< 2 Tantara 29 >

1 Dimy amby roa-polo taona Hezekia, fony izy vao nanjaka, ary sivy amby roa-polo taona no nanjakany tany Jerosalema. Ary ny anaran-dreniny dia Abia, zanakavavin’ i Zakaria.
Hezekiah hath reigned — a son of twenty and five years, and twenty and nine years he hath reigned in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Abijah daughter of Zechariah;
2 Ary nanao izay mahitsy eo imason’ i Jehovah izy, tahaka izay rehetra nataon’ i Davida rainy.
and he doth that which is right in the eyes of Jehovah, according to all that David his father did.
3 Tamin’ ny volana voalohany tamin’ ny taona voalohany nanjakany dia namoha ny varavaran’ ny tranon’ i Jehovah izy ka namboatra azy.
He, in the first year of his reign, in the first month, hath opened the doors of the house of Jehovah, and strengtheneth them,
4 Ary dia nampidiriny tao ny mpisorona sy ny Levita ka nangoniny teo an-kalalahana atsinanana.
and bringeth in the priests and the Levites, and gathereth them to the broad place to the east.
5 Ary hoy izy taminy: Mihainoa ahy, ianareo Levita, ka hamasino ny tenanareo izao, ary hamasino koa ny tranon’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny razanareo, ary esory amin’ ny fitoerana masìna ny loto.
And he saith to them, 'Hear me, O Levites, now, sanctify yourselves, and sanctify the house of Jehovah, God of your fathers, and bring out the impurity from the sanctuary,
6 Fa ny razantsika nandiso sy nanao izay ratsy eo imason’ i Jehovah Andriamanitsika ary nahafoy Azy sy nihodina ka niamboho ny fonenan’ i Jehovah.
for our fathers have trespassed, and done that which is evil in the eyes of Jehovah our God, and forsake him, and turn round their faces from the tabernacle of Jehovah, and give the neck.
7 Ary narindriny ny varavarana amin’ ny lavarangana fidirana, dia novonoiny ny jiro, sady tsy nodorany ny ditin-kazo manitra, ary ny fanatitra dorana tsy nateriny tao amin’ ny fitoerana masìna ho an’ Andriamanitry ny Isiraely.
'Also — they have shut the doors of the porch, and quench the lamps, and perfume they have not made, and burnt-offering have not caused to ascend in the sanctuary to the God of Israel,
8 Ka dia nihatra tamin’ ny Joda sy Jerosalema ny fahatezeran’ i Jehovah, ka nanolotra azy ho mpanjenjena izy sy ho figagana ary ho zavatra mampisitrisitra toy izao hitan’ ny masonareo izao.
and the wrath of Jehovah is on Judah and Jerusalem, and He giveth them for a trembling, for an astonishment, and for a hissing, as ye are seeing with your eyes.
9 Fa he! lavon’ ny sabatra ny razantsika, ary ny zanakalahintsika sy ny zanakavavintsika sy ny vadintsika dia efa babo noho izany.
And lo, fallen have our fathers by the sword, and our sons, and our daughters, and our wives [are] in captivity for this.
10 Ka dia efa mby ato am-poko ny hanao fanekena amin’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely, mba hiala amintsika ny fahatezerany mirehitra.
'Now — with my heart — to make a covenant before Jehovah, God of Israel, and the fierceness of His anger doth turn back from us.
11 Ry zanako, aza malaina ianareo; fa ianareo no nofidin’ i Jehovah hijanona eo anatrehany hanompo Azy ka ho tonga mpanao fanompoam-pivavahana sy mpandoro ditin-kazo manitra ho Azy.
My sons, be not now at rest, for on you hath Jehovah fixed to stand before Him, to serve Him, and to be to Him ministering and making perfume.'
12 Dia nitsangana ny Levita, dia Mahata, zanak’ i Amasay, sy Joela, zanak’ i Azaria, tamin’ ny taranaky ny Kehatita; ary tamin’ ny taranak’ i Merary dia Kisy, zanak’ i Abdia, sy Azaria, zanak’ i Jehalalila; ary tamin’ ny Gersonita dia Joa, zanak’ i Zima, sy Edena, zanak’ i Joa;
And the Levites rise — Mahath son of Amasai, and Joel son of Azariah, of the sons of the Kohathite; and of the sons of Merari: Kish son of Abdi, and Azariah son of Jehalelel; and of the Gershonite: Joah son of Zimmah, and Eden son of Joah;
13 ary tamin’ ny taranak’ i Elizafana dia Simry sy Jeiela; ary tamin’ ny taranak’ i Asafa dia Zakaria sy Matania;
and of the sons of Elizaphan: Shimri, and Jeiel; and of the sons of Asaph: Zechariah and Mattaniah;
14 ary tamin’ ny taranak’ i Hemana dia Jehiela sy Simey; ary tamin’ ny taranak’ i Jedotona dia Semaia sy Oziela.
and of the sons of Heman: Jehiel and Shimei; and of the sons of Jeduthun: Shemaiah and Uzziel —
15 Ary namory ny rahalahiny izy, ka dia samy nanamasina ny tenany avy, dia tonga araka ny didin’ ny mpanjaka noho ny tenin’ i Jehovah mba hanadio ny tranon’ i Jehovah.
and they gather their brethren, and sanctify themselves, and come in, according to the command of the king in the matters of Jehovah, to cleanse the house of Jehovah,
16 Ary ny mpisorona niditra tao amin’ ny efitra anatiny amin’ ny tranon’ i Jehovah mba hanadio azy, ka navoakany ny loto rehetra izay hitany tao an-tempolin’ i Jehovah ho eo an-kianjan’ ny tranon’ i Jehovah. Ary ny Levita kosa nandray ireny havoakany ho any amin’ ny lohasahan-driaka Kidrona.
and the priests come in to the inner part of the house of Jehovah to cleanse [it], and bring out all the uncleanness that they have found in the temple of Jehovah to the court of the house of Jehovah, and the Levites receive [it], to take [it] out to the brook Kidron without.
17 Ary tamin’ ny andro voalohany tamin’ ny volana voalohany no nanomboka ny fanamasinana izy, ary tamin’ ny andro fahavalo tamin’ io volana io dia niditra teo amin’ ny lavarangana fidirana an’ i Jehovah izy; ka dia nanamasina ny tranon’ i Jehovah tamin’ ny havaloana izy; ary tamin’ ny andro fahenina ambin’ ny folo tamin’ ny volana voalohany no nahavitany azy.
And they begin on the first of the first month to sanctify, and on the eighth day of the month they have come to the porch of Jehovah, and they sanctify the house of Jehovah in eight days, and on the sixteenth day of the first month they have finished.
18 Dia niditra tao amin’ i Hezekia mpanjaka izy ka nanao hoe: Efa voadionay avokoa ny tranon’ i Jehovah sy ny alitara fandoroana ny fanatitra dorana mbamin’ ny fanaka rehetra momba azy ary ny latabatry ny mofo aseho mbamin’ ny fanaka rehetra momba azy koa.
And they come in within unto Hezekiah the king, and say, 'We have cleansed all the house of Jehovah, and the altar of the burnt-offering, and all its vessels, and the table of the arrangement, and all its vessels,
19 Ary ny fanaka rehetra izay novetavetain’ i Ahaza mpanjaka tamin’ ny nanotany, fony izy mbola nanjaka, dia efa namboarinay sy nohamasininay, koa indreo izy eo anoloan’ ny alitaran’ i Jehovah.
and all the vessels that king Ahaz cast away in his reign — in his trespass — we have prepared and sanctified, and lo, they [are] before the altar of Jehovah.'
20 Dia nifoha maraina koa Hezekia mpanjaka ka namory ny mpanapaka ny tanàna, dia niakatra ho ao an-tranon’ i Jehovah.
And Hezekiah the king riseth early, and gathereth the heads of the city, and goeth up to the house of Jehovah;
21 Ary nitondra vantotr’ ombilahy fito sy ondrilahy fito sy zanak’ ondry fito izy ary osilahy fito ho fanatitra noho ny ota ho an’ ny fanjakana sy ho an’ ny fitoerana masìna ary ho an’ ny Joda. Ary ny mpisorona, taranak’ i Arona, dia nasainy nanatitra ireo teo ambonin’ ny alitaran’ i Jehovah.
and they bring in seven bullocks, and seven rams, and seven lambs, and seven young he-goats, for a sin-offering for the kingdom, and for the sanctuary, and for Judah; and he saith to sons of Aaron, the priests, to cause [them] to ascend on the altar of Jehovah.
22 Dia novonoiny ny vantotr’ ombilahy, ary noraisin’ ny mpisorona ny rà ka natopiny tamin’ ny alitara; ary novonoiny koa ny ondrilahy, dia natopiny tamin’ ny alitara ny ràny; ary novonoiny koa ny zanak’ ondry, dia natopiny tamin’ ny alitara ny ràny.
And they slaughter the oxen, and the priests receive the blood, and sprinkle on the altar; and they slaughter the rams, and sprinkle the blood on the altar; and they slaughter the lambs, and sprinkle the blood on the altar;
23 Ary ny osilahy ho fanatitra noho ny ota dia nentiny teo anatrehan’ ny mpanjaka sy ny fiangonana ka nametrahany tanana;
and they bring nigh the he-goats of the sin-offering before the king and the assembly, and they lay their hands upon them;
24 dia novonoin’ ny mpisorona ireo, ka ny ràny nataony teo amin’ ny alitara araka ny fanao ho fanatitra noho ny ota hanaovana fanavotana ho an’ ny Isiraely; fa ho an’ ny Isiraely rehetra no nasain’ ny mpanjaka nanaovana ny fanatitra dorana sy ny fanatitra noho ny ota.
and the priests slaughter them, and make a sin-offering with their blood on the altar, to make atonement for all Israel, for 'For all Israel,' said the king, '[is] the burnt-offering and the sin-offering.'
25 Ary ny mpanjaka nametraka ny Levita tao an-tranon’ i Jehovah hitondra kipantsona sy valiha ary lokanga, araka ny didin’ i Davida mpanjaka sy Gada, mpahitan’ ny mpanjaka, sy Natana mpaminany; fa izany no didin’ i Jehovah nampitondrainy ny mpaminaniny.
And he appointeth the Levites in the house of Jehovah with cymbals, with psalteries, and with harps, by the command of David, and of Gad, seer of the king, and of Nathan the prophet, for by the hand of Jehovah [is] the command, by the hand of His prophets;
26 Ary ny Levita nitsangana teo nitondra ny zava-manenon’ i Davida, ary ny mpisorona koa nitondra ny trompetra.
and the Levites stand with the instruments of David, and the priests with the trumpets.
27 Ary nasain’ i Hezekia naterina teo ambonin’ ny alitara ny fanatitra dorana; ary raha vao natomboka ny nanaterana ny fanatitra dorana, dia natomboka koa ny fihirana ho an’ i Jehovah sy ny fitsofana ny trompetra ka notarihin’ ny zava-manenon’ i Davida, mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely.
And Hezekiah saith to cause the burnt-offering to ascend on the altar; and at the time the burnt-offering began — began the song of Jehovah, and the trumpets, even by the hands of the instruments of David king of Israel.
28 Ary ny fiangonana rehetra niankohoka, ary ny mpihira nihira, ary ny mpitsoka trompetra nitsoka mandra-pahavitan’ ny fanatitra dorana.
And all the assembly are doing obeisance, and the singers singing, and the trumpeters blowing; the whole [is] till the completion of the burnt-offering.
29 Ary nony efa nitsahatra ny nanaterana izany, dia nandohalika sy niankohoka ny mpanjaka mbamin’ izay rehetra teo aminy.
And at the completion of the offering up bowed have the king and all those found with him, and do obeisance.
30 Ary Hezekia mpanjaka sy ny mpanapaka nampihira ny Levita hidera an’ i Jehovah tamin’ ny teny namboarin’ i Davida sy Asafa mpahita. Ary nihira fiderana tamin’ ny hafaliana izy, dia niondrika sy niankohoka.
And Hezekiah the king saith, and the princes, to the Levites to give praise to Jehovah in the words of David, and of Asaph the seer, and they praise — unto joy, and they bow, and do obeisance.
31 Ary Hezekia niteny hoe: Efa nanokana ny tenanareo ho an’ i Jehovah ianareo izao, ka dia manatòna, ary mitondrà fanati-pisaorana sy fanatitra hafa koa ho ao an-tranon’ i Jehovah. Dia nitondra fanati-pisaorana sy fanatitra hafa ny fiangonana, ary izay rehetra nazoto dia nitondra fanatitra dorana.
And Hezekiah answereth and saith, 'Now ye have filled your hand to Jehovah, come nigh, and bring in sacrifices and thank-offerings to the house of Jehovah;' and the assembly bring in sacrifices and thank-offerings, and every willing-hearted one — burnt-offerings.
32 Ary ny isan’ ny fanatitra dorana izay nentin’ ny fiangonana dia omby fito-polo sy ondrilahy zato ary zanak’ ondry roan-jato; natao fanatitra dorana ho an’ i Jehovah ireo rehetra ireo.
And the number of the burnt-offerings that the assembly have brought in, is seventy oxen, a hundred rams, lambs two hundred; for a burnt-offering to Jehovah [are] all these.
33 Ary ny zavatra nohamasinina dia omby enin-jato sy ondry aman’ osy telo arivo.
And the sanctified things [are] oxen six hundred, and sheep three thousand.
34 Fa vitsy loatra ny mpisorona ka tsy nahendaka ny fanatitra dorana rehetra, ka dia nanampy azy ny Levita rahalahiny mandra-pahavitan’ ny raharaha sy ny nanamasinan’ ny mpisorona sasany ny tenany koa; fa ny Levita nahitsy fo kokoa hanamasina ny tenany noho ny mpisorona.
Only, the priests have become few, and have not been able to strip the whole of the burnt-offerings, and their brethren the Levites strengthen them till the completion of the work, and till the priests sanctify themselves, for the Levites [are] more upright of heart to sanctify themselves than the priests.
35 Ary be koa ny fanatitra dorana sy ny saboran’ ny fanati-pihavanana sy ny fanatitra aidina momba ny fanatitra dorana. Izany no nanavaozany ny fanompoana tao an-tranon’ i Jehovah.
And also, burnt-offerings [are] in abundance, with fat of the peace-offerings, and with oblations for the burnt-offering; and the service of the house of Jehovah is established,
36 Ary faly Hezekia sy ny vahoaka rehetra noho izay namboarin’ Andriamanitra ho an’ ny olona, satria tampoka izany raharaha izany.
and rejoice doth Hezekiah and all the people, because of God's giving preparation to the people, for the thing hath been suddenly.

< 2 Tantara 29 >