< Ezeekyeri 34 >

1 Ekigambo kya Mukama Katonda ne kinzijira n’aŋŋamba nti,
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
2 “Omwana w’omuntu, yogera ebyobunnabbi eri abasumba ba Isirayiri, obagambe nti, ‘Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda nti, Zibasanze abasumba ba Isirayiri abeefaako bokka. Abasumba tebasaanye kuliisa ndiga?
Son of man, prophesy concerning the shepherds of Israel: prophesy, and say to the shepherds: Thus saith the Lord God: Woe to the shepherds of Israel, that fed themselves: should not the hocks be fed by the shepherds?
3 Mulya amasavu, ne mwambala ebyoya, ne mutta ensolo ensava, naye temufaayo ku bisibo.
You ate the milk, and you clothed yourselves with the wool, and you killed that which was fat: but my flock you did not feed.
4 Ennafu temuzizzaamu maanyi, so n’endwadde temuzijjanjabye, so n’ezirumizibbwa temusibye biwundu byazo, so n’ezibuze temuzikomezzaawo, naye muzifuze n’amaanyi.
The weak you have not strengthened, and that which was sick you have not healed, that which was broken you have not bound up, and that which was driven away you have not brought again, neither have you sought that which was lost: but you ruled over them with rigour, and with a high hand.
5 Kyezaava zisaasaana, kubanga tezaalina musumba, ne ziba kya kulya eri ensolo enkambwe zonna ez’omu nsiko.
And my sheep were scattered, because there was no shepherd: and they became the prey of all the beasts of the field, and were scattered.
6 Endiga zange zaasaasaana, ne zibuna ku nsozi zonna na ku buli kasozi akawanvu, ne zisaasaana okubuna ensi yonna, ne zibulwako azinoonya wadde okuzibuuliriza.
My sheep have wandered in every mountain, and in every high hill: and my flocks mere scattered upon the face of the earth, and there was none that sought them, there was none, I say, that sought them.
7 “‘Noolwekyo mmwe abasumba, muwulire ekigambo kya Mukama:
Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord:
8 Nga bwe ndi omulamu, bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda, olw’endiga zange okufuuka omuyiggo, n’ekyokulya eri ensolo enkambwe zonna, kubanga tezirina musumba, ate era n’abasumba ne batazinoonya, naye ne beefaako bokka, ne bataliisa ndiga zange,
As I live, saith the Lord God, forasmuch as my flocks have been made a spoil, and my sheep are become a prey to all the beasts of the field, because there was no shepherd: for my shepherds did not seek after my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flocks:
9 kale mmwe abasumba muwulire ekigambo kya Mukama.
Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord:
10 Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda nti, Nnina ensonga ku basumba, era ndibavunaana olw’ekisibo kyange. Ndibaggyako okulabirira endiga mulekeraawo okuzifuula ekyokulya. Ndiwonya endiga zange mu kamwa kaabwe, zireme okuba ekyokulya kyabwe.
Thus saith the Lord God: Behold I myself come upon the shepherds, I will require my hock at their hand, and I will cause them to cease from feeding the flock any more, neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more: and I will deliver my flock from their mouth, and it shall no more be meat for them.
11 “‘Era bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda nti, Nze kennyini ndinoonya endiga zange ne nzirabirira.
For thus saith the Lord God: Behold I myself will seek my sheep, and will visit them.
12 Ng’omusumba bw’alabirira ekisibo kye ng’ezimu ku ndiga zisaasaanye okumuvaako, bwe ntyo bwe ndizirabirira. Ndiziggya mu bifo byonna gye zaasaasaanira ku lunaku olw’ebire olw’ekizikiza.
As the shepherd visiteth his hock in the day when he shall be in the midst of his sheep that were scattered, so will I visit my sheep, and will deliver them out of all the places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.
13 Ndiziggya mu mawanga ne nzikuŋŋaanya mu nsi gye zaasaasaanira ne nzikomyawo mu nsi yaazo. Ndiziriisiza ku nsozi za Isirayiri okumpi n’enzizi ne mu bifo byonna ebibeerwamu mu nsi.
And I will bring them out from the peoples, and will gather them out of the countries, and will bring them to their own land: and I will feed them in the mountains of Israel, by the rivers, and in all the habitations of the land.
14 Ndizirabiririra mu ddundiro eddungi ne ku ntikko z’ensozi za Isirayiri we zirirundirwa. Eyo gye zirigalamira mu ddundiro eddungi era gye ziririira omuddo omugimu ku nsozi za Isirayiri.
I will feed them in the most fruitful pastures, and their pastures shall be in the high mountains of Israel: there shall they rest on the green grass, and be fed in fat pastures upon the mountains of Israel.
15 Nze kennyini ndirabirira endiga zange, ne nzigalamiza wansi mirembe, bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda.
I will feed my sheep: and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God.
16 Ndinoonya ezaabula, ne nkomyawo ezaawaba. Ndigyanjaba ezaalumizibwa, ne ŋŋumya ennafu, naye ensava era ez’amaanyi ndizizikiriza. Ndirunda ekisibo mu bwenkanya.
I will seek that which was lost: and that which was driven away, I will bring again: and I will bind up that which was broken, and I will strengthen that which was weak, and that which was fat and strong I will preserve: and I will feed them in judgment.
17 “‘Nammwe ekisibo kyange, bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda nti, Ndisala omusango wakati w’endiga emu ne ginnaayo ne wakati w’endiga ennume n’embuzi.
And as for you, O my flocks, thus saith the Lord God: Behold I judge between cattle and cattle, of rams and of he goats.
18 Tekibamala okulya omuddo? Kale ate lwaki mulinnyirira ogusigaddewo mu ddundiro, nga n’okunywa mwanywa amazzi amayonjo, naye ne musiikuula agaasigalawo n’ebigere byammwe!
Was it not enough for you to feed upon good pastures? but you must also tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures: and when you drank the dearest water, you troubled the rest with your feet.
19 Olwo endiga zange zirye bye mwalinnyirira n’okunywa zinywe amazzi ge mwasiikuula n’ebigere byammwe?
And my sheep were fed with that which you had trodden with your feet: and they drank what your feet had troubled.
20 “‘Mukama Katonda kyava abagamba nti, Laba, nze kennyini ndisala omusango wakati w’endiga ensava n’endiga enkovvu.
Therefore thus saith the Lord God to you: Behold, I myself will judge between the fat cattle and the lean.
21 Kubanga mwewaana nga muyimusa ebifuba ne musindikiriza ennafu zonna ne muzitomera n’amayembe gammwe okutuusa lwe muzifulumya ebweru,
Because you thrusted with sides and shoulders, and struck all the weak cattle with your horns, till they were scattered abroad:
22 ndiwonyawo ekisibo kyange so teziriba nate muyiggo. Ndisala omusango mu bwenkanya wakati w’endiga n’endiga.
I will save my dock, and it shall be no more a spoil, and I will judge between cattle and cattle.
23 Ndiziwa omusumba omu, omuweereza wange Dawudi, alizirunda; alizirabirira era aliba musumba waabwe.
AND I WILL SET UP ONE SHEPHERD OVER THEM, and he shall feed them, even my servant David: he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.
24 Nze Mukama ndiba Katonda waabwe, n’omuddu wange Dawudi aliba mulangira mu bo. Nze Mukama njogedde.
And I the Lord will be their God: and my servant David the prince in the midst of them: I the Lord have spoken it.
25 “‘Ndikola endagaano yange ezisuubiza emirembe, era ndigoba mu nsi ensolo enkambwe, zibeerenga mu ddungu era zeebakenga mu bibira mirembe nga tezirumbibwa.
And I will make a covenant of peace with them, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they that dwell in the wilderness shall sleep secure in the forests.
26 Ndiziwa omukisa wamu n’ebifo ebyetoolodde akasozi kange, era ndibatonnyeseza enkuba mu ntuuko yaayo; walibaawo enkuba ey’omukisa.
And I will make them a blessing round about my hill: and I will send down the rain in its season, there shall be showers of blessing.
27 Emiti egy’omu ttale girireeta ebibala byagyo, n’ettaka lirimeza ebimera byalyo, era n’abantu balituula mirembe mu nsi yaabwe. Balimanya nga nze Mukama bwe ndimenya ebisiba eby’ekikoligo kyabwe ne mbawonya mu mukono gwabwo abaabafuula abaddu.
And the tree of the field shall yield its fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase, and they shall be in their land without fear: and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall have broken the bonds of their yoke, and shall have delivered them out of the hand of those that rule over them.
28 Teziriba munyago nate eri amawanga, so n’ensolo enkambwe tezirizitaagulataagula. Zirituula mirembe so tewaliba muntu n’omu azitiisatiisa.
And they shall be no more for a spoil to the nations, neither shall the beasts of the earth devour them: but they shall dwell securely without any terror.
29 Ndiziwa ensi emanyiddwa olw’ebirime byayo, zireme okulumwa enjala nate mu nsi newaakubadde okunyoomebwa amawanga.
And I will raise up for them a bud of renown: and they shall be no more consumed with famine in the land, neither shall they bear any more the reproach of the Gentiles.
30 Era zirimanya nga nze Mukama Katonda waazo, ndi wamu nazo, era nga zo, ennyumba ya Isirayiri, bantu bange, bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda.
And they shall know that I the Lord their God am with them, and that they are my people the house of Israel: saith the Lord God.
31 Mmwe ndiga zange, endiga ez’eddundiro lyange, muli bantu bange, era nze ndi Katonda wammwe, bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda.’”
And you my flocks, the flocks of my pasture are men: and I am the Lord your God, saith the Lord God.

< Ezeekyeri 34 >