< Banzembo 19 >

1 Wuta na buku ya mokambi ya bayembi. Nzembo ya Davidi. Likolo etatolaka nkembo ya Nzambe, mapata elobaka misala na Ye.
“For the leader of the music. A psalm of David.” The heavens declare the glory of God; The firmament showeth forth the work of his hands.
2 Mokolo moko na moko eyebisaka yango epai ya mokolo oyo elandaka, mpe butu moko na moko eyebisaka yango epai ya butu oyo elandaka.
Day uttereth instruction unto day, And night showeth knowledge unto night.
3 Ezali na nzela ya lisolo te, na nzela mpe ya maloba te oyo mingongo na yango eyokanaka te.
They have no speech nor language, And their voice is not heard;
4 Nzokande, sango na yango eyokanaka na mokili mobimba, maloba na yango ekomaka kino na suka ya mokili. Na likolo, Nzambe atie ndako ya kapo mpo na moyi.
Yet their sound goeth forth to all the earth, And their words to the ends of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Moyi yango ebimaka na tongo ndenge elenge mobali oyo abali sika abimaka na shambre na ye, mpe ndenge elombe atambolaka na elikya ya kolonga na momekano.
Which cometh forth like a bridegroom from his chamber, And rejoiceth, like a strong man, to run his course.
6 Moyi ebimaka wuta na songe moko ya likolo, mpe esukisaka mobembo na yango na songe mosusu; eloko moko te ezangaka kozwa molunge na yango.
He goeth forth from the extremity of heaven, And maketh his circuit to the end of it; And nothing is hid from his heat.
7 Mibeko ya Yawe ezali ya kokoka, epesaka biso lisusu nguya ya kozala na bomoi. Maloba na Ye nyonso ezali ya solo, ebongi na kotiela yango elikya, mpe epesaka bwanya epai ya zoba.
The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; The precepts of the LORD are sure, making wise the simple;
8 Mitindo ya Yawe ezali alima, esepelisaka motema; malako na Ye ezali peto, epesaka bososoli.
The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandments of the LORD are pure, enlightening the eyes;
9 Kotosa Yawe ezali peto, ewumelaka libela na libela. Mitindo ya Yawe ezali ya solo, nyonso ezali penza sembo.
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever; The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
10 Ezali na motuya koleka wolo, koleka wolo ebele ya peto, wolo oyo basangisa na eloko mosusu te; eleki mafuta ya nzoyi na elengi, mafuta ya nzoyi oyo ezali kobima sika.
More precious are they than gold; yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
11 Epesaka mosali na Yo mayele; moto nyonso oyo atosaka yango azwaka litomba mingi.
By them also is thy servant warned, And in keeping of them there is great reward.
12 Nani akoki kososola mabunga na ye oyo asali na nko te? Limbisa masumu na ngai, oyo nayebi te!
Who knoweth his own offences? Oh, cleanse thou me from secret faults!
13 Batela lisusu mosali na Yo mpo ete nasala mabe na nko te. Na bongo, nakozala moto ya kokoka mpe nakosala bambeba minene te.
Keep back also thy servant from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me! Then shall I be upright; I shall not be polluted with gross transgression.
14 Yawe, Libanga na ngai mpe Mosikoli na ngai, tika ete maloba mpe makanisi ya motema na ngai esepelisa Yo!
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength and my redeemer!

< Banzembo 19 >