< Isaaya 5 >

1 Ka nnyimbire omwagalwa wange oluyimba olukwata ku nnimiro ye ey’emizabbibu. Omwagalwa wange yalina nnimiro ey’emizabbibu ku lusozi olugimu.
I will sing to my beloved the canticle of my paternal cousin, about his vineyard. A vineyard was made for my beloved, at the horn in the son of oil.
2 Era n’agirima n’agiggyamu amayinja gonna, n’agisimbamu emizabbibu egisinga obulungi. Era wakati mu yo n’azimbamu ebigulumu okulengererwa. N’agisimamu n’essogolero n’agisuubira okubala emizabbibu emirungi naye n’ebala emizabbibu nga si mirungi n’akatono.
And he fenced it in, and he picked the stones out of it, and he planted it with the best vines, and he built a tower in the middle of it, and he set up a winepress within it. And he expected it to produce grapes, but it produced wild vines.
3 “Era kaakano abatuuze b’omu Yerusaalemi n’abasajja b’omu Yuda, munsalirewo nze n’ennimiro yange ey’emizabbibu.”
Now then, inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah: judge between me and my vineyard.
4 Ate kiki kye nandikoledde ennimiro yange eno, kye ssaagikolera? Bwe naginoonyamu emizabbibu emirungi, lwaki saalabamu mirungi?
What more should I have done for my vineyard that I did not do for it? Should I not have expected it to produce grapes, though it produced wild vines?
5 Kaakano muleke mbabuulire kye nnaakola ennimiro yange ey’emizabbibu. Nzija kugiggyako olukomera eyonooneke. Ndimenya ekisenge kyayo yonna erinnyirirwe.
And now, I will reveal to you what I will do to my vineyard. I will take away its fence, and it will be plundered. I will pull down its wall, and it will be trampled.
6 Era ndigireka n’ezika, sirigirima wadde okugisalira. Naye ndigireka n’emeramu emyeeramannyo n’amaggwa. Ndiragira n’ebire obutatonnyesaamu nkuba.
And I will make it desolate. It will not be pruned, and it will not be dug. And briers and thorns will rise up. And I will command the clouds not to rain upon it.
7 Ennyumba ya Isirayiri y’ennimiro ya Mukama Katonda Ayinzabyonna ey’emizabbibu. Abantu ba Yuda y’ennimiro gye yasiima. Yali abasuubiramu bwenkanya naye yabalabamu kuyiwa musaayi. Yabasuubiramu butuukirivu naye nawulira kukaaba na kulaajana.
For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel. And the man of Judah is his delightful seedling. And I expected that he would do judgment, and behold iniquity, and that he would do justice, and behold an outcry.
8 Zibasanze mmwe aboongera amayumba ku ge mulina, n’ennimiro ne muzongerako endala ne wataba kafo konna kasigadde, ne mubeera mwekka wakati mu nsi!
Woe to you who join house to house, and who combine field to field, even to the limits of the place! Do you intend to live alone in the midst of the earth?
9 Mukama Katonda alayidde nga mpulira nti, “Mu mazima ennyumba nnyingi zirifuuka bifulukkwa, n’ezo ennene ez’ebbeeyi zibulemu abantu.
These things are in my ears, says the Lord of hosts. Otherwise, many houses, great and beautiful, will become desolate, without an inhabitant.
10 Kubanga yika kkumi ez’ennimiro y’emizabbibu zinaavangamu ekibbo kimu, n’ogusero ogw’ensigo, kabbo bubbo ak’amakungula.”
Then ten acres of vineyard will produce one small bottle of wine, and thirty measures of seed will produce three measures of grain.
11 Zibasanze abo abakeera enkya ku makya banoonye ekitamiiza, abalwawo nga banywa omwenge ettumbi ly’obudde, okutuusa omwenge lwe gubalalusa!
Woe to you who rise up in the morning to pursue drunkenness, and to drink even until evening, so as to be inflamed with wine.
12 Ababeera n’ennanga n’entongooli, ebitaasa n’endere, n’omwenge ku mbaga zaabwe; naye ne batalowooza ku mulimu gwa Mukama Katonda, wadde okussa ekitiibwa mu ebyo bye yatonda.
Harp and lyre and timbrel and pipe, as well as wine, are at your feasts. But you do not respect the work of the Lord, nor do you consider the works of his hands.
13 Abantu bange kyebavudde bagenda mu buwaŋŋanguse kubanga tebalina kutegeera. Abantu baabwe ab’ekitiibwa bafe enjala, n’abantu aba bulijjo bafe ennyonta.
Because of this, my people have been led away as captives, for they did not have knowledge, and their nobles have passed away from famine, and their multitudes have dried up from thirst.
14 Amagombe kyegavudde gagaziya omumiro gwago, era ne gaasamya akamwa kaago awatali kkomo. Mu ko mwe munaagenda abakungu baabwe n’abantu baabwe abaabulijjo, n’ab’effujjo n’abatamiivu. (Sheol h7585)
For this reason, Hell has expanded its soul, and has opened its mouth without any limits. And their strong ones, and their people, and their exalted and glorious ones will descend into it. (Sheol h7585)
15 Buli muntu alitoowazibwa, abantu bonna balikkakkanyizibwa era amaaso g’abo abeemanyi nago gakkakkanyizibwe.
And man will be bowed down, and man will be humbled, and the eyes of the exalted will be brought low.
16 Naye Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye aligulumizibwa olw’obwenkanya, era Katonda Omutukuvu yeerage nga bw’ali omutukuvu mu butuukirivu bwe.
And the Lord of hosts will be exalted in judgment, and the holy God will be sanctified in justice.
17 Endiga ento ziryoke zirye ng’eziri mu malundiro gaazo, n’ensolo engenyi ziriire mu bifo ebyalekebwa awo, ebyalundirwangamu eza ssava.
And the lambs will pasture in proper order, and new arrivals will eat from the deserts turned into fertile lands.
18 Zibasanze abo abasikaasikanya ebibi byabwe ng’embalaasi bw’esika ekigaali.
Woe to you who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and who draw sin as if with the rope of a cart,
19 Aboogera nti, “Ayanguyeeko, ayite mu bwangu tulabe ky’anaakola. Entegeka z’omutukuvu wa Isirayiri nazo zijje, zituuke nazo tuzimanye.”
and who say: “Let him hurry, and let his work arrive soon, so that we may see it. And let the plan of the Holy One of Israel approach and arrive, so that we may know it.”
20 Zibasanze abo abayita ekibi ekirungi n’ekirungi ekibi, abafuula ekizikiza okuba ekitangaala, n’ekitangaala okuba ekizikiza, abafuula ekikaawa okuba ekiwoomerera n’ekiwoomerera okuba ekikaawa.
Woe to you who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light, and light for darkness; who exchange bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Zibasanze abo abeeraba ng’abalina amagezi, era abagezigezi bo nga bwe balaba.
Woe to you who are wise in your own eyes, and prudent in your own sight!
22 Zibasanze abo abazira mu kunywa omwenge era mu kutabula ekitamiiza,
Woe to you who are powerful at drinking wine, who are strong men in contriving inebriation!
23 abejjeereza abatemu olw’enguzi era abamma abatuukirivu obwenkanya obubagwanidde.
For you justify an impious man in exchange for bribes, and you carry away the justice of a just man from him.
24 Kale ng’olulimi lw’omuliro bwe lwokya ekisagazi ekikalu, era ng’omuddo omukalu bwe guggweerera mu muliro, bwe gityo n’emirandira gyabwe bwe girivunda, era n’ebimuli byabwe bifuumuuke ng’enfuufu; kubanga baajeemera etteeka lya Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye, era ne banyooma ekigambo ky’Omutukuvu wa Isirayiri.
Because of this, as the tongue of fire devours stubble, and as the heat of a flame burns it completely, so will their root become like glowing embers, and so will their offshoot ascend like dust. For they have cast aside the law of the Lord of hosts, and they have blasphemed the eloquence of the Holy One of Israel.
25 Noolwekyo obusungu bwa Mukama Katonda bubuubuukira ku bantu be, n’agolola omukono gwe n’abasanjaga, ensozi ne zikankana era n’emirambo gyabwe ne gibeera ng’ebisasiro wakati mu nguudo. Naye wadde nga biri bwe bityo, obusungu bwa Mukama Katonda tebunnakakkana era omukono gwe gukyagoloddwa.
For this reason, the fury of the Lord has been enraged against his people, and he has extended his hand over them, and he has struck them. And the mountains were disturbed. And their carcasses became like dung in the midst of the streets. After all this, his fury was not turned away; instead, his hand was still extended.
26 Era aliyimusiza eggwanga eriri ewala bbendera, alibakoowoola ng’asinziira ku nkomerero y’ensi, era laba, balyanguwako okujja.
And he will lift up a sign to nations far away, and he will whistle to them from the ends of the earth. And behold, they will rush forward speedily.
27 Tewali n’omu akooye, tewali n’omu yeesittala. Tewali n’omu asumagira wadde okwebaka. Tewali aliba yeesibye lukoba olutanywedde mu kiwato kye, wadde aliba n’olukoba lw’engatto olulikutuka.
There is no one weak or struggling among them. They will not become drowsy, and they will not sleep. Neither will the belt around their waist be loosened, nor the laces of their boots be broken.
28 Obusaale bwabwe bwogi, n’emitego gyabwe gyonna mireege. Ebinuulo by’embalaasi zaabwe biriba ng’amayinja ag’embaalebaale, Ne nnamuziga w’amagaali gaabwe ng’adduka ng’embuyaga y’akazimu.
Their arrows are sharp, and all their bows are taut. The hoofs of their horses are like flint, and their wheels are like the force of a tempest.
29 Okuwuluguma kwabwe kuliba nga okw’empologoma, balikaaba ng’empologoma ento: weewaawo baliwuluguma bakwate omuyiggo gwabwe bagutwalire ddala awatali adduukirira.
Their roaring is like the lion; they will roar like young lions. They will both roar and seize their prey. And they will wrap themselves around it, and there will be no one who can rescue it.
30 Era ku lunaku olwo baliwuumira ku munyago gwabwe ng’ennyanja eyira. Omuntu yenna bw’alitunuulira ensi, aliraba ekizikiza n’ennaku; n’ekitangaala kiribuutikirwa ebire ebikutte.
And in that day, they will make a noise over it, like the sound of the sea. We will gaze out toward the land, and behold, the darkness of the tribulation, and even the light has been darkened by its gloom.

< Isaaya 5 >