< 2 Samoela 15 >

1 Ary nony afaka izany, Absaloma dia nanomana kalesy iray sy soavaly ary olona dimam-polo lahy ho mpihazakazaka eo alohany.
And it came to pass after this, that Absalom prepared for him a chariot and horses, and fifty men to run before him.
2 Ary Absaloma nifoha maraina koa, dia nijanona teo anilan’ ny lalana mankeo am-bavahady, ka raha nisy olona nanana ady ho entiny any amin’ ny mpanjaka hotsaraina, dia nantsoin’ i Absaloma ka nanontaniany hoe: Avy any amin’ ny tanàna aninona ianao? Ary hoy izy: Avy any Anonana amin’ ny firenen’ Isiraely ny mpanomponao.
And Absalom rose up early, and stood beside the way of the gate. And it was so, that, when any man had a suit which should come to the king for judgment, then Absalom called to him, and said, Of what city are thou? And he said, Thy servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.
3 Dia hoy Absaloma taminy: Eny, tsara sy marina ny raharahanao, saingy tsy misy olona voatendrin’ ny mpanjaka hihaino anao.
And Absalom said to him, See, thy matters are good and right, but there is no man appointed by the king to hear thee.
4 Ary hoy koa Absaloma: Enga anie ka izaho no voatendry ho mpitsara amin’ ny tany, ary ho avy atỳ amiko ny olona rehetra izay manana ady sy teny hotsaraina, dia homeko rariny izy!
Absalom said moreover, Oh that I were made judge in the land, that every man who has any suit or case might come to me, and I would do for him justice!
5 Ary isaky ny nisy olona nanatona hiankohoka teo anoloany, dia narosony ny tànany ka noraisiny sy norohany izany olona izany.
And it was so, that, when any man came near to do him obeisance, he put forth his hand, and took hold of him, and kissed him.
6 Ary toy izany no nataon’ i Absaloma tamin’ ny Isiraely rehetra izay nankao amin’ ny mpanjaka hotsaraina; ka dia voafetsin’ i Absaloma ho azy ny fon’ ny lehilahy amin’ ny Isiraely.
And on this manner Absalom did to all Israel who came to the king for judgment. So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.
7 Ary nony afaka efa-polo taona, dia hoy Absaloma tamin’ ny mpanjaka: Trarantitra ianao, aoka aho hankany Hebrona hanefa ny voadiko izay nivoadiako tamin’ i Jehovah.
And it came to pass at the end of forty years, that Absalom said to the king, I pray thee, let me go and pay my vow, which I have vowed to Jehovah, in Hebron.
8 Fa nivoady aho mpanomponao, fony mbola nitoetra tany Gesora any Syria, nanao hoe: Raha mbola hampodin’ i Jehovah any Jerosalema ihany aho, dia hanompo an’ i Jehovah.
For thy servant vowed a vow while I abode at Geshur in Syria, saying, If Jehovah shall indeed bring me again to Jerusalem, then I will serve Jehovah.
9 Ary hoy ny mpanjaka taminy: Mandehana soa aman-tsara ary. Dia niainga izy ka nankany Hebrona.
And the king said to him, Go in peace. So he arose, and went to Hebron.
10 Ary Absaloma naniraka mpitety nankeny amin’ ny firenen’ Isiraely rehetra hanao hoe: Raha vao mandre ny feon’ ny anjomara ianareo, dia miantsoa hoe: Absaloma no mpanjaka ao Hebrona.
But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as ye hear the sound of the trumpet, then ye shall say, Absalom is king in Hebron.
11 Ary nisy roan-jato lahy izay nasain’ i Absaloma, ka dia nanaraka azy avy tany Jerosalema, nefa nandeha tamin’ ny fahatsoran’ ny fony izy ireo, fa tsy nahafantatra na inona na inona.
And with Absalom went two hundred men out of Jerusalem who were invited, and went in their simplicity. And they did not know anything.
12 Ary Absaloma naniraka naka an’ i Ahitofela Gilonita, mpanolo-tsaina an’ i Davida, avy tao an-tanànany, dia tao Gilo, raha mbola nanatitra ny fanatitra izy. Ary nihamasaka ny tetika fikomiana, ka dia nihamaro mandrakariva ny olona nomba an’ i Absaloma.
And Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counselor, from his city, even from Giloh, while he was offering the sacrifices. And the conspiracy was strong, for the people increased continually with Absalom.
13 Ary nisy olona tonga tao amin’ i Davida ka nilaza hoe: Lasa nanaraka an’ i Absaloma fon’ ny lehilahy amin’ ny Isiraely.
And there came a messenger to David, saying, The hearts of the men of Israel are after Absalom.
14 Ary hoy Davida tamin’ ny mpanompony rehetra izay tao aminy tany Jerosalema: Mitsangàna, andeha isika handositra, fa tsy hisy hahafahantsika amin’ i Absaloma; andeha hiala faingana, fandrao tamy faingana izy, ka tratrany eto isika, dia hataony idiran-doza tampoka eto isika, ary hasiany amin’ ny lelan-tsabatra ny tanàna.
And David said to all his servants who were with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee, for otherwise none of us shall escape from Absalom. Make speed to depart, lest he overtake us quickly, and bring down evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword.
15 Ary hoy ny mpanompon’ ny mpanjaka taminy: Indreto ny mpanomponao hanao araka izay rehetra sitraky ny mpanjaka tompoko.
And the king's servants said to the king, Behold, thy servants are ready to do whatever my lord the king shall choose.
16 Dia nivoaka ny mpanjaka ka narahin’ ny ankohonany rehetra. Ary ny mpanjaka namela folo vavy tamin’ ny vaditsindranony hiandry trano.
And the king went forth, and all his household after him. And the king left ten women, who were concubines, to keep the house.
17 Ary nivoaka ny mpanjaka, ka dia nanaraka azy ny vahoaka rehetra, ary nitoetra teo Faratanàna izy.
And the king went forth, and all the people after him, and they remained in Beth-merhak.
18 Ary ny mpanompony rehetra nandeha teny anilany, ka ny miaramila mpiambina andriana rehetra sy ny Gatita rehetra, dia enin-jato lahy izay nanaraka azy avy tany Gata, nandeha teo alohan’ ny mpanjaka.
And all his servants passed on beside him; and all the Cherethites, and all the Pelethites, and all the Gittites, six hundred men who came after him from Gath, passed on before the king.
19 Ary hoy ny mpanjaka tamin’ Itahy Gatita: Nahoana no ianao avy no mba miaraka aminay? Miverena, ka mitoera any amin’ ny mpanjaka; fa hafa firenena sady mpivahiny ianao; modia ho any amin’ ny fonenanao.
Then the king said to Ittai the Gittite, Why do thou also go with us? Return, and abide with the king, for thou are a foreigner, and also an exile. Return to thine own place.
20 Fa vao omaly no nahatongavanao, ka anio va dia ho entiko manjenjena hiaraka aminay ianao? fa mandeha ho any amin’ izay azoko aleha aho, koa miverena ihany ianao, ary ento hiara-miverina aminao koa ny rahalahinao; ho aminao anie ny famindram-po sy ny fahamarinana.
Whereas thou came but yesterday, should I this day make thee go up and down with us, seeing I go where I may? Return thou, and take back thy brothers. Mercy and truth be with thee.
21 Fa Itahy namaly ny mpanjaka hoe: Raha velona koa Jehovah, ary raha velona koa ny mpanjaka tompoko, izay hitoeran’ ny mpanjaka tompoko, na ho faty na ho velona, dia any koa no hitoeran’ ny mpanomponao.
And Ittai answered the king, and said, As Jehovah lives, and as my lord the king lives, surely in what place my lord the king shall be, whether for death or for life, even there thy servant will also be.
22 Ary hoy Davida tamin’ Itahy: Andeha mandroso ary. Dia nandroso Itahy Gatita sy ny olony rehetra mbamin’ ny zaza amim-behivavy rehetra izay teo.
And David said to Ittai, Go and pass over. And Ittai the Gittite passed over, and all his men, and all the little ones that were with him.
23 Ary ny olona rehetra dia nitomany nikaikaika, ary nita ny vahoaka rehetra; ny mpanjaka koa dia nita ny lohasahan-driaka Kidrona, ary ny vahoaka rehetra nandroso tamin’ ny lalana mankany an-efitra.
And all the country wept with a loud voice, and all the people passed over. The king himself also passed over the brook Kidron, and all the people passed over toward the way of the wilderness.
24 Ary indro koa Zadoka sy ny Levita rehetra nanaraka azy nitondra ny fiaran’ ny faneken’ Andriamanitra. Ary nametraka ny fiaran’ Andriamanitra izy ary Abiatara niakatra mandra-pahatapitry ny olona rehetra avy tao an-tanàna.
And, lo, Zadok also came, and all the Levites with him, bearing the ark of the covenant of God. And they set down the ark of God, and Abiathar went up until all the people had finished passing out of the city.
25 Ary hoy ny mpanjaka tamin’ i Zadoka: Ento miverina ho any an-tanàna ihany ny fiaran’ Andriamanitra; fa raha mahita fitia eo imason’ i Jehovah aho, dia mbola ho entiny miverina ihany, ka hasehony ahy iny sy ny fitoerany.
And the king said to Zadok, Carry back the ark of God into the city. If I shall find favor in the eyes of Jehovah he will bring me again, and show me both it, and his habitation.
26 Fa raha izao kosa no lazainy: Tsy sitrako ianao, dia inty aho, aoka Izy hanao amiko araka izay ataony ho tsara.
But if he says thus, I have no delight in thee, behold, here I am. Let him do to me as seems good to him.
27 Ary hoy koa ny mpanjaka tamin’ i Zadoka mpisorona: Tsy mpahita va ianao? miverena soa aman-tsara any an-tanàna ianao mbamin’ ny zanakareo roa lahy miaraka aminareo, dia Ahimaza zanakao sy Jonatana, zanak’ i Abiatara.
The king said also to Zadok the priest, Are thou not a seer? Return into the city in peace, and your two sons with you, Ahimaaz thy son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar.
28 Indro, izaho hijanonjanona eny amin’ ny fitàna any amin’ ny efitra mandra-pahatongan’ izay teny avy atỳ aminareo hambara amiko.
See, I will remain at the fords of the wilderness until there comes word from you to report to me.
29 Ary Zadoka sy Abiatara nitondra ny fiaran’ Andriamanitra niverina nankany Jerosalema ihany; dia nitoetra tany izy.
Therefore Zadok and Abiathar carried the ark of God again to Jerusalem, and they abode there.
30 Ary Davida niakatra teny an-tendrombohitra Oliva ka nitomany teny am-piakarana ary nisaron-doha sady nandeha tsy nikiraro; ary ny vahoaka rehetra izay nanaraka azy samy nisaron-doha sy niakatra ary nitomany teny am-piakarana avokoa.
And David went up by the ascent of the mount of Olives, and wept as he went up, and he had his head covered, and went barefoot. And all the people who were with him covered every man his head, and they went up, weeping as they went up.
31 Ary nisy nanambara tamin’ i Davida hoe: Ahitofela koa mba isan’ ny mpiray tetika amin’ i Absaloma. Dia hoy Davida: Mitaraina aminao aho, Jehovah ô, ampodio ho fahadalana ny hevitra ataon’ i Ahitofela.
And it was told David, saying, Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom. And David said, O Jehovah, I pray thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness.
32 Ary nony tonga teo an-tampon’ ny tendrombohitra Davida, dia teo amin’ izay fivavahan’ ny olona tamin’ Andriamanitra, indro, avy hitsena azy Hosay Arkita, voatriatra ny akanjony sady nihosin-tany ny lohany;
And it came to pass, that, when David came to the top of the ascent, where God was worshiped, behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat torn, and dirt upon his head.
33 ary hoy Davida taminy: Raha miara-mandroso amiko ianao, dia ho tonga enta-mavesatra amiko;
And David said to him, If thou pass on with me, then thou will be a burden to me,
34 fa raha hiverina any an-tanàna kosa ianao ka hanao amin’ i Absaloma hoe: Ho mpanomponao aho, ry mpanjaka; efa mpanompon’ ny rainao ihany aho taloha, fa ankehitriny kosa dia mpanomponao, aho dia hofoananao hahasoa ahy ny hevitra ataon’ i Ahitofela.
but if thou return to the city, and say to Absalom, I will be thy servant, O king. As I have been thy father's servant in time past, so I will now be thy servant, then thou will defeat for me the counsel of Ahithophel.
35 Ary tsy ao aminao va Zadoka sy Abiatara mpisorona? Koa izay zavatra rehetra renao avy ao an-tranon’ ny mpanjaka, dia ambarao amin’ i Zadoka sy Abiatara mpisorona.
And have thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathar the priests? Therefore it shall be, that whatever thing thou shall hear out of the king's house, thou shall tell it to Zadok and Abiathar the priests.
36 Indreo, any aminy ny zanany roa lahy, dia Ahimaza, zanak’ i Zadoka, sy Jonatana, zanak’ i Abiatara; ary izy no hampitondrainareo izay rehetra renareo ho atỳ amiko.
Behold, they have there with them their two sons, Ahimaaz, Zadok's son, and Jonathan, Abiathar's son. And by them ye shall send to me everything that ye shall hear.
37 Koa dia tonga tany an-tanàna Hosay, sakaizan’ i Davida, tamin’ ny nahatongavan’ i Absaloma tany Jerosalema.
So Hushai, David's friend, came into the city, and Absalom came into Jerusalem.

< 2 Samoela 15 >