< Ebyabaleevi 2 >

1 “‘Omuntu yenna bw’anaaleetanga eri Mukama ekiweebwayo eky’emmere ey’empeke; empeke anaamalanga kuzisa, n’aleeta obuwunga obulungi. Anaabufukangako amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni, n’ateekako n’obubaane,
“‘When anyone offers an offering of a meal offering to the LORD, his offering shall be of fine flour. He shall pour oil on it, and put frankincense on it.
2 n’alyoka abuleetera batabani ba Alooni, bakabona. Kabona anaayoolanga olubatu lw’obuwunga obulimu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni n’obubaane, n’abwokya mu kyoto ng’ekijjukizo, nga kye kiweebwayo ekyokeddwa mu muliro ne kivaamu evvumbe eddungi erisanyusa Mukama.
He shall bring it to Aaron’s sons, the priests. He shall take his handful of its fine flour, and of its oil, with all its frankincense, and the priest shall burn its memorial on the altar, an offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to the LORD.
3 Obuwunga obunaasigalangawo ku kiweebwayo, bunaatwalibwanga Alooni ne batabani be, nga kye kitundu ekitukuvu ennyo eky’ekiweebwayo eri Mukama ekyokeddwa mu muliro.
That which is left of the meal offering shall be Aaron’s and his sons’. It is a most holy part of the offerings of the LORD made by fire.
4 “‘Bw’onooleetanga emigaati egifumbiddwa mu oveni nga kye kiweebwayo, ginaabanga emigaati egikoleddwa mu buwunga obulungi nga mutabuddwamu n’amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni nga tegiriimu kizimbulukusa, oba bunaabanga obusukuuti obw’oluwewere obutaliimu kizimbulukusa nga busiigiddwako amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni.
“‘When you offer an offering of a meal offering baked in the oven, it shall be unleavened cakes of fine flour mixed with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.
5 Ekiweebwayo kyo bwe kinaabanga eky’emmere ey’empeke nga kitegekeddwa ku lukalango, kinaakolebwanga mu buwunga obulungi obutaliimu kizimbulukusa nga butabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni.
If your offering is a meal offering made on a griddle, it shall be of unleavened fine flour, mixed with oil.
6 Onookimenyaamenyanga mu butundutundu, n’okifukako amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni. Ekyo kye kiweebwayo eky’emmere ey’empeke.
You shall cut it in pieces, and pour oil on it. It is a meal offering.
7 Ekiweebwayo kyo bwe kinaabanga eky’emmere ey’empeke nga kyakufumbirwa mu fulampeni, kinaateekebwateekebwanga mu buwunga obulungi n’amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni.
If your offering is a meal offering of the pan, it shall be made of fine flour with oil.
8 Onooleeteranga Mukama ekiweebwayo ekyo eky’emmere ey’empeke ekitabuddwa mu bintu ebyo; bwe kinaakwasibwanga kabona, ye anaakireetanga ku kyoto.
You shall bring the meal offering that is made of these things to the LORD. It shall be presented to the priest, and he shall bring it to the altar.
9 Awo kabona anaggyanga ku kiweebwayo eky’emmere ey’empeke, ekitundu eky’ekijjukizo kyakyo, n’akyokya ku kyoto, nga kye kiweebwayo ekyokeddwa mu muliro ne kivaamu evvumbe eddungi erisanyusa Mukama.
The priest shall take from the meal offering its memorial, and shall burn it on the altar, an offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to the LORD.
10 Era ekinaafikkanga ku kiweebwayo eky’emmere ey’empeke, Alooni ne batabani be, be banaakitwalanga; nga kye kitundu ekitukuvu ennyo ekibalirwa ku biweebwayo eri Mukama ekyokeddwa mu muliro.
That which is left of the meal offering shall be Aaron’s and his sons’. It is a most holy part of the offerings of the LORD made by fire.
11 “‘Temuleeteranga Mukama ekiweebwayo eky’emmere ey’empeke nga kiteekeddwamu n’ekizimbulukusa; kubanga temuuyokyenga kizimbulukusa wadde omubisi gw’enjuki ng’ekiweebwayo eri Mukama ekyokeddwa mu muliro.
“‘No meal offering which you shall offer to the LORD shall be made with yeast; for you shall burn no yeast, nor any honey, as an offering made by fire to the LORD.
12 Munaabireetanga eri Mukama ng’ebiweebwayo eby’ebibala ebibereberye, naye tebiiweerwengayo ku kyoto okubeera evvumbe eddungi erisanyusa Mukama.
As an offering of first fruits you shall offer them to the LORD, but they shall not rise up as a pleasant aroma on the altar.
13 Ebiweebwayo byo byonna eby’emmere ey’empeke onoobirungangamu omunnyo: tokkirizanga munnyo ogw’endagaano ne Katonda wo okubula mu biweebwayo byo eby’emmere ey’empeke; mu biweebwayo byo byonna ossangamu omunnyo.
Every offering of your meal offering you shall season with salt. You shall not allow the salt of the covenant of your God to be lacking from your meal offering. With all your offerings you shall offer salt.
14 “‘Bw’onooleetanga eri Mukama ebiweebwayo eby’ebibala ebibereberye eby’emmere ey’empeke, binaabanga ebirimba ebibisi ebibereberye eby’emmere ey’empeke nga bibetenteddwa era nga byokeddwako mu muliro.
“‘If you offer a meal offering of first fruits to the LORD, you shall offer for the meal offering of your first fruits fresh heads of grain parched with fire and crushed.
15 Onoobifukangako amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni, n’obiteekangako n’obubaane; ekyo nga kye kiweebwayo eky’emmere ey’empeke.
You shall put oil on it and lay frankincense on it. It is a meal offering.
16 Awo kabona anaggyanga ku kiweebwayo eky’emmere ey’empeke, ekimaze okubetentebwa nga mulimu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni n’obubaane, ekitundu eky’ekijjukizo kyakyo, n’akyokya; ekyo nga kye kiweebwayo eri Mukama ekyokeddwa mu muliro.
The priest shall burn as its memorial part of its crushed grain and part of its oil, along with all its frankincense. It is an offering made by fire to the LORD.

< Ebyabaleevi 2 >