< Ekyamateeka Olwokubiri 21 >

1 Bw’olimala okuyingira mu nsi Mukama Katonda gy’akuwa okugirya, omuntu n’asangibwa mu nsiko ng’attiddwa, kyokka ng’eyamusse tamanyiddwa,
If someone is found slain in the land which the LORD your God gives you to possess, lying in the field, and it is not known who has struck him,
2 bakadde bo, abakulembeze, n’abalamuzi bo banaafulumanga ne bagenda bapima obuwanvu bw’ebbanga okuva ku mulambo okutuuka ku bibuga ebinaabanga bigwebulunguludde.
then your elders and your judges shall come out, and they shall measure to the cities which are around him who is slain.
3 Kale nno abakadde abakulembeze b’ekibuga ekinaabanga kisinga okuliraana n’omulambo ogwo, banaaddiranga ente enduusi etakozesebwangako mulimu gwonna, etassibwangamu kikoligo,
It shall be that the elders of the city which is nearest to the slain man shall take a heifer of the herd, which has not been worked with and which has not drawn in the yoke.
4 ne bagiserengesa mu kiwonvu ekirimu akagga akakulukuta; ekitalimwangamu wadde okusimbwamu emmere. Mu kiwonvu omwo mwe banaanyoleranga ensingo y’ente eyo ne bagimenya.
The elders of that city shall bring the heifer down to a valley with running water, which is neither plowed nor sown, and shall break the heifer’s neck there in the valley.
5 Kale nno batabani ba Leevi, bakabona, banaavangayo ne basembera, kubanga Mukama Katonda wo yabalonda okumuweerezanga, n’okusabiranga emikisa mu linnya lya Mukama n’okutereezanga empaka zonna n’obulumbaganyi.
The priests the sons of Levi shall come near, for them the LORD your God has chosen to minister to him, and to bless in the LORD’s name; and according to their word shall every controversy and every assault be decided.
6 Awo abakadde abakulembeze bonna ab’omu kibuga ekinaasinganga okuliraana omulambo ogwo, banaanaabiranga engalo zaabwe ku nte eri enduusi eyamenyebbwa ensingo mu kiwonvu,
All the elders of that city which is nearest to the slain man shall wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken in the valley.
7 ne boogera nti, “Emikono gyaffe si gye gyayiwa omusaayi guno, ne bwe gwali guyiyibwa amaaso gaffe tegaagulaba, tetwaliwo nga guyiyibwa.
They shall answer and say, “Our hands have not shed this blood, neither have our eyes seen it.
8 Osonyiwe abantu bo, Isirayiri, be wanunula Ayi Mukama Katonda, oleme kuleka wakati mu bantu bo, Isirayiri, omusango ogw’okuyiwa omusaayi, gwe batazzanga.” Bwe batyo banaasonyiyibwanga omusango gw’omusaayi ogwo.
Forgive, LORD, your people Israel, whom you have redeemed, and do not allow innocent blood among your people Israel.” The blood shall be forgiven them.
9 Bw’otyo bw’onoggyangawo omusango wakati wammwe ogw’okuyiwa omusaayi ogutaliiko nsonga, kubanga onoobanga okoze ekituufu mu maaso ga Mukama Katonda.
So you shall put away the innocent blood from among you, when you shall do that which is right in the LORD’s eyes.
10 Bw’ogendanga okutabaala balabe bo, Mukama n’abagabula mu mikono gyo n’onyagayo abantu,
When you go out to battle against your enemies, and the LORD your God delivers them into your hands and you carry them away captive,
11 mu abo abanyagiddwa bw’onoolabangamu omukazi alabika obulungi n’omwagala, n’oyagala okumuwasa,
and see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you are attracted to her, and desire to take her as your wife,
12 omutwalanga mu maka go, n’omulagira okumwa omutwe gwe, n’okusalako enjala ze,
then you shall bring her home to your house. She shall shave her head and trim her nails.
13 n’engoye ze mwe yawambirwa azeeyambulangamu. Bw’anaamalanga mu nju yo omwezi mulamba ng’akungubagira kitaawe ne nnyina, onoogendanga gy’ali n’obeera bba, naye anaabeeranga mukazi wo.
She shall take off the clothing of her captivity, and shall remain in your house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month. After that you shall go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife.
14 Kyokka bw’anaabanga takusanyusizza, omuwanga eddembe n’agenda so tomutundanga nsimbi. Tomuyisanga nga muddu, kubanga ggwe wamumalamu ekitiibwa kye.
It shall be, if you have no delight in her, then you shall let her go where she desires; but you shall not sell her at all for money. You shall not deal with her as a slave, because you have humbled her.
15 Omusajja bw’anaabanga n’abakazi babiri, omu nga muganzi naye omulala nga mukyawe, bombi ne bamuzaalira abaana aboobulenzi, naye ng’omwana omubereberye ye w’omukyawe;
If a man has two wives, the one beloved and the other hated, and they have borne him children, both the beloved and the hated, and if the firstborn son is hers who was hated,
16 bw’anaabanga agabira batabani be abo ebintu bye mu ddaame lye, takkirizibwenga kuyisa mwana wa muganzi ng’omubereberye, singa omwana w’omukyawe ye mubereberye.
then it shall be, in the day that he causes his sons to inherit that which he has, that he may not give the son of the beloved the rights of the firstborn before the son of the hated, who is the firstborn;
17 Anaasaaniranga okukkiriza nti omwana w’omukyawe ye mubereberye, era anaamuwanga emiteeko ebiri egy’ebintu bye byonna by’alina, kubanga oyo ge maanyi ga kitaawe amabereberye. Ye nannyini ddembe ery’obwebange ery’omwana omubereberye.
but he shall acknowledge the firstborn, the son of the hated, by giving him a double portion of all that he has; for he is the beginning of his strength. The right of the firstborn is his.
18 Omuntu bw’anaabanga ne mutabani we omukakanyavu omujeemu atagondera biragiro bya kitaawe wadde ebya nnyina, atabafaako bwe bamubonerezaamu olw’obutawulira,
If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and though they chasten him, will not listen to them,
19 kitaawe ne nnyina banaamukwatanga ne bamuleeta eri abakulu abakulembeze ab’omu kibuga kye waabwe nga bali wabweru w’omulyango gw’ekibuga ekyo.
then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city and to the gate of his place.
20 Banaategeezanga abakulu abakulembeze b’omu kibuga kye waabwe nti, “Mutabani waffe ono mukakanyavu era mujeemu. Tatuwulira. Wa mulugube nnyo era mutamiivu.”
They shall tell the elders of his city, “This our son is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey our voice. He is a glutton and a drunkard.”
21 Kale nno abasajja b’omu kibuga ekyo banaamukubanga amayinja ne bamutta. Bw’otyo bw’onoomalangawo ekibi wakati wo. Isirayiri yenna anaakiwuliranga, n’atya.
All the men of his city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall remove the evil from among you. All Israel shall hear, and fear.
22 Omuntu bw’anaasingibwanga ogw’okufa n’attibwa, n’awanikibwa ku muti,
If a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree,
23 omulambo gwe teguulekebwenga ku muti ne gusulako ekiro kyonna; onoomuziikanga ku lunaku olwo lwennyini, kubanga omuntu awanikibwa ku muti, Katonda aba amukolimidde. Togwagwawazanga nsi Mukama Katonda wo gy’akuwa okugirya okubeera obusika bwo obw’enkalakkalira.
his body shall not remain all night on the tree, but you shall surely bury him the same day; for he who is hanged is accursed of God. Do not defile your land which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance.

< Ekyamateeka Olwokubiri 21 >