< 1 Samoela 14 >

1 Ary tamin’ ny indray andro dia hoy Jonatana, zanak’ i Saoly, tamin’ ny zatovo, mpitondra ny fiadiany: Andeha isika hankany amin’ ny miaramilan’ ny Filistina izay erỳ an-dafy erỳ. Nefa tsy nilaza tamin-drainy izy.
And when a certain day arrived, Jonathan the son of Saul said to the young man that bore his armor, Come, and let us go over to Messab of the Philistines that is on the other side yonder; but he told not his father.
2 Ary Saoly nitoetra tao an-tsisin’ i Gibea teo ambanin’ ny hazo ampongabendanitra any Migrona; ary ny vahoaka teo aminy dia tokony ho enin-jato lahy;
And Saul sat on the top of the hill under the pomegranate tree that is in Magdon, and there were with him about six hundred men.
3 ary teo koa nisalotra efoda Ahia, zanak’ i Ahitoba, rahalahin’ i Ikaboda, zanak’ i Finehasa, zanak’ i Ely, mpisoron’ i Jehovah tany Silo. Fa tsy fantatry ny olona fa lasa Jonatana.
And Achia son of Achitob, the brother of Jochabed the son of Phinees, the son of Heli, [was] the priest of God in Selom wearing an ephod: and the people knew not that Jonathan was gone.
4 Ary teo an-daniny roa teo an-tenatenan’ ny hadilanana izay nitadiavan’ i Jonatana hankanesana ao amin’ ny miaramilan’ ny Filistina dia nisy harambato kitso loha: ny anaran’ ny anankiray dia Bozeza, ary ny anaran’ ny anankiray kosa Sene.
And in the midst of the passage whereby Jonathan sought to pass over to the encampment of the Philistines, there was both a sharp rock on this side, and a sharp rock on the other side: the name of the one [was] Bases, and the name of the other Senna.
5 Ny iray amin’ ireo harambato ireo dia nijoro avo teo an-daniny avaratra manandrify an’ i Mikmasy, ary ny iray kosa nijoro avo teo atsimo manandrify an’ i Gibea.
The one way [was] northward to one coming to Machmas, and the other way [was] southward to one coming to Gabae.
6 Ary hoy Jonatana tamin’ ny zatovo, mpitondra ny fiadiany: Andeha isika hankany amin’ ny miaramilan’ ireo tsy mifora ireo; angamba homba antsika Jehovah, fa tsy misy mahasakana an’ i Jehovah tsy hamonjy, na amin’ ny maro, na amin’ ny vitsy.
And Jonathan said to the young man that bore his armor, Come, let us go over to Messab of these uncircumcised, if [perhaps] the Lord may do something for us; for the Lord is not straitened to save by many or by few.
7 Dia hoy kosa ny mpitondra ny fiadiany taminy: Ataovy izay rehetra ao am-ponao; mandrosoa ihany; indro, hanaraka anao aho araka ny sitraponao.
And his armor-bearer said to him, Do all that your heart inclines toward: behold, I [am] with you, my heart [is] as your heart.
8 Ary hoy Jonatana: Indro, handroso ho amin’ ireo olona ireo isika ka hiseho aminy.
And Jonathan said, Behold, we will go over to the men, and will come down suddenly upon them.
9 Ary raha hoy izy: Andraso mandra-pahatonganay any aminareo, dia hitoetra ao amin’ izay itoerantsika ihany isika ka tsy hiakatra eny aminy.
If they should say thus to us, Stand aloof there until we shall send you word; then we will stand still by ourselves, and will not go up against them.
10 Fa raha hoy kosa izy: Miakara etỳ aminay, dia hiakatra isika, fa efa natolotr’ i Jehovah eo an-tanantsika izy; ary izany no ho famantarana ho antsika.
[But] if they should say thus to us, Come up to us; then will we go up, for the Lord has delivered them into our hands; this [shall be] a sign to us.
11 Dia niseho tamin’ ny miaramilan’ ny Filistina izy roa lahy, ary hoy ny Filistina: Indreo, misy Hebreo mifongatra avy any an-davaka niereny.
And they both went in to Messab of the Philistines; and the Philistines said, Behold, the Hebrews come forth out of their Caves, where they had hidden themselves.
12 Ary ny miaramila namaly an’ i Jonatana sy ny mpitondra ny fiadiany hoe: Miakara etỳ aminay, dia hanehoanay zavatra ianareo. Ary hoy Jonatana tamin’ ny mpitondra ny fiadiany: Manaraha ahy, fa efa natolotr’ i Jehovah eo an-tànan’ ny Isiraely izy.
And the men of Messab answered Jonathan and his armor-bearer, and said, Come up to us, and we will show you a thing: and Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, Come up after me, for the Lord has delivered them into the hands of Israel.
13 Ary Jonatana nananika, nandady tongotra aman-tanana, ary nanaraka azy ny mpitondra ny fiadiany. Dia lavo teo anatrehan’ i Jonatana ny Filistina, ary ny mpitondra ny fiadiany namono teo aoriany.
And Jonathan went up on his hands and feet, and his armor-bearer with him; and they looked on the face of Jonathan, and he struck them, and his armor-bearer did strike [them] after him.
14 Ary tokony ho roa-polo lahy no matiny aloha, izay novonoin’ i Jonatana sy ny mpitondra ny fiadiany tao anatin’ ny tany tokony ho antsasaky ny vavasa iray akera.
And the first slaughter which Jonathan and his armor-bearer effected was twenty men, with darts and slings, and pebbles of the field.
15 Koa nisy hovitra tao amin’ ny toby tany an-tsaha sy tamin’ ny vahoaka rehetra; ary ny teo amin’ ny miaramila sy ny mpandrava nangovitra koa, ary nihorohoro ny tany, ka dia nisy fampangovitana avy tamin’ Andriamanitra.
And there was dismay in the camp, and in the field; and all the people in Messab, and the spoilers were amazed; and they would not act, and the land was terror-struck, and there was dismay from the lord.
16 Ary ny mpitilin’ i Saoly ao Gibean’ ny Benjamina dia nitazana, ka, indro, niely ny vahoaka sady nifanaritaka be ihany.
And the watchmen of Saul saw in Gabaa of Benjamin, and, behold, the army was thrown into confusion on every side.
17 Ary hoy Saoly tamin’ ny olona teo aminy: Alaharo, ka izahao izay niala tamintsika. Ary nony voalahatra ny olona, dia Jonatana sy ny mpitondra ny fiadiany no tsy teo.
And Saul said to the people with him, Number yourselves now, and see who has gone out from you: and they numbered themselves, and behold, Jonathan and his armor-bearer were not found.
18 Dia hoy Saoly tamin’ i Ahia: Ento etỳ ny fiaran’ Andriamanitra (fa teo amin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely ny fiaran’ Andriamanitra fahizany).
And Saul said to Achia, Bring the ephod; for he wore the ephod in that day before Israel.
19 Ary raha Saoly mbola niresaka tamin’ ny mpisorona, dia nandroso sy nitombo ny tabataba terỳ an-tobin’ ny Filistina. Ary hoy Saoly tamin’ ny mpisorona: Aoka ihany.
And it came to pass while Saul was speaking to the priest, that the sound in the camp of the Philistines continued to increase greatly; and Saul said to the priest, Withdraw your hands.
20 Ary Saoly sy ny vahoaka rehetra izay teo aminy nivory, ka dia tonga tany amin’ ny ady izy, ary indreo ny Filistina nifamely tamin’ ny sabany, dia izy samy izy, ka nifanaritaka be ihany.
And Saul went up and all the people that were with him, and they come to the battle: and, behold, [every] man's sword was against his neighbor, a very great confusion.
21 Ary ny Hebreo izay teo amin’ ny Filistina taloha ka niara-niakatra taminy ho any an-toby avy tamin’ ny tany manodidina dia nikambana tamin’ ny Isiraely izay teo amin’ i Saoly sy Jonatana koa.
And the servants who had been before with the Philistines, who had gone up to the army, turned themselves also to be with the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan.
22 Ary ny lehilahy rehetra amin’ ny Isiraely izay niery tany amin’ ny tany havoan’ i Efraima, raha nandre ny nandosiran’ ny Filistina, dia nanenjika azy fatratra koa tamin’ ny ady.
And all the Israelites who were hidden in mount Ephraim heard also that the Philistines fled; and they also gather themselves after them to battle: and the Lord saved Israel in that day; and the war passed through Bamoth; and all the people with Saul were about ten thousand men.
23 Ary Jehovah namonjy ny Isiraely tamin’ izany andro izany; ary tafahoatra any Betavena ny ady.
And the battle extended itself to every city in the mount Ephraim.
24 Ary ory ny lehilahy amin’ ny Isiraely tamin’ izany andro izany, nefa Saoly efa nampianiana ny olona hoe: Ho voaozona anie izay olona homan-kanina anio tontolo andro mandra-pamaliko ny fahavaloko. Dia tsy nisy olona nitendry hanina na dia iray akory aza.
And Saul committed a great trespass of ignorance in that day, and he lays a curse on the people, saying, Cursed [is] the man who shall eat bread before the evening; so I will avenge myself on my enemy: and none of the people tasted bread, though all the land was dining.
25 Ary ny olona rehetra amin’ ny tany dia niditra ny ala; ary nisy tantely teny ambonin’ ny tany.
And Jaal was a wood abounding in swarms of bees on the face of the ground.
26 Ary rehefa tonga teo anaty ala ny olona, indro, nisy tantely nitsororoka; fa tsy nisy olona sahy nanainga ny tànany ho amin’ ny vavany, fa natahotra ny fianianana izy.
And the people went into the place of the bees, and, behold, they continued speaking; and, behold, there was none that put his hand to his mouth, for the people feared the oath of the Lord.
27 Fa Jonatana kosa tsy nandre ny nampianianan-drainy ny olona; koa dia narosony ny loha-tehiny teny an-tànany ka natsobony teo amin’ ny tantely, ary nataony teo am-bavany ny tànany, ka dia nazava ny masony.
And Jonathan had not heard when his father adjured the people; and he reached forth the end of the staff that was in his hand, an dipped it into the honeycomb, and returned his hand to his mouth, and his eyes recovered their sight.
28 Ary nisy olona anankiray niteny taminy ka nanao hoe: Rainao anie ka efa nampianiana mafy ny olona hoe: Ho voaozona anie izay olona homan-kanina anio; ka efa reraka ny olona.
And one of the people answered and said, Your father solemnly adjured the people, saying, Cursed [is] the man who shall eat bread today. And the people were very faint,
29 Dia hoy Jonatana: Ikaky efa nampiditra loza tamin’ ny tany; koa jereo, masìna ianareo, he! izato fahazavan’ ny masoko tamin’ ilay nanandramako kely tamin’ ity tantely ity.
and Jonathan knew it, and said, My father has destroyed the land: see how my eyes have received sight [now] that I have tasted a little of this honey.
30 Ka mainka fa raha navela hihinanan’ ny olona ny babo azony tamin’ ny fahavalony, tsy ho nahafatesana be lavitra va ny Filistina?
Surely if the people had this day eaten freely of the spoils of their enemies which they found, the slaughter among the Philistines would have been greater.
31 Ary izy ireo namely ny Filistina tamin’ izany andro izany hatrany Mikmasy ka hatrany Aialona, ary reraka indrindra ny olona.
And on that day he struck some of the Philistines in Machmas; and the people were very weary.
32 Dia nanaovan’ ny olona an-kazakazaka ny babo, ka naka ondry aman’ osy sy omby ary zanak’ omby izy, dia namono azy teo amin’ ny tany, ka dia nohanin’ ny olona mbamin’ ny ràny.
And the people turned to the spoil; and the people took flocks, and herds, and calves, and killed them on the ground, and the people ate with the blood.
33 Ary nisy nanambara tamin’ i Saoly hoe: Indro, ny olona manota amin’ i Jehovah, fa mihinana zavatra mbamin’ ny ràny izy. Ary hoy Saoly: Efa diso ianareo, manakodiava vato lehibe etỳ amiko anio.
And it was reported to Saul, saying, The people have sinned against the Lord, eating with the blood: and Saul said, Out of Getthaim roll a great stone to me hither.
34 Ary hoy koa izy: Mieleza eny amin’ ny olona ianareo, ka lazao aminy hoe: Samia mitondra ny ombiny etỳ amiko, ary samia mitondra ny ondriny, ka vonoy eto izy, dia hano, ary aza manota amin’ i Jehovah amin’ ny fihinanana zavatra mbamin’ ny ràny. Ary ny vahoaka rehetra samy nitondra ny ombiny niaraka taminy tamin’ izany alina izany ka namono azy teo.
And Saul said, Disperse yourselves among the people, and tell them to bring hither every one his calf, and every one his sheep: and let them kill it on this [stone] and sin not against the Lord in eating with the blood: and the people brought each one that which was in his hand, and they killed [them] there.
35 Ary Saoly nanao alitara ho an’ i Jehovah; io no alitara voalohany naoriny ho an’ i Jehovah.
And Saul built an altar there to the Lord: this was the first altar that Saul built to the Lord.
36 Ary hoy Saoly: Andeha isika hidina hanenjika ny Filistina anio alina ka hamabo azy ambara-pahazavan’ ny andro, ary tsy hasiantsika miangana izy. Dia hoy ny olona: Ataovy izay sitrakao. Fa hoy ny mpisorona: Andeha isika hanatona an’ Andriamanitra etoana.
And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines this night, and let us plunder among them till the day break, and let us not leave a man among them. And they said, Do all that is good in your sight: and the priest said, let us draw near hither to God.
37 Ary Saoly nanontany tamin’ Andriamanitra hoe: Hidina hanenjika ny Filistina va aho? Hatolotrao eo an-tànan’ ny Isiraely va izy? Fa tsy namaly azy akory Izy androtr’ iny.
And Saul enquired of God, If I go down after the Philistines, will you deliver them into the hands of Israel? And he answered him not in that day.
38 Ary hoy Saoly: Manatona etỳ, ianareo loholona rehetra, ary fantaro ka izahao izay nahatonga izao fahotana androany izao?
And Saul said, Bring hither all the chiefs of Israel, and know and see by whom this sin has been committed this day.
39 Fa raha velona koa Jehovah, Izay Mpamonjy ny Isiraely, dia na amin’ i Jonatana zanako aza no hahitana izany, dia ho faty tokoa izy. Fa tsy nisy namaly azy ny vahoaka rehetra.
For as the Lord lives who has saved Israel, if answer should be against my son Jonathan, he shall surely die. And there was no one that answered out of all the people.
40 Dia hoy kosa izy tamin’ ny Isiraely rehetra: Hianareo no aoka ho an-daniny, ary izaho sy Jonatana zanako kosa ho an-daniny. Ary hoy ny vahoaka tamin’ i Saoly: Ataovy izay sitrakao.
And he said to all the men of Israel, You shall be under subjection, and I an Jonathan my son will be under subjection: and the people said to Saul, Do that which is good in your sight.
41 Dia hoy Saoly tamin’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Asehoy izay marina. Ary Jonatana sy Saoly no notànany, fa afaka ny olona.
And Saul said, O Lord God of Israel, why have you not answered your servant this day? [is] the iniquity in me, or in Jonathan my son? Lord God of Israel, give clear [manifestations]; and if [the lot] should declare this, give, I pray you, to your people of Israel, give, I pray, holiness. And Jonathan and Saul are taken, and the people escaped.
42 Ary hoy Saoly; Manaova filokana ny amiko sy Jonatana zanako. Ary Jonatana no notànany.
And Saul said, Cast [lots] between me and my son Jonathan: whoever the Lord shall cause to be taken by lot, let him die: and the people said to Saul, This thing is not [to be done]: and Saul prevailed against the people, and they cast [lots] between him and Jonathan his son, and Jonathan is taken by lot.
43 Dia hoy Saoly tamin’ i Jonatana: Ambarao amiko izay nataonao. Ary Jonatana nanambara taminy hoe: Nanandrana tantely kely monja tamin’ ny tendron’ ny tehina tetỳ an-tanako aho, ary, indro, tsy maintsy ho faty aho.
And Saul said to Jonathan, Tell me what you have done: and Jonathan told him, and said, I did indeed taste a little honey, with the end of my staff that was in my hand, and, behold! I [am to] die.
44 Dia hoy Saoly: Hataon’ Andriamanitra toy izany anie, eny mihoatra noho izany aza, raha tsy hatao maty tokoa ianao, ry Jonatana.
And Saul said to him, God do so to me, and more also, you shall surely die today.
45 Fa hoy ny vahoaka tamin’ i Saoly: Ho faty va Jonatana, izay nanao izao famonjena lehibe izao tamin’ ny Isiraely? Sanatria izany! Raha velona koa Jehovah, tsy hisy na dia ny singam-bolony iray akory aza ho latsaka amin’ ny tany, fa niara-niasa tamin’ Andriamanitra izy androany. Ary ny vahoaka namonjy an’ i Jonatana, ka dia tsy maty izy.
And the people said to Saul, Shall he that has wrought this great salvation in Israel be put to death this day? [As] the Lord lives, there shall not fall to the ground one of the hairs of his head; for the people of God have wrought successfully this day. And the people prayed for Jonathan in that day, and he died not.
46 Ary Saoly niakatra rehefa avy nanenjika ny Filistina; ary ny Filistina kosa dia lasa nankany amin’ ny taniny.
And Saul went up from following the Philistines; and the Philistines departed to their place.
47 Ary Saoly nahazo ny fanjakan’ Isiraely ary niady tamin’ ny fahavalony rehetra manodidina, dia tamin’ ny Moaba sy ny taranak’ i Amona sy ny Edomita sy ny mpanjakan’ i Zoba ary ny Filistina; ary izay nalehany rehetra dia resiny avokoa.
And Saul received the kingdom, by lot he inherits the office [of ruling] over Israel: and he fought against all his enemies round about, against Moab, and against the children of Ammon, and against the children of Edom, and against Baethaeor, and against the king of Suba, and against the Philistines: wherever he turned, he was victorious.
48 Ary namory miaramila izy, dia namely ny Amalekita ka namonjy ny Isiraely tamin’ ny tànan’ izay namaboazy.
And he wrought valiantly, and struck Amalec, and rescued Israel out of the hand of them that trampled on him.
49 Ary izao no zanakalahin’ i Saoly: Jonatana sy Jisvy sy Malkisoa; izao kosa no anaran’ ny zananivavy roa: ny anaran’ ny vavimatoa Meraba, ary ny anaran’ ny faravavy Mikala.
And the sons of Saul were Jonathan, and Jessiu, and Melchisa: and [these were] the names of his two daughters, the name of the firstborn Merob, and the name of the second Melchol.
50 Ary ny anaran’ ny vadin’ i Saoly dia Ahinoama, zanakavavin’ i Ahimaza: ary ny anaran’ ny komandin’ ny miaramilany dia Abnera, zanak’ i Nera, rahalahin-drain’ i Saoly.
And the name of his wife was Achinoom, the daughter of Achimaa: and the name of his captain of the host was Abenner, the son of Ner, son of a kinsman of Saul.
51 Ary Kisy no rain’ i Saoly; ary Nera, rain’ i Abnera, dia zanak’ i Abiela.
And Kis [was] the father of Saul, and Ner, the father of Abenezer, [was] son of Jamin, son of Abiel.
52 Ary mafy ny ady tamin’ ny Filistina tamin’ ny andron’ i Saoly rehetra; koa raha nisy olona matanjaka sy mahery hitan’ i Saoly, dia nalainy ho azy.
And the war was vehement against the Philistines all the days of Saul; and when Saul saw any mighty man, and any valiant man, then he took them to himself.

< 1 Samoela 14 >