< 2 Samoela 13 >

1 Ary nony afaka izany, dia nisy toy izao: Absaloma, zanak’ i Davida, nanana anabavy tsara tarehy, Tamara no anarany; ary tia azy Amnona, zanak’ i Davida.
and to be after so and to/for Absalom son: child David sister beautiful and name her Tamar and to love: lover her Amnon son: child David
2 Ary Amnona nalahelo ka matiny ihany noho Tamara anabaviny; fa virijina izy, ka sarotra tamin’ i Amnona ny haka azy.
and be distressed to/for Amnon to/for be weak: ill in/on/with for the sake of Tamar sister his for virgin he/she/it and to wonder in/on/with eye: appearance Amnon to/for to make: do to/for her anything
3 Fa Amnona nanan-tsakaiza, Jonadaba no anarany, zanak’ i Simea, rahalahin’ i Davida; ary Jonadaba dia olona fetsy loatra.
and to/for Amnon neighbor and name his Jonadab son: child Shimeah brother: male-sibling David and Jonadab man wise much
4 Ka hoy izy taminy: Nahoana ianao, ry zanaky ny mpanjaka, no mihamahia isan’ andro isan’ andro? Tsy tianao hambara amiko va izany? Dia hoy Amnona taminy: Tia an’ i Tamara, anabavin’ i Absaloma rahalahiko, aho.
and to say to/for him why? you(m. s.) thus poor son: child [the] king in/on/with morning in/on/with morning not to tell to/for me and to say to/for him Amnon [obj] Tamar sister Absalom brother: male-sibling my I to love: lover
5 Ary hoy Jonadaba taminy: Mandria eo amin’ ny fandrianao ianao, ka modia marary; ary raha avy mamangy anao rainao, dia ataovy aminy hoe: Trarantitra ianao, aoka Tamara anabaviko mba ho avy hampihinan-kanina ahy ary hanao ny nahandro eto imasoko mba ho hitako ka hihinanako ny avy eny an-tànany.
and to say to/for him Jonadab to lie down: lay down upon bed your and be weak: ill and to come (in): come father your to/for to see: see you and to say to(wards) him to come (in): come please Tamar sister my and to eat me food: bread and to make to/for eye: seeing my [obj] [the] food because which to see: see and to eat from hand her
6 Dia nandry Amnona ka nody marary; ary nony avy mamangy azy ny mpanjaka, dia hoy izy taminy: Trarantitra ianao, aoka Tamara anabaviko hankatỳ hanao mofo roa ho ahy eto imasoko hihinanako ny avy eny an-tànany.
and to lie down: lay down Amnon and be weak: ill and to come (in): come [the] king to/for to see: see him and to say Amnon to(wards) [the] king to come (in): come please Tamar sister my and to bake to/for eye: seeing my two cake and to eat from hand her
7 Ary Davida naniraka nankany amin’ i Tamara any an-tranony nanao hoe: Mankanesa kely any an-tranon’ i Amnona anadahinao, ka manaova nahandro ho azy.
and to send: depart David to(wards) Tamar [the] house: home [to] to/for to say to go: went please house: home Amnon brother: male-sibling your and to make to/for him [the] food
8 Dia nandeha Tamara nankany an-tranon’ i Amnona anadahiny; ary nandry ny anadahiny. Dia naka koba razazavavy, ka nofetafetainy ary nataony mofo teo imasony, ary nendasiny ny mofo.
and to go: went Tamar house: home Amnon brother: male-sibling her and he/she/it to lie down: lay down and to take: take [obj] [the] dough (and to knead *Q(k)*) and to bake to/for eye: seeing his and to boil [obj] [the] cake
9 Dia noraisiny ny fanendasana, ka narosony teo anoloany; fa tsy nety nihinana izy. Ary hoy Amnona: Avoahy ny olona rehetra. Dia nivoaka ny olona rehetra.
and to take: take [obj] [the] pan and to pour: set down to/for face: before his and to refuse to/for to eat and to say Amnon to come out: send all man from upon me and to come out: come all man from upon him
10 Ary hoy Amnona tamin’ i Tamara: Ento atỳ amin’ ny efi-trano ny nahandro hihinanako ny avy eny an-tananao. Dia nalain’ i Tamara ny mofo nataony ka nentiny tao amin’ ny efi-trano tao amin’ i Amnona anadahiny.
and to say Amnon to(wards) Tamar to come (in): bring [the] food [the] chamber and to eat from hand your and to take: take Tamar [obj] [the] cake which to make and to come (in): bring to/for Amnon brother: male-sibling her [the] chamber [to]
11 Ary nony nentiny tao aminy hohaniny izany; dia nihazona an’ i Tamara izy ka nanao taminy hoe: Avia handry amiko, ranabaviko.
and to approach: bring to(wards) him to/for to eat and to strengthen: hold in/on/with her and to say to/for her to come (in): come to lie down: lay down with me sister my
12 Ary hoy ny anabaviny: Sanatria, ranadahy! Aza misavika ahy; fa tsy fanao eto amin’ ny Isiraely izany; aza manao izany zavatra fady indrindra izany ianao.
and to say to/for him not brother: male-sibling my not to afflict me for not to make: do so in/on/with Israel not to make: do [obj] [the] folly [the] this
13 Ary ny amiko, ho entiko aiza moa ny henatro? Ary ianao koa ho toy ny anankiray amin’ ny adala eto amin’ ny Isiraely. Koa trarantitra ianao, lazao amin’ ny mpanjaka; fa tsy hisakana ahy tsy ho anao izy.
and I where? to go: take [obj] reproach my and you(m. s.) to be like/as one [the] foolish in/on/with Israel and now to speak: speak please to(wards) [the] king for not to withhold me from you
14 Nefa tsy nety nihaino ny feon-drazazavavy izy, fa natanjaka noho izy, dia nisavika azy ka nandry taminy.
and not be willing to/for to hear: hear in/on/with voice: listen her and to strengthen: strengthen from her and to afflict her and to lie down: lay down with her
15 Ary dia halan’ i Amnona indrindra izy, ka ny fankahalany azy dia be lavitra noho ny fitiavany azy taloha. Dia hoy Amnona taminy: Mitsangàna, mandehana.
and to hate her Amnon hating great: large much for great: large [the] hating which to hate her from love which to love: lover her and to say to/for her Amnon to arise: rise to go: went
16 Ary hoy izy taminy: Aza dia manao ratsy mandroaka ahy ianao, fa ratsy noho ny zavatra hafa nataonao izao. Nefa tsy nety nihaino azy izy.
and to say to/for him not because [the] distress: evil [the] great: large [the] this from another which to make: do with me to/for to send: depart me and not be willing to/for to hear: hear to/for her
17 Dia niantso ny zatovony izay nanompo azy izy ka nanao hoe: Esory hiala eto amiko ity vehivavy ity, ka hidio ny varavarana, rehefa tafavoaka izy.
and to call: call to [obj] youth his to minister him and to say to send: let go please [obj] this from upon me [the] outside [to] and to lock [the] door after her
18 Ary niakanjo akanjo lava razazavavy; fa izany no fanaon’ ny zanakavavin’ ny mpanjaka ho akanjo ambony, raha mbola virijina izy. Dia navoakan’ ilay ankizilahy izy, ka nohidiany ny varavarana, nony tafavoaka izy.
and upon her tunic long-sleeved for so to clothe daughter [the] king [the] virgin robe and to come out: send [obj] her to minister him [the] outside and to lock [the] door after her
19 Ary nasian’ i Tamara lavenona ny lohany, sady notriariny ny akanjo lava izay niakanjoany, dia niloloha tanana izy, sady nitomany nidradradradra teny am-pandehanana.
and to take: bring Tamar ashes upon head her and tunic [the] long-sleeved which upon her to tear and to set: put hand her upon head her and to go: went to go: went and to cry out
20 Ary hoy Absaloma anadahiny taminy: Efa tany aminao va Amnona anadahinao? Mangìna ihany aloha, ranabavy, fa anadahinao izy; fa aza malahelo noho izany. Ka dia nitoetra tao an-tranon’ i Absaloma anadahiny Tamara sady ory.
and to say to(wards) her Absalom brother: male-sibling her Amnon brother: male-sibling your to be with you and now sister my be quiet brother: male-sibling your he/she/it not to set: consider [obj] heart your to/for word: thing [the] this and to dwell Tamar and devastated house: home Absalom brother: male-sibling her
21 Fa nony ren’ i Davida mpanjaka izany zavatra rehetra izany, dia nirehitra ny fahatezerany.
and [the] king David to hear: hear [obj] all [the] word: thing [the] these and to be incensed to/for him much
22 Ary Absaloma tsy nifampiteny tamin’ i Amnona rahalahiny akory na soa na ratsy; fa halan’ i Absaloma izy noho ny nisavihany an’ i Tamara anabaviny.
and not to speak: speak Absalom with Amnon to/for from bad: harmful and till pleasant for to hate Absalom [obj] Amnon upon word: because which to afflict [obj] Tamar sister his
23 Ary nony afaka roa taona ngarangidina, dia nampanety ondry teo Bala-hazora ao akaiky an’ i Efraima Absaloma, ka nanasa ny zanakalahin’ ny mpanjaka rehetra izy.
and to be to/for year day and to be to shear to/for Absalom in/on/with Baal-hazor Baal-hazor which with Ephraim and to call: call to Absalom to/for all son: child [the] king
24 Ary nankao amin’ ny mpanjaka Absaloma ka nanao hoe: Indro, mampanety ondry ny mpanomponao; koa trarantitra ianao, aoka ny mpanjaka sy ny mpanompony handeha hiaraka amiko mpanomponao.
and to come (in): come Absalom to(wards) [the] king and to say behold please to shear to/for servant/slave your to go: went please [the] king and servant/slave his with servant/slave your
25 Fa hoy ny mpanjaka tamin’ i Absaloma: Tsia, anaka, aoka tsy handeha avokoa izahay rehetra, fandrao mahavaky tratra anao. Fa Absaloma nanery azy ihany; nefa tsy nety nandeha izy, fa nitso-drano azy ihany.
and to say [the] king to(wards) Absalom not son: child my not please to go: went all our and not to honor: heavy upon you and to break through in/on/with him and not be willing to/for to go: went and to bless him
26 Dia hoy Absaloma: Raha tsy izany ary, trarantitra ianao, aoka Amnona rahalahiko no handeha hiaraka aminay. Ary hoy ny mpanjaka taminy: Ahoana no hiarahany aminao?
and to say Absalom and not to go: went please with us Amnon brother: male-sibling my and to say to/for him [the] king to/for what? to go: went with you
27 Fa nanery azy Absaloma, ka dia nalefany Amnona sy ny zanakalahin’ ny mpanjaka rehetra handeha hiaraka aminy.
and to break through in/on/with him Absalom and to send: let go with him [obj] Amnon and [obj] all son: child [the] king
28 Ary Absaloma nanome teny ny zatovony hoe: Miomàna tsara, fa rehefa faly ny fon’ i Amnona azon’ ny divay, ka lazaiko aminareo hoe: Asio Amnona, dia ataovy maty izy, fa aza matahotra; tsy izaho va no nanome teny anareo? Matokia, aoka hiseho ho lehilahy mahery ianareo.
and to command Absalom [obj] youth his to/for to say to see: select please like/as be pleasing heart Amnon in/on/with wine and to say to(wards) you to smite [obj] Amnon and to die [obj] him not to fear not for I to command [obj] you to strengthen: strengthen and to be to/for son: warrior strength
29 Ary ny zatovon’ i Absaloma nanao tamin’ i Amnona araka ny teny nomen’ i Absaloma azy. Dia nitsangana avokoa ny zanakalahin’ ny mpanjaka rehetra, ary samy nitaingina ny ampondrany ka nandositra.
and to make: do youth Absalom to/for Amnon like/as as which to command Absalom and to arise: rise all son: child [the] king and to ride man: anyone upon mule his and to flee
30 Ary raha mbola teny an-dalana izy ireo, dia tonga tao amin’ i Davida ny filazana hoe: novonoin’ i Absaloma avokoa ny zanakalahin’ ny mpanjaka, ka tsy nasiany miangana na dia iray akory aza.
and to be they(masc.) in/on/with way: journey and [the] tidings to come (in): come to(wards) David to/for to say to smite Absalom [obj] all son: child [the] king and not to remain from them one
31 Dia nitsangana ny mpanjaka ka nandriatra ny fitafiany, dia nandry tamin’ ny tany; ary ny mpanompony rehetra nitsangana teo, samy voatriatra avokoa ny fitafiany.
and to arise: rise [the] king and to tear [obj] garment his and to lie down: lay down land: soil [to] and all servant/slave his to stand to tear garment
32 Ary Jonadaba, zanak’ i Simea, rahalahin’ i Davida, nanao hoe: Aoka ny tompoko tsy hanao hoe: Matiny avokoa ny zatovo rehetra, zanakalahin’ ny mpanjaka; fa Amnona ihany no maty; fa Absaloma efa nifofo azy hatramin’ ny andro nisavihany an’ i Tamara anabaviny.
and to answer Jonadab son: child Shimeah brother: male-sibling David and to say not to say lord my [obj] all [the] youth son: child [the] king to die for Amnon to/for alone him to die for upon lip: word Absalom to be fate from day to afflict he [obj] Tamar sister his
33 Koa aoka ny mpanjaka tompoko tsy hieritreritra am-po fa maty avokoa ny zanakalahin’ ny mpanjaka rehetra; fa Amnona ihany no maty.
and now not to set: consider lord my [the] king to(wards) heart his word: thing to/for to say all son: child [the] king to die for (if: except *Q(K)*) Amnon to/for alone him to die
34 Fa Absaloma nandositra. Ary ny zatovo mpitily nanopy ny masony ka nahita fa, indreo nisy olona maro avy teo ivohony, teo anilan’ ny tendrombohitra.
and to flee Absalom and to lift: look [the] youth [the] to watch [obj] (eye his *Q(K)*) and to see: see and behold people many to go: come from way: road after him (in/on/with descent and to come (in): come [the] to watch and to tell to/for king and to say human to see: see to go down from way: direction Horonaim *X*) from side [the] mountain: mount
35 Ary hoy Jonadaba tamin’ ny mpanjaka: Indreo, avy ny zanakalahin’ ny mpanjaka, dia araka ny nolazain’ ny mpanomponao tokoa.
and to say Jonadab to(wards) [the] king behold son: child [the] king to come (in): come like/as word: speaking servant/slave your so to be
36 Ary nony efa voalazany izany teny izany, dia indreo, tonga ny zanakalahin’ ny mpanjaka, ary nanandratra ny feony izy ka nitomany; ary ny mpanjaka sy ny mpanompony dia mba nitomany mafy dia mafy koa.
and to be like/as to end: finish he to/for to speak: speak and behold son: child [the] king to come (in): come and to lift: loud voice their and to weep and also [the] king and all servant/slave his to weep weeping great: large much
37 Fa Absaloma nandositra nankany amin’ i Talmay, zanakalahin’ i Amihoda, mpanjakan’ i Gesora. Ary nisaona ny zanany mandrakariva Davida.
and Absalom to flee and to go: went to(wards) Talmai son: child (Ammihud *Q(K)*) king Geshur and to mourn upon son: child his all [the] day: daily
38 Ary Absaloma efa nandositra nankany Gesora ka nitoetra tany telo taona.
and Absalom to flee and to go: went Geshur and to be there three year
39 Ary Davida mpanjaka naniry hivoaka hankany amin’ i Absaloma; fa nionona izy noho ny amin’ i Amnona, satria efa maty izy.
and to end: decides David [the] king to/for to come out: come to(wards) Absalom for to be sorry: comfort upon Amnon for to die

< 2 Samoela 13 >