< 1 Samoela 16 >

1 Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Samoela: Mandra-pahoviana no hahalahelovanao an’ i Saoly, nefa Izaho efa nandà azy tsy ho mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely? fenoy diloilo ny tandrokao, ka mandehana, fa hirahiko ho any amin’ i Jese Betlehemita ianao; fa efa nahita mpanjaka ho Ahy ao amin’ ny zanany Aho.
and to say LORD to(wards) Samuel till how you(m. s.) to mourn to(wards) Saul and I to reject him from to reign upon Israel to fill horn your oil and to go: went to send: depart you to(wards) Jesse Bethlehemite [the] Bethlehemite for to see: select in/on/with son: child his to/for me king
2 Fa hoy Samoela: Hataoko ahoana no fandeha; fa raha ren’ i Saoly izany, moa tsy hovonoiny va aho? Ary hoy Jehovah: Mitondrà ombivavy kely ianao, ka lazao hoe: Avy hamono zavatra hatao fanatitra ho an’ i Jehovah aho.
and to say Samuel how? to go: went and to hear: hear Saul and to kill me and to say LORD heifer cattle to take: take in/on/with hand: themselves your and to say to/for to sacrifice to/for LORD to come (in): come
3 Ary antsoy Jese mba ho any amin’ ny fanatitra, ary Izaho no hampahafantatra anao izay hataonao; ka dia hohosoranao ho Ahy izay holazaiko aminao.
and to call: call to to/for Jesse in/on/with sacrifice and I to know you [obj] which to make: do and to anoint to/for me [obj] which to say to(wards) you
4 Ary Samoela nanao izay nolazain’ i Jehovah, dia tonga tao Betlehema. Ary nitsena azy amin-kovitra ny loholona teo an-tanàna ka nanao hoe: Fihavanana va no ihavianao?
and to make: do Samuel [obj] which to speak: speak LORD and to come (in): come Bethlehem Bethlehem and to tremble old: elder [the] city to/for to encounter: meet him and to say peace to come (in): come you
5 Ary hoy izy: Fihavanana; avy hamono zavatra hatao fanatitra ho an’ i Jehovah aho; hamasino ny tenanareo, ary andeha hiaraka amiko ho any amin’ ny fanatitra. Dia nohamasininy Jese sy ny zanany ka nasainy ho any amin’ ny fanatitra.
and to say peace to/for to sacrifice to/for LORD to come (in): come to consecrate: consecate and to come (in): come with me in/on/with sacrifice and to consecrate: consecate [obj] Jesse and [obj] son: child his and to call: call to to/for them to/for sacrifice
6 Ary nony tonga ireo, dia nijery an’ i Eliaba izy ka nanao hoe: Ny voahosotr’ i Jehovah tokoa ity eto anatrehany.
and to be in/on/with to come (in): come they and to see: see [obj] Eliab and to say surely before LORD anointed his
7 Fa hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Samoela: Aza mijery ny tarehiny na ny hahavon’ ny tsanganany, fa efa nolaviko izy; fa tsy mba toy ny fijerin’ ny olona no fijerin’ i Jehovah; fa ny olona mijery ny miseho eo ivelany, fa Jehovah kosa mijery ny fo.
and to say LORD to(wards) Samuel not to look to(wards) appearance his and to(wards) high height his for to reject him for not which to see: see [the] man for [the] man to see: see to/for eye: appearance and LORD to see: see to/for heart
8 Ary Jese niantso an’ i Abinadaba ka nampandalo azy teo anatrehan’ i Samoela. Fa hoy izy: Tsy ity no nofidin’ i Jehovah.
and to call: call to Jesse to(wards) Abinadab and to pass him to/for face: before Samuel and to say also in/on/with this not to choose LORD
9 Ary Jese dia nampandalo an’ i Sama indray. Fa hoy izy: Tsy ity no nofidin’ i Jehovah.
and to pass Jesse Shammah and to say also in/on/with this not to choose LORD
10 Ary Jese nampandalo fito lahy tamin’ ny zanany teo anatrehan’ i Samoela. Fa hoy Samoela tamin’ i Jese: Tsy nofidin’ i Jehovah ireto.
and to pass Jesse seven son: child his to/for face: before Samuel and to say Samuel to(wards) Jesse not to choose LORD in/on/with these
11 Ary hoy Samoela tamin’ i Jese: Tapitra eto avokoa va ny zanakao-lahy rehetra? Dia hoy izy: Ny faralahy no sisa, fa miandry ondry izy. Ary hoy Samoela tamin’ i Jese: Maniraha haka azy, fa tsy hipetraka hihinana isika ambara-pahatongany eto.
and to say Samuel to(wards) Jesse to finish [the] youth and to say still to remain [the] small and behold to pasture in/on/with flock and to say Samuel to(wards) Jesse to send: depart [emph?] and to take: take him for not to turn: turn till to come (in): come he here
12 Dia naniraka izy ka nitondra azy hiditra. Ary mena volo izy sady bary maso no tsara tarehy. Ary hoy Jehovah: Mitsangàna, hosory izy, fa io no izy.
and to send: depart and to come (in): bring him and he/she/it red with beautiful eye and pleasant sight and to say LORD to arise: rise to anoint him for this he/she/it
13 Ary Samoela nandray ny tandroka feno diloilo ka nanosotra azy teo amin’ ny rahalahiny; ary ny Fanahin’ i Jehovah dia nilatsaka tamin’ i Davida hatramin’ iny andro iny. Dia nitsangana Samoela ka nankany Rama.
and to take: take Samuel [obj] horn [the] oil and to anoint [obj] him in/on/with entrails: among brother: male-sibling his and to rush spirit LORD to(wards) David from [the] day [the] he/she/it and above [to] and to arise: rise Samuel and to go: went [the] Ramah [to]
14 Fa ny Fanahin’ i Jehovah efa niala tamin’ i Saoly, ary nisy fanahy ratsy avy tany amin’ i Jehovah nampahatahotra azy.
and spirit LORD to turn aside: depart from from with Saul and to terrify him spirit bad: harmful from with LORD
15 Ary hoy ny mpanompon’ i Saoly taminy: Indro, ankehitriny misy fanahy ratsy avy any amin’ Andriamanitra mampahatahotra anao.
and to say servant/slave Saul to(wards) him behold please spirit God bad: harmful to terrify you
16 Aoka ny tomponay ankehitriny handidy anay mpanomponao izay eto anatrehanao, dia hitady olona mahay mitendry lokanga izahay; ary rehefa misy fanahy ratsy avy any amin’ Andriamanitra tonga aminao, dia hitendry amin’ ny tànany izy, ka dia ho tsara ihany ianao.
to say please lord our servant/slave your to/for face: before your to seek man to know to play in/on/with lyre and to be in/on/with to be upon you spirit God bad: harmful and to play in/on/with hand his and pleasant to/for you
17 Ary hoy Saoly tamin’ ny mpanompony: Mizahà ary olona izay mahay mitendry tsara, ka ento etỳ amiko.
and to say Saul to(wards) servant/slave his to see: behold! please to/for me man be good to/for to play and to come (in): bring to(wards) me
18 Dia namaly ny anankiray amin’ ny zatovony ka nanao hoe: Indro, ny anankiray amin’ ny zanak’ i Jese Betlehemita no hitako mahay mitendry, sady lehilahy mahery sy mpanafika izy ary mahay mandaha-teny sy lehilahy tsara tarehy, ary Jehovah momba azy.
and to answer one from [the] youth and to say behold to see: see son: child to/for Jesse Bethlehemite [the] Bethlehemite to know to play and mighty man strength and man battle and to understand word: speaking and man appearance and LORD with him
19 Ary Saoly dia naniraka tany amin’ i Jese ka nanao hoe: Iraho hankatỳ amiko Davida zanakao izay miandry ondry.
and to send: depart Saul messenger to(wards) Jesse and to say to send: depart [emph?] to(wards) me [obj] David son: child your which in/on/with flock
20 Ary Jese naka mofo tokony ho zakan’ ny boriky iray sy divay iray siny hoditra sy zanak’ osy, ka nampitondrainy an’ i Davida zanany ho an’ i Saoly ireo.
and to take: take Jesse donkey food: bread and wineskin wine and kid goat one and to send: depart in/on/with hand: by David son: child his to(wards) Saul
21 Ary Davida tonga tany amin’ i Saoly ka nitoetra teo anatrehany; ary tiany indrindra izy, ka dia tonga mpitondra ny fiadiany.
and to come (in): come David to(wards) Saul and to stand: appoint to/for face: before his and to love: lover him much and to be to/for him to lift: bearing(armour) article/utensil
22 Ary Saoly naniraka tany amin’ i Jese nanao hoe: Masìna ianao, avelao Davida hitoetra eo anatrehako, fa efa mahita fitia amiko izy.
and to send: depart Saul to(wards) Jesse to/for to say to stand: stand please David to/for face: before my for to find favor in/on/with eye: seeing my
23 Ary raha nisy fanahy avy tany amin’ Andriamanitra tonga tao amin’ i Saoly, dia noraisin’ i Davida ny lokanga ka notendren’ ny tànany; ka dia velombelona sady nanaritra Saoly, ary ny fanahy ratsy niala taminy.
and to be in/on/with to be spirit God to(wards) Saul and to take: take David [obj] [the] lyre and to play in/on/with hand his and be wide to/for Saul and pleasant to/for him and to turn aside: depart from upon him spirit [the] bad: harmful

< 1 Samoela 16 >