< 1 Mpanjaka 21 >

1 Ary rehefa afaka izany zavatra izany, Nabota Jezirelita nanana tanim-boaloboka tao Jezirela, takaikin’ ny lapan’ i Ahaba, mpanjakan’ i Samaria.
And Achaab numbered the young men the heads of the districts, and they were two hundred and thirty: and afterwards he numbered the people, [even] every man fit for war, seven thousand.
2 Ary Ahaba niteny tamin’ i Nabota hoe: Omeo ahy ny tanim-boalobokao mba hataoko fambolena anana, fa akaikin’ ny lapako izy; ary hotakalozako tanim-boaloboka tsara noho izy, na vola tokom-bidiny, raha izany no sitraky ny fonao.
And he went forth at noon, an the son of Ader was drinking [and] getting drunk in Socchoth, he and the kings, [even] thirty and two kings, his allies.
3 Fa hoy Nabota tamin’ i Ahaba: Sanatria amiko eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah izany! fa tsy homeko anao any tanin-drazako.
And the young men the heads of the districts went forth first; and they send and report to the king of Syria, saying, There are men come forth out of Samaria.
4 Ary Ahaba nankany an-trano sady malahelo no sosotra noho ny teny nolazain’ i Nabota Jezirelita taminy hoe: Tsy homeko anao ny tanindrazako. Dia nandry teo am-parafarany izy ka nampihodina ny tavany sady tsy nety nihinan-kanina.
And he said to them, If they come forth peaceably, take them alive; and if they come forth to war, take them alive:
5 Ary Jezebela vadiny nankeo aminy ka nanao taminy hoe: Ahoana no mampahasosotra anao toy izao, no tsy mety homan-kanina ianao?
and let not the young men the heads of the districts go forth of the city. And the force that was behind them
6 Dia hoy izy taminy: Satria niteny tamin’ i Nabora Jezirelita aho ka nanao taminy hoe: Omeo ahy ny tanim-boalobokao hovidiko vola, na hotakalozako tanim-boaloboka hafa, raha izany no sitraky ny fonao; fa izy namaly hoe: Tsy homeko anao ny tanim-boaloboko.
smote each one the man next to him; and each one a second time smote the man next to him: and Syria fled, and Israel pursued them; and the son of Ader, [even] the king of Syria, escapes on the horse of a horseman.
7 Ary hoy Jezebela vadiny taminy: Moa ianao tokoa va no manjaka amin’ ny Isiraely izao? Miarena, mihinàna hanina, ary aoka ho ravoravo ny fonao; izaho hanome anao ny tanim-boalobok’ i Nabota Jezirelita.
And the king of Israel went forth, and took all the horses and the chariots, and smote [the enemy] with a great slaughter in Syria.
8 Ary Jezebela dia nanoratra taratasy tamin’ ny anaran’ i Ahaba, ka notombohiny tamin’ ny fanombohan-kasen’ andriana, ary ny taratasy dia nampitondrainy ho any amin’ ny loholona sy ny manan-kaja tao an-tanànany, dia ireo niara-nitoetra tamin’ i Nabota.
And the prophet came to the king of Israel, and said, Strengthen thyself, and observe, and see what thou shalt do; for at the return of the year the son of Ader king of Syria comes up against thee.
9 Ary izao no nosoratany tao amin’ ny taratasy: Miantsoa andro fifadian-kanina, ary apetraho eo anatrehan’ ny olona Nabota.
And the servants of the king of Syria, even they said, The God of Israel [is] a God of mountains, and not a God of valleys; therefore has he prevailed against us: but if we should fight against them in the plain, verily we shall prevail against them.
10 Dia anangano roa lahy izay tena ratsy fanahy ho eo anatrehany hiampanga azy hoe: Efa niteny ratsy an’ Andriamanitra sy ny mpanjaka ianao. Dia ento mivoaka izy, ka torahy vato ho faty.
And do thou this thing: Send away the kings, each one to his place, and set princes in their stead.
11 Ary ny olona tao an-tanànany, dia ny loholona sy ny manan-kaja izay nonina tao, nanao araka izay nanirahan’ i Jezebela tany aminy, dia ilay voasoratra ao amin’ ny taratasy izay nampitondrainy tany aminy.
And we will give thee [another] army according to the army that was destroyed, and cavalry according to the cavalry, and chariots according to the chariots, and we will fight against them in the plain, and we shall prevail against them. And he hearkened to their voice, and did so.
12 Dia niantso andro fifadian-kanina izy ka nametraka an’ i Nabota teo anatrehan’ ny olona.
And it came to pass at the return of the year, that the son of Ader reviewed Syria, and went up to Apheca to war against Israel.
13 Ary niditra ilay roa lahy tena ratsy fanahy ka nipetraka teo anatrehany, dia niampanga an’ i Nabota teo anatrehan’ ny olona ireo ka nanao hoe: Niteny ratsy an’ Andriamanitra sy ny mpanjaka Nabota. Ary nentin’ ny olona nivoaka teny ivelan’ ny tanàna Nabota, dia notorahany vato ka maty.
And the children of Israel were numbered, and came to meet them: and Israel encamped before them as two little flocks of goats, but Syria filled the land.
14 Dia naniraka tany amin’ i Jezebela izy ireo ka nanao hoe: Efa notoraham-bato Nabota ka maty.
And there came the man of God, and said to the king of Israel, Thus saith the Lord, Because Syria has said, The Lord God of Israel [is] a God of the hills, and he [is] not a God of the valleys, therefore will I give this great army into thy hand, and thou shalt know that I [am] the Lord.
15 Ary rehefa ren’ i Jezebela fa voatora-bato Nabota ka maty, dia hoy izy tamin’ i Ahaba: Mitsangàna, ka alao ho anao ny tanim-boalobok’ i Nabota Jezirelita, izay tsy foiny ho namidy taminao; fa tsy velona intsony Nabota fa efa maty.
And they encamp one over against the other before them seven days. And it came to pass on the seventh day that the battle drew on, and Israel smote Syria, [even] a hundred thousand footmen in one day.
16 Ary rehefa ren’ i Ahaba fa efa maty Nabota, dia niainga izy ka nidina nankany amin’ ny tanim-boalobok’ i Nabota Jezirelita mba haka ny tany ho azy.
And the rest fled to Apheca, into the city; and the wall fell upon twenty-seven thousand men that were left: and the son of Ader fled, and entered into an inner chamber, into a closet.
17 Ary ny tenin’ i Jehovah tonga tamin’ i Elia Tisbita ka nanao hoe:
And he said to his servants, I know that the kings of Israel are merciful kings: let us now put sackcloth upon our loins, and ropes upon our heads, and let us go forth to the king of Israel, if by any means he will save our souls alive.
18 Miaingà, ka midìna hihaona amin’ i Ahaba, mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely, izay ao Samaria; indro, ao amin’ ny tanim-boalobok’ i Nabota izy, fa lasa nankao izy mba haka ny tany ho azy.
So they girt sackcloth upon their loins, and put ropes upon their heads, and said to the king of Israel, Thy servant the son of Ader says, Let our souls live, I pray thee. And he said, Does he yet live? He is my brother.
19 Koa mitenena aminy hoe: Izao no Jazain’ i Jehovah: Efa namono va ianao ka efa naka ho anao koa? Ary ianao dia hiteny aminy hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Ao amin’ ny tany izay nilelafan’ ny alika ny ran’ i Nabota no hilelafan’ ny alika ny rànao, dia ny rànao tokoa.
And the men divined, and offered drink-offerings; and they caught the word out of his mouth, and said, Thy brother the son of Ader. And he said, Go ye in and fetch him. And the son of Ader went out to him, and they cause him to go up to him into the chariot.
20 Ary hoy Ahaba tamin’ i Elia: Azonao va aho, ry ilay fahavaloko? Ary Elia namaly hoe: Azoko ianao, satria ianao efa nivaro-tena hanao izay ratsy eo imason’ i Jehovah.
And he said to him, The cities which my father took from thy father I will restore to thee; and thou shalt make streets for thyself in Damascus, as my father made streets in Samaria; and I will let thee go with a covenant. And he made a covenant with him, and let him go.
21 Indro, hahatonga loza aminao Aho ka handringana ny taranakao, ary ho fongotra ny lehilahy rehetra amin’ ny taranak’ i Ahaba, na ny voahazona na ny afaka amin’ ny Isiraely.
And a certain man of the sons of the prophets said to his neighbour by the word of the Lord, Smite me, I pray, And the man would not smite him.
22 Ary ny taranakao hataoko tahaka ny taranak’ i Jeroboama, zanak’ i Nebata, sy tahaka ny taranak’ i Basa, zanak’ i Ahia, noho ny nampirehetanao ny fahatezerako sy ny nampanotanao ny Isiraely.
And he said to him, Because thou hast not hearkened to the voice of the Lord, therefore, behold, as thou departest from me, a lion shall smite thee: and he departed from him, and a lion found him, and smote him.
23 Ary ny amin’ i Jezebela koa dia nolazain’ i Jehovah hoe: Ny alika hihinana an’ i Jezebela eny ivelan’ ny màndan’ i Jezirela.
And he finds another man, and says, Smite me, I pray thee. And the man smote him, and in smiting wounded [him].
24 Izay tamingan’ i Ahaba maty ao an-tanàna dia hohanin’ ny alika; ary izay tamingany maty any an-tsaha kosa dia hohanin’ ny voro-manidina.
And the prophet went and stood before the king of Israel by the way, and bound his eyes with a bandage.
25 Fa tsy nisy tahaka an’ i Ahaba, izay nivarotena hanao izay ratsy eo imason’ i Jehovah, satria nampirisihin’ i Jezebela vadiny izy.
And it came to pass as the king passed by, that he cried aloud to the king, and said, Thy servant went out to war, and, behold, a man brought [another] man to me, and said to me, Keep his man; and if he should by any means escape, then thy life shall go for his life, or thou shalt pay a talent of silver.
26 Ary izy nanao vetaveta loatra tamin’ ny nanarahany ny sampy, dia tahaka izay rehetra nataon’ ny Amorita, izay noroahin’ i Jehovah teo anoloan’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely.
And it came to pass, that thy servant looked round this way and that way, and the man was gone. And the king of Israel said to him, Behold, thou hast also destroyed snares [set] for me.
27 Ary rehefa ren’ i Ahaba izany teny izany, dia nandriatra ny fitafiany izy ka nitafy lamba fisaonana nataony manolo-koditra sady nifady hanina sy nandry tamin-damba fisaonana ary nijoretra teny am-pandehanana.
And he hasted, and took away the bandage from his eyes; and the king of Israel recognized him, that he was one of the prophets.
28 Ary ny tenin’ i Jehovah tonga tamin’ i Elia Tisbita ka nanao hoe:
And he said to him, Thus saith the Lord, Because thou hast suffered to escape out of thine hand a man appointed to destruction, therefore thy life shall go for his life, and thy people for his people.
29 Hitanao va ny nanetren’ i Ahaba tena teo anatrehako? Satria nanetry tena teo anatrehako izy, dia tsy hahatonga loza aminy Aho amin’ ny androny; fa any amin’ ny andron’ ny zanany vao hahatonga loza amin’ ny taranany Aho.
And the king of Israel departed confounded and discouraged, and came to Samaria.

< 1 Mpanjaka 21 >