< Yobu 12 >

1 Awo Yobu n’amuddamu nti,
Then Job answered and said:
2 “Awatali kubuusabuusa muli bantu. Bwe mulifa n’amagezi gammwe ne gafa.
No doubt ye are the whole people! And wisdom will die with you!
3 Naye nange nnina amagezi ntegeera, temunsinga. Ani atabimanyi ebyo byonna?
But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you: Yea, who knoweth not such things as these?
4 Nfuuse ekisekererwa eri mikwano gyange. Nze eyakoowolanga Katonda n’anziramu, ne nsekererwa obusekererwa, ate nga ndi mutukuvu ataliiko musango!
I am become a laughing-stock to my friend, —I who call upon God, that he would answer me! The innocent and upright man is held in derision.
5 Abantu abali mu ddembe lyabwe batera okusekerera abali mu mitawaana, ng’ebizibu bwe biba ku abo ababa batuuse awazibu.
To calamity belongeth contempt in the mind of one at ease; It is ready for them that slip with the feet.
6 Weema z’abanyazi tezibaako mutawaana, era abo abanyiiza Katonda babeera mu ddembe abo abeetikka katonda waabwe mu mikono gyabwe.
The tents of robbers are in prosperity, And they who provoke God are secure, Who carry their God in their hand.
7 Naye buuza ensolo zijja kukuyigiriza, oba ebinyonyi eby’omu bbanga binaakubuulira.
For ask now the beasts, and they will teach thee; Or the fowls of the air, and they will tell thee;
8 Oba yogera n’ettaka linaakusomesa oba ebyennyanja eby’omu nnyanja binaakunnyonnyola.
Or speak to the earth, and it will instruct thee; And the fishes of the sea will declare unto thee.
9 Biki ku bino ebitamanyi nti, omukono gwa Mukama gwe gukoze ebyo?
Who among all these doth not know That the hand of Jehovah doeth these things?
10 Buli bulamu bwa kitonde buli mu mukono gwe, na buli mukka ogussibwa abantu bonna.
In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind.
11 Okutu tekugezesa bigambo ng’olulimi bwe lukomba ku mmere?
Doth not the ear prove words, As the mouth tasteth meat?
12 Amagezi tegasangibwa mu bakaddiye? Okuwangaala tekuleeta kutegeera?
With the aged is wisdom, And with length of days is understanding.
13 Katonda y’alina amagezi n’amaanyi; y’ateesa ebigambo era y’alina okutegeera.
With Him are wisdom and strength; With Him counsel and understanding.
14 Ky’amenya teri ayinza kuddamu kukizimba; ky’asiba mu kkomera tekiyinza kuteebwa.
Lo! he pulleth down, and it shall not be rebuilt; He bindeth a man, and he shall not be set loose.
15 Bw’aziyiza amazzi, ekyeeya kijja, bw’agata gazikiriza ensi.
Lo! he withholdeth the waters, and they are dried up; He sendeth them forth, and they lay waste the earth.
16 Ye, ye nannyini maanyi n’obuwanguzi, abalimba n’abalimbibwa bonna babe.
With him are strength and wisdom; The deceived and the deceiver are his.
17 Aggyawo abawi b’amagezi nga tebalina kantu, abalamuzi n’abafuula abasirusiru.
He leadeth counsellors away captive, And judges he maketh fools.
18 Bakabaka abaggyako enjegere ze beesiba ebiwato byabwe, n’abasibamu obukete.
He looseth the authority of kings, And bindeth their loins with a cord.
19 Bakabona abatwala nga tebalina kantu, n’asuula abasajja abaanywera.
He leadeth priests away captive, And overthroweth the mighty.
20 Aziba emimwa egy’abawi b’amagezi abeesigwa, era n’aggyawo okwolesebwa kw’abakadde.
He removeth speech from the trusty, And taketh away judgment from the elders.
21 Ayiwa ekivume ku bakungu, era n’aggya ebyokulwanyisa ku b’amaanyi.
He poureth contempt upon princes, And looseth the girdle of the mighty.
22 Abikkula ebintu eby’ebuziba eby’ekizikiza, n’aleeta n’ebisiikirize eby’amaanyi mu kitangaala.
He revealeth deep things out of darkness, And bringeth the shadow of death to light.
23 Afuula amawanga okuba ag’amaanyi, era n’agazikiriza; agaziya amawanga n’agasaasaanya.
He exalteth nations, and destroyeth them; He enlargeth nations, and leadeth them captive.
24 Abakulembeze baamawanga abaggyako okukola ebisaanidde; n’abasindika nga bagwirana mu ddungu eritaliimu kkubo.
He taketh away the understanding of the great men of the land, And causeth them to wander in a wilderness, where is no path;
25 Bawammantira mu kizikiza awatali kitangaala; abaleetera okutagala ng’abatamiivu.”
They grope in the dark without light; He maketh them stagger like a drunken man.

< Yobu 12 >