< 2 Basessaloniika 3 >

1 Abooluganda, eky’enkomerero, mutusabirenga, ekigambo kya Mukama kibune mangu era Mukama agulumizibwenga, nga bw’agulumizibwa mu mmwe,
Furthermore, brethren, pray for vs, that the worde of the Lord may haue free passage and be glorified, euen as it is with you,
2 tulyoke tununulibwe okuva mu bakozi b’ebibi, kubanga si bonna abakkiriza.
And that we may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men: for all men haue not fayth.
3 Naye Mukama waffe mwesigwa, alibanyweza mmwe era anaabawonyanga Setaani.
But the Lord is faithfull, which wil stablish you, and keepe you from euill.
4 Era twesiga nga Mukama waffe, abakozesa ebyo bye twabayigiriza era nga munaabikolanga bulijjo.
And we are perswaded of you through the Lord, that ye both doe, and will doe the things which we warne you of.
5 Mukama waffe aluŋŋamyenga emitima gyammwe mu kutegeera okwagala kwa Katonda, n’obugumiikiriza obuva eri Kristo.
And the Lord guide your hearts to the loue of God, and the waiting for of Christ.
6 Abooluganda abaagalwa, mbakuutira mu linnya lya Mukama waffe Yesu Kristo ne mu buyinza bwe, mwewalenga abagayaavu abatayagala kukola mirimu ne balemwa okugoberera ekyokulabirako kye twabateerawo.
We warne you, brethren, in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ, that ye withdrawe your selues from euery brother that walketh inordinately, and not after the instruction, which hee receiued of vs.
7 Kubanga mmwe bennyini mumanyi bulungi bwe kibagwanira okutugobereranga ng’ekyokulabirako kyammwe, kubanga temwatulaba nga twegomba okulya ebyo bye tutakoleredde,
For ye your selues know, how ye ought to follow vs: for we behaued not our selues inordinately among you,
8 tetwakkiriza kulya mmere ya muntu yenna awatali kumusasula. Twafubanga nnyo ne tukoowa nga tukola emirimu emisana n’ekiro tulyoke tufunemu bye twetaaga okukozesa, era tuleme kuzitoowerera muntu n’omu ku mmwe.
Neither tooke we bread of any man for nought: but we wrought with labour and trauaile night and day, because we would not be chargeable to any of you.
9 Si kubanga tetwalina buyinza okubagamba mmwe okutuliisa, naye twayagala mutulabireko nga bwe kibagwanidde okukolanga.
Not because we haue not authoritie, but that we might make our selues an ensample vnto you to follow vs.
10 Era ne bwe twali gye muli eyo, twabakuutira nti omuntu yenna bw’agaananga okukola emirimu, n’okulya talyanga.
For euen when we were with you, this we warned you of, that if there were any, which would not worke, that he should not eate.
11 Kyokka tuwulira nti mu mmwe mulimu abagayaavu abatayagala kukola, aboonoona ebiseera byabwe mu kusaasaanya eŋŋambo.
For we heare, that there are some which walke among you inordinately, and worke not at all, but are busie bodies.
12 Mu linnya lya Mukama waffe, tubeegayirira era tubakuutira abali bwe batyo, okukolanga emirimu n’obunyiikivu n’obuteefu balyoke balyenga ebyo bye bakoleredde.
Therefore them that are such, we warne and exhort by our Lord Iesus Christ, that they worke with quietnes, and eate their owne bread.
13 Naye mmwe temukoowanga kukola bulungi abooluganda abaagalwa.
And ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.
14 Era omuntu yenna bw’atagonderanga biragiro byaffe mu bbaluwa eno, oyo mumwetegereze, muleme kukolagananga naye, ensonyi ziryoke zimukwate.
If any man obey not this our saying in this letter, note him, and haue no company with him, that he may be ashamed:
15 So temumuyisanga nga mulabe wammwe naye mumubuulirirenga ng’owooluganda eyetaaga okulabulwa.
Yet count him not as an enemie, but admonish him as a brother.
16 Kale Mukama nannyini mirembe abawenga emirembe mu byonna. Mukama abeerenga nammwe mwenna.
Now the Lord himselfe of peace giue you peace alwayes by all meanes. The Lord be with you all.
17 Kuno kwe kulamusa kwange, nze Pawulo, mu mukono gwange, bwe ntyo bwe nkola ku nkomerero z’ebbaluwa zange zonna okulaga nti zivudde gye ndi. Bwe nti bwe mpandiika.
The salutation of me Paul, with mine owne hand, which is ye token in euery Epistle: so I write,
18 Ekisa kya Mukama waffe Yesu Kristo kibeerenga nammwe mwenna.
The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all, Amen. ‘The second Epistle to the Thessalonians, written from Athens.’

< 2 Basessaloniika 3 >