< Olubereberye 15 >

1 Ebyo nga biwedde, ekigambo kya Mukama ne kijjira Ibulaamu mu kwolesebwa nti, “Totya Ibulaamu, Nze ngabo yo era empeera yo ennene ennyo.”
After these deades ye worde of God came vnto Abram in a vision saynge feare not Abram I am thy shilde and thy rewarde shalbe exceadynge greate.
2 Naye Ibulaamu n’addamu nti, “Kiki ky’olimpa Ayi Mukama Katonda, kubanga sirina mwana, n’omusika w’ennyumba yange ye Eryeza ow’omu Ddamasiko?”
And Abram answered: LORde Iehouah what wilt thou geue me: I goo childlesse and the cater of myne housse this Eleasar of Damasco hath a sonne.
3 Ibulaamu ne yeeyongera n’agamba nti, “Laba tompadde mwana; omuddu eyazaalibwa mu nnyumba yange ye musika wange.”
And Abram sayd: se to me hast thou geven no seed: lo a lad borne in my housse shalbe myne heyre.
4 Laba ekigambo kya Mukama ne kimujjira nti, “Omusajja oyo tagenda kuba musika wo; mutabani wo, y’aliba omusika wo.”
And beholde the worde of the LORde spake vnto Abram sayenge: He shall not be thyne heyre but one that shall come out of thyne awne bodye shalbe thyne heyre.
5 N’amufulumya ebweru n’amugamba nti, “Tunuulira eggulu, obale emunyeenye, obanga osobola okuzibala.” Awo n’amugamba nti, “N’ezzadde lyo bwe liriba bwe lityo.”
And he brought him out at the doores ad sayde. Loke vpp vnto heaven and tell the starres yf thou be able to nobre them. And sayde vnto him Even so shall thy seed be.
6 Ibulaamu n’akkiriza Mukama, n’akimubalira okuba obutuukirivu.
And Abram beleved the LORde and it was counted to him for rightwesnes.
7 N’amugamba nti, “Nze Mukama eyakuggya mu Uli ensi ey’Abakaludaaya, nkuwe ensi eno ebeere yiyo.”
And he sayde vnto hym: I am the LORde that brought the out of Vrin Chaldea to geue the this lande to possesse it.
8 Ibulaamu n’addamu nti, “Ayi Mukama nnaamanya ntya nti eriba yange?”
And he sayde: LORde God whereby shall I knowe that I shall possesse it?
9 Mukama n’amuddamu nti, “Ndeetera ennyana eyaakamala emyaka esatu, embuzi ey’emyaka esatu, endiga ensajja ey’emyaka esatu, kaamukuukulu n’ejjiba.”
And he sayde vnto him: take an heyfer of. iij. yere olde and a she gotte of thre yeres olde and a thre yere olde ram a turtill doue and a yonge pigeon.
10 Ibulaamu n’abireeta byonna n’abisalamu wakati n’ateeka buli kitundu kungulu ku kinnaakyo, naye ebinyonyi byo teyabisalamu bitundu nga biri.
And he toke all these and devyded them in the myddes and layde euery pece one over agenst a nother. But the foules devyded he not.
11 Ensega bwe zajja okubirya, Ibulaamu n’azigoba.
And the byrdes fell on the carcases but Abra droue the awaye.
12 Enjuba yali egwa, Ibulaamu ne yeebaka otulo tungi; era laba, ekizikiza ekingi eky’amaanyi ne kimubuutikira.
And when the sonne was doune there fell a slomber apon Abram. And loo feare and greate darknesse came apon hym.
13 Awo Mukama n’agamba Ibulaamu nti, “Manyira ddala nti ezzadde lyo baliba batambuze mu nsi eteri yaabwe, era baliba baddu eyo, balibonyaabonyezebwa eyo okumala emyaka ebikumi bina.
And he sayde vnto Abram: knowe this of a suertie that thi seed shalbe a straunger in a lande that perteyneth not vnto the. And they shall make bondmen of them and entreate them evell iiij. hundred yeares.
14 Naye ndibonereza eggwanga lye balikolera n’oluvannyuma balivaayo n’obugagga bungi.
But the nation whom they shall serue wyll I iudge. And after warde shall they come out wyth greate substace.
15 Naye ggwe oligenda mirembe eri bajjajjaabo; oliziikibwa ng’owangaalidde ddala nnyo.
Neuerthelesse thou shalt goo vnto thi fathers in peace ad shalt be buried when thou art of a good age:
16 Era balikomawo wano mu mulembe ogwokuna; kubanga obutali butuukirivu bw’Omwamoli tebunnayitirira.”
ad in the fourth generation they shall come hyther agayne for the wekednesse of the Amorites ys not yet full.
17 Enjuba bwe yagwa ng’ekizikiza kikutte, laba, ensuwa eyaka omuliro era enyooka omukka n’ekimulisa ne biyita wakati w’ebitundu bino.
When the sonne was doune and it was waxed darke: beholde there was a smokynge furnesse and a fyre brand that went betwene the sayde peces.
18 Ku lunaku olwo Mukama n’akola endagaano ne Ibulaamu ng’agamba nti, “Ezadde lyo ndiwa ensi eno, okuva ku mugga ogw’e Misiri okutuuka ku mugga omunene, omugga Fulaati:
And that same daye the LORde made a covenaunte with Abram saynge: vnto thy seed wyll I geue thys londe fro the ryver of Egypte even vnto the greate ryver euphrates:
19 Omukeeni, n’Omukenizi, n’Omukadumoni,
the kenytes the kenizites the Cadmonites
20 n’Omukiiti, n’Omuperizi, n’Abaleefa,
the Hethites the Pherezites the Raphaims
21 n’Omwamoli, n’Omukanani, n’Omugirugaasi n’Omuyebusi, mbagabula mu mukono gwo.”
the Amorytes the Canaanites the Gergesites and the Iebusites.

< Olubereberye 15 >