< Zabbuli 62 >

1 Ya Mukulu wa Bayimbi. Ya Yedusuni. Zabbuli ya Dawudi. Emmeeme yange ewummulira mu Katonda yekka; oyo obulokozi bwange mwe buva.
To the victorie on Iditum, the salm of Dauid. Whether my soule schal not be suget to God; for myn heelthe is of hym.
2 Ye yekka, lwe lwazi lwange era bwe bulokozi bwange; ye kye kigo kyange siinyeenyezebwenga n’akatono.
For whi he is bothe my God, and myn heelthe; my `taker vp, Y schal no more be moued.
3 Mulituusa ddi nga mulumba omuntu, mmwe mwenna okwagala okumusuula wansi ng’ekisenge ekyewunzise era ng’olukomera oluyuuguuma?
Hou longe fallen ye on a man? alle ye sleen; as to a wal bowid, and a wal of stoon with out morter cast doun.
4 Bateesa okumuggya mu kifo kye ekinywevu, basanyukira eby’obulimba. Basaba omukisa n’emimwa gyabwe so nga munda bakolima.
Netheles thei thouyten to putte awei my prijs, Y ran in thirst; with her mouth thei blessiden, and in her herte thei cursiden.
5 Emmeeme yange ewummulire mu Katonda yekka; kubanga mu ye mwe muli essuubi lyange.
Netheles, my soule, be thou suget to God; for my pacience is of hym.
6 Ye yekka lwe lwazi lwange era bwe bulokozi bwange, ye kye kigo kyange, siinyeenyezebwenga.
For he is my God, and my saueour; myn helpere, Y schal not passe out.
7 Okulokolebwa kwange n’ekitiibwa kyange biri mu Katonda yekka; ye lwe lwazi lwange olw’amaanyi era kye kiddukiro kyange.
Myn helthe, and my glorie is in God; God is the yyuer of myn help, and myn hope is in God.
8 Mumwesigenga bulijjo mmwe abantu, mumutegeezenga byonna ebiri mu mitima gyammwe, kubanga Katonda kye kiddukiro kyaffe.
Al the gaderyng togidere of the puple, hope ye in God, schede ye out youre hertis bifore hym; God is oure helpere with outen ende.
9 Abaana b’abantu mukka bukka, abazaalibwa mu bugagga bulimba bwereere; ne bwe bageraageranyizibwa ku minzaani, n’omukka gubasinga okuzitowa.
Netheles the sones of men ben veyne; the sones of men ben liers in balauncis, that thei disseyue of vanytee in to the same thing.
10 Temwesigamanga ku bujoozi wadde ku bintu ebibbe. Temuyitirira okwewaanirawaanira mu bugagga bwammwe ne bwe bweyongeranga, era temubumalirangako mwoyo gwammwe.
Nile ye haue hope in wickidnesse, and nyle ye coueyte raueyns; if ritchessis be plenteuouse, nyle ye sette the herte therto.
11 Katonda ayogedde ekintu kimu, kyokka nze nziggyemu ebintu bibiri nti: Katonda, oli w’amaanyi,
God spak onys, Y herde these twei thingis, that power is of God, and, thou Lord, mercy is to thee;
12 era ggwe, Ayi Mukama, ojjudde okwagala. Ddala olisasula buli muntu ng’ebikolwa bye bwe biri.
for thou schalt yelde to ech man bi hise werkis.

< Zabbuli 62 >