< Jeremi 49 >

1 Na tina na bato ya Amoni: Tala liloba oyo Yawe alobi: « Boni, Isalaele atikali lisusu na bana mibali te? Atikali lisusu na bakitani ya libula te? Bongo mpo na nini Moloki, nzambe ya bato ya Amoni, abotoli bingumba ya Gadi? Mpo na nini bato na ye bayei kovanda na Gadi?
This is what the Lord says about the Ammonites: Don't the Israelites have any children? Don't they have heirs to inherit their property? So why has Milcom taken over the territory belonging to the tribe of Gad? Why are his people living in their towns?
2 Kasi na mikolo ekoya, » elobi Yawe, « nakosala ete lokito ya bitumba eyokana mpo na kobundisa Raba, engumba ya bato ya Amoni; ekokoma esika ya mabe mpe bamboka mike na yango ekozikisama na moto. Bongo Isalaele akobengana bato oyo babenganaki ye, » elobi Yawe.
Watch out! The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will signal the attack on the Ammonite town of Rabbah. It will be turned into a pile of ruins, and its villages will be burned down. Then the Israelites will drive out the people who took over their land, says the Lord.
3 « Eshiboni, lela mpo ete Ayi ebebisami! Bino bavandi ya Raba, boganga! Bolata basaki mpe bosala matanga, bokima na bangambo nyonso ya mir, pamba te Moloki akokende na bowumbu elongo na banganga-nzambe mpe bakambi na ye.
Weep, people of Heshbon, for the town of Ai has been destroyed. Cry for help, people of Rabbah! Put on clothes made of sackcloth and start mourning; run to and fro inside your city walls, because your god Milcom will go into exile along with his priests and leaders.
4 Mpo na nini ozali komikumisa na tina na mabwaku na yo, mabwaku oyo ebotaka bambuma ebele? Oh elenge mwasi oyo otambolaka na bosembo te, ozali solo kotia motema na bomengo na yo mpe ozali koloba: ‹ Nani akobundisa ngai? ›
Why do you boast that your valleys are so productive, you unfaithful people? You trust in your wealth, saying, “Who would dare attack us?”
5 Nakomemela yo pasi, wuta na zingazinga na yo, » elobi Nkolo Yawe, Mokonzi ya mampinga. « Bakomema moko na moko kati na bino na bowumbu, mpe moto ata moko te akokoka kosangisa bato oyo bakokima.
Watch out! I'm going to bring the surrounding nations to terrorize you, declares the Lord God Almighty. You will all be driven out and scattered, and no one will be able to gather you refugees together again.
6 Kasi sima na mikolo, nakozongisa lisusu lokumu ya bato ya Amoni, » elobi Yawe.
However, later on I will bring you Ammonites back from exile, declares the Lord.
7 Na tina na Edomi: Tala liloba oyo Yawe, Mokonzi ya mampinga, alobi: « Boni, engumba ya Temani etikali lisusu na bato ya bwanya te? Bato ya mayele batikali lisusu na bososoli te? Boni, bwanya na bango esili penza?
This is what the Lord Almighty says about Edom: Aren't there any wise people left in Teman? Isn't there any good advice from those with insight? Has their wisdom rotted away?
8 Bobaluka mpe bokima, bokende kobombama na madusu ya mabanga, bino bavandi ya engumba Dedani! Pamba te nakotindela Ezawu pasi tango nakopesa ye etumbu.
Turn and run away! Find somewhere to hide, people of Dedan, because I'm bringing disaster down on you descendants of Esau when I punish you.
9 Soki bato oyo babukaka bambuma ya vino bayei epai na yo, bakotika ata mbuma moko te ya vino. Soki miyibi bayei epai na yo na butu, bakobebisa ndenge balingi.
If people harvesting grapes came to you, they'd leave some behind, wouldn't they? If thieves came during the night, they'd only steal what they wanted, wouldn't they?
10 Kasi nakotika Ezawu bolumbu, mpe nakobimisa polele ebombamelo na ye, bongo akokoka lisusu komibomba te. Bana na ye ya mibali to bandeko na ye to mpe bazalani na ye bakosila kokufa; moko te akotikala na bomoi.
But I'm going to strip the whole country of bare, leaving its people with nowhere to hide. All of Esau's descendants will be destroyed, along with their relatives and friends—they will all be gone.
11 Tika bana bitike na yo, nakobatela bomoi na bango; mpe basi na yo, oyo bakufisa mibali bakotiela Ngai motema. »
However, you can leave your orphans to me because I will protect them. Have your widows put their trust in me.
12 Tala liloba oyo Yawe alobi: « Soki bato oyo basengeli komela kopo te bameli yango, bongo mpo na nini yo ozanga kozwa etumbu? Te, okozanga te kozwa etumbu, mpe osengeli komela kopo yango!
This is what the Lord says: If those who were not required to drink from the cup of judgment had to do so, how could you not be punished yourselves? You won't go unpunished, because you have to drink it too.
13 Nalapi ndayi na Kombo na Ngai, » elobi Yawe, « Botsira ekobebisama mpe ekokoma eloko ya somo, eloko ya kotiola mpe ya lisuma; mpe bingumba na yango nyonso ekobebisama mpo na libela. »
I made myself a solemn promise, declares the Lord, that the town of Bozrah will become a place that horrifies people, a complete humiliation, a pile of ruins, and a name that's used as a curse word. All its surrounding towns will also be left in ruins forever.
14 Nayoki sango kowuta na Yawe; mpe batindaki ntoma moko epai ya bikolo mpo na koloba: « Bosangana mpo na kobundisa yango! Botelema mpo na bitumba!
I received this message from the Lord. He has sent a messenger to the nations: Get yourselves ready to attack Edom! Prepare for battle!
15 Nakokomisa yo moke kati na bikolo, ekolo ya kotiola kati na bato.
Watch as I will make you insignificant compared to other nations—everyone will look down on you.
16 Somo oyo bato bazali koyoka yo mpe lolendo ya motema na yo ezali kokosa yo. Yo movandi ya madusu ya mabanga, yo oyo otonga ndako na yo na basonge ya bangomba; ata soki otongi zala na yo likolo lokola mpongo, nakokweyisa yo longwa kuna kino na se, » elobi Yawe.
The fear you once created in others, and your pride in yourselves, has fooled you into overconfidence, you people living on the rocky mountain tops. Though you make your homes high out of reach like an eagle's nest, I will tear you down, even from there, declares the Lord.
17 « Mokili ya Edomi ekokoma eloko ya somo; moto nyonso oyo akolekela wana akokamwa mpe akoyoka somo wana akomona kobeba na yango nyonso.
People will be horrified at what's happened to Edom. Everyone passing by will be shocked, and will sneer at all its damage.
18 Ndenge Sodome mpe Gomore ebebisamaki elongo na bingumba na yango ya zingazinga, » elobi Yawe, « moto moko te akovanda lisusu kuna, moko te akowumela kati na yango.
Just as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, along with their neighboring towns, says the Lord, nobody will live there—they will become uninhabited.
19 Ndenge nkosi eyaka wuta na bazamba ya Yordani mpo na kokende na mapango epai wapi babokolaka bibwele, ndenge wana mpe nakobengana Edomi na mokili na yango na mbala moko; Ngai moko nakopona moto oyo akokoma mokonzi ya Edomi. Nani akokani na Ngai? Nani akoki kobeta tembe na Ngai? Mobateli bibwele nani akoki kotelema liboso na Ngai?
Watch out! I'm going to come like a lion from the tangled undergrowth beside the Jordan to attack the animals grazing the green pasture. In fact I'm going to chase the Edomites from their land very quickly. Who will I choose to conquer them? Who is like me? Who can challenge me? Which leader could oppose me?
20 Yango wana, boyoka mabongisi oyo Yawe asili kosala mpo na kotelemela Edomi, mokano oyo asili kozwa mpo na kotelemela bavandi ya Temani: ‹ Bakobengana bango na lopango lokola bana mike ya etonga, akobebisa etando na bango.
So listen to what the Lord has planned to do to Edom and the people of Teman: Their children will be dragged away like lambs from the flock, and because of them their pasture will become a wasteland.
21 Mabele ekoningana na lokito ya kokweya na bango, makelele na yango ekoyokana kino na ebale monene ya Barozo.
When they fall, the sound they make will make the earth shake; their cries will be heard all the way to the Red Sea.
22 Tala, mpongo moko ekopumbwa mpe ekokita na elulu, etanda mapapu na yango likolo ya Botsira! Na mokolo wana, mitema ya basoda ya Edomi ekokoma lokola motema ya mwasi oyo azali na pasi ya kobota. › »
Watch as an enemy like an eagle flies high, then swoops down, spreading its wings as it attacks Bozrah. At that time Edom's warriors will be as scared as a woman in labor.
23 Na tina ya Damasi: « Amati mpe Aripadi batondisami na soni, pamba te bayoki sango ya mabe. Mitema na bango ekomi likolo-likolo mpe bakomi komitungisa lokola ebale oyo etomboki.
A prophecy about Damascus: The towns of Hamath and Arpad are disturbed, because they've received bad news. They are fearful, restless like the sea. Nothing can calm their worries.
24 Bato ya Damasi balembi nzoto, bakomi koluka kokima mpe somo ekangi bango; kobanga mpe pasi ezwi bango lokola mwasi oyo azali na pasi ya kobota.
The people of Damascus are demoralized—they turn and run away in panic, overcome by pain and anguish like a woman in labor.
25 Ndenge nini bosundola engumba ya lokumu boye, engumba oyo ezalaki kosepelisa motema na Ngai?
Why isn't the city that is praised deserted, the city that made me happy?
26 Solo, bilenge mibali na yango bakokweya na babalabala na yango na mokolo wana, basoda na yango ya mpiko bakokanga minoko, » elobi Yawe, Mokonzi ya mampinga.
For on that day its young men will die in its streets, all its defenders will be killed, declares the Lord of Hosts.
27 « Nakozikisa bamir ya Damasi na moto mpe moto yango ekozikisa bandako batonga makasi ya mokonzi Beni-Adadi. »
I'm going to set fire to the walls of Damascus; that will burn down the fortresses of Ben-hadad.
28 Na tina na Kedari mpe mikili ya Atsori, oyo Nabukodonozori, mokonzi ya Babiloni, abundisaki: Tala liloba oyo Yawe alobi: « Botelema mpe bobundisa Kedari, bobebisa bato ya este.
A prophecy about the land of Kedar and the kingdoms of Hazor that were attacked by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. This is what the Lord says: Go and attack Kedar; destroy the people of the east!
29 Bobotola na makasi bandako na bango ya kapo mpe bibwele na bango; bomema bilamba, biloko na bango ya kitoko mpe bashamo na bango! Tika ete bato bawolola bango na bangambo nyonso: ‹ Somo ekangi bango na bangambo nyonso! ›
Take their tents and their flocks! Carry off their tent curtains and all their possessions! Take their camels for yourselves. Shout out to them: “Terror is everywhere!”
30 Bino bavandi ya Atsori, bokima na lombangu, bobombama na madusu ya mabanga, » elobi Yawe. « Pamba te Nabukodonozori, mokonzi ya Babiloni, asaleli bino likita, asali penza mabongisi ya kosala bino mabe!
Run! Get away as far as you can! Find somewhere to hide, people of Hazor, declares the Lord. For Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has made plans to attack and destroy you.
31 Botelema mpe bobundisa ekolo oyo ezali na kimia, ekolo oyo ebangaka eloko moko te, » elobi Yawe, « ekolo oyo ezanga bikuke mpe banzete oyo bakangelaka bikuke, ekolo oyo bato na yango bazalaka kaka bango moko.
Go and attack that self-satisfied nation that thinks it's safe, declares the Lord. They don't have any barred gates and have no allies.
32 Tika ete bashamo na bango ekoma bomengo ya bitumba, bayiba bibwele na bango ebele. Nakopanza na mopepe bavandi ya mosika, mpe nakokweyisela bango pasi longwa na bisika nyonso, » elobi Yawe.
Their camels and large herds will be plunder for you. I will scatter them everywhere, these desert people who trim their hair on the sides of their heads. I will bring disaster down on them from all directions, declares the Lord.
33 « Atsori ekokoma esika oyo mbwa ya zamba evandaka, esika oyo etikala pamba mpo na libela: moto moko te akovanda lisusu kuna mpe moto moko te akowumela lisusu kati na yango. »
Hazor will become a place where jackals live, a place abandoned forever. No one will live there; it will become uninhabited.
34 Tala liloba oyo Yawe alobaki na mosakoli Jeremi na tina na Elami, na ebandeli ya bokonzi ya Sedesiasi, mokonzi ya Yuda:
This is the Lord's message that came to Jeremiah the prophet about Elam. This was at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah.
35 Tala liloba oyo Yawe, Mokonzi ya mampinga, alobi: « Tala, nakobuka tolotolo ya Elami, ebundeli oyo esalaka makasi na ye.
This is what the Lord Almighty says: Look! I'm going to smash the bows of the Elamites, the weapon they rely on for their power.
36 Nakotindela Elami mipepe minei ya makasi, wuta na basonge minei ya lola, nakopanza bango na mokili mobimba mpe akozala na ekolo moko te oyo ekozanga koyamba bato ya Elami oyo bakokima.
I will bring winds from all directions to attack Elam, and I will scatter them in all directions. There won't be a nation that doesn't have some of Elam's exiles.
37 Nakosala ete bato ya Elami balenga liboso ya banguna na bango, liboso ya bato oyo bazali koluka kosala bango mabe; nakokweyisela bango pasi na kanda na Ngai, » elobi Yawe. « Nakolanda bango na mopanga kino nakosilisa koboma bango.
I will smash the Elamites in front of their enemies, before those who want to kill them. In my furious anger I will bring disaster down on them, declares the Lord. I will chase them down with the sword until I have destroyed them.
38 Nakotia Kiti na Ngai ya bokonzi kati na Elami mpe nakoboma mokonzi mpe bakalaka na yango, » elobi Yawe.
I will set up my throne in Elam, and destroy its king and officials, declares the Lord.
39 « Nzokande, na mikolo ekolanda, nakozongisa lokumu ya Elami, » elobi Yawe.
However, later on I will bring the Elamites back from exile, declares the Lord.

< Jeremi 49 >