< Ebyabaleevi 25 >

1 Mukama Katonda yagamba Musa ku lusozi Sinaayi nti,
The LORD said to Moses on Mount Sinai,
2 “Tegeeza abaana ba Isirayiri nti bwe mutuukanga mu nsi gye mbawa, ensi yennyini eneekuumiranga Mukama Katonda ssabbiiti.
“Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them, ‘When you come into the land which I give you, then the land shall keep a Sabbath to the LORD.
3 Okumala emyaka mukaaga ennimiro zammwe munaazisigangamu emmere, era mu myaka egyo omukaaga munaasaliranga emizabbibu gyammwe n’ebibala ne mubikungula.
You shall sow your field six years, and you shall prune your vineyard six years, and gather in its fruits;
4 Naye mu mwaka ogw’omusanvu ettaka ly’ensi eyo linaabanga ne ssabbiiti ey’okuwummula eri Mukama Katonda. Temusiganga mmere mu nnimiro zammwe wadde okusalira emizabbibu gyammwe.
but in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a Sabbath to the LORD. You shall not sow your field or prune your vineyard.
5 Ebimera ebyekuzizza byokka, ebimererezi, temubikungulanga wadde okunoga ebibala ku mizabbibu gyammwe egitaasalirwa. Omwaka ogwo ettaka ly’ensi linaaguwummulanga.
What grows of itself in your harvest you shall not reap, and you shall not gather the grapes of your undressed vine. It shall be a year of solemn rest for the land.
6 Ebyo byonna ebyokulya ebinaavanga mu ttaka mu mwaka ogwa ssabbiiti yaalyo binaabanga mmere yammwe, mmwe bennyini, n’eri abaddu bammwe abasajja, n’abakazi, era n’abaweereza bammwe ab’empeera, n’abagenyi abanaabanga basula mu maka gammwe;
The Sabbath of the land shall be for food for you; for yourself, for your servant, for your maid, for your hired servant, and for your stranger, who lives as a foreigner with you.
7 era n’ente zammwe n’ensolo ez’omu nsiko ezinaabanga ku ttaka lyammwe. Buli ekyokulya ekinaakuliranga ku ttaka eryo kinaabanga mmere.
For your livestock also, and for the animals that are in your land, shall all its increase be for food.
8 “Munaabaliriranga essabbiiti musanvu ez’omu myaka, kwe kugamba nti musanvu emirundi emyaka musanvu. Bwe kityo ekiseera kyonna ekya ssabbiiti ezo ne kiba emyaka amakumi ana mu mwenda.
“‘You shall count off seven Sabbaths of years, seven times seven years; and there shall be to you the days of seven Sabbaths of years, even forty-nine years.
9 Ekkondeere ery’okujaguza munaalifuuyiranga wonna wonna ku lunaku olw’ekkumi mu mwezi ogw’omusanvu ku Lunaku olw’Okutangiririrwa, ekkondeere munaalifuuyiranga mu nsi yammwe yonna.
Then you shall sound the loud trumpet on the tenth day of the seventh month. On the Day of Atonement you shall sound the trumpet throughout all your land.
10 Munaatukuzanga omwaka ogw’amakumi ataano, era munaalangiriranga ebiseera eby’eddembe eri abatuuze bonna mu ggwanga lyammwe. Omwaka ogwo gunaabanga gwa kujaguza gwa Jjubiri gye muli; buli omu anaddangayo mu kifo kye eky’obwannannyini, era buli omu anaddangayo mu kika kye.
You shall make the fiftieth year holy, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee to you; and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family.
11 Omwaka ogw’amakumi ataano gunaabanga gwa kujaguza gwa Jjubiri gye muli; mu mwaka ogwo temuusigenga era temuukungulenga bikuze ku bimererezi newaakubadde okukuŋŋaanya ebibala eby’oku mizabbibu egitali misalire.
That fiftieth year shall be a jubilee to you. In it you shall not sow, neither reap that which grows of itself, nor gather from the undressed vines.
12 Kubanga ekiseera ekyo kya kujaguza kya Jjubiri era kinaabanga kitukuvu gye muli; mulyenga ebyo byokka bye munaggyanga mu nnimiro.
For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you. You shall eat of its increase out of the field.
13 “Mu mwaka ogwo ogw’okujaguza ogwa Jjubiri buli omu anaddangayo mu kifo kye eky’obwannannyini.
“‘In this Year of Jubilee each of you shall return to his property.
14 Era bwe munaatunzanga bannammwe ekintu kyonna oba bwe munaagulanga ku bannammwe ekintu kyonna, temuseeragananga.
“‘If you sell anything to your neighbor, or buy from your neighbor, you shall not wrong one another.
15 Munnansi munno onoomugulangako ng’osinziira ku myaka egyakayitawo okuva ku kujaguza ku Jjubiri. Era naye anaakutunzanga ng’asinziira ku myaka egibulayo okutuuka ku makungula g’ebibala.
According to the number of years after the Jubilee you shall buy from your neighbor. According to the number of years of the crops he shall sell to you.
16 Emyaka bwe ginaabanga emingi, omuwendo ogulamulwa munaagwongezanga, naye emyaka bwe ginaabanga emitono munaagukendeezanga, kubanga obungi bw’ebikungulwa, bw’ogula ku mutunzi.
According to the length of the years you shall increase its price, and according to the shortness of the years you shall diminish its price; for he is selling the number of the crops to you.
17 Temuseeragananga; mutyanga Katonda wammwe, kubanga Nze Mukama Katonda wammwe.
You shall not wrong one another, but you shall fear your God; for I am the LORD your God.
18 “Mugonderenga ebiragiro byange, era mukwatenga amateeka gange, bwe mutyo munaatuulanga n’emirembe mu nsi yammwe.
“‘Therefore you shall do my statutes, and keep my ordinances and do them; and you shall dwell in the land in safety.
19 Ensi eneebaleeteranga ebibala byayo, ne mulya ne mukkuta ne mutuulamu n’emirembe.
The land shall yield its fruit, and you shall eat your fill, and dwell therein in safety.
20 Muyinza okubuuza nti, ‘Bwe tutaasigenga era ne tutakungulanga, kale mu mwaka ogw’omusanvu tunaalyanga ki?’
If you said, “What shall we eat the seventh year? Behold, we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase;”
21 Mu mwaka ogw’omukaaga ndibayiwako omukisa gwange ogulireetera ensi yammwe ebibala ebirimala emyaka esatu.
then I will command my blessing on you in the sixth year, and it shall bear fruit for the three years.
22 Bwe munaabanga musiga mu mwaka ogw’omunaana, munaabanga mulya ku bibala ebikadde bye mwatereka, okutuusa nga mukungudde ebibala eby’omwaka ogw’omwenda.
You shall sow the eighth year, and eat of the fruits from the old store until the ninth year. Until its fruits come in, you shall eat the old store.
23 Ettaka teriitundibwenga kagenderere, kubanga ensi yange; mwe muli bayise era abasuze obusuze.
“‘The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine; for you are strangers and live as foreigners with me.
24 Buli kitundu kya nsi kye munaalyanga, bwe mutundanga ettaka mwerekerangawo omwagaanya ogw’okulinunulayo gye mulitunze.
In all the land of your possession you shall grant a redemption for the land.
25 “Munnansi munnammwe bw’anaayavuwalanga, n’atunda ebimu ku bintu bye, muganda we ow’okumpi mu luganda anajjanga n’anunula ebyo munnansi munne by’atunze.
“‘If your brother becomes poor, and sells some of his possessions, then his kinsman who is next to him shall come, and redeem that which his brother has sold.
26 Omuntu bw’anaabanga talina anaabimununulira, naye ye ku bubwe ng’agaggawadde, era ng’afunye obusobozi obw’okubinunula,
If a man has no one to redeem it, and he becomes prosperous and finds sufficient means to redeem it,
27 anaabaliriranga omuwendo gw’ensimbi oguli mu myaka kasookedde abitunda, n’abala n’omuwendo ogugya mu myaka egisigaddeyo okutuuka ku Jjubiri, n’agusasula omuntu gwe yaguza ebintu ebyo, olwo eyatunda aneddirangayo mu bintu bye.
then let him reckon the years since its sale, and restore the surplus to the man to whom he sold it; and he shall return to his property.
28 Naye singa alemwa okufuna obusobozi okumusasula, kale ebyo bye yatunda binaasigalanga mu mukono gw’eyabigula nga ye nannyini byo okutuusa mu Mwaka gwa Jjubiri. Binamuddizibwanga mu Jjubiri, era anaayinzanga okweddirayo mu bintu bye.
But if he is not able to get it back for himself, then what he has sold shall remain in the hand of him who has bought it until the Year of Jubilee. In the Jubilee it shall be released, and he shall return to his property.
29 “Omuntu bw’anaatundanga ennyumba esulwamu eri mu kibuga ekyetooloddwa bbugwe, anaayinzanga okuginunula mu mwaka nga tegunaggwaako. Mu bbanga eryo ery’omwaka omulamba mw’anaabeereranga n’obuyinza obw’okuginunula.
“‘If a man sells a dwelling house in a walled city, then he may redeem it within a whole year after it has been sold. For a full year he shall have the right of redemption.
30 Ennyumba eyo eri mu kibuga ekyetooloddwa bbugwe bw’eteenunulibwenga mu bbanga ery’omwaka ogumu, kale eneebeereranga ddala y’oyo eyagigula n’ezzadde lye. Eyagitunda teemuddizibwenga mu Jjubiri.
If it is not redeemed within the space of a full year, then the house that is in the walled city shall be made sure in perpetuity to him who bought it, throughout his generations. It shall not be released in the Jubilee.
31 Naye amayumba ag’omu bubuga obutono obw’omu byalo obuteetooloddwako bisenge, ganaabalirwanga mu ttuluba lye limu n’ery’ennimiro eziri mu byalo. Ganaanunulibwanga era ne gaddira bannyinigo mu Jjubiri.
But the houses of the villages which have no wall around them shall be accounted for with the fields of the country: they may be redeemed, and they shall be released in the Jubilee.
32 “Bulijjo Abaleevi banaabanga ba ddembe okununula amayumba gaabwe agali mu bibuga byabwe eby’Abaleevi bye balinako obwannannyini.
“‘Nevertheless, in the cities of the Levites, the Levites may redeem the houses in the cities of their possession at any time.
33 Era Omuleevi bw’anaabanga takozesezza ddembe lye ery’okununula, kale ennyumba eyatundirwa mu kibuga Abaleevi kye balinako obwannannyini, eneemuddiranga mu Jjubiri; kubanga mu bantu ba Isirayiri ennyumba eziri mu bibuga by’Abaleevi za Baleevi.
The Levites may redeem the house that was sold, and the city of his possession, and it shall be released in the Jubilee; for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of Israel.
34 Naye ennimiro eziri ku ttaka lya wamu ery’ebibuga byabwe teziitundibwenga; kubanga ezo zaabwe za bwannannyini obw’olubeerera.
But the field of the pasture lands of their cities may not be sold, for it is their perpetual possession.
35 “Munnansi munnammwe bw’anaayavuwalanga ng’ali wamu nammwe, nga takyasobola kwefunira buyambi, mubeerenga naye nga mumulabirira nga bwe mwandirabiridde omunnaggwanga oba omusuze obusuze ali mu mmwe.
“‘If your brother has become poor, and his hand cannot support himself among you, then you shall uphold him. He shall live with you like an alien and a temporary resident.
36 Mutyenga Katonda wammwe. Munnammwe temumuggyangako magoba ku kintu kyonna kye munaabanga mumuwoze, bw’atyo munnammwe oyo alyoke abeerenga mu mmwe.
Take no interest from him or profit; but fear your God, that your brother may live among you.
37 Bw’omuwolanga ensimbi azzengawo omuwendo gwennyini gw’omuwoze so tasukkirizangamu. Era bw’omuguzanga emmere tossangamu magoba.
You shall not lend him your money at interest, nor give him your food for profit.
38 Nze Mukama Katonda wammwe eyabaggya mu nsi ey’e Misiri okubawa ensi ya Kanani n’okubeera Katonda wammwe.
I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, and to be your God.
39 “Era munnansi munnammwe bw’anaayavuwalanga ng’ali nammwe, ne yeetunda gye muli, temumukozesanga nga muddu.
“‘If your brother has grown poor among you, and sells himself to you, you shall not make him to serve as a slave.
40 Munaamukozesanga ng’omupakasi ow’empeera oba ng’omusuze obusuze, ng’ali nammwe. Anaabaweerezanga okutuusa mu Mwaka gwa Jjubiri.
As a hired servant, and as a temporary resident, he shall be with you; he shall serve with you until the Year of Jubilee.
41 Kale nno, olwo anaalekebwanga n’addayo ewaabwe, ye n’abaana be, mu kika kye ku butaka bwa bakadde be.
Then he shall go out from you, he and his children with him, and shall return to his own family, and to the possession of his fathers.
42 Kubanga baweereza bange be naggya mu nsi y’e Misiri; tebaatundibwenga ng’abaddu.
For they are my servants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. They shall not be sold as slaves.
43 Temubafugisanga bukambwe, naye mutyenga Katonda wammwe.
You shall not rule over him with harshness, but shall fear your God.
44 Abaddu bammwe abasajja n’abaddu bammwe abakazi munaabaggyanga mu mawanga agabeetoolodde, mu mawanga ago mwe muneeguliranga abaddu abasajja n’abaddu abakazi.
“‘As for your male and your female slaves, whom you may have from the nations that are around you, from them you may buy male and female slaves.
45 Era munaayinzanga okwegulira ku bannamawanga abali nammwe abasuze obusuze, ne ku baana baabwe abanaazaalirwanga mu nsi yammwe; abo banaabanga nvuma zammwe.
Moreover, of the children of the aliens who live among you, of them you may buy, and of their families who are with you, which they have conceived in your land; and they will be your property.
46 Munaayinzanga okulaamira batabani bammwe abalibagoberera envuma ezo ng’obusika bwabwe obw’emirembe gyonna. Naye Bayisirayiri bannammwe temubafugisanga bukambwe.
You may make them an inheritance for your children after you, to hold for a possession. Of them you may take your slaves forever, but over your brothers the children of Israel you shall not rule, one over another, with harshness.
47 “Omunnaggwanga oba omusuze obusuze ali nammwe bw’anaagaggawalanga, naye munnansi munnammwe bwe babeera n’ayavuwala, ne yeetunda eri munnaggwanga oba eri omusuze obusuze ali nammwe, oba eri omu ku b’omu luggya lwa munnaggwanga,
“‘If an alien or temporary resident with you becomes rich, and your brother beside him has grown poor, and sells himself to the stranger or foreigner living among you, or to a member of the stranger’s family,
48 anaayinzanga okununulibwa, ng’amaze okwetunda. Omu ku baganda be anayinzanga okumununula:
after he is sold he may be redeemed. One of his brothers may redeem him;
49 Taata we oba mutabani wa taata we, oba owooluganda omulala ow’okumpi mu buzaale ow’omu kika kye anaayinzanga okumununula. Oba ye bw’anaagaggawalanga anaayinzanga okwenunula.
or his uncle, or his uncle’s son, may redeem him, or any who is a close relative to him of his family may redeem him; or if he has grown rich, he may redeem himself.
50 Ye n’oli eyamugula bajjanga kubalirira ebbanga okuva mu mwaka gwe yeetundiramu okutuuka ku Mwaka gwa Jjubiri. Omuwendo ogw’okununulibwa guneesigamizibwanga ku muwendo gw’emyaka egibaliriddwa; ebbanga lye yamala n’eyamugula linaageraageranyizibwanga n’ebbanga ery’omupakasi asasulwa empeera.
He shall reckon with him who bought him from the year that he sold himself to him to the Year of Jubilee. The price of his sale shall be according to the number of years; he shall be with him according to the time of a hired servant.
51 Mu kubalirira kwabwe bwe kinaazuukanga ng’ekyasigaddeyo emyaka mingi okutuuka ku Jjubiri, ku muwendo gwe yeetunda anaasasulangako omuwendo munene olw’okwenunula.
If there are yet many years, according to them he shall give back the price of his redemption out of the money that he was bought for.
52 Naye bw’eneebanga esigaddeyo emyaka mitono, egyo gy’anaabalirirangamu ensimbi zaamu n’asasula ezo nga bwe kyetaagisa olw’okwenunula.
If there remain but a few years to the year of jubilee, then he shall reckon with him; according to his years of service he shall give back the price of his redemption.
53 Oyo eyagula munne anaamuyisanga ng’omupakasi amukolera mu kupatana okwa buli mwaka. Temulekanga oyo eyagula munne okumutuntuzanga nga nammwe mulaba.
As a servant hired year by year shall he be with him. He shall not rule with harshness over him in your sight.
54 “Bw’anaabanga tanunulibbwa mu zimu ku ngeri ezo, ye n’abaana be banaanunulibwanga mu Mwaka gwa Jjubiri.
If he is not redeemed by these means, then he shall be released in the Year of Jubilee: he and his children with him.
55 Kubanga abaana ba Isirayiri bantu bange, abaweereza bange be naggya mu nsi ey’e Misiri. Nze Mukama Katonda wammwe.
For to me the children of Israel are servants; they are my servants whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

< Ebyabaleevi 25 >