< 2 Tantara 35 >

1 Ary Josia nitandrina ny Paska tany Jerosalema ho an’ i Jehovah; dia namono ny Paska ny olona tamin’ ny andro fahefatra ambin’ ny folo tamin’ ny volana voalohany.
And Josias kept a passover to the Lord his God; and sacrificed the passover on the fourteenth day of the first month.
2 Ary Josia nanendry ny mpisorona ho amin’ ny anjara-raharahany avy ka namporisika azy hanao ny fanompoana ao an-tranon’ i Jehovah.
And he appointed the priests at their charges, and encouraged them for the services of the house of the Lord.
3 Ary hoy izy tamin’ ny Levita izay mpampianatra ny Isiraely rehetra sady efa masìna ho an’ i Jehovah: Apetraho ao an-trano nataon’ i Solomona, zanak’ i Davida, mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely, ny fiara masìna; fa izao dia efa tsy milanja azy intsony ianareo; koa manompoa an’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo sy ny Isiraely olony;
And he told the Levites that were able [to act] in all Israel, that they should consecrate themselves to the Lord: and they put the holy ark in the house which Solomon the son of David king of Israel built: and the king said, You must not carry anything on your shoulders: now then minister to the Lord your God, and to his people Israel.
4 ary samia miomana araka ny fianakavianareo avy ianareo, dia araka ny antokonareo, araka ny voasoratr’ i Davida, mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely, sy araka ny voasoratr’ i Solomona zanany koa.
And prepare yourselves according to the houses of your families, and according to your daily courses, according to the writing of David king of Israel, and [the order] by the hand of his son Solomon.
5 Ary mitsangàna eo amin’ ny fitoerana masìna araka ny fizaran’ ny fianakavian’ ny rahalahinareo amin’ ny vahoaka sy araka ny fizaran’ ny fianakavian’ ny Levita.
And stand you in the house according to the divisions of the houses of your families for your brethren the sons of the people; [so] also let there be for the Levites a division of the house of their family.
6 Dia vonoy ny Paska, sady hamasino ny tenanareo, ka manamboara ho an’ ny rahalahinareo, hanaovana araka ny tenin’ i Jehovah izay nampilazainy an’ i Mosesy.
And kill you the passover, and prepare [it] for your brethren, to do according to the word of the Lord, by the hand of Moses.
7 Ary ny vahoaka izay vory teo dia nomen’ i losia zanak’ ondry sy zanak’ osy, telo alina no isany hatao Paska avokoa ireo sy omby telo arivo; avy tamin’ ny fananan’ ny mpanjaka ireo.
And Josias gave as an offering to the children of the people, sheep, and lambs, and kids of the young of the goats, all for the passover, [even for] all that were found, in number [amounting to] thirty thousand, and three thousand calves, these [were] of the substance of the king.
8 Ary ny mpanapaka nanome an-tsitrapo ho an’ ny olona sy ho an’ ny mpisorona sy ny Levita. Ary Hilkia sy Zakaria sy Jehiela, mpanapaka ny tranon’ Andriamanitra, nanome ondry aman’ osy enin-jato amby roa arivo ho an’ ny mpisorona hatao Paska ary omby telon-jato.
And his princes gave an offering to the people, and to the priests, and to the Levites: and Chelcias and Zacharias and Jeiel the chief men gave to the priests of the house of God, they even gave for the passover sheep, and lambs, and kids, two thousand six hundred, and three hundred calves.
9 Ary Konania sy Semaia sy Netanela rahalahiny ary Hasabia sy Jeiela sy Jozabada, lehiben’ ny Levita, nanome ondry aman’ osy dimy arivo ho an’ ny Levita hatao Paska ary omby dimam-jato.
And Chonenias, and Banaeas, and Samaeas, and Nathanael his brother, and Asabias, and Jeiel, and Jozabad, heads of the Levites, gave an offering to the Levites for the passover, of five thousand sheep and five hundred calves.
10 Koa dia vonona ny zavatra; ary ny mpisorona nitsangana teo amin’ ny fitoerany avy, ary ny Levita araka ny antokony avy, araka ny didin’ ny mpanjaka.
And the service was duly ordered, and the priests stood in their place, and the Levites in their divisions, according to the command of the king.
11 Dia novonoin’ ny olona ny Paska, ary natopin’ ny mpisorona ny rà teny an-tànany, dia vao nohodiran’ ny Levita kosa.
And they killed the passover, and the priests sprinkled the blood from their hand, and the Levites flayed [the victims].
12 Dia natokany ny fanatitra dorana homen’ ny olona araka ny fizaran’ ny fianakaviany, mba hateriny ho an’ i Jehovah araka izay voasoratra ao amin’ ny bokin’ i Mosesy. Ary toy izany koa tamin’ ny omby.
And they prepared the whole burnt offering to give to them, according to the division by the houses of families, [even] to the sons of the people, to offer to the Lord, as it is written in the book of Moses.
13 Ary ny Paska natsatsika tamin’ ny afo araka ny fanao; fa ny zava-masìna kosa nandrahoiny tao anaty vilany sy vilanibe ary kasiteronina, dia nozarainy faingana tamin’ ny olona rehetra izany.
And thus [they did] till the morning. And they roasted the passover with fire according to the ordinance; and boiled the holy [pieces] in copper vessels and caldrons, and [the feast] went on well, and they quickly served all the children of the people.
14 Ary rehefa afaka izany, dia nanamboatra io an’ ny tenany sy ny mpisorona izy; fa ny mpisorona, taranak’ i Arona, nanatitra ny fanatitra dorana sy ny saborany mandra-pahalin’ ny andro; fa ny Levita kosa nanamboatra ny Paska ho an’ ny tenany sy ny mpisorona, taranak’ i Arona.
And after they had prepared for themselves and for the priests, for the priests [were engaged] in offering the whole burnt offerings and the fat until night, then the Levites prepared for themselves, and for their brethren the sons of Aaron.
15 Ary ny mpihira, taranak’ i Asafa, nitoetra teo amin’ ny fitoerany, araka ny didin’ i Davida sy Asafa sy Hemana ary Jedotona, mpahitan’ ny mpanjaka, ary ny mpiandry varavarana dia teo amin’ ny isam-bavahady; fa tsy afaka niala tamin’ ny fanompoany ireo, ka ny Levita rahalahiny no nanamboatra ho azy.
And the sons of Asaph the psalm-singers [were] at their post according to the commands of David, and Asaph, and Aeman, and Idithom, the prophets of the king: also, the chiefs and the porters of the several gates; —it was not for them to stir from the service of the holy things, for their brethren the Levites prepared for them.
16 Ary dia vonona androtrizay avokoa ny hatao fanompoana an’ i Jehovah amin’ ny hitandremana ny Paska sy ny hanaterana ny fanatitra dorana eo ambonin’ ny alitaran’ i Jehovah araka ny tenin’ i Josia mpanjaka.
So all the service of the Lord was duly ordered and prepared in that day, for keeping the passover, and offering the whole burnt sacrifices on the altar of the Lord, according to the command of king Josias.
17 Ary ny Zanak’ isiraely izay vory teo dia nitandrina ny paska fahizay sy ny andro firavoravoana hafitoana fihinanana ny mofo tsy misy masirasira.
And the children of Israel that were present kept the passover at that time, and the feast of unleavened bread seven days.
18 Fa tsy nisy Paska notandremana toy izany teo amin’ ny Isiraely na dia hatramin’ ny andron’ i Samoela mpaminany aza; ary ny mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely rehetra tsy nisy nitandrina ny Paska tahaka izay nataon’ i Josia sy ny mpisorona sy ny Levita ary ny Joda rehetra sy ny Isiraely izay vory teo ary ny mponina tany Jerosalema.
And there was no passover like it in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet, or any king of Israel: they kept not such a passover as Josias, and the priests, and the Levites, and all Juda and Israel that were present, and the dwellers in Jerusalem, kept to the Lord.
19 Tamin’ ny taona fahavalo ambin’ ny folo nanjakan’ i Josia no nitandremana izany Paska izany.
In the eighteenth year of the reign of Josias this passover was kept, after all these things that Josias did in the house.
20 Ary rehefa afaka izany rehetra izany, nony efa namboarin’ i Josia ny tempoly, dia niakatra Neko, mpanjakan’ i Egypta, hiady tany Karkemisy eo amoron’ i Eofrata; ary Josia nivoaka hiady aminy.
And Pharao Nechao king of Egypt went up against the king of the Assyrians to the river Euphrates, and king Josias went to meet him.
21 Fa Neko naniraka olona ho any aminy hanao hoe: Moa mifaninona akory izaho sy ianao, ry mpanjakan’ ny Joda? Tsy ady aminao izao anio izao, fa amin’ ny fahavaloko, sady nasain’ Andriamanitra handeha faingana aho; koa aza manohitra an’ Andriamanitra Izay momba ahy, fandrao matiny ianao.
And he sent messengers to him, saying, What have I to do with you, O king of Juda? I am not come today to war against you; and God has told me to hasten: beware of the God that is with me, lest he destroy you.
22 Fa Josia tsy nety nihodina niala taminy, fa nody olon-kafa mba hiady taminy ka tsy nety nihaino ny tenin’ i Neko, izay nampilazain’ Andriamanitra azy, fa nandeha hiady taminy ihany teo amin’ ny lohasahan’ i Megido.
However, Josias turned not his face from him, but strengthened himself to fight against him, and listened not to the words of Nechao by the mouth of God, and he came to fight in the plain of Mageddo.
23 Ary ny mpandefa tsipìka nahavoa an’ i Josia mpanjaka; dia hoy ny mpanjaka tamin’ ny mpanompony: Ento miala eto aho; fa voa mafy aho.
And the archers shot at king Josias; and the king said to his servants, Take me away, for I am severely wounded.
24 Dia nesorin’ ny mpanompony tamin’ izany kalesy izany izy, ka napetrany teo amin’ ny kalesiny faharoa ary nentiny ho any Jerosalema; dia maty izy ka nalevina tao am-pasan-drazany. Ary ny Joda sy Jerosalema rehetra dia nisaona an’ i Josia.
And his servants lifted him out of the chariot, and put him in the second chariot which he had, and brought him to Jerusalem; and he died, and was buried with his fathers: and all Juda and Jerusalem lamented over Josias.
25 Ary Jeremia dia nanao hira fisaonana an’ i Josia, ary ny mpihiralahy sy ny mpihiravavy rehetra dia mahatsiahy an’ i Josia mandraka androany, raha manao hira fisaonana, ka nataony fanao teo amin’ ny Isiraely izany; ary, indro, efa voasoratra ao amin’ ny fihirana fisaonana izany.
And Jeremias mourned over Josias, and all the chief men and chief women uttered a lamentation over Josias until this day: and they made it an ordinance for Israel, and, behold, it is written in the lamentations.
26 Ary ny tantaran’ i Josia sisa mbamin’ ny soa nataony, araka izay efa voasoratra ao amin’ ny lalàn’ i Jehovah,
And the rest of the acts of Josias, and his hope, are written in the law of the Lord.
27 dia ny asany voalohany sy farany, indro, efa voasoratra ao amin’ ny bokin’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely sy ny Joda izany.
And his acts, the first and the last, behold, [they are] written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah.

< 2 Tantara 35 >