< 1 Samwiri 10 >

1 Awo Samwiri n’addira eccupa ey’amafuta n’agifuka ku mutwe gwa Sawulo, n’amunywegera ng’agamba nti, “Mukama akufuseeko amafuta okufuga abantu be, Isirayiri.
Then Samuel took the vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not that Jehovah has anointed thee to be prince over his inheritance?
2 Bw’onoova wano leero, onoosisinkana abasajja babiri okumpi n’amalaalo ga Laakeeri, e Zereza ku nsalo ya Benyamini, banaakugamba nti, ‘Endogoyi ze wagenda okunoonya zaalabise. Kitaawo kaakano takyalowooza ku ndogoyi, naye, yeeraliikirira ggwe, nga yeebuuza nti, “Ebya mutabani wange mbikole ntya?”’
When thou are departed from me today, then thou shall find two men by Rachel's sepulcher in the border of Benjamin at Zelzah. And they will say to thee, The donkeys which thou went to seek are found, and, lo, thy father has left off caring for the donkeys, and is anxious for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?
3 “Bw’onoova awo, ne weeyongerayo okutuuka ku mwera gwa Taboli, onoosisinkana abasajja basatu abanaaba bagenda okusisinkana Katonda e Beseri, omu nga yeetisse obubuzi busatu, omulala nga yeetisse emigaati esatu, n’omulala ng’asitudde eccupa y’envinnyo.
Then thou shall go on forward from there, and thou shall come to the oak of Tabor. And there shall meet thee there three men going up to God to Bethel, one carrying three kids, and another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a bottle of wine.
4 Banaakulamusa ne bakuwa emigaati ebiri, era gikkirize.
And they will salute thee, and give thee two loaves of bread, which thou shall receive from their hand.
5 “Bw’onoova eyo ogenda ku Lusozi lwa Katonda oluliko ekigo eky’Abafirisuuti. Bw’onooba onootera okutuuka ku kibuga, onoosisinkana ekibiina kya bannabbi nga baserengeta okuva mu kifo ekigulumivu nga bakulembeddwamu abakuba entongooli, n’ebitaasa, n’endere, n’ennanga, era nga bawa obunnabbi.
After that thou shall come to the hill of God where is the garrison of the Philistines. And it shall come to pass, when thou have come there to the city, that thou shall meet a band of prophets coming down from the high place with a psaltery, and a timbrel, and a pipe, and a harp, before them, and they will be prophesying.
6 Omwoyo wa Mukama anakukkako mu maanyi, n’owa obunnabbi wamu nabo, era onookyusibwa n’ofuuka omuntu omuggya.
And the Spirit of Jehovah will come mightily upon thee, and thou shall prophesy with them, and shall be turned into another man.
7 Obubonero obwo bwe bunaatuukirira, kola kyonna ky’onoolaba nga kituufu, kubanga Katonda ali wamu naawe.
And let it be, when these signs have come to thee, that thou do as occasion shall serve thee, for God is with thee.
8 “Serengeta onsookeyo e Girugaali. Nnaakugoberera ne nzija gy’oli okuwaayo ssaddaaka ez’ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa n’ebiweebwayo olw’emirembe, naye oteekwa okunnindako okumala ennaku musanvu okutuusa lwe ndijja gy’oli ne nkutegeeza eky’okukola.”
And thou shall go down before me to Gilgal. And, behold, I will come down to thee, to offer burnt offerings, and to sacrifice sacrifices of peace offerings. Thou shall tarry seven days till I come to thee, and show thee what thou shall do.
9 Awo Sawulo bwe yava eri Samwiri, Katonda n’amuwa omutima omuggya, n’obubonero obwo bwonna ne butuukirira ku lunaku olwo.
And it was so, that, when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, God gave him another heart. And all those signs came to pass that day.
10 Bwe baatuuka ku lusozi ekibiina kya bannabbi ne kimusisinkana, Omwoyo wa Katonda n’amukkako mu maanyi era n’atandika okuwa obunnabbi wamu nabo.
And when they came there to the hill, behold, a band of prophets met him. And the Spirit of God came mightily upon him, and he prophesied among them.
11 Abaali baamumanya okuva edda n’edda bwe baamulaba ng’awa obunnabbi wamu ne bannabbi, ne bagambagana nti, “Kiki kino ekituuse ku mutabani wa Kiisi? Sawulo naye ali omu ku bannabbi?”
And it came to pass, when all who knew him formerly saw, that, behold, he prophesied with the prophets, then the people said one to another, What is this that has come to the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?
12 Omu ku batuuze b’ekitundu ekyo n’abuuza nti, “Ye kitaabwe y’ani?” Kyerwava lufuuka olugero nti, “Ne Sawulo ali omu ku bannabbi?”
And a man from the same place answered and said, And who is their father? Therefore it became a proverb, Is Saul also among the prophets?
13 Awo Sawulo bwe yamala okuwa obunnabbi, n’ayambuka mu kifo ekigulumivu.
And when he had made an end of prophesying, he came to the high place.
14 Awo kojja wa Sawulo n’ababuuza ye n’omuweereza nti, “Mubadde wa?” N’addamu nti, “Tubadde tunoonya endogoyi, naye bwe tutaazirabye, ne tugenda eri Samwiri.”
And Saul's uncle said to him and to his servant, Where did ye go? And he said, To seek the donkeys, and when we saw that they were not found, we came to Samuel.
15 Kojja wa Sawulo n’amugamba nti, “Mbuulira Samwiri kye yakugambye.”
And Saul's uncle said, Tell me, I pray thee, what Samuel said to you.
16 Sawulo n’addamu nti, “Yatutegeeza nti endogoyi zaali zirabise.” Naye n’atamubuulira Samwiri bye yamugamba ku by’obwakabaka.
And Saul said to his uncle, He told us plainly that the donkeys were found. But concerning the matter of the kingdom, of which Samuel spoke, he did not tell him.
17 Samwiri n’ayita abantu ba Isirayiri bakuŋŋaanire eri Mukama e Mizupa.
And Samuel called the people together to Jehovah to Mizpah.
18 N’abagamba nti, “Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama, Katonda wa Isirayiri nti, ‘Naggya Isirayiri mu Misiri, ne mbalokola okuva mu mukono gw’Abamisiri, ne mu mukono gw’obwakabaka bwonna obwabajooganga.
And he said to the sons of Israel, Thus says Jehovah, the God of Israel, I brought up Israel out of Egypt, and I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of all the kingdoms that oppressed you,
19 Naye kaakano mujeemedde Katonda wammwe eyabalokola okuva mu buyinike bwammwe n’ennaku yammwe, ne mwogera nti, Nedda, tuteerewo kabaka atufuge.’ Kale mweyanjule mu maaso ga Mukama mu bika byammwe ne nnyiriri zammwe nga bwe biri.”
but ye have this day rejected your God who himself saves you out of all your calamities and your distresses, and ye have said to him, No, but set a king over us. Now therefore present yourselves before Jehovah by your tribes, and by your thousands.
20 Awo Samwiri bwe yasembeza ebika byonna ebya Isirayiri okumpi ne we yali, ekika kya Benyamini ne kirondebwa na kalulu.
So Samuel brought all the tribes of Israel near, and the tribe of Benjamin was taken.
21 N’asembeza ekika kya Benyamini, lunyiriri ku lunyiriri, era olunyiriri lwa Materi ne lulondebwa. N’oluvannyuma Sawulo mutabani wa Kiisi n’alondebwa, naye bwe baamunoonya, nga talabika.
And he brought the tribe of Benjamin near by their families, and the family of the Matrites was taken, and Saul the son of Kish was taken. But when they sought him, he could not be found.
22 Ne beeyongera okwebuuza ku Mukama nti, “Omusajja w’ali wano, atuuse?” Awo Mukama n’abaddamu nti, “Ye, yeekwese mu bitereke.”
Therefore they asked of Jehovah further, Is there yet a man to come here? And Jehovah answered, Behold, he has hid himself among the baggage.
23 Ne badduka ne bagenda ne bamuleeta. Bwe yayimirira mu bantu, n’aba ng’asinga abantu bonna obuwanvu.
And they ran and fetched him from there. And when he stood among the people, he was higher than any of the people from his shoulders and upward.
24 Samwiri n’agamba abantu bonna nti, “Mulaba omusajja Mukama gw’alonze? Tewali amwenkana mu bantu bonna.” Abantu ne baddamu n’eddoboozi eddene nti, “Wangaala Kabaka.”
And Samuel said to all the people, See ye him whom Jehovah has chosen, that there is none like him among all the people? And all the people shouted, and said, Live, O king!
25 Samwiri n’annyonnyola abantu ebiragiro n’obulombolombo eby’obwakabaka, n’abiwandiika mu kitabo n’akiteeka mu maaso ga Mukama. Awo Samwiri n’asiibula abantu bonna, buli omu n’addayo ewuwe.
Then Samuel told the people the manner of the kingdom, and wrote it in a book, and laid it up before Jehovah. And Samuel sent all the people away, every man to his house.
26 Sawulo naye n’addayo ewaabwe mu Gibea, ng’awerekerwako abasajja abazira Katonda be yali akomyeko ku mitima.
And Saul also went to his house to Gibeah, and mighty men went with him, whose hearts God had touched.
27 Naye abamu ku basajja ab’effujjo ne boogera nti, “Omusajja ono ayinza atya okutulokola?” Ne bamunyooma, era ne batamuwa na birabo. Naye Sawulo n’akisirikira n’atabanyega.
But certain worthless fellows said, How shall this man save us? And they despised him, and brought him no present. But he held his peace.

< 1 Samwiri 10 >