< Isaaya 1 >

1 Okwolesebwa kwa Isaaya, mutabani wa Amozi, kwe yafuna okukwata ku Yuda ne Yerusaalemi mu bufuzi bwa Uzziya, ne Yosamu, ne Akazi ne Keezeekiya, bassekabaka ba Yuda.
The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
2 Wulira ggwe eggulu, mpuliriza ggwe ensi, kubanga bw’ati Mukama bw’ayogera nti, “Nayonsa ne ndera abaana naye ne banjeemera.
Hear, heavens, and listen, earth; for the LORD has spoken: “I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me.
3 Ente emanya nannyini yo n’endogoyi emanya ekisibo kya mukama waayo, naye Isirayiri tammanyi, abantu bange tebantegeera.”
The ox knows his owner, and the donkey his master’s crib; but Israel doesn’t know. My people don’t consider.”
4 Woowe! Eggwanga erijjudde ebibi, abantu abajjudde obutali butuukirivu, ezzadde eryabakola ebibi, abaana aboonoonyi! Balese Mukama banyoomye Omutukuvu wa Isirayiri, basenguse bamuvuddeko bamukubye amabega.
Ah sinful nation, a people loaded with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, children who deal corruptly! They have forsaken the LORD. They have despised the Holy One of Israel. They are estranged and backward.
5 Lwaki mweyongera okujeema? Mwagala mwongere okubonerezebwa? Omutwe gwonna mulwadde, n’omutima gwonna gunafuye.
Why should you be beaten more, that you revolt more and more? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
6 Okuva mu mala g’ekigere okutuuka ku mutwe temuli bulamu wabula ebiwundu, n’okuzimba, n’amabwa agatiiriika amasira agatanyigibwanga, okusibibwa, wadde okuteekebwako eddagala.
From the sole of the foot even to the head there is no soundness in it, but wounds, welts, and open sores. They haven’t been closed, bandaged, or soothed with oil.
7 Ensi yammwe esigadde matongo, ebibuga byammwe byokeddwa omuliro, nga nammwe bennyini mulaba. Bannamawanga balidde ensi yammwe, era ezise kubanga bannaggwanga bagisudde.
Your country is desolate. Your cities are burnt with fire. Strangers devour your land in your presence and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.
8 Omuwala wa Sayuuni alekeddwa ng’ensiisira esigadde mu nnimiro y’emizabbibu, ng’ekiwummulirwamu mu nnimiro y’emyungu, ng’ekibuga ekizingiziddwa.
The daughter of Zion is left like a shelter in a vineyard, like a hut in a field of melons, like a besieged city.
9 Singa Mukama ow’Eggye teyatulekerawo bantu abatonotono abaasigalawo twandibadde nga Sodomu, twandifuuse nga Ggomola.
Unless the LORD of Hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have been as Sodom. We would have been like Gomorrah.
10 Muwulirize ekigambo kya Katonda mmwe abafuzi ba Sodomu! Musseeyo omwoyo eri okuyigiriza kwa Katonda waffe mmwe abantu b’e Ggomola!
Hear the LORD’s word, you rulers of Sodom! Listen to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah!
11 “Ssaddaaka enkumu ze munsalira zingasa ki? Nkooye endiga ennume enjokye eziweebwayo, so sisanyukira musaayi gwa nte, newaakubadde ogw’abaana b’endiga, newaakubadde ogw’embuzi ennume,” bw’ayogera Mukama.
“What are the multitude of your sacrifices to me?”, says the LORD. “I have had enough of the burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed animals. I don’t delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs, or of male goats.
12 Bwe mujja mu maaso gange, ani aba abayise ne mujja okulinnyirira empya zange?
When you come to appear before me, who has required this at your hand, to trample my courts?
13 Mulekeraawo okuleeta ssaddaaka zammwe ezitaliimu; obubaane bwammwe bwa muzizo gye ndi. Omwezi Ogubonese ne Ssabbiiti n’enkuŋŋaana zammwe zijjudde obutali butuukirivu.
Bring no more vain offerings. Incense is an abomination to me. New moons, Sabbaths, and convocations— I can’t stand evil assemblies.
14 Emyezi gyammwe Egibonese n’embaga zammwe ez’ennaku entukuvu, emmeeme yange ebikyaye, binfuukidde omugugu, nkooye okubigumiikiriza.
My soul hates your New Moons and your appointed feasts. They are a burden to me. I am weary of bearing them.
15 Bwe munaayimusanga emikono gyammwe musabe nnaabakwekanga amaaso gange, era ne bwe munaasabanga ennyo siiwulirenga kubanga emikono gyammwe gisaabaanye omusaayi.
When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you. Yes, when you make many prayers, I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood.
16 Munaabe, mwetukuze muggirewo ddala ebikolwa byammwe ebibi gye ndi, mulekeraawo okukola ebibi.
Wash yourselves. Make yourself clean. Put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes. Cease to do evil.
17 Muyige okukola obulungi, musalenga emisango n’amazima, mudduukirirenga abajoogebwa, musalenga omusango gw’atalina kitaawe, muwolerezenga bannamwandu.
Learn to do well. Seek justice. Relieve the oppressed. Defend the fatherless. Plead for the widow.”
18 “Mujje nno tukubaganye ebirowoozo,” bw’ayogera Mukama; “ebibi byammwe ne bwe biba ng’olugoye olumyufu binaafuuka byeru ng’omuzira, ne bwe binaaba bitwakaavu nga langi emyufu enkwafu, binaatukula ng’ebyoya by’endiga.
“Come now, and let’s reason together,” says the LORD: “Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 Bwe munaagondanga ne muwulira, munaalyanga ebirungi eby’ensi;
If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land;
20 naye bwe munaagaananga ne mujeemanga ekitala kinaabalyanga,” kubanga akamwa ka Mukama ke kakyogedde.
but if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured with the sword; for the LORD’s mouth has spoken it.”
21 Laba ekibuga ekyesigwa bwe kifuuse ng’omwenzi! Oyo eyasalanga emisango mu bwenkanya! Obutuukirivu bwatuulanga mu ye, naye kaakano batemu bennyini nnyini!
How the faithful city has become a prostitute! She was full of justice. Righteousness lodged in her, but now there are murderers.
22 Effeeza yo efuuse masengere, wayini wo afuuse wa lujjulungu.
Your silver has become dross, your wine mixed with water.
23 Abafuzi bo bajeemu, mikwano gya babbi, bonna bawoomerwa enguzi, era banoonya kuweebwa birabo; tebayamba batalina ba kitaabwe, so n’ensonga za bannamwandu tebazifaako.
Your princes are rebellious and companions of thieves. Everyone loves bribes and follows after rewards. They don’t defend the fatherless, neither does the cause of the widow come to them.
24 Noolwekyo kyava ayogera Mukama, Mukama ow’Eggye, ow’amaanyi owa Isirayiri nti, “Ndifuka obusungu ku balabe bange, era ne nesasuza abo abankyawa.
Therefore the Lord, GOD of Hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, says: “Ah, I will get relief from my adversaries, and avenge myself on my enemies.
25 Era ndikukwatamu n’omukono gwange, ne nnoongoosereza ddala amasengere go gonna ne nkuggyamu ebitali birungi byonna.
I will turn my hand on you, thoroughly purge away your dross, and will take away all your tin.
26 Era ndikomyawo abalamuzi bo ng’olubereberye n’abo abakuwa amagezi, nga bwe kyali okusooka. Olwo olyoke oyitibwe ekibuga eky’obutuukirivu, ekibuga ekyesigwa.”
I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counsellors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be called ‘The city of righteousness, a faithful town.’
27 Sayuuni alinunulibwa lwa bwenkanya, n’abantu baamu abalyenenya mu butuukirivu.
Zion shall be redeemed with justice, and her converts with righteousness.
28 Naye abeewaggula n’abakozi b’ebibi balizikirizibwa wamu, n’abo abava ku Mukama Katonda, balimalibwawo.
But the destruction of transgressors and sinners shall be together, and those who forsake the LORD shall be consumed.
29 “Kubanga mulikwatibwa ensonyi olw’emiti mwe mwenyumiririzanga, n’olw’ennimiro ze mweroboza.
For they shall be ashamed of the oaks which you have desired, and you shall be confounded for the gardens that you have chosen.
30 Kubanga mulibeera ng’omuvule oguwotoka era ng’ennimiro etaliimu mazzi.
For you shall be as an oak whose leaf fades, and as a garden that has no water.
31 N’omusajja ow’amaanyi alifuuka ng’enfuuzi, n’omulimu gwe ng’akasasi akavudde ku lyanda, era byombi biriggiira wamu so tewaliba azikiza omuliro ogwo.”
The strong will be like tinder, and his work like a spark. They will both burn together, and no one will quench them.”

< Isaaya 1 >