< Yoweeri 2 >

1 Bakabona mufuuyire ekkondeere mu Sayuuni. N’akagombe ak’okulabula kavugire ku lusozi lwange olutukuvu. Buli muntu yenna mu ggwanga akankane olw’entiisa, kubanga olunaku lwa Mukama lusembedde, era lunaatera okutuuka.
Blow trumpets on Zion [Hill], God’s sacred hill [in Jerusalem]! Tell the people of Judah that they should tremble, because it will soon be the time for Yahweh [to punish us further].
2 Luliba olunaku olutaliiko ssanyu, olw’ekizikiza; olunaku olw’ebire ebingi n’ekizikiza ekikutte. Eggye ery’enzige ery’amaanyi ennyo, ng’ery’abantu abalwanyi ab’ekitalo, libuutikidde ensozi. Tewabangawo ggye lirifaanana mu biro byonna eby’edda, era teribaayo liryenkana mu mirembe gyonna egiriddawo.
[That will be a very] dark and gloomy day; there will be [black] clouds and it will be very dark. A huge [swarm of locusts] has covered the mountains like [SIM] a black [cloud]. Nothing like this has ever happened before, and nothing like this will ever [happen] again.
3 Enzige ezikulembedde zirya ng’omuliro ogwokya buli wantu, n’ezizivaako emabega nazo zibizikiririze ddala ng’ennimi z’omuliro. Mu maaso gye ziraga ensi erabika bulungi ng’ennimiro ya Adeni, naye gye ziva buli kimu zikiridde; ensi yonna zigirese nga ddungu jjereere.
[It is as though the locusts bring] flames of fire from which no one can escape. In front of them, the land was [beautiful] like [SIM] the garden of Eden, but behind them [the land is like] a desert and nothing survives.
4 Zifaanana ng’embalaasi, era zidduka ng’embalaasi ez’entalo.
[The locusts] resemble horses, and they run like [SIM] war horses.
5 Zigenda zibuuka ku nsozi nga zikekera ng’amagaali agasikibwa embalaasi bwe gakekera; ne ziwuuma nga bwe zitulikatulika ng’omuliro ogwokya ebisubi ebikalu; era nga ziri ng’eggye eddene mu lutalo eryetegekedde okulumba omulabe.
Leaping over the mountaintops, they make a noise like rumbling chariots, like [SIM] a mighty army that is preparing for a battle, or like [SIM] the roar of a fire that burns up stubble [in a field].
6 Abantu abazirabyeko nga zisembera bali mu bulumi bungi, era bonna beeraliikirivu.
When people see them coming, they become very pale and frightened.
7 Zirumba n’amaanyi ng’eggye ery’abalwanyi, ne ziwalampa ebisenge ng’abajaasi. Zikumbira mu nnyiriri zaazo nga zitereera bulungi awatali kuwaba n’akamu.
[The locusts] climb over walls like soldiers do; they march along in columns and never turn aside [from their columns].
8 Tezirinnyaganako, buli emu ekumbira mu kkubo lyayo. Ziwaguza mu buli kyakulwanyisa kyonna, ne watabaawo kisobola kuziziyiza.
They rush straight ahead without pushing each other. [Even though people throw] spears and javelins at them, that will not cause them to stop.
9 Zifubutuka ne zigwira ekibuga. Zikiwalampa ne zibuna bbugwe waakyo. Zirinnya amayumba ne ziyingirira mu madirisa ng’ababbi bwe bakola.
They swarm over the city walls and enter our houses; they enter through our windows like [SIM] thieves do.
10 Zikankanya ensi era n’eggulu ne lijugumira. Zibuutikira enjuba n’omwezi, era n’emmunyeenye tezikyayaka.
[It is as though] they cause the earth to shake and the sky to tremble. The sun and the moon become dark and the stars do not shine [because there are so many locusts in the sky].
11 Mukama akulembera eggye lye n’eddoboozi eribwatuuka. Eggye lya Mukama ddene nnyo era lya maanyi. Abalirimu abatuukiriza ebiragiro bye ba maanyi. Kubanga olunaku lwa Mukama lukulu era lwa ntiisa nnyo. Ani ayinza okulugumira?
Yahweh leads this army [of countless locusts], and they obey his commands. This time when he is judging and punishing us is very terrible, [with the result that it seems that] no one [RHQ] can survive it.
12 Mukama kyava agamba nti, “Mukomeewo gye ndi n’omutima gwammwe gwonna. Mukomeewo n’okusiiba n’okukaaba awamu n’okukungubaga.”
But Yahweh says, “In spite of [these disasters that you have experienced], you can return to me with all your inner beings. Weep, and mourn, and (fast/abstain from eating food) [to show that you are sorry for having abandoned me].
13 Muyuze emitima gyammwe so si byambalo byammwe. Mudde eri Mukama Katonda wammwe, kubanga ajjudde ekisa n’okusaasira, era tasunguwala mangu; ajjudde okwagala okutaggwaawo; n’abandisaanidde okubonerezebwa abasonyiwa.
Do not tear your clothes [to show that you are sorry]; instead, show [MET] that you are sorry.” Yahweh is merciful and kind; he does not quickly become angry; he faithfully loves [people]. He does not quickly become angry; instead, he greatly and faithfully loves [you], and he does not like to punish you.
14 Ani amanyi obanga anaakyuka n’abasonyiwa, n’abawa omukisa gwe ne musobola n’okuwaayo eri Mukama Katonda wammwe ekiweebwayo eky’emmere enkalu, n’ekiweebwayo eky’ekyokunywa?
No one knows [RHQ] if he will change his mind [about punishing you] and if instead he will act mercifully [toward you]. If he does that, he will bless you [by giving you plenty of grain and wine] in order that you can offer [some of] those things as sacrifices to him.
15 Mufuuyire ekkondeere mu Sayuuni, mulangirire okusiiba okutukuvu. Muyite olukuŋŋaana olussaamu Katonda ekitiibwa.
Blow the trumpets on Zion [Hill]! Gather the people together! Show by fasting that you are sorry [for the sins that you have committed].
16 Mukuŋŋaanye abantu bonna. Mutukuze ekibiina ekyo ekikuŋŋaanye. Muyite abakulu abakulembeze. Muleete abaana abato n’abo abakyali ku mabeere. N’oyo eyakawasa aveeyo mu kisenge kye, n’eyakafumbirwa naye aveeyo gy’ali.
Perform the rituals to cause yourselves to be acceptable to Yahweh. Gather everyone together— the old people and the children, even the babies, and summon brides and bridegrooms from their rooms.
17 Bakabona abaweereza ba Mukama bayimirire wakati w’ekisasi kya yeekaalu n’ekyoto, bakaabirire Mukama nga bamusaba nti, “Saasira abantu bo, Ayi Mukama; abantu b’obusika bwo tobaleka kugwa mu mikono gya bannamawanga okubafuga era n’okubasekerera. Bannamawanga baleme kuduula nga boogera nti, ‘Katonda waabwe ali ludda wa?’”
Tell the priests who serve Yahweh to cry between the altar and the entrance to the temple and to pray [this]: “Yahweh, rescue/save [us] your people; do not allow people from other nations to despise us; do not allow them to ridicule us and say, ‘Why has [RHQ] their God [abandoned them]?’”
18 Awo Mukama n’akwatirwa ensi ye ekisa, n’asaasira abantu be.
But Yahweh [showed that he] was concerned about his people and that he would act mercifully toward them.
19 N’ayanukula abantu be nti, “Muwulirize, nzija kubaweereza emmere enkalu, n’envinnyo, n’amafuta, ebimala okubakkusiza ddala, era siriddayo kubaleka, ne mufuuka ekivume, bannaggwanga amalala ne babasekerera.
When the people prayed, Yahweh answered and said, “I will give you [plenty of] grain and wine and [olive] oil, and you will be satisfied. And I will no longer allow other nations to insult you.
20 “Ndibagobako eggye ery’omu bukiikakkono ne ndigobera mu ddungu ery’ewala ennyo. Ekibinja ekikulembeddemu ndikigobera mu nnyanja ey’Ebuvanjuba, n’ekibinja eky’emabega ndikigobera mu nnyanja ey’Ebugwanjuba. Ekivundu n’okuwunya birituuka wala okusinga ebyo byonna bye libakoze.”
Another army [of locusts will come] from the north [to attack you], but I will force them to continue [past Jerusalem] into the desert. Some will go into the Dead Sea in the east and some will go into the [Mediterranean] Sea in the west. [There] they will [all die, and their bodies] will stink.” Yahweh does great things!
21 Mwe abali mu nsi, temutya. Musanyuke era mujaguze; kubanga Mukama abakoledde ebikulu.
He does wonderful things! So even the ground should rejoice!
22 Nammwe ensolo ez’omu nsiko temutya; kubanga omuddo gwonna mu nsiko gusibukidde. Emiti gibaze ebibala byagyo, era emitiini n’emizabbibu nagyo gibaze ebibala bingi.
And the wild animals should not be afraid, because the meadows will soon become green again; the fig trees and [other] trees will be full of fruit, and the grapevines will be covered with grapes.
23 Musanyuke mmwe abaana ba Sayuuni; mujagulize Mukama Katonda wammwe. Kubanga abawadde enkuba esooka mu butuukirivu. Era abawadde enkuba nnyingi esooka n’esembayo mu mwaka ng’obw’edda.
You people of Jerusalem, rejoice about what Yahweh, your God, [will be doing for you]. He will send abundant rain at the (right time/time when it is needed)— (in the spring/early in the year) and (in the autumn/late in the year) like he did previously.
24 Amawuuliro gammwe galijjula eŋŋaano, n’amasogolero gammwe galijjula envinnyo n’amafuta n’okubooga ne gabooga.
The ground where you thresh the grain will be covered with grain, and your vats where you store grape juice and [olive] oil will be full.
25 “Ndibaddizaawo byonna enzige bye zaalya mu myaka egyo. Lyali ggye lyange ery’amaanyi lye nabasindikira nga lirimu lusejjera, n’enzige ezisala obusazi, awamu n’ezo ezizikiririza ddala.
[Yahweh said, ] “I will repay you for everything that was destroyed by those great swarms of locusts that I sent to attack you.
26 Kale, munaabanga n’ebyokulya bingi nga bwe muneetaaganga. Munaatenderezanga erinnya lya Mukama Katonda wammwe abakoledde ebintu ebirungi bwe bityo. Era abantu bange tebakyaddayo kuswazibwa.
You, my people, will eat until your stomachs are full. Then you will praise me [MTY], Yahweh, your God, for the wonderful things that I have done for you. And never again will you be disgraced.
27 Mulimanya nga ndi wakati mu Isirayiri, era nga Nze, Mukama, Nze Katonda wammwe, so tewali mulala; n’abantu bange tebakyaddayo kuswazibwa.
When that happens, you will know that I am [always] among you, and that I am Yahweh, your God, and that there is no other [God]. Never again will you be disgraced.”
28 “Awo olulituuka oluvannyuma lw’ebyo, ndifuka Omwoyo wange ku bantu bonna. Batabani bammwe ne bawala bammwe balitegeeza eby’omu maaso; abakadde baliroota ebirooto, n’abavubuka bammwe balyolesebwa.
“Some time later, I will give my Spirit to many [HYP] people. Your sons and daughters will proclaim messages that come directly from me. Your old men will have dreams [that come from me], and your young men will have visions [that come from me].
29 Mu biro ebyo ndifuka Omwoyo wange ku baweereza bange abasajja n’abakazi.
At that time, I will give my Spirit even to servants, both men and women.
30 Era ndyolesa ebyamagero mu ggulu ne ku nsi: omusaayi n’omuliro n’ekikoomi eky’omukka.
I will do unusual/amazing things on the earth and in the sky. [On the earth] [CHI], there will be much blood [shed] and [there will be very large] fires and smoke that resembles huge clouds.
31 Enjuba erifuuka ekizikiza, n’omwezi gulimyuka ng’omusaayi, olunaku lwa Mukama olukulu era olw’entiisa nga terunnatuuka.
[In the sky, ] the sun will become dark and the moon will become [as red as] [MET] blood. [Those things will happen] before that great and terrible day when [I], Yahweh, appear.
32 Awo olulituuka buli alikoowoola erinnya lya Mukama okusaasirwa alirokoka. Kubanga mu lusozi Sayuuni ne mu Yerusaalemi walibaawo abaliwona nga Mukama bw’ayogedde, ne mu abo abalifikkawo mulibaamu abo Mukama b’aliyita.”
But at that time [I] will save everyone who worships me. I promise that some people in Jerusalem [DOU] will escape [those disasters]; those whom I have chosen will survive.”

< Yoweeri 2 >