< Okubikkulirwa 12 >

1 Ne wabaawo ekyewuunyo ekinene mu ggulu. Ne ndaba omukazi ng’ayambadde enjuba n’omwezi nga guli wansi wa bigere bye, ng’alina engule eyaliko emmunyeenye kkumi na bbiri ku mutwe gwe.
And there appeared a great sign in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.
2 Yali lubuto era ng’akaaba ng’alumwa okuzaala.
And being with child, she cried out in travail, labouring to be delivered.
3 Awo ne ndaba ekyewuunyo ekirala mu ggulu, era laba, ogusota ogumyufu nga gulina emitwe musanvu n’amayembe kkumi era nga ku mitwe egyo kuliko engule musanvu.
And there appeared another sign in heaven, and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns; and upon his heads seven crowns.
4 Ku mukira gw’ogusota kwali kuwalulirwako ekitundu ekimu ekyokusatu eky’emmunyeenye zonna eziri waggulu mu ggulu, ne guzisuula wansi ku nsi. Ne guyimirira mu maaso g’omukazi oyo, anaatera okuzaala nga gulindirira okulya omwana we nga yaakazaalibwa.
And his tail drew a third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman, who was ready to bring forth, that when she was delivered, he might devour her child.
5 Omukazi n’azaala omwana owoobulenzi eyali agenda okufuga amawanga gonna n’omuggo ogw’ekyuma, amangwago n’akwakulibwa n’atwalibwa eri Katonda ku ntebe ye ey’obwakabaka.
And she brought forth a male child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
6 Omukazi n’addukira mu ddungu eyali ekifo Katonda gye yategeka okumulabirira okumala ennaku Lukumi mu bibiri mu nkaaga.
And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they might nourish her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days.
7 Ne wabaawo olutalo mu ggulu. Mikayiri ne bamalayika ab’omu kibinja kye ne balwanyisa ogusota n’eggye lya bamalayika baagwo.
And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon: and the dragon fought, and his angels;
8 Ogusota ne guwangulwa era ne gusindiikirizibwa okuva mu ggulu.
but these prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven.
9 Ogusota ogwo ogw’amaanyi, era gwe gusota ogw’edda oguyitibwa Setaani Omulimba, alimba ensi yonna, ne gusuulibwa wansi ku nsi n’eggye lyagwo lyonna.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceiveth the whole world: he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him.
10 Ne mpulira eddoboozi ery’omwanguka mu ggulu nga ligamba nti, “Kaakano obulokozi bwa Katonda, n’amaanyi ge n’obwakabaka bwa Katonda waffe awamu n’obuyinza bwa Kristo we bizze. Kubanga omuloopi eyaloopanga baganda baffe, eri Katonda waffe emisana n’ekiro, agobeddwa mu ggulu.
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accused them before our God day and night.
11 Ne bamuwangula olw’omusaayi gw’Omwana gw’Endiga, n’olw’ekigambo eky’obujulirwa bwabwe, ne bawaayo obulamu bwabwe nga tebatya na kufa.
And they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their life unto the death.
12 Noolwekyo ssanyuka ggwe eggulu, nammwe abalituulamu musanyuke. Naye mmwe ensi n’ennyanja zibasanze, kubanga Setaani asse gye muli ng’alina obusungu bungi, ng’amanyi nti asigazza akaseera katono.”
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them: but wo to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea; for the devil is come down to you, in great rage, knowing that he hath but a short time.
13 Awo ogusota bwe gwalaba nga gusuuliddwa ku nsi ne guyigganya omukazi eyazaala omwana owoobulenzi.
Now when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, he persecuted the woman that brought forth the male-child:
14 Naye omukazi n’aweebwa ebiwaawaatiro bibiri ebinene ng’eby’empungu okubuuka agende mu ddungu mu kifo ekyamuteekerwateekerwa, gy’alabiririrwa era gy’akuumibwa, ogusota ne gutamukola kabi okumala ekiseera n’ekitundu ky’ekiseera.
and there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
15 Ogusota ne guwandula amazzi mangi okuva mu kamwa kaagwo ne ganjaala ne gafuuka omugga nga galaga omukazi gye yali, nga gafuba okumuzikiriza.
And the serpent threw water out of his mouth, like a river, after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood.
16 Naye ettaka ne liyamba omukazi bwe lyayasama ne limira omugga ogwo ogwayanjaala.
But the earth helped the woman, and opened it's mouth, and swallowed up the flood, which the dragon threw out of his mouth.
17 Awo ogusota, nga gwonna gujjudde obusungu bungi, ne gugenda okulumba abaana b’omukazi abalala, abo bonna abaali bakwata amateeka ga Katonda era nga bajulira Yesu.
Then the dragon was enraged against the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and who have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

< Okubikkulirwa 12 >