< 2 Tantara 34 >

1 Valo taona Josia, fony izy vao nanjaka, ary iraika amby telo-polo taona no nanjakany tany Jerosalema.
Josiah was eight when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for thirty-one years.
2 Ary nanao izay mahitsy eo imason’ i Jehovah izy ka nandeha tamin’ ny lalan’ i Davida rainy, fa tsy mba nivily na ho amin’ ny ankavanana na ho amin’ ny ankavia.
He did what was right in the Lord's sight and followed the ways of his forefather David—he did not deviate to the right or to the left.
3 Fa tamin’ ny taona fahavalo nanjakany, raha mbola zatovolahy izy, dia niantomboka nitady an’ Andriamanitr’ i Davida rainy; ary tamin’ ny taona faharoa ambin’ ny folo kosa dia niantomboka nanadio an’ i Joda sy Jerosalema izy mba tsy hisy fitoerana avo, na Aseraha, na sarin-javatra voasokitra, na sarin-javatra an-idina intsony.
In the eighth year of his reign, while he was still young, Josiah began to publicly worship the God of David his forefather, and in the twelfth year of his reign he began to cleanse Judah and Jerusalem by removing the high places, the Asherah poles, the carved idols, and the metal images.
4 Ary noravan’ ny olona teo anatrehan’ i Josia ny alitaran’ ireo Bala; ary ny tsangan-kazo ho an’ ny masoandro izay teo amboniny dia nokapainy; ary ny Aseraha sy ny sarin-javatra voasokitra mbamin’ ny sarin-javatra an-idina dia novakivakiny sy notorotoroiny ho vovoka ka nafafiny teny amin’ ny fasan’ ireo efa namono zavatra hatao fanatitra ho azy.
He had the altars of Baal torn down in front of him, and the incense altars above them cut down. In addition, the Asherah poles, the carved idols, and the metal images were smashed to pieces and scattered over the graves of those who had been sacrificing to them.
5 Ary nandoro ny taolan’ ny mpisorona teo ambonin’ ny alitarany izy, ka dia nanadio an’ i Joda sy Jerosalema.
He burned the bones of the idolatrous priests on their altars. In this way he cleansed Judah and Jerusalem.
6 Ary tany amin’ ny tanànan’ ny Manase sy ny Efraima ary ny Simeona hatrany amin’ ny Naftaly, dia tao an-tanànany izay rava,
Josiah repeated this in the towns of Manasseh, Ephraim, and Simeon, all the way to Naphtali, and in their surrounding areas.
7 dia noravany koa ny alitara sy ny Aseraha; ary ny sarin-javatra voasokitra nomongomongoiny ho vovoka; ary ny tsangan-kazo ho an’ ny masoandro eran’ ny tanin’ ny Isiraely rehetra dia nokapainy; ary dia niverina ho any Jerosalema izy.
He tore down the altars and crushed the Asherah poles and the images to dust, and cut down all the incense altars across the whole land of Israel. Then he went back to Jerusalem.
8 Ary tamin’ ny taona fahavalo ambin’ ny folo nanjakany, rehefa voadiony ny tany sy ny trano, dia naniraka an’ i Safana, zanak’ i Azalia, sy Mahaseia, komandin’ ny tanàna, ary Joa, zanak’ i Joahaza, mpitadidy ny raharaham-panjakana, izy mba hamboatra ny tranon’ i Jehovah Andriamaniny.
In the eighteenth year of his reign, once he had finished cleansing the land and the Temple, Josiah sent Shaphan, son of Azaliah, Maaseiah the city governor, and Joah, son of Joahaz, the record-keeper, to repair the Temple of the Lord his God.
9 Ary rehefa tonga teo amin’ i Hilkia mpisoronabe izy, dia natolony ny vola izay nampidirina tao an-tranon’ Andriamanitra, izay efa nangonin’ ny Levita, mpiandry varavarana, tamin’ ny Manase sy ny Efraima sy ny sisa rehetra tamin’ ny Isiraely, ary tamin’ ny Joda sy ny Benjamina rehetra sy ny mponina tany Jerosalema.
They went to Hilkiah the high priest and gave him the money that had been brought to God's Temple. The Levites at the entrances had collected this money from the people of Manasseh and Ephraim, from what was left of the people of Israel, as well as contributions from Judah, Benjamin, and the people of Jerusalem.
10 Ary natolony ho eo an-tanan’ ny lehiben’ ny mpiasa izay voatendry hitandrina ny amin’ ny tranon’ i Jehovah izany, ary natolotr’ ireo kosa ho an’ ny mpiasa izay niasa tao an-tranon’ i Jehovah hanamboarana sy hanamafiana ny trano;
They handed it over to those who were supervising the repair work on Lord's Temple, who in turn paid the workmen doing the restoring and repairing.
11 dia nomeny ho an’ ny mpandrafitra sy ry mpandatsa-bato hamidy vato voapaika sy hazo hatao sakamandimby sy lampihazo ho amin’ ny trano izay nosimban’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Joda.
They also paid carpenters and builders to buy cut stone, as well as timber for joists and beams for the buildings that the kings of Judah had let deteriorate.
12 Ary ny olona dia nanao ny asa araka izay mety hatao; ary ny voatendry hifehy azy dia lahata sy Obadia Levita, avy tamin’ ny taranak’ i Merary, ary Zakaria sy Mesolama, avy tamin’ ny taranaky ny Kehatita, ary ny Levita rehetra izay nahay ny zava-maneno isan-karazany,
The men did good, honest work. In charge of them were Jahath and Obadiah, Levites from the sons of Merari; and Zechariah and Meshullam, Levites from the sons of the Kohathites. The Levites, all skilled musicians,
13 dia ireo no tonian’ ny mpitondra entana sady nifehy izay rehetra nanao raharaha tamin’ ny tao-zavatra samy hafa rehetra; ary avy tamin’ ny Levita koa nisy mpanoratra sy mpifehy ary mpiandry varavarana.
were in charge of the workmen and directed everyone involved, depending on what was required. Some of the Levites were scribes, some officers, and some gatekeepers.
14 Ary raha namoaka ny vola izay nampidirina tao an-tranon’ i Jehovah izy, Hilkia mpisorona dia nahita ny bokin’ ny lalàn’ i Jehovah, ilay nampilazaina an’ i Mosesy.
In the process of taking out the money donated to the Lord's Temple, Hilkiah the priest discovered the Book of the Lord's Law written down by Moses.
15 Ary niteny Hilkia ka nanao tamin’ i Safana mpanoratra hoe: Ny bokin’ ny lalàna dia hitako tao an-tranon’ i Jehovah. Dia natolotr’ i Hilkia an’ i Safana ny boky.
Hilkiah told Shaphan the scribe, “I've found the Book of the Law in the Lord's Temple.” He gave it to Shaphan.
16 Ary Safana nitondra ny boky ho any amin’ ny mpanjaka sady nilaza taminy hoe: Izay rehetra nasaina nataon’ ny mpanomponao dia nataony avokoa.
Shaphan took the book to the king and told him, “We your servants are doing everything we were instructed to do.
17 Ary narotsany ny vola izay azo tao an-tranon’ i Jehovah ka natolony teo an-tànan’ ny olona voatendry sy teo an-tànan’ ny mpiasa.
The money collected at the Lord's Temple has been handed over to those who are supervising the workers, paying them to do the repairs.”
18 Ary Safana mpanoratra nilaza koa tamin’ ny mpanjaka hoe: Misy boky nomen’ i Hilkia mpisorona ahy. Dia novakin’ i Safana teo anatrehan’ ny mpanjaka ny boky.
Then Shaphan the scribe told the king, “Hilkiah the priest gave me this book.” Shaphan read it to the king.
19 Ary rehefa ren’ ny mpanjaka ny tenin’ ny lalàna, dia nandriatra ny fitafiany izy
When the king heard what the Law said, he tore his clothes.
20 sady nandidy an’ i Hilkia sy Ahikama, zanak’ i Safana, sy Abdona, zanak’ i Mika, sy Safana mpanoratra ary Asaia, mpanompon’ andriana, ka nanao hoe:
Then he issue the following orders to Hilkiah, Ahikam, son of Shaphan, Abdon, son of Micah, Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah, the king's assistant:
21 Andeha manontany amin’ i Jehovah ho ahy sy izay sisa amin’ ny Isiraely sy ny Joda ny amin’ ny tenin’ io boky vao hita; fa mafy ny fahatezeran’ i Jehovah naidiny amintsika noho ny tsy nitandreman’ ny razantsika ny tenin’ i Jehovah hanao araka izay rehetra voasoratra amin’ io boky io.
“Go and talk to the Lord for me, and also for those who still live in Israel and Judah, about what is said in the book that's been found. For the Lord must be really angry with us because our forefathers have not obeyed the Lord's instructions by following all that's written in this book.”
22 Ary Hilkia sy izay notendren’ ny mpanjaka dia nankany amin’ i Holda mpaminanivavy, vadin’ i Saloma, zanak’ i Tokehata, zanak’ i Hasra, mpitahiry ny fitafiana (fa nitoetra tany Jerosalema tao amin’ ny tanàna ambany ravehivavy) ary niresaka izany taminy izy ireo.
Hilkiah and those the king had selected went and talked with Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum, son of Tokhath, the son of Hasrah, custodian of the wardrobe. She lived in Jerusalem, in the city's second quarter.
23 Dia hoy ravehivavy taminy: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Lazao amin’ izay lehilahy naniraka anareo tatỳ amiko hoe:
Huldah told them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: Tell the man who sent you to me,
24 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Indro, Izaho hahatonga loza amin’ ity tanàna ity sy amin’ ny mponina eto, dia ny ozona rehetra izay voasoratra ao amin’ ilay boky efa novakina teo anatrehan’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Joda.
this is what the Lord says: I am about to bring disaster down on this place and on its people, in accordance with all the curses written in the book that has been read to the king of Judah.
25 Satria nahafoy Ahy izy ka nandoro ditin-kazo manitra ho an’ ireny andriamani-kafa sady nampahatezitra Ahy amin’ izay rehetra nataon’ ny tànany, dia haidina amin’ ity tanana ity ny fahatezerako ka tsy hosakanana.
They have abandoned me and offered sacrifices to other gods, making me angry by everything they've done. My anger will be poured out upon this place and will not be stopped.
26 Fa ny amin’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Joda kosa izay naniraka anareo hanontany amin’ i Jehovah, dia ambarao aminy hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Ny amin’ ny teny izay efa novakinao,
But tell the king of Judah who sent you to ask the Lord, tell him this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: As for the what you heard read to you—
27 satria nino anatra ianao ka nanetry tena teo anatrehan’ Andriamanitra, raha nandre ny teniny ny amin’ ity tanàna ity sy ny mponina eto, eny, satria nanetry tena teo anatrehako ianao ka nandriatra ny fitafianao sady nitomany teo anatrehako, dia Izaho efa nihaino, hoy Jehovah.
because you were receptive and repentant before God when you heard his warnings against this place and against its people, and because you have repented, tearing your clothes and weeping before me, I have also heard you, declares the Lord.
28 Koa, indro, hangoniko any amin’ ny razanao ianao ary hangonina any amin’ ny fasanao amin’ ny fiadanana, ka ny masonao dia tsy mba hahita izay loza rehetra ho entiko mamely ity tanàna ity sy ny mponina eto. Dia nitondra valiny ho any amin’ ny mpanjaka izy ireo.
All this will not happen until after you have died, and you will die in peace. You will not see all the disaster that I'm going to bring down on this place and on its inhabitants.” They went back to the king and gave him her response.
29 Ary ny mpanjaka naniraka olona ka nampivory ny loholon’ ny Joda sy Jerosalema rehetra.
Then the king summoned all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem.
30 Dia niakatra ho ao an-tranon’ i Jehovah ny mpanjaka sy ny lehilahy rehetra tamin’ ny Joda sy ny mponina tany Jerosalema mbamin’ ny mpisorona sy ny Levita ary ny vahoaka rehetra, na lehibe na kely; dia novakiny teo anatrehany ny teny rehetra teo amin’ ny bokin’ ny fanekena, izay hita tao an-tranon’ i Jehovah.
He went to the Lord's Temple with all the people of Judah and Jerusalem, together with the priests and the Levites, all the people from the least to the greatest, and he read to them the whole Book of the Agreement that had been discovered in the Lord's Temple.
31 Ary ny mpanjaka nitsangana teo amin’ ny fitoeran’ andriana, dia nanao fanekena teo anatrehan’ i Jehovah hanaraka Azy sy hitandrina ny lalàny sy ny teni-vavolombelony ary ny didiny amin’ ny fony rehetra sy ny fanahiny rehetra, hankatò ny tenin’ ny fanekena izay voasoratra ao amin’ izany boky izany,
The king stood by the pillar and made a solemn agreement before the Lord to follow him and to keep his commandments, laws, and regulations with total dedication, and to observe the requirements of the agreement as written in the book.
32 sady nampifikiriny tsara koa ny olona rehetra tany Jerosalema sy ny Benjamina. Ary ny mponina tany Jerosalema dia nanao araka ny faneken’ Andriamanitra, dia Andriamanitry ny razany
Then he had everyone present from Jerusalem and Benjamin stand up to show they agreed to it. So all the people of Jerusalem accepted and followed the agreement with God, the God of their forefathers.
33 Ary Josia nanaisotra ny fahavetavetana rehetra tamin’ ny tany rehetra izay an’ ny Zanak’ isiraely sady nandidy izay rehetra teo amin’ ny Isiraely hanompo an’ i Jehovah Andriamaniny. Tamin’ ny andro rehetra niainan’ i Josia dia tsy mba niala tamin’ ny fanarahana an’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny razany, ny olona.
Josiah demolished all the vile idols from the whole territory belonging to the Israelites, and he made everyone in Israel serve the Lord their God. During his reign they did not give up worshiping the Lord, the God of their fathers.

< 2 Tantara 34 >