< Ekyamateeka Olwokubiri 5 >

1 Awo Musa n’akuŋŋaanya Isirayiri yenna, n’abagamba nti, Wulira, Ayi Isirayiri, amateeka n’ebiragiro bye nkutegeeza ng’owulira ku lunaku lwa leero. Mubiyige era mubigobererenga n’obwegendereza.
Then Moses called all Israiel, and saide vnto them, Heare, O Israel, the ordinances and the lawes which I propose to you this day, that yee may learne them, and take heede to obserue them.
2 Mukama Katonda waffe yakola naffe endagaano nga tuli e Kolebu.
The Lord our God made a couenant with vs in Horeb.
3 Endagaano eyo Mukama Katonda teyagikola ne bazadde baffe, naye yagikola naffe abali wano era abalamu ku lunaku lwa leero.
The Lord made not this couenant with our fathers onely, but with vs, euen with vs all here aliue this day.
4 Mukama Katonda yayogera nammwe nga mwolekaganye naye, ye ng’asinziira mu muliro ku lusozi olunene.
The Lord talked with you face to face in the Mount, out of the middes of the fire.
5 Mu kaseera ako nze nnali nnyimiridde wakati wa Mukama nammwe okubatuusaako ekigambo kya Mukama Katonda, kubanga mmwe mwali mutidde omuliro, noolwekyo ne mutalinnya ku lusozi olunene. N’abagamba nti:
(At that time I stoode betweene the Lord and you, to declare vnto you ye word of the Lord: for ye were afraid at the sight of the fire, and went not vp into the mount, and he said,
6 “Nze Mukama Katonda wo, eyakuggya mu Misiri, mu nsi gye mwafuulibwa abaddu.
I am the Lord thy God, which haue brought thee out of the lande of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
7 “Tobeeranga na bakatonda balala wabula Nze nzekka.
Thou shalt haue none other gods before my face.
8 Teweekoleranga kintu kyonna ekyole ekifaanana n’ekintu kyonna ekiri waggulu mu ggulu, oba wansi ku nsi, oba ekiri mu mazzi agali wansi w’ensi.
Thou shalt make thee no grauen image or any likenesse of that that is in heauen aboue, or which is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters vnder the earth.
9 Ebyo tobivuunamiranga so tobisinzanga. Kubanga Nze Mukama Katonda wo ndi Katonda wa buggya; mbonereza abaana olw’ebibi bya bakitaabwe n’ebya bajjajjaabwe okutuusa ku mulembe ogwokusatu n’ogwokuna ogw’abo abankyawa.
Thou shalt neither bowe thy selfe vnto them, nor serue them: for I the Lord thy God am a ielous God, visiting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon the children, euen vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me:
10 Naye abo enkumi n’enkumi abanjagala era abakwata amateeka gange, mbalaga okwagala kwange okutaggwaawo.
And shewing mercie vnto thousandes of them that loue me, and keepe my commandements.
11 Tokozesanga linnya lya Mukama Katonda wo ng’olayira ebitaliimu nsa: kubanga Mukama talirema kumusalira musango ne gumusinga omuntu oyo alayirira obwereere erinnya lye.
Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine: for the Lord will not holde him giltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine.
12 Olunaku lwa Ssabbiiti lujjukirenga era olutukuzenga, nga Mukama Katonda wo bwe yakulagira.
Keepe the Sabbath day, to sanctifie it, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.
13 Kolanga emirimu gyo, ofaabiine mu nnaku omukaaga,
Sixe dayes thou shalt labour, and shalt doe all thy worke:
14 naye olunaku olw’omusanvu ye Ssabbiiti ya Mukama Katonda wo. Ku lunaku olwo tokolerangako mulimu gwonna; ggwe, wadde mutabani wo, wadde muwala wo, wadde omuweereza wo omusajja, oba omuweereza wo omukazi, oba ente yo eya sseddume, oba endogoyi yo, oba ku nte zo endala zonna, oba omugenyi ali omumwo, abaweereza bo abasajja, n’abaweereza bo abakazi, nabo balyoke bawummuleko nga ggwe.
But the seuenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: thou shalt not doe any worke therein, thou, nor thy sonne, nor thy daughter, nor thy man seruant, nor thy mayd, nor thine oxe, nor thine asse, neither any of thy cattel, nor the stranger that is within thy gates: that thy man seruant and thy mayde may rest aswell as thou.
15 Ojjukiranga nga wali muweereza mu nsi ey’e Misiri, Mukama Katonda wo n’akuggyayo n’omukono gwe omuwanvu era ogw’amaanyi. Mukama Katonda wo kyeyava akulagira okuumenga olunaku olwa Ssabbiiti.
For, remember that thou wast a seruant in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord thy God brought thee out thence by a mightie hand and a stretched out arme: therefore the Lord thy God commanded thee to obserue the Sabbath day.
16 Kitaawo ne nnyoko obassangamu ekitiibwa, nga Mukama Katonda wo bwe yakulagira, olyoke owangaale, era obeerenga n’emirembe, mu nsi Mukama Katonda wo gy’akuwa.
Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath comanded thee, that thy dayes may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee vpon the land, which the Lord thy God giueth thee.
17 Tottanga.
Thou shalt not kill.
18 Toyendanga.
Neither shalt thou commit adulterie.
19 Tobbanga.
Neither shalt thou steale.
20 Towaayirizanga muntu munno.
Neither shalt thou beare false witnesse against thy neighbour.
21 Teweegombanga mukyala wa muntu munno. So teweegombanga nnyumba ya muntu munno, newaakubadde ennimiro ye, newaakubadde omuweereza we omusajja, newaakubadde omuweereza we omukazi, wadde ente ye, oba endogoyi ye, oba ekintu kyonna ekya muntu munno.”
Neither shalt thou couet thy neighbours wife, neither shalt thou desire thy neighbours house, his fielde, nor his man seruant, nor his mayd, his oxe, nor his asse, nor ought that thy neighbour hath.
22 Ago ge mateeka Mukama ge yalangirira eri ekibiina kyammwe kyonna, nga muli wansi w’olusozi Sinaayi, ng’ayogera n’eddoboozi ery’omwanguka eryava mu muliro, n’ekire, n’ekizikiza ekikutte ennyo; teyayongerako birala. Bw’atyo n’agawandiika ku bipande bibiri eby’amayinja, n’abinkwasa.
These wordes the Lord spake vnto all your multitude in the mount out of the mids of the fire, the cloude and the darkenes, with a great voyce, and added no more thereto: and wrote them vpon two tables of stone, and deliuered them vnto me.
23 Bwe mwawulira eddoboozi nga liva mu kizikiza, ate ng’olusozi lwaka omuliro, ne musembera gye ndi, n’abakulembeze bonna ab’ebika byammwe, n’abakulu bammwe bonna.
And when ye heard the voyce out of the middes of the darkenes, (for the mountaine did burne with fire) then ye came to me, all the chiefe of your tribes, and your Elders:
24 Ne mugamba nti, “Laba, Mukama Katonda waffe atulaze ekitiibwa kye n’obukulu bwe, era n’eddoboozi lye ne tuliwulira nga lifuluma wakati mu muliro.
And ye sayd, Beholde, the Lord our God hath shewed vs his glory and his greatnes, and we haue heard his voyce out of the middes of the fire: we haue seene this day that God doeth talke with man, and he liueth.
25 Kale, kaakano tufiira ki? Kubanga omuliro guno omungi bwe guti gujja kutusaanyaawo, tufe tuggweewo, singa twongera okuwulira eddoboozi lya Mukama Katonda waffe.
Now therefore, why should we dye? for this great fire wil consume vs: if we heare ye voyce of the Lord our God any more, we shall dye.
26 Kubanga, ani mu bantu omuntu eyali awulidde ku ddoboozi lya Katonda omulamu ng’ayogerera wakati mu muliro, nga ffe bwe tuliwulidde, n’asigala ng’akyali mulamu?
For what flesh was there euer, that heard the voyce of the liuing God speaking out of the middes of the fire as we haue, and liued?
27 Ggwe, musemberere, owulirize bulungi byonna Mukama Katonda waffe by’anaayogera. Olyoke otubuulire ebyo byonna Mukama Katonda waffe by’anaakugamba. Tujja kubiwuliriza era tubigondere.”
Go thou neere and heare all that the Lord our God saith: and declare thou vnto vs all that the Lord our God saith vnto thee, and we will heare it, and doe it.
28 Mukama yawulira ebigambo byammwe, bwe mwayogera nange, Mukama Katonda n’aŋŋamba nti, “Ebigambo abantu abo bye bakugambye mbiwulidde. Byonna bye boogedde bibadde birungi.
Then the Lord heard the voyce of your wordes, when ye spake vnto me: and the Lord sayd vnto me, I haue heard the voyce of ye wordes of this people, which they haue spoken vnto thee: they haue well sayd, all that they haue spoken.
29 Singa nno bulijjo emitima gyabwe gibeera bwe gityo; ne bantya, era ne bagonderanga amateeka gange gonna, ne balyoka balaba ebirungi awamu n’abaana baabwe emirembe gyonna!
Oh that there were such an heart in them to feare me, and to keepe all my commandements alway: that it might go well with them, and with their children for euer.
30 Genda obagambe baddeyo mu weema zaabwe.
Go, say vnto them, Returne you into your tentes.
31 Naye ggwe sigala wano nange, ndyoke nkutegeeze amateeka gonna n’ebiragiro, by’ojja okubayigiriza babikolerengako nga bali mu nsi gye mbawa okubeera obutaka bwabwe obw’enkalakkalira.
But stand thou here with me, and I wil tell thee all the commandements, and the ordinances, and the lawes, which thou shalt teach them: that they may doe them in the land which I giue them to possesse it.
32 “Noolwekyo mwegenderezenga nnyo, mukolenga nga Mukama Katonda wammwe bw’abalagidde; mulemenga okukyama okulaga ku mukono ogwa ddyo oba ogwa kkono.
Take heede therefore, that ye doe as the Lord your God hath commanded you: turne not aside to the right hand nor to the left,
33 Mutambulirenga mu kkubo Mukama Katonda wammwe ly’abalagidde, mulyoke mubenga balamu, mugaggawale, era muwangaalenga nga muli mu nsi ejja okubeera obutaka bwammwe obw’enkalakkalira.”
But walke in all the wayes which the Lord your God hath commanded you, that ye may liue, and that it may goe well with you: and that ye may prolong your dayes in the land which ye shall possesse.

< Ekyamateeka Olwokubiri 5 >