< Yoane 14 >
1 Yesu alobaki: — Tika ete mitema na bino etungisama te! Bondima Nzambe mpe bondima Ngai.
Let not your heart be troubled: Believe on God, and, on me, believe.
2 Kati na ndako ya Tata na Ngai, bisika ezali mingi. Soki ezalaki bongo te, boni, nalingaki koyebisa bino ete nakeyi kuna mpo na kobongisela bino esika?
In the house of my Father, are, many dwellings; or else I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you.
3 Mpe, sima na Ngai kobongisa yango, nakozonga mpe nakozwa bino mpo ete bozala elongo na Ngai; mpe mpo ete bino mpe bozala na esika oyo Ngai nazali.
And, if I go, and prepare a place for you, again, am I coming, and will take you home unto—myself, that, where, I, am, ye also, may be.
4 Boyebi nzela ya esika oyo nazali kokende.
And, whither, I, go, ye know, the way.
5 Toma alobaki na Yesu: — Te, Nkolo! Toyebi te esika oyo ozali kokende; bongo tokoyeba nzela na yango ndenge nini?
Thomas saith unto him—Lord! we know not whither thou goest: How know we, the way?
6 Yesu azongiselaki ye: — Ngai, nazali nzela, solo mpe bomoi. Moto moko te akoki koya epai ya Tata, soki na nzela na Ngai te.
Jesus saith unto him—I, am the way, and the truth, and the life: No one, cometh unto the Father, but through me.
7 Soki boyebaki Ngai, bolingaki mpe koyeba Tata na Ngai; mpe kobanda sik’oyo, boyebi Ye mpe bomoni Ye.
If ye had been getting to know me, my Father also, had ye known: from henceforth, are ye getting to know him, and have seen him.
8 Filipo alobaki na Yesu: — Nkolo, lakisa biso Tata; tozali na posa ya eloko mosusu te.
Philip saith unto him—Lord! show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9 Yesu azongiselaki ye: — Ah Filipo! Kala nyonso oyo nazalaka elongo na bino, oyebaka na yo kaka Ngai te? Moto oyo amoni Ngai amoni Tata. Bongo ndenge nini olobi: « Lakisa biso Tata? »
Jesus saith unto him—So long a time as this, have I been, with you, —and thou hast not come to know me, Philip? He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father. How art, thou, saying, Show us the Father?
10 Ondimi te ete nazali kati na Tata, mpe ete Tata azali kati na Ngai? Maloba oyo nayebisaka bino, nalobaka yango te na bokonzi na Ngai moko; ezali Tata oyo azali kati na Ngai nde azali kokokisa bongo misala na Ye.
Believest thou not, that, I, am in the Father, and, the Father, is, in me? The things which I am saying unto you, from myself, I speak not; but, the Father, within me abiding, doeth his works.
11 Bondima Ngai: nazali kati na Tata, mpe Tata azali kati na Ngai. Soki te, bondima ata mpo na misala oyo bomoni Ngai kosala.
Believe me, That, I, am in the Father, and, the Father, in me; —or else, on account of the works themselves, believe ye.
12 Nazali koloba na bino penza ya solo: moto oyo andimi Ngai akosala misala oyo nazali kosala; akosala kutu misala oyo eleki minene, pamba te nazali kokende epai ya Tata.
Verily, verily, I say unto you—He that believeth on me, the works which, I, am doing, he also, shall do; and, greater than these, shall he do, because, I, unto the Father, am going, —
13 Mpe nakosala nyonso oyo bokosenga na Kombo na Ngai, mpo ete Tata azwa lokumu kati na Mwana.
And because, whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, the same, will I do, that, the Father, may be glorified, in the Son:
14 Soki bosengi Ngai eloko na Kombo na Ngai, nakosala yango.
If anything ye shall ask [me] in my name, the same, will I do.
15 Soki bolingaka Ngai, bokobatela mibeko na Ngai.
If ye be loving me, my commandments, ye will keep;
16 Mpe Ngai, nakosenga epai ya Tata ete apesa bino Molobeli mosusu mpo ete azala elongo na bino tango nyonso, (aiōn )
And, I, will request the Father, and, Another Advocate, will he give unto you, that he may be with you age-abidingly, (aiōn )
17 Molimo ya solo, Molimo oyo mokili ekoki koyamba te mpo ete ezali komona Ye te to eyebi Ye te. Kasi bino, boyebi Ye, pamba te azali elongo na bino mpe azali kati na bino.
The Spirit of truth, —which, the world, cannot receive, because it beholdeth it not, nor getteth to know it. But, ye, are getting to know it; because, with you, it abideth, and, in you, it is.
18 Nakotika bino te lokola bana bitike; nakozongela bino.
I will not leave you bereft, —I am coming unto you.
19 Etikali kaka tango moke, mokili ekomona Ngai lisusu te; kasi bino, bokomona Ngai. Mpo ete nazali na bomoi, bino mpe bokozala na bomoi.
Yet a little, and, the world, no longer beholdeth me; but, ye, behold me, —Because, I, live, ye also, shall live.
20 Tango mokolo yango ekokoma, bokososola ete nazali kati na Tata na ngai; bokososola lisusu ete bozali kati na Ngai, mpe Ngai nazali kati na bino.
In that day, shall ye get to know, That, I, am in my Father, and, ye, in me, and, I, in you.
21 Moto oyo alingaka Ngai, ezali ye oyo abatelaka mibeko na Ngai mpe atiaka yango na misala. Tata na Ngai akolinga moto oyo alingaka Ngai; Ngai mpe nakolinga ye mpe nakomimonisa epai na ye.
He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he, it is that loveth me; and, he that loveth me, shall be loved by my Father, and, I, will love him, and will manifest, myself, unto him.
22 Yuda (Yuda Isikarioti te) atunaki Yesu: — Nkolo, mpo na nini komimonisa epai na biso, kasi epai ya mokili te?
Judas, not the Iscariot, saith unto him—Lord! what hath happened, that, unto us, thou art about to manifest thyself, and, not unto the world?
23 Yesu azongiselaki ye: — Moto oyo alingaka Ngai akobatela maloba na Ngai, mpe Tata na Ngai akolinga ye; bongo tokoya epai na ye mpe tokovanda elongo na ye.
Jesus answered, and said unto him—If any man be loving me, my word, he will keep, and, my Father, will love him, —and, unto him, will we come, and, an abode with him, will we make.
24 Kasi moto oyo alingaka Ngai te, akobatela mpe maloba na Ngai te. Nzokande, Liloba oyo bozali koyoka ezali ya Ngai te, kasi ezali Liloba ya Tata oyo atindaki Ngai.
He that loveth me not, doth not keep, my word; —and, the word which ye hear, is not mine, but, the Father’s who sent me.
25 Nayebisi bino makambo oyo nyonso, wana nazali nanu elongo na bino.
These things, have I spoken unto you, With you abiding;
26 Kasi Molobeli, Molimo Mosantu oyo Tata akotinda na Kombo na Ngai, akoteya bino makambo nyonso mpe akosunga bino mpo ete bobosana te nyonso oyo nayebisaki bino.
But, the Advocate, The Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in my name, He, will teach you all things, and will put you in mind, of all things which, I, told you.
27 Nakeyi, kasi natikeli bino kimia; napesi bino kimia na Ngai. Nazali kopesa bino te ndenge mokili epesaka. Tika ete mitema na bino etungisama te mpe bobanga te!
Peace, I leave with you, My own peace, give, I, unto you, —Not as, the world, giveth, give, I, unto you: —Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
28 Boyoki Ngai koloba na bino ete nakeyi, mpe lisusu ete nakozongela bino. Soki bozalaki kolinga Ngai, bolingaki kosepela na kokende na Ngai epai ya Tata, pamba te Tata aleki Ngai na monene.
Ye heard that, I, said unto you—I go my way, and I come unto you, —Had ye loved me, ye would have rejoiced, that I am going unto the Father, for, the Father, is, greater than I.
29 Nayebisi bino makambo yango sik’oyo, liboso ete esalema, mpo ete bokoka kondima, na mokolo oyo ekosalema.
But, now, have I told you, before it cometh to pass, that, whensoever it shall come to pass, ye may believe.
30 Kobanda sik’oyo, nakoloba na bino lisusu mingi te, pamba te mokonzi ya mokili oyo azali koya. Ezali te mpo ete azali na nguya moko te likolo na Ngai,
No longer, many things, will I speak with you; for, the world’s ruler, is coming, and, in me, hath, nothing, —
31 kasi ezali mpo ete mokili eyeba ete nalingaka Tata, mpe ete nazali kosala kolanda ndenge atindaki Ngai. Botelema; tolongwa awa.
But, that the world may get to know that I love the Father, and just as the Father hath given me commandment, so, I do. Be rousing yourselves! let us be leading on from hence.