< Ebikolwa by’Abatume 18 >

1 Oluvannyuma lw’ebyo, Pawulo n’asitula okuva mu Asene n’alaga mu Kkolinso.
And after (now *k*) these things having departed (*k*) (Paul *K*) from Athens he came to Corinth,
2 Eyo gye yasisinkana omusajja Omuyudaaya erinnya lye Akula, eyazaalibwa mu Ponto, nga yaakava mu ltaliya ne mukazi we Pulisikira, kubanga Kulawudiyo yali awadde ekiragiro okugoba Abayudaaya bonna mu Ruumi.
And having found a certain Jew named Aquila, of Pontus a native, recently having come from Italy, and Priscilla wife of him, because of (to have commanded *NK(o)*) Claudius to depart all the Jews (out of *N(k)O*) Rome, he came to them;
3 Olw’okuba nga baali bakola omulimu gwe gumu ogw’okukola weema, n’abeeranga nabo, era n’akolanga nabo.
and due to of the same trade being he was staying with them and (he was working; *NK(O)*) they were for tentmakers (by trade; *N(k)O*)
4 Buli lwa Ssabbiiti Pawulo yabeeranga mu kkuŋŋaaniro ng’amatiza Abayudaaya n’Abayonaani.
he was reasoning now in the synagogue on every Sabbath, was persuading both Jews and Greeks.
5 Era Siira ne Timoseewo bwe baatuuka nga bava mu Makedoniya, Pawulo n’awaayo ekiseera kye kyonna mu kubuulira Ekigambo n’okukakasa Abayudaaya nti Yesu ye Kristo.
When now came down from Macedonia both Silas and Timothy, was occupied with the (word *N(K)O*) Paul earnestly testifying to the Jews to be the Christ Jesus.
6 Naye Abayudaaya bwe baatandika okumuwakanya, era n’okuvvoola erinnya lya Yesu, n’akunkumula ebyambalo bye, n’abagamba nti, “Omusaayi gwammwe gubeere ku mitwe gyammwe! Nze ndi mulongoofu. Okuva kaakano nnaagendanga eri Abaamawanga.”
When are opposing however they and denigrating [him], having shaken out the garments he said to them; The blood of You [be] upon the head of you, clean I myself [am]; From now on to the Gentiles I will go.
7 Awo Pawulo n’ava eyo n’alaga mu nnyumba ya Tito Yusito, eyasinzanga Katonda, ng’amaka ge galiraanye n’ekkuŋŋaaniro.
And having departed from there (he entered *N(k)O*) to [the] house of a certain one named (Titius *N(O)*) Justus worshiping the God, of whom the house was adjoining to the synagogue.
8 Kulisupo, eyali omukulu w’ekkuŋŋaaniro, n’ennyumba ye yonna, ne bakkiriza Mukama waffe, n’abalala bangi ku Bakkolinso abaawulira ne bakkiriza era ne babatizibwa.
Crispus now the ruler of the synagogue believed in the Lord with all the household of him, And many of the Corinthians hearing were believing and were baptized.
9 Awo ekiro kimu Mukama n’ayogera ne Pawulo mu kwolesebwa, n’amugamba nti, “Totya! Weeyongere okubuulira, so tosirika!
Said now the Lord in [the] night through a vision to Paul; Not do fear but do continue speaking and not may be silent,
10 Kubanga ndi wamu naawe, tewali ayinza kukulumba n’akukola kabi. Era mu kibuga muno mulimu abantu bange bangi.”
because I myself am with you, and no [one] will lay a hand on you to harm you; because people there is to me many in city this;
11 Bw’atyo Pawulo n’abeerayo ebbanga lya mwaka mulamba n’ekitundu ng’ayigiriza ekigambo kya Katonda.
He remained (now *N(k)O*) a year and months six teaching among them the word of God.
12 Naye Galiyo bwe yalya obwagavana bwa Akaya, Abayudaaya ne beegatta wamu ne balumba Pawulo, ne bamukwata ne bamutwala mu mbuga z’amateeka ewa gavana okumusalira omusango.
When Gallio however proconsul being of Achaia rose up with one accord the Jews against Paul and led him to the judgment seat,
13 Ne bamuwawaabira nti, “Omusajja ono asendasenda abantu okusinza Katonda mu ngeri etakkirizibwa mu mateeka.”
saying that Contrary to the law persuades this [man] men to worship God.
14 Naye Pawulo bwe yali ng’atandika okuwoza, Galiyo n’akyukira Abayudaaya abaawaaba n’abagamba nti, “Muwulire, mmwe Abayudaaya. Singa omusango guno gubadde gumenya mateeka, nandibadde nteekwa okubawuliriza.
When is being about to now Paul to open [his] mouth said Gallio to the Jews; If indeed (therefore *K*) it was unrighteousness some or crime wicked, O Jews, according to reason would (I have endured with *N(k)O*) you;
15 Naye ensonga zammwe nga bwe zifa ku nkozesa y’ebigambo n’amannya, era nga zikwata ku mateeka gammwe, kirungi mmwe muzeemalire. Nze saagala kusala musango gw’ebyo.”
if however (questions *N(K)O*) it is about a word and names and law of yours, you will behold [to it] yourselves; a judge (for *k*) I myself of these things not resolve to be.
16 Bw’atyo n’abagoba mu mbuga z’amateeka.
And he drove them from the judgment seat.
17 Awo bonna ne bakyukira Sossene, eyali omukulembeze omuggya ow’ekkuŋŋaaniro, ne bamukwata, ne bamukubira awo mu maaso g’embuga z’amateeka. Kyokka Galiyo teyabafaako.
Having seized then all [of them] (the Greeks *K*) Sosthenes the ruler of the synagogue they were beating [him] before the judgment seat; And no [thing] about these things to Gallio (was concerning. *NK(O)*)
18 Pawulo n’amala mu kibuga omwo ennaku eziwerako, oluvannyuma n’asiibula abooluganda n’asaabala ku nnyanja n’agenda e Siriya, ng’atutte Pulisikira ne Akula. Naye yali tannasaabala, enviiri ze ne bazisalirako e Kenkereya olw’obweyamo bwe yali akoze.
Now Paul more having remained days many, of the brothers having taken leave he was sailing away to Syria — and with him Priscilla and Aquila — having shaved in Cenchrea the head; he had for a vow.
19 Bwe baatuuka mu Efeso, banne n’abaleka awo n’agenda n’akubaganya ebirowoozo n’Abayudaaya mu kkuŋŋaaniro.
(They came *N(K)O*) now to Ephesus; and them and them left there, He himself then having entered into the synagogue (he reasoned *N(k)O*) with the Jews.
20 Ne bamusaba abeere nabo ennaku eziwerako, naye n’atakkiriza.
When are asking now they for [him] a longer time to remain (with them *k*) not he did consent;
21 N’abagamba nti, “Nsaana okugenda ndyoke nsobole okubaawo ku mbaga ejja mu Yerusaalemi.” Kyokka n’abasuubiza nti agenda kukomawo mu Efeso nga Katonda amukkirizza. Bw’atyo n’asaabala ku nnyanja okuva mu Efeso.
but (having taken leave *N(k)O*) (and *no*) (to them *k*) having said (necessary *KO*) (me by all means the feast which is coming to do into Jerusalem; *K*) Again (now *k*) I will return to you God willing, (and *k*) he sailed from Ephesus.
22 Pawulo bwe yagoba mu Kayisaliya, n’akyalira Ekkanisa n’oluvannyuma n’aserengeta mu Antiyokiya.
and having landed at Caesarea, having gone up and having greeted the church he went down to Antioch;
23 Eyo n’amalayo ekiseera, n’asitula n’atambula n’ayitaayita mu bibuga ebiri mu bitundu bya Ggalatiya ne Fulugiya, ng’akyalira abayigirizwa bonna ng’abanyweza mu kukkiriza.
And having stayed time some he went forth passing through successively the Galatian region and Phrygia, (strengthening *NK(o)*) all the disciples.
24 Waaliwo Omuyudaaya erinnya lye Apolo, nga yazaalibwa mu Alegezanderiya eky’omu Misiri, n’atuuka mu Efeso. Yali musajja muyigirize nnyo, era ng’amanyi nnyo Ebyawandiikibwa.
A Jew now certain Apollos named, of Alexandria a native, a man eloquent, came to Ephesus mighty being in the Scriptures.
25 Yali ayigirizibbwa Ekkubo lya Mukama, nga w’amaanyi mu mwoyo, era yayogeranga n’ayigiriza bulungi byonna ebifa ku Yesu, wabula ng’amanyi kubatizibwa kwa Yokaana kwokka.
He was instructed [in] the way of the Lord, And being fervent in spirit he was speaking and he was teaching earnestly the [things] concerning (Jesus *N(K)O*) knowing only the baptism of John;
26 N’atandika okubuulira n’obuvumu mu kkuŋŋaaniro. Awo Pulisikira ne Akula bwe baamuwulira, ne bamuyita mu maka gaabwe ne bamunnyonnyola bingi eby’Ekkubo lya Katonda.
He then began to speak boldly in the synagogue. Having heard however him Priscilla and Aquila they took to [them] him and more accurately to him they expounded the way of God.
27 Awo Apolo n’ayagala okuwunguka agende mu Akaya mu Buyonaani, n’abooluganda ne bamuwagira nnyo mu kirowoozo ekyo. Ne bawandiikira bannaabwe abakkiriza mu Buyonaani bamwanirize n’essanyu. Era bwe yatuuka mu Buyonaani, Katonda n’amukozesa nnyo mu kunyweza Ekkanisa,
When is resolving then he to pass through into Achaia, having encouraged [him] the brothers wrote to the disciples to welcome him; who having arrived he helped greatly those having believed through grace;
28 kubanga yasambajja n’amaanyi mangi ensonga Abayudaaya ze baaleetanga nga bawakanya Enjiri mu bantu, n’asinziiranga mu Byawandiikibwa okulaga nti ddala Yesu ye Kristo.
Powerfully for the Jews he was refuting publicly showing through the Scriptures to be the Christ Jesus.

< Ebikolwa by’Abatume 18 >