< 1 Tantara 9 >

1 Dia nisaina araka ny firazanany avy ny Isiraely rehetra; ary, indro, efa voasoratra ao amin’ ny bokin’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely izany. Ary ny Joda dia nentina ho babo tany Babylona noho ny fahotany.
So all Israel were reckoned by genealogies; and behold, they [were] written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah, [who] were carried away to Babylon for their transgression.
2 Ary ny mponina taloha tamin’ ny taniny sy ny tanànany avy dia ny Isiraely sy ny mpisorona sy ny Levita ary ny Netinima.
Now the first inhabitants that [dwelt] in their possessions in their cities [were], the Israelites, the priests, Levites, and the Nethinims.
3 Ary tany Jerosalema no nonenan’ ny sasany amin’ ny taranak’ i Joda sy Benjamina sy Efraima sy Manase:
And in Jerusalem dwelt of the children of Judah, and of the children of Benjamin, and of the children of Ephraim, and Manasseh;
4 dia Otahy, zanak’ i Amihoda, zanak’ i Omry, zanak’ Imry, zanak’ i Bany, avy amin’ ny taranak’ i Fareza, zanak’ i Joda.
Uthai the son of Ammihud, the son of Omri, the son of Imri, the son of Bani, of the children of Pharez the son of Judah.
5 Ary tamin’ ny Silonita dia Asay, lahimatoa, sy ny zanany.
And of the Shilonites; Asaiah the first-born, and his sons.
6 Ary tamin’ ny taranak’ i Zera dia Jeoela sy ny rahalahiny, dia sivi-folo amby enin-jato.
And of the sons of Zerah; Jeuel, and their brethren, six hundred and ninety.
7 Ary tamin’ ny taranak’ i Benjamina dia Salo, zanak’ i Mesolama, zanak’ i Hodavia, zanak’ i Hasenoa,
And of the sons of Benjamin; Sallu the son of Meshullam, the son of Hodaviah, the son of Hasenuah,
8 sy Jibnia, zanak’ i Jerohama, sy Elaha, zanak’ i Ozy, zanak’ i Mikry, sy Mesolama, zanak’ i Sefatia, zanak’ i Regoela, zanak’ i Jibnia;
And Ibneiah the son of Jeroham, and Elah the son of Uzzi, the son of Michri, and Meshullam the son of Shephatiah, the son of Reuel, the son of Ibnijah;
9 ary ny isan’ ny rahalahiny araka ny firazanany dia enina amby dimam-polo sy sivin-jato. Ireo lehilahy rehetra ireo dia samy lohan’ ny fianakaviany avy.
And their brethren, according to their generations, nine hundred and fifty and six. All these men [were] chief of the fathers in the house of their fathers.
10 Ary tamin’ ny mpisorona dia Jedaia sy Joiariba sy Jatina
And of the priests; Jedaiah, and Jehoiarib, and Jachin,
11 sy Azaria, zanak’ i Hilkia, zanak’ i Mesolama, zanak’ i Zadoka, zanak’ i Meraiota, zanak’ i Ahitoba, mpanapaka ny tranon’ Andriamanitra,
And Azariah the son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the ruler of the house of God;
12 ary Adaia, zanak’ i Jerohama, zanak’ i Pasora, zanak’ i Malkia, ary Masay, zanak’ i Adiela, zanak’ i Jazera, zanak’ i Mesolama, zanak’ i Mesilemita, zanak’ Imera.
And Adaiah the son of Jeroham, the son of Pashur, the son of Malchijah, and Maasiai the son of Adiel, the son of Jahzerah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Meshillemith, the son of Immer;
13 Ary ny rahalahin’ ireo, izay samy lohan’ ny fianakaviany avy, dia enim-polo amby fiton-jato amby arivo; lehilahy mahery amin’ ny fanaovana ny fanompoana ao an-tranon’ Andriamanitra ireo.
And their brethren, heads of the house of their fathers, a thousand and seven hundred and sixty; very able men for the work of the service of the house of God.
14 Ary tamin’ ny Levita dia Semaia, zanak’ i Hasoba, zanak’ i Azrikama, zanak’ i Hasabia, tamin’ ny taranak’ i Merary,
And of the Levites; Shemaiah the son of Hasshub, the son of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah, of the sons of Merari;
15 ary Bakbakara sy Haresy sy Galala sy Matania, zanak’ i Mika, zanak’ i Zikry, zanak’ i Asafa,
And Bakbakkar, Heresh, and Galal, and Mattaniah the son of Micah, the son of Zichri, the son of Asaph;
16 ary Obadia, zanak’ i Semaia, zanak’ i Galala, zanak’ i Jedotona, ary Berekia, zanak’ i Asa, zanak’ i Elkana, izay nonina tamin’ ny vohitry ny Netotatita.
And Obadiah the son of Shemaiah, the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun, and Berechiah the son of Asa, the son of Elkanah, that dwelt in the villages of the Netophathites.
17 Ary ny mpiandry varavarana dia Saloma sy Akoba sy Talmona sy Ahimana ary ny rahalahiny; fa Saloma no lohany;
And the porters [were] Shallum, and Akkub, and Talmon, and Ahiman, and their brethren: Shallum [was] the chief;
18 ambaraka ankehitriny dia ao amin’ ny vavahadin’ ny mpanjaka atsinanana izy; ireo no mpiandry varavarana tamin’ ny tobin’ ny taranak’ i Levy.
Who hitherto [waited] in the king's gate eastward: they [were] porters in the companies of the children of Levi.
19 Ary Saloma, zanak’ i Kore, zanak’ i Abiasafa, zanak’ i Kora, sy ny Koraïta rahalahiny araka ny fianakaviany avy no mpanao ny fanompoana amin’ ny fiandrasana ny varavaran’ ny lay; ary ny razany koa dia mpiambina ny vavahady tao amin’ ny tobin’ i Jehovah.
And Shallum the son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and his brethren of the house of his father, the Korahites, [were] over the work of the service, keepers of the gates of the tabernacle: and their fathers, [being] over the host of the LORD, [were] keepers of the entry.
20 Ary Finehasa, zanak’ i Eleazara, no mpanapaka ireo taloha, ary Jehovah nomba azy.
And Phinehas the son of Eleazar was the ruler over them in time past, [and] the LORD [was] with him.
21 Ary Zakaria, zanak’ i Meselemia, no mpiandry ny varavaran’ ny trano-lay fihaonana.
[And] Zechariah the son of Meshelemiah [was] porter of the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
22 Ary ny isan’ ireo voafidy ho mpiandry varavarana ireo dia roa ambin’ ny folo amby roan-jato. Ireo dia voasoratra araka ny firazanany tany amin’ ny vohiny avy; ary notendren’ i Davida sy Samoela mpahita izy noho ny fahamarinany.
All these [who were] chosen to be porters in the gates [were] two hundred and twelve. These were reckoned by their genealogy in their villages, whom David and Samuel the seer ordained in their set office.
23 Ka dia ireo sy ny taranany no niandry varavarana tao amin’ ny tranon’ i Jehovah, dia ny trano-lay.
So they and their children [had] the oversight of the gates of the house of the LORD, [namely], the house of the tabernacle, by wards.
24 Teo amin’ ny lafiny efatra no nitoeran’ ny mpiandry varavarana, dia teo atsinanana sy andrefana sy avaratra ary atsimo.
In four quarters were the porters, towards the east, west, north and south.
25 Ary ny rahalahiny izay nonina teo amin’ ny vohiny dia nasaina ho avy isan-kafitoana ho eo aminy.
And their brethren, [who were] in their villages, [were] to come after seven days from time to time with them.
26 Fa nanao tamin’ ny fahamarinany ireo Levita efa-dahy, lohan’ ny mpiandry varavarana, ireo, ary tonian’ ny efi-trano fitehirizana sy ny rakitry ny tranon’ Andriamanitra koa izy ireo.
For these Levites, the four chief porters, were in [their] set office, and were over the chambers and treasuries of the house of God.
27 Ary manodidina ny tranon’ Andriamanitra no nandriany; fa izy ireo no mpiambina azy sady adidiny ny famohana ny trano isa-maraina.
And they lodged about the house of God, because the charge [was] upon them, and the opening of it every morning [pertained] to them.
28 Ary ny sasany aminy nitandrina ny fanaka momba ny fanompoana; fa an-isany no nitondrany azy miditra sy mivoaka.
And [certain] of them had the charge of the ministering vessels, that they should bring them in and out by number.
29 Ary ny sasany aminy koa notendrena hitandrina ny fanaka, dia ny fanaka masìna rehetra, sy ny koba tsara toto sy ny divay sy ny diloilo sy ny ditin-kazo manitra ary ny zava-manitra.
[Some] of them also [were] appointed to oversee the vessels, and all the instruments of the sanctuary, and the fine flour, and the wine, and the oil, and the frankincense, and the spices.
30 Ary ny sasany tamin’ ny zanaky ny mpisorona nangaroharo ny zava-manitra fanosorana.
And [some] of the sons of the priests made the ointment of the spices.
31 Ary Matatia, anankiray tamin’ ny Levita, lahimatoan’ i Saloma Koraïta, no tonian’ ny zavatra izay natao tamin’ ny fanendasana.
And Mattithiah, [one] of the Levites, who [was] the first-born of Shallum the Korahite, had the set office over the things that were made in the pans.
32 Ary ny sasany tamin’ ny rahalahiny, tamin’ ny taranaky ny Kehatita, no tonian’ ny mofo aseho hamboatra azy isan-tSabata.
And [others] of their brethren, of the sons of the Kohathites, [were] over the show-bread, to prepare [it] every sabbath.
33 Ary ireo ihany koa no mpihira, lohan’ ny fianakaviana amin’ ny Levita, izay mitoetra tsy manan-draharaha hafa ao amin’ ireo efi-trano; fa tsy maintsy ho amin’ izany raharaha izany andro aman’ alina izy.
And these [are] the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites, [who remaining] in the chambers [were] free: for they were employed in [that] work day and night.
34 Ireo dia lohan’ ny fianakaviana tamin’ ny Levita araka ny firazanany avy, dia samy loholona. Ireo no nonina tany Jerosalema.
These chief fathers of the Levites [were] chief throughout their generations; these dwelt at Jerusalem.
35 Ary tao Gibeona no nonenan’ i Jeiela, razamben’ ny an’ i Gibeona, ary ny anaran’ ny vadiny dia Imaka;
And in Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon, Jehiel, whose wife's name [was] Maachah:
36 ary ny zanany lahimatoa dia Abdona, dia Zora, dia Kisy, dia Bala, dia Nera, dia Nadaba,
And his first-born son Abdon, then Zur, and Kish, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,
37 dia Gedora, dia Ahio, dia Zakaria, dia Miklota.
And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zechariah, and Mikloth.
38 Ary Miklota niteraka an’ i Simeama. Ary ireo koa niara-nonina tamin’ ny rahalahiny tany Jerosalema nifanandrify fonenana taminy.
And Mikloth begat Shimeam. And they also dwelt with their brethren at Jerusalem, over against their brethren.
39 Ary Nera niteraka an’ i Kisy; ary Kisy niteraka an’ i Saoly; ary Saoly niteraka an’ i Jonatana sy Malkisoa sy Abinadaba ary Esbala.
And Ner begat Kish; and Kish begat Saul; and Saul begat Jonathan, and Malchi-shua, and Abinadab, and Esh-baal.
40 Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Jonatana dia Meribala, ary Meribala niteraka an’ i Mika.
And the son of Jonathan [was] Merib-baal: and Merib-baal begat Micah.
41 Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Mika dia Pitona sy Maleka sy Tarea ary Ahaza.
And the sons of Micah [were], Pithon, and Melech, and Tahrea, [and Ahaz].
42 Ary Ahaza niteraka an’ i Jara; ary Jara niteraka an’ i Alemeta sy Azmaveta ary Zimry; ary Zimry niteraka an’ i Moza;
And Ahaz begat Jarah; and Jarah begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza;
43 ary Moza niteraka an’ i Binea; ary Refaia no zanakalahin’ i Binea, Elasa no zanakalahin’ i Refaia, Azela no zanakalahin’ i Elasa.
And Moza begat Binea; and Rephaiah his son, Eleasah his son, Azel his son.
44 Ary Azela nanana zanaka enina mirahalahy ka izao no anarany avy: Azrikama sy Bokero sy Isimaela sy Searia sy Obadia ary Hanana; ireo no zanakalahin’ i Azela.
And Azel had six sons, whose names [are] these, Azrikam, Bocheru, and Ishmael, and Sheariah, and Obadiah, and Hanan: these [were] the sons of Azel.

< 1 Tantara 9 >