< Bilombe 5 >

1 Na mokolo wana, Debora mpe Baraki, mwana mobali ya Abinoami, bayembaki nzembo oyo:
In that day Debbora and Barac son of Abinoem sung, and said:
2 Lokola na Isalaele, bakonzi batambolaki liboso, mpe bato bamipesaki mobimba na bitumba, tika ete bokumisa Yawe!
O you of Israel, that have willingly offered your lives to danger, bless the Lord.
3 Bino bakonzi, boyoka! Bino bakambi, boyoka malamu! Nalingi koyembela Yawe, nalingi koyemba nzembo mpo na Yawe, Nzambe ya Isalaele.
Hear, O ye kings, give ear, ye princes: It is I, it is I, that will sing to the Lord, I will sing to the Lord the God of Israel.
4 Eh Yawe, tango obimaki na Seiri, tango ozalaki kotambola wuta na mokili ya Edomi, mabele eninganaki, likolo enyangwanaki, mapata esopaki mayi.
O Lord, when thou wentest out of Seir, and passedst by the regions of Edom, the earth trembled, and the heavens dropped water.
5 Bangomba eninganaki liboso ya Yawe, mpe ngomba Sinai, liboso ya Yawe, Nzambe ya Isalaele.
The mountains melted before the face of the Lord, and Sinai before the face of the Lord the God of Israel.
6 Na mikolo ya Shamagari, mwana mobali ya Anati; mpe na mikolo ya Yaeli, nzela etikalaki lisusu na bato te, bato ya mobembo batambolaki na nzela ya nyoka-nyoka.
In the days of Samgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jahel the paths rested: and they that went by them, walked through by-ways.
7 Bamboka nyonso ya mike-mike ya Isalaele etikalaki lisusu na bato te, ezalaki lisusu na bato te kino ngai Debora natelemaki, kino natelemaki lokola mama kati na Isalaele.
The valiant men ceased, and rested in Israel: until Debbora arose, a mother arose in Israel.
8 Tango baponaki banzambe ya sika, bitumba mpe ekomaki na bikuke ya engumba, kasi ata nguba moko te to likonga moko te emonanaki kati na basoda nkoto tuku minei kati na Isalaele.
The Lord chose new wars, and he himself overthrew the gates of the enemies: a shield and spear was not seen among forty thousand of Israel.
9 Motema na ngai ezali elongo na bakambi ya Isalaele, elongo na ba-oyo bamipesaki mobimba na bitumba. Bokumisa Yawe!
My heart loveth the princes of Israel: O you that of your own good will offered yourselves to danger, bless the Lord.
10 Bino oyo bozali kotambola likolo ya ba-ane ya pembe, bino oyo bozali kovanda likolo ya batapi, bino oyo bozali kotambola na nzela, bokanisa!
Speak, you that ride upon fair asses, and you that sit in judgment, and walk in the way.
11 Bokumisa mingongo ya bayembi, na bisika oyo batokaka mayi, pene ya bitima ya mayi; kuna, mingongo ya bakaboli mayi ezali kosanzola misala ya bosembo ya Yawe, misala na Ye ya bosembo na bamboka mike nyonso ya Isalaele. Bato ya Yawe bakiti kino na bikuke ya engumba.
Where the chariots were dashed together, and the army of the enemies was choked, there let the justices of the Lord be rehearsed, and his clemency towards the brave men of Israel: then the people of the Lord went down to the gates, and obtained the sovereignty.
12 Debora, lamuka! Lamuka! Lamuka, lamuka, yemba nzembo ya bitumba! Eh Baraki, telema, zongisa bakangami na yo; mwana mobali ya Abinoami!
Arise, arise, O Debbora, arise, arise, and utter a canticle. Arise, Barac, and take hold of thy captives, O son of Abinoem.
13 Ndambo ya batikali bakiti epai ya balongi, bato ya Yawe bakiti mpo na ngai kati na bilombe ya bitumba.
The remnants of the people are saved, the Lord hath fought among the valiant ones.
14 Bato ya Amaleki bawutaki na Efrayimi. Sima na yo, Benjame akitaki elongo na mampinga. Bakonzi ya mampinga babimelaki na Makiri, mpe bato oyo basimbaka lingenda ya bokonzi babimelaki na Zabuloni.
Out of Ephraim he destroyed them into Amalec, and after him out of Benjamin into thy people, O Amalec: Out of Machir there came down princes, and out of Zabulon they that led the army to fight.
15 Bakambi ya Isakari bazalaki elongo na Debora; ndenge moko lokola Baraki, Isakari alandaki ye mbangu na makolo kino na lubwaku. Kasi kati na libota ya Ribeni, mitema etondaki mingi na makanisi.
The captains of Issachar were with Debbora, and followed the steps of Barac, who exposed himself to danger, as one going headlong, and into a pit. Ruben being divided against himself, there was found a strife of courageous men.
16 Mpo na nini avandi kati na lopango? Ezali mpo na kaka koyoka kolela ya bibwele? Kati na libota ya Ribeni, bazali bobele kolekisa tango pamba na kokanisa.
Why dwellest thou between two borders, that thou mayest hear the bleatings of the flocks? Ruben being divided against himself, there was found a strife of courageous men.
17 Galadi atikali na ngambo mosusu ya Yordani. Mpo na nini Dani azali kowumela kati na masuwa? Aseri atikali pembeni ya ebale, avandi pembeni ya libongo na ye.
Galaad rested beyond the Jordan, and Dan applied himself to ships: Aser dwelt on the sea shore, and abode in the havens.
18 Bato ya Zabuloni bateki milimo na bango na kufa, bato ya Nefitali, na basonge ya bangomba, kuna na esika ya bitumba.
But Zabulon and Nephtali offered their lives to death in the region of Merome.
19 Bakonzi oyo bazali banguna bayaki mpe babundisaki biso; bakonzi ya Kanana babundisaki biso na mboka Taanaki, pene ya mayi ya Megido, kasi bamemaki te bomengo ya bitumba, ata palata.
The kings came and fought, the kings of Chanaan fought in Thanach by the waters of Mageddo, and yet they took no spoils.
20 Wuta na likolo, minzoto ebundaki; na nzela na yango oyo etambolaka, minzoto ebundisaki Sisera.
War from heaven was made against them, the stars remaining in their order and courses fought against Sisara.
21 Mayi moke ya Kishoni ememaki bango, mayi moke ya tango ya kala, mayi moke ya Kishoni. Tika ete molimo na ngai etambola na nguya!
The torrent of Cison dragged their carcasses, the torrent of Cadumim, the torrent of Cisoii: tread thou, my soul, upon the strong ones.
22 Makolo ya bampunda enyataki mabele, na kopumbwa na mbangu makasi, na kolanda bankolo na yango, bato na nguya.
The hoofs of the horses were broken whilst the stoutest of the enemies fled amain, and fell headlong down.
23 Bolakela mboka ya Merozi mabe, elobi anjelu ya Yawe. Bolakela, bolakela mabe bato oyo bavandi kuna! Pamba te bayei te kosunga Yawe; bayei te kosunga bilombe ya bitumba!
Curse ye the land of Meroz, said the angel of the Lord: curse the inhabitants thereof, because they came not to the help of the Lord, to help his most valiant men.
24 Tika ete Yaeli, mwasi ya Eberi, moto ya Keni, apambolama kati na basi nyonso! Tika ete apambolama kati na basi nyonso oyo bazali kovanda na se ya ndako ya kapo.
Blessed among women be Jahel the wife of Haber the Cinite, and blessed be she in her tent.
25 Sisera asengaki mayi, kasi ye apesaki miliki; kati na kopo ya bato ya lokumu, apesaki ye miliki ya kilo.
He asked her water and she gave him milk, and offered him butter in a dish fit for princes.
26 Na loboko na ye ya mwasi, azwaki pike ya nzete; mpe na loboko na ye ya mobali, marto ya basali. Abetaki Sisera mpe apanzaki ye moto, atobolaki ye litoyi mpe apanzaki yango nyonso.
She put her left hand to the nail, and her right hand to the workman’s hammer, and she struck Sisara, seeking in his head a place for the wound, and strongly piercing through his temples.
27 Sisera akweyaki na makolo na ye, alembaki; akweyaki na makolo na ye mpe akufaki.
At her feet he fell: he fainted, and he died: he rolled before her feet, and he lay lifeless and wretched.
28 Mama ya Sisera abandaki kotala na lininisa, na sima ya bibende, mpe abandaki koganga: « Mpo na nini shar na ye ezali kowumela boye? Mpo na nini bashar na ye ezali koya malembe? »
His mother looked out at a window, and howled: and she spoke from the dining room: Why is his chariot so long in coming back? Why are the feet of his horses so slow?
29 Moko kati na basi ya mayele mpe ya lokumu ayanoli ye, mpe ye moko amilobeli:
One that was wiser than the rest of his wives, returned this answer to her mother in law:
30 « Ezali te mpo bazwi mpe bakaboli bomengo ya bitumba: Elenge mwasi moko to bilenge basi mibale mpo na soda moko, bilamba ya langi mpo na Sisera, bilamba, bilamba ya langi, mpe bilamba oyo batia bililingi, mpo na balongi? »
Perhaps he is now dividing the spoils, and the fairest of the women is chosen out for him: garments of divers colours are given to Sisara for his prey, and furniture of different kinds is heaped together to adorn the necks.
31 Yawe, tika ete banguna na Yo nyonso bakufa bongo! Tika ete bato oyo balingaka Yo bangenga makasi lokola moyi ya midi! Mokili ezalaki na kimia mibu tuku minei.
So let all thy enemies perish, O Lord: but let them that love thee shine, as the sun shineth in his rising. And the land rested for forty years.

< Bilombe 5 >