< Ebikolwa by’Abatume 25 >
1 Fesuto yamala ennaku ssatu mu Kayisaliya ng’azze okutandika emirimu gye emiggya, n’asitula okugenda e Yerusaalemi.
When Festus was come into the province after thre dayes he ascended fro Cesarea vnto Ierusalem.
2 Bwe yali ali eyo, bakabona abakulu n’abakulembeze b’Abayudaaya ne bamutegeeza bye baali bavunaana Pawulo.
Then enformed him the hye prestes and the chefe of the Iewes of Paul. And they besought him
3 Ne bamwegayirira abayambe atumye Pawulo aleetebwe mu Yerusaalemi, kubanga baali bategeka bamuttire mu kkubo.
and desired faveour agaynst him that he wold sende for him to Ierusalem: and layde awayte for him in the waye to kill him.
4 Naye Fesuto n’abaddamu nti, “Nga Pawulo bw’ali mu Kayisaliya, ate nga nange nzija kuddayo mu nnaku ntono,
Festus answered that Paul shuld be kept at Cesarea: but that he him selfe wold shortly departe thither.
5 abakulembeze mu nsonga ezo tugende nabo nga nzirayo.” Obanga waliwo omusango Pawulo gw’azizza baguleete mu mbuga z’amateeka awozesebwe.
Let the therfore (sayd he) which amoge you are able to do it come doune with vs and accuse him if ther be eny faute in the man.
6 Oluvannyuma lw’ennaku nga munaana oba kkumi, Fesuto n’aserengeta mu Kayisaliya, era bwe yatuuka, enkeera n’alagira Pawulo aleetebwe mu mbuga z’amateeka.
When he had taried there moare then ten dayes he departed vnto Cesarea and the nexte daye sate doune in the iudgemet seate and commaunded Paul to be brought.
7 Awo Pawulo bwe yaleetebwa, Abayudaaya abaava e Yerusaalemi ne baleeta emisango mingi egy’amaanyi bamuvunaane kyokka nga tebayinza kulaga bukakafu bwagyo.
When he was come the Iewes which were come fro Ierusalem came aboute him and layde many and greveous complayntes agaynst Paul which they coulde not prove
8 Pawulo n’awoza ng’agamba nti, “Simenyanga mateeka ga Kiyudaaya n’akamu, era siyonoonanga Yeekaalu, so sijeemeranga Kayisaali.”
as longe as he answered for him selfe that he had nether agaynst the lawe of the Iewes nether agaynst the temple nor yet agaynst Cesar offended eny thinge at all.
9 Fesuto, olw’okwagala okusanyusa Abayudaaya, n’abuuza Pawulo nti, “Oyagala okugenda e Yerusaalemi gy’oba owoleza emisango gino mu maaso gange?”
Festus willinge to do the Iewes a pleasure answered Paul and sayde: wilt thou goo to Ierusalem and there be iudged of these thinges before me?
10 Awo Pawulo n’addamu nti, “Kaakano nyimiridde mu maaso g’embuga ya Kayisaali era we nteekwa okuwozesebwa. Naawe omanyidde ddala bulungi nga bwe sirina musango gwonna gwe nazza ku Bayudaaya.
Then sayd Paul: I stonde at Cesars iudgemet seate where I ought to be iudged. To ye Iewes have I no harme done as thou verely well knowest.
11 Naye obanga waliwo omusango gwe nazza, ne gunsaanyiza okufa, nange sigaana kufa! Naye obanga siriiko musango, ng’emisango gyonna Abayudaaya bano gye bankakaatikako gya bulimba bwereere, ggwe tolina kw’osinziira wadde omuntu omulala yenna, okumpaayo gye bali okunzita. Njulidde eri Kayisaali.”
If I have hurte them or comitted eny thinge worthy of deeth I refuse not to dye. If none of these thinges are where of they accuse me no man owght to delyver me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar.
12 Fesuto, bwe yamala okuteesaamu n’abamuwa amagezi, n’addamu nti, “Nga bw’ojulidde ewa Kayisaali, kale, onootwalibwa ewa Kayisaali.”
Then spake Festus with deliberacion and answered. Thou hast appealed vnto Cesar: vnto Cesar shalt thou goo.
13 Awo bwe waayitawo ennaku Kabaka Agulipa ne Berenike ne batuuka mu Kayisaliya okukyalira Fesuto.
After a certayne dayes kinge Agrippa and Bernice came vnto Cesarea to salute Festus.
14 Ku bugenyi baamalako ennaku nnyingi, era mu bbanga eryo Fesuto n’ategeeza kabaka eby’omusango gwa Pawulo. N’amugamba nti, “Waliwo omusajja wano Ferikisi gwe yaleka mu kkomera nga musibe.
And when they had bene there a good ceason Festus rehersed Paules cause vnto ye kynge sayinge: ther is a certayne man left in preson of Felix
15 Bwe nnali mu Yerusaalemi, bakabona ne bantegeeza emisango gye baali bamuvunaana, ne bansaba musalire omusango gumusinge era abonerezebwe.
about whom when I came to Ierusalem the hye prestes and elders of the Iewes enformed me and desyred to have iudgement agaynst him.
16 “Ne mbannyonnyola nti mu mateeka g’Ekiruumi, omuntu tasalirwa musango kumusinga nga tamaze kuwozesebwa n’aweebwa omukisa okuwoza n’abamuwawaabira.
To whom I answered: It is not the maner of the Romayns to delyver eny man that he shuld perisshe before that he which is accused have the accusars before him and have licence to answer for him selfe concerninge ye cryme layde agaynst him:
17 Bwe bajja wano okuwoza omusango ogwo, enkeera ne mpita Pawulo n’ajja mu mbuga z’amateeka.
whe they were come hidder wt out delaye on the morowe I sate to geve iudgement and comaunded ye ma to be brought forthe.
18 Naye emisango gye baamuwawaabira si gye gyo gye nnali nsuubira.
Agaynst who when ye accusers stode vp they brought none accusacion of soche thinges as I supposed:
19 Gyali gikwata ku bya ddiini yaabwe, ne ku muntu ayitibwa Yesu eyafa, naye Pawulo gw’ategeeza abantu nti mulamu!
but had certayne questions agaynst him of their awne supersticion and of one Iesus which was ded: whom Paul affirmed to be alyve.
20 Ebyo ne binnemesa. Kwe ku mubuuza obanga yandyagadde emisango egyo okugiwoleza mu Yerusaalemi.
And be cause I douted of soche maner questions I axed him whyther he wolde goo to Ierusalem and there be iudged of these matters.
21 Naye Pawulo n’ajulira eri Kayisaali! Bwe ntyo ne mmuzzaayo mu kkomera, nteeketeeke okumuweereza eri Kayisaali.”
Then when Paul had appealed to be kept vnto the knowledge of Cesar I commaunded him to be kept tyll I myght sende him to Cesar.
22 Agulipa n’agamba nti, “Nange nandiyagadde okuwulira ku musajja ono by’agamba.” Fesuto n’addamu nti, “Enkya onoomuwulira.”
Agrippa sayd vnto Festus: I wolde also heare ye man my selfe. To morowe (sayde he) thou shalt heare him.
23 Awo ku lunaku olwaddirira Agulipa ne Berenike ne bayingira n’ekitiibwa kinene nnyo mu kisenge ekinene we batuukira, nga bawerekerwako abaserikale n’abantu abatutumufu mu kibuga. Fesuto n’alagira ne baleeta Pawulo.
And on ye morowe when Agrippa was come and Bernice with greate pompe and were entred into the counsell housse with the captaynes and chefe men of the cite at Festus commaundement Paul was brought forth.
24 Fesuto n’alyoka agamba nti, “Kabaka Agulipa, nammwe mwenna abali wano ono ye musajja, Abayudaaya aba kuno n’abo ab’omu Yerusaalemi, gwe bansabye attibwe!
And Festus sayde: kynge Agrippa and all men which are heare present wt vs: ye se this man about whom all the multitude of the Iewes have bene with me both at Ierusalem and also here cryinge that he ought not to lyve eny lenger.
25 Nze nga bwe ndaba, talina ky’akoze kimusaanyiza kufa. Naye bwe yajulira eri Kayisaali, nange kwe kusalawo okumuweereza e Ruumi.
Yet founde I nothinge worthy of deeth that he had comitted. Neverthelesse seinge that he hath appealed to Cesar I have determined to sende him.
26 Naye bye nnassa mu bbaluwa emutwala eri Kayisaali nange bimbuze, kubanga taliiko musango gwennyini gwe yazza! Kyenvudde muleeta mu maaso gammwe mwenna, n’okusingira ddala gy’oli, Kabaka Agulipa, nga neesiga ng’okuva mu ebyo bye munaamubuuza, naye by’anaddamu, nzija kufunamu bye nnassa mu bbaluwa ya Kayisaali.
Of whom I have no certayne thinge to wryte vnto my lorde. Wherfore I have brought him vnto you and specially vnto the kynge Agrippa that after examinacion had I myght have sumwhat to wryte.
27 Kubanga sirowooza nti kirungi okuweereza omusibe eri Kayisaali ng’omusango gw’azizza tegunnyonnyose.”
For me thynketh it vnreasonable for to sende a presoner and not to shewe the causes which are layde agaynst him.