< Isaaya 14 >

1 Mukama Katonda alikwatirwa Yakobo ekisa, addemu alonde Isirayiri abazze ku ttaka lyabwe. Ne bannamawanga balibeegattako era babeere wamu nga babeeyungiddeko ddala.
For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will again make choice of Israel, and replace them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined unto them, and they shall attach themselves to the house of Jacob.
2 N’amawanga mangi galibayamba okudda mu nsi yaabwe, n’ennyumba ya Isirayiri ebeere n’abantu abamawanga amangi mu nsi ya Mukama Katonda, nga baweereza baabwe abasajja n’abakazi. Baliwamba abaali babawambye, bafuge abo abaabakijjanyanga.
And nations shall take them, and bring them to their own place; but the house of Israel shall obtain possession of them in the land of the Lord for men-servants and for maid-servants; and they shall take captive their captors, and they shall rule over their oppressors.
3 Awo olunaku Mukama Katonda lw’alibawa okuwummula okuva mu kulumwa kwammwe n’okukijjanyizibwa kwe mubaddemu nga mukozesebwa,
And it shall come to pass on the day when the Lord will give thee rest from thy trouble, and from thy vexation, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve,
4 oligera olugero luno ku kabaka w’e Babulooni n’oyogera nti: Omujoozi ng’agudde n’aggwaawo! Ekibuga ekya zaabu ekibadde kitutigomya nga tekikyaliwo!
That thou wilt take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath ceased the oppressor! ceased the exactress of gold!
5 Mukama Katonda amenye omuggo ogw’abakozi b’ebibi, omuggo gw’obwakabaka ogw’abo abafuga.
Broken hath the Lord the staff of the wicked, the sceptre of rulers;
6 Ogwakubanga olutata amawanga n’obusungu, ogwafugisanga amawanga ekiruyi, ne gubayigganyanga nga tewali aguziyiza.
He who smote people in wrath, blows without intermission, he that ruled in anger nations, persecuting without restraint.
7 Ensi yonna ewummudde eri mu mirembe, era batandise okuyimba.
At rest, quiet is all the earth; men break forth into loud song.
8 Si ekyo kyokka n’enfugo n’emivule gya Lebanooni, nagyo gikuyeeyeereza nti, “Kasookanga ogwa tebangayo ajja kututema.”
Also, the fir-trees rejoice at thee, the cedars of Lebanon, “Since thou wast laid low, no feller is come up against us.”
9 Amagombe wansi gagugumuka ku lulwo okukusisinkana ng’ojja, gagolokosa emyoyo gy’abafu ku lulwo, bonna abaali abakulembeze b’ensi; gayimusizza bakabaka ku ntebe zaabwe, bonna abaali bakabaka baamawanga. (Sheol h7585)
The nether world from below is in motion concerning thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the departed for thee, all the chief ones of the earth; it hath caused to rise up from their thrones all the kings of nations. (Sheol h7585)
10 Abo bonna balyogera ne bakugamba nti, “Naawe oweddemu amaanyi nga ffe! Naawe ofuuse nga ffe!”
They all will commence and say unto thee, “Thou—thou also art become weak like us; similar unto us art thou become!”
11 Ekitiibwa kyo kyonna kissibbwa emagombe, awamu n’amaloboozi g’ennanga zo; bakwalidde envunyu, n’ensiriŋŋanyi zikubisseeko. (Sheol h7585)
Into the nether world is brought down thy pride, the clatter of thy psalteries: beneath thee is spread the worm, and thy cover is the moth. (Sheol h7585)
12 Ng’ogudde okuva mu ggulu, ggwe emunyeenye ey’enkya, omwana w’emambya! Ng’otemeddwa n’ogwa ku ttaka, ggwe eyamegganga amawanga!
How art thou fallen from heaven, O morning-star, son of the dawn! how art thou hewn down to the ground, crusher of nations!
13 Wayogera mu mutima gwo nti, “Ndirinnya mu ggulu, ndigulumiza entebe yange okusinga emunyeenye za Katonda; era nditeeka entebe yange waggulu ntuule ku lusozi olw’okukuŋŋaanirako ku njuyi ez’enkomerero ez’obukiikakkono;
And thou—thou hadst said in thy heart, “Into heaven will I ascend, above the stars of God will I exalt my throne; and I will sit also upon the mount of the assembly, in the farthest end of the north;
14 ndyambuka okusinga ebire we bikoma, ndyoke nfuuke ng’oyo ali waggulu ennyo.”
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be equal to the Most High.”
15 Naye ossibbwa wansi emagombe, ku ntobo y’obunnya. (Sheol h7585)
But into the nether world shalt thou be brought down, into the lowest depth. (Sheol h7585)
16 Abo abanaakulabanga banaakwekalirizanga bakwewuunye nga bagamba nti, “Ono si ye musajja eyayugumyanga ensi, ng’anyeenyanyeenya obwakabaka!
They that see thee will gaze at thee, will regard thee well, [saying, ] “Is this the man that caused the earth to tremble, that made kingdoms quake?
17 Eyafuula ensi okuba eddungu n’asuula ebibuga byayo, atakkirizanga bawambe kudda waabwe!”
That rendered the world as a wilderness, and pulled down its cities: never opened the prison-house of his prisoners?”
18 Bakabaka bonna ab’ensi bagalamidde mu kitiibwa, buli omu mu ntaana ye,
All the kings of nations, all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own [eternal] house.
19 naye osuulibbwa okukuggya mu malaalo go ng’ettabi ery’omuzizo eryakyayibwa, ng’oteekeddwa wamu n’abattibwa, abaafumitibwa n’ekitala, abakka eri amayinja g’obunnya; ng’omulambo ogulinyiriddwa.
But thou—thou art cast out of thy grave like a discarded offshoot, as a garment of those that are slain, pierced by the sword, that go down to the stones of the pit, as a carcass trodden under foot.
20 Toligattibwa n’abo mu kuziikibwa kubanga wazikiriza ensi yo n’otta abantu bo; ezzadde ly’abo abaakola ebibi teriryongerwako n’akatono.
Thou shalt not be united with them in burial; because thy land hast thou destroyed, thy people hast thou slain: to eternity shall not be called the seed of evil-doers.
21 Mutegeke ekifo batabani be we banattirwa olw’obutali butuukirivu bwa bakitaabwe, baleme okugolokoka ne balya ensi, ne bajjuza ensi yonna ebibuga byabwe.
Prepare for his children the slaughter, for the iniquity of their fathers: that they may not rise, and possess the land, and fill the face of the world with enemies [of mankind].
22 “Nange ndibagolokokerako,” bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye, “ne mmalawo mu Babulooni erinnya lye, n’abalifikkawo, n’omwana n’omuzzukulu,” bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda.
And I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts; and I will cut off from Babylon name, and remnant, and son, and grandson, saith the Lord.
23 “Era ndimufuula obutaka bw’ebiwuugulu, n’entobazzi era mwere n’olweyo oluzikiriza,” bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye.
I will also make it a possession for the hedgehog, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the Lord of hosts.
24 Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye alayidde n’ayogera nti, “Ddala nga bwe nalowooza, bwe kirituukirira bwe kityo era nga bwe nateesa, bwe kirinywera bwe kityo.
Sworn hath the Lord of hosts, saying, Surely as I have purposed, so doth it come to pass; and as I have resolved, so shall it occur:
25 Ndimenyera Omwasuli mu nsi yange, era ndimulinnyirira ku nsozi zange. Ekikoligo kye kiribavaako, n’omugugu gwe guliggyibwa ku kibegabega kye.”
To break Asshur in my own land, and upon my mountains will I tread him under foot; then shall his yoke be removed from off them, and his burden from off their shoulders.
26 Eno y’entegeka eyategekerwa ensi yonna: era guno gwe mukono ogwagololwa ku mawanga gonna.
This is the resolve that is resolved over all the earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out over all the nations.
27 Kubanga Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye ye yateesa, kale ani ayinza okukijjulula? Omukono gwe gugoloddwa, kale ani ayinza okuguzzaayo?
For the Lord of hosts hath resolved, and who shall frustrate it? and it is his hand which is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?
28 Mu mwaka kabaka Akazi mwe yafiira ne wabaawo obubaka buno.
In the year king Achaz died was this prophecy [given].
29 Tosanyuka ggwe Bufirisuuti yonna, kubanga omuggo ogwakukuba gumenyese, ne ku kikolo ky’omusota kulivaako enswera, n’ezzadde lyalyo liriba musota ogw’obusagwa oguwalabuka.
Rejoice not, thou entire Palestine, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken; for out of the serpent's root shall come forth an adder, and its fruit shall be a flying dragon.
30 Abasingirayo ddala okuba abaavu balifuna ekyokulya, n’abali mu kwetaaga balifuna ku tulo naye ekikolo kyo ndikittisa enjala ate abo abalisigalawo mbattise ekitala.
And the first-born of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall rest in safety: and I will kill with famine thy root, and men shall slay thy remnant.
31 Leekaana ggwe wankaaki, kaaba ggwe ekibuga, osaanuuke olw’entiisa ggwe Bufirisuuti yonna! Kubanga mu bukiikakkono muvaamu omukka, eggye ery’abalwanyi omutali munafu.
Wail, O gate; cry out, O city; thou art dissolved, O thou entire Palestine; for from the north a smoke is coming, and there is no one solitary among those that are bidden to come.
32 Kale kiki kye banaddamu ababaka b’eggwanga eryo? “Mukama yassaawo Sayuuni, ne mu kyo abantu be ababonyaabonyezebwa mwe balifuna obuddukiro.”
And what will each one of the messengers of the nation answer? That the Lord hath founded Zion; and that therein shall find protection the poor of his people.

< Isaaya 14 >