy sy ny lehilahy rehetra amin’ ny Isiraely izay nanaraka azy.
Then David came to Mahanaim. And Absalom passed over Jordan, he and all the men of Israel with him.
25 Ary Amasa no notendren’ i Absaloma ho komandin’ ny miaramilany ho solon’ i Joaba; ary Amasa dia zanak’ ilay Isiraelita atao hoe Jitra, ilay nandry tamin’ i Abigaila, zanakavavin’ i Nahasy sady rahavavin’ i Zeroia, renin’ i Joaba.
And Absalom made Amasa captain of the host instead of Joab: which Amasa [was] a man's son, whose name [was] Ithra, an Israelite, that went in to Abigail the daughter of Nahash, sister to Zeruiah, Joab's mother.
26 Ary ny Isiraely sy ny Absaloma nitoby tany amin’ ny tany Gileada.
So Israel and Absalom encamped in the land of Gilead.
27 Ary nony tonga tao Mahanaima Davida, dia, indreo, tamy Soby, zanak’ i Amona, sy Makira, zanak’ i Amiela, avy any Lo-debara, ary Barzilay Gileadita, avy any Rogelima,
And it came to pass, when David had come to Mahanaim, that Shobi the son of Nahash of Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and Machir the son of Ammiel of Lo-debar, and Barzillai the Gileadite of Rogelim,
28 Avy mitondra fandriana sy bakoly sy vilany tany sy vary hordea sy koba sy lango sy tsaramaso sy voanemba ary voanemba voaendy
Brought beds, and basins, and earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley, and flour, and parched [corn], and beans, and lentils, and parched [pulse],
29 sy tantely sy rononomandry sy ondry ary zanak’ omby ho an’ i Davida sy ny olona nanaraka azy; fa hoy izy: Noana sy sasatra ary mangetaheta atỳ an-efitra ny vahoaka.
And honey, and butter, and sheep, and cheese of cows, for David, and for the people that [were] with him, to eat: for they said, The people [are] hungry, and weary, and thirsty, in the wilderness.

< 2 Samoela 17 >