< Engero 10 >

1 Engero za Sulemaani: Omwana ow’amagezi asanyusa kitaawe; naye omwana omusirusiru anakuwaza nnyina.
The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son causeth [his] father to rejoice; but a foolish son is the grief of his mother.
2 Eby’obugagga ebifuniddwa mu makubo amakyamu tebirina kye bigasa, naye abatuukirivu banunulwa okuva mu kufa.
Treasures of wickedness will not profit aught; but righteousness will deliver from death.
3 Mukama taalekenga mutuukirivu we kufa njala, naye aziyiza abakozi b’ebibi okufuna bye beetaaga.
The Lord will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish; but the sinful desires of the wicked will he cast away.
4 Emikono emigayaavu gyavuwaza, naye emikono eminyiikivu gireeta obugagga.
He becometh poor that laboreth with an indolent hand, but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
5 Omuvubuka ow’amagezi akungulira mu biseera ebituufu, naye oyo eyeebakira mu biro eby’okukunguliramu mwana aswaza ennyo.
He that gathereth in summer is an intelligent son; [but] he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.
6 Omukisa gubeera ku mutwe gw’omutuukirivu, naye akamwa k’omukozi w’ebibi kajjula obukambwe.
Blessings come upon the head of the righteous; but the mouth of the wicked covereth violence.
7 Omutuukirivu anajjukirwanga n’essanyu, naye erinnya ly’omubi linaavundanga.
The memory of the just is [destined] to be blessed; but the name of the wicked shall rot.
8 Alina omutima ogw’amagezi agondera ebiragiro, naye omusirusiru ayogerayogera, azikirizibwa.
The wise in heart will accept commandments; but he that is a fool in his speaking will stumble.
9 Atambulira mu bwesimbu y’atambula emirembe, naye akwata amakubo amakyamu alitegeerebwa.
He that walketh uprightly ever walketh securely; but he that perverteth his ways will be punished.
10 Oyo atta ku liiso ng’akweka amazima aleeta ennaku, n’omusirusiru ayogerayogera alizikirizibwa.
He that winketh with the eye causeth vexation; and he that is a fool in his speaking will stumble.
11 Akamwa ak’omutuukirivu nsulo ya bulamu, naye akamwa k’omukozi w’ebibi kajjula bulabe.
A source of life is the mouth of the righteous; but the mouth of the wicked covereth violence.
12 Obukyayi buleeta enjawukana, naye okwagala kubikka ku bibi bingi.
Hatred stirreth up strifes; but love throweth a cover over all transgressions.
13 Amagezi gasangibwa ku mimwa gy’oyo alina okutegeera, naye omuggo gukangavvula oyo atamanyi kusalawo bulungi.
On the lips of the man of understanding there is found wisdom: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of sense.
14 Abantu ab’amagezi batereka okumanya, naye akamwa k’omusirusiru kaaniriza kuzikirira.
Wise men treasure up knowledge; but the mouth of the foolish is an approaching terror.
15 Obugagga bw’omugagga kye kibuga kye ekiriko ebigo, naye obwavu kwe kuzikirira kw’omwavu.
The wealth of the rich man is his strong town: the terror of the poor is their poverty.
16 Empeera y’omutuukirivu bulamu, naye empeera y’omukozi w’ebibi emuleetera kubonerezebwa.
The labor of the righteous [tendeth] to life: the product of the wicked is for sin.
17 Oyo assaayo omwoyo eri okubuulirirwa aba mu kkubo ery’obulamu, naye oyo atassaayo mwoyo ku kunenyezebwa aleetera abalala okuwaba.
On the way unto life is he that observeth correction; but he that forsaketh reproof is in error.
18 Oyo akisa obukyayi alina emimwa egirimba, era omuntu akonjera, musirusiru.
He that hideth hatred hath lips of falsehood; and he that spreadeth abroad an evil report, is a fool.
19 Mu bigambo ebingi temubula kwonoona, naye akuuma olulimi lwe aba wa magezi.
In a multitude of words transgression cannot be avoided; but he that refraineth his lips is intelligent.
20 Olulimi lw’omutuukirivu ffeeza ya muwendo, naye omutima gw’omukozi w’ebibi gugasa katono.
[Like] choice silver is the tongue of the righteous: the heart of the wicked is worth but very little.
21 Ebigambo by’omutuukirivu biriisa abantu bangi, naye abasirusiru bazikirira olw’okubulwa amagezi.
The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die through lack of sense.
22 Omukisa gwa Mukama guleeta obugagga era tagwongerako buyinike.
The blessing of the Lord it is which maketh rich, and painful labor addeth nothing thereto.
23 Omusirusiru asanyukira okukola ebibi, naye omuntu alina okutegeera asanyukira eby’amagezi.
It is as sport to a fool to do wicked deeds; but a man of understanding hath wisdom.
24 Omukozi w’ebibi ky’atayagala kirimutuukako, naye abatuukirivu bye baagala biribaweebwa.
What the wicked dreadeth, that will come upon him: but the longing of the righteous will God grant.
25 Embuyaga bw’ejja, abakozi b’ebibi batwalibwa, naye abatuukirivu banywera emirembe gyonna.
As the whirlwind passeth by, the wicked is no more; but the righteous is an everlasting foundation.
26 Ng’omususa bwe gunyeenyeza amannyo, n’omukka nga bwe gubalagala mu maaso, n’omugayaavu bw’abeera bw’atyo eri abamutuma.
As vinegar is to the teeth, and as smoke is to the eyes: so is the sluggard to those that send him.
27 Okutya Mukama kuwangaaza omuntu, naye emyaka gy’ababi girisalibwako.
The fear of the Lord increaseth [man's] days; but the years of the wicked will be shortened.
28 Essuubi ly’abatuukirivu livaamu ssanyu, naye okusuubira kw’abakozi b’ebibi tekulivaamu kantu.
The expectation of the righteous is joy; but the hope of the wicked shall perish.
29 Ekkubo lya Mukama kye kiddukiro ky’abatuukirivu, naye abakozi b’ebibi libasaanyaawo.
The way of the Lord is a stronghold to the upright; but terror is destined to the workers of injustice.
30 Abatuukirivu tebajjululwenga ennaku zonna, naye abakozi b’ebibi tebalisigala mu nsi.
The righteous shall never be removed; but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.
31 Akamwa k’omutuukirivu koogera eby’amagezi, naye olulimi olwogera eby’obubambavu lulisalibwamu.
The mouth of the just uttereth wisdom; but the tongue of perverseness shall be cut out.
32 Emimwa gy’omutuukirivu gyogera ebisaanidde; naye emimwa gy’omukozi w’ebibi gyogera eby’obubambavu.
The lips of the righteous know [how to obtain] favor; but the mouth of the wicked [speaketh] perverseness.

< Engero 10 >