< Jeremi 48 >

1 Na tina ya Moabi: Tala liloba oyo Yawe, Mokonzi ya mampinga, Nzambe ya Isalaele, alobi: « Mawa na engumba Nebo, pamba te ekobebisama! Kiriatayimi ekoyokisama soni mpe bakobotola yango, ndako makasi ekoyokisama soni mpe ekobukana.
Of Moab. The LORD of Armies, the God of Israel, says: “Woe to Nebo! For it is laid waste. Kiriathaim is disappointed. It is taken. Misgab is put to shame and broken down.
2 Moabi ekozala lisusu na lokumu te, bato bakosalela yango likita kati na Eshiboni mpo na kokweyisa yango: ‹ Boya, tokweyisa ekolo oyo! › Yo mpe, engumba Madimeni, okokanga monoko; mopanga ekolanda yo.
The praise of Moab is no more. In Heshbon they have devised evil against her: ‘Come! Let’s cut her off from being a nation.’ You also, Madmen, will be brought to silence. The sword will pursue you.
3 Yoka makelele oyo ezali kobima kuna na Oronayimi: ezali lokito ya bitumba mpe ya kobebisama!
The sound of a cry from Horonaim, desolation and great destruction!
4 Moabi ebebisami makasi penza mpe bana na yango bazali kolela.
Moab is destroyed. Her little ones have caused a cry to be heard.
5 Bazali komata na kolela, nzela-nzela mpo na kokende na Luyiti; mpe tango bazali kokita na Oronayimi, koganga ya mawa ezali koyokana mpo ete Moabi esili kobebisama.
For they will go up by the ascent of Luhith with continual weeping. For at the descent of Horonaim they have heard the distress of the cry of destruction.
6 Bokima! Bopota mbangu mpo na kobikisa bomoi na bino; bokoma lokola nzete ya kokawuka kati na esobe!
Flee! Save your lives! Be like the juniper bush in the wilderness.
7 Lokola bozali kotia mitema na misala na bino mpe na bomengo na bino, bino mpe bokokende na bowumbu; boye Kemoshi mpe akokende na bowumbu elongo na Banganga-Nzambe mpe bakambi na ye.
For, because you have trusted in your works and in your treasures, you also will be taken. Chemosh will go out into captivity, his priests and his princes together.
8 Mobebisi akoya koboma bingumba nyonso mpe ata engumba moko te ekobika; lubwaku ekobebisama, mpe etando ya likolo ya bangomba ekobebisama, pamba te Yawe alobi.
The destroyer will come on every city, and no city will escape; the valley also will perish, and the plain will be destroyed, as the LORD has spoken.
9 Bobongisa kunda mpo na Moabi mpo ete ekobebisama solo; bingumba na yango ekotikala pamba, mpe bato bakovanda lisusu kuna te.
Give wings to Moab, that she may fly and get herself away: and her cities will become a desolation, without anyone to dwell in them.
10 Tika ete moto oyo asalelaka Yawe na kozanga komipesa alakelama mabe! Tika ete moto oyo apelisaka mopanga na ye mpo ete etangisa makila alakelama mabe!
“Cursed is he who does the work of the LORD negligently; and cursed is he who keeps back his sword from blood.
11 Moabi ezalaki na kimia wuta bolenge na yango lokola masanga ya vino oyo baningisi te, oyo babongoli na mbeki mosusu te, mpo ete etikala nanu kokende na bowumbu te. Boye, elengi na yango ebongwana te mpe solo na yango etikala kaka ndenge ya kala.
“Moab has been at ease from his youth, and he has settled on his dregs, and has not been emptied from vessel to vessel, neither has he gone into captivity; therefore his taste remains in him, and his scent is not changed.
12 Kasi na mikolo ekoya, » elobi Yawe, « nakotindela Moabi bato oyo bakobongola yango lokola masanga ya vino na mbeki mosusu: bakosopa yango, bakosilisa yango na mbeki mpe bakobuka mbeki na yango.
Therefore behold, the days come,” says the LORD, “that I will send to him those who pour off, and they will pour him off; and they will empty his vessels, and break their containers in pieces.
13 Boye, Moabi ekoyoka soni likolo ya Kemoshi ndenge bato ya Isalaele bayokaki soni tango batiaki mitema na Beteli.
Moab will be ashamed of Chemosh, as the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel, their confidence.
14 Ndenge nini bokoki koloba: ‹ Tozali basoda ya mpiko, bato ya makasi, bilombe ya bitumba? ›
“How do you say, ‘We are mighty men, and valiant men for the war’?
15 Mokili ya Moabi ekobebisama, mpe bakobotola bingumba na yango na makasi; bilenge mibali oyo Moabi etielaka motema bakokufa na mopanga, » elobi Mokonzi oyo Kombo na Ye ezali Yawe, Mokonzi ya mampinga.
Moab is laid waste, and they have gone up into his cities, and his chosen young men have gone down to the slaughter,” says the King, whose name is the LORD of Armies.
16 « Kobebisama ya Moabi ezali na nzela, pasi na yango ekoya na lombangu penza.
“The calamity of Moab is near to come, and his affliction hurries fast.
17 Bino bazalani nyonso ya Moabi, bosalela ye matanga; bino bato oyo boyebi sango ya lokumu na ye, boloba: ‹ Ah, tala ndenge lingenda ya nguya, lingenda ya bokonzi ya nkembo, ebukani! ›
All you who are around him, bemoan him; and all you who know his name, say, ‘How the strong staff is broken, the beautiful rod!’
18 Oh bato ya elenge mwasi Diboni, botika nkembo na bino mpe bovanda na esobe; pamba te moto oyo akoya kobundisa Moabi akoya mpe kobundisa bino mpe kobebisa bingumba na bino oyo batonga makasi!
“You daughter who dwells in Dibon, come down from your glory, and sit in thirst; for the destroyer of Moab has come up against you. He has destroyed your strongholds.
19 Bino bavandi ya Aroeri, botelema na nzela mpe botala malamu, botuna mobali oyo azali kokima mpe mwasi oyo asili kobikisa bomoi na ye soki makambo nini esili kosalema!
Inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way and watch. Ask him who flees, and her who escapes; say, ‘What has been done?’
20 Moabi ezali na soni mpo ete esili kokweya. Bolela mpe boganga, bobelela na Arinoni ete mokili ya Moabi ebebisami!
Moab is disappointed; for it is broken down. Wail and cry! Tell it by the Arnon, that Moab is laid waste.
21 Kosambisama ekweyi na mokili ya etando ya likolo ya bangomba: na Oloni, na Yakatsi mpe na Mefati,
Judgement has come on the plain country— on Holon, on Jahzah, on Mephaath,
22 na Diboni, na Nebo mpe na Beti-Diblatayimi,
on Dibon, on Nebo, on Beth Diblathaim,
23 na Kiriatayimi, na Beti-Gamuli mpe na Beti-Meoni,
on Kiriathaim, on Beth Gamul, on Beth Meon,
24 na Kerioti mpe na Botsira, na bingumba nyonso ya Moabi, ezala oyo ezali mosika to oyo ezali pene.
on Kerioth, on Bozrah, and on all the cities of the land of Moab, far or near.
25 Liseke ya Moabi ebukani mpe loboko na ye ekatani, » elobi Yawe.
The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken,” says the LORD.
26 « Bolangwisa ye masanga, pamba te abetaki tembe na Yawe! Tala ye Moabi ndenge azali kobaluka kati na bisanza na ye! Tika ete, ye mpe, akoma eloko ya maseki!
“Make him drunk, for he magnified himself against the LORD. Moab will wallow in his vomit, and he also will be in derision.
27 Boni, Isalaele azalaki eloko ya maseki te na miso na bino? Bokangaki ye kati na miyibi mpo ete bokoma koseka ye tango nyonso bokolobela kombo na ye?
For wasn’t Israel a derision to you? Was he found amongst thieves? For as often as you speak of him, you shake your head.
28 Bino bavandi ya Moabi, bosundola bingumba na bino mpe bokende kovanda kati na mabanga! Bozala lokola ebenga oyo etongaka zala na yango kati na mabanga.
You inhabitants of Moab, leave the cities, and dwell in the rock. Be like the dove that makes her nest over the mouth of the abyss.
29 Toyokaki sango ya lolendo ya Moabi, lolendo oyo eleka penza ndelo! Tala ndenge amatisaka mapeka! Atondi na lofundu, azali na monoko makasi, mpe motema na ye emikitisaka te.
“We have heard of the pride of Moab. He is very proud in his loftiness, his pride, his arrogance, and the arrogance of his heart.
30 Nayebi ete monoko makasi na ye ezali kaka pamba, » elobi Yawe, « mpe lolendo na ye esalaka eloko moko te.
I know his wrath,” says the LORD, “that it is nothing; his boastings have done nothing.
31 Yango wana nazali kolela mpo na Moabi, nazali kolela mpo na Moabi nyonso; nazali kosala matanga mpo na bato ya Kiri-Eresheti.
Therefore I will wail for Moab. Yes, I will cry out for all Moab. They will mourn for the men of Kir Heres.
32 Oh elanga ya vino ya Sibima, nazali kolela mpo na yo ndenge engumba Yaezeri ezali kolela! Bitape na yo epanzani kino koleka mayi monene, ekomi kino na mayi monene Yaezeri. Mobebisi akweyeli mbuma ya bilanga na yo mpe mbuma ya vino na yo.
With more than the weeping of Jazer I will weep for you, vine of Sibmah. Your branches passed over the sea. They reached even to the sea of Jazer. The destroyer has fallen on your summer fruits and on your vintage.
33 Esengo mpe kosepela esili kolimwa na bilanga mpe na bazamba ya Moabi; nakawusi vino kati na bikamolelo na bango, mpe moto oyo akokamola yango na esengo azali te. Atako bato bazali koganga kasi ezali makelele ya esengo te.
Gladness and joy is taken away from the fruitful field and from the land of Moab. I have caused wine to cease from the wine presses. No one will tread with shouting. The shouting will be no shouting.
34 Makelele mpe koganga ezali komata wuta na Eshiboni kino na Eleale mpe Yakatsi, wuta na Tsoari kino koleka Oronayimi mpe Egilati-Shelishiya; pamba te, ezala mayi ya Nimirimi esili kokawuka.
From the cry of Heshbon even to Elealeh, even to Jahaz they have uttered their voice, from Zoar even to Horonaim, to Eglath Shelishiyah; for the waters of Nimrim will also become desolate.
35 Nakoboma bato nyonso oyo bakendaka na bisambelo ya likolo ya bangomba mpe batumbaka malasi ya ansa lokola mbeka epai ya banzambe na bango, kati na mokili ya Moabi, » elobi Yawe.
Moreover I will cause to cease in Moab,” says the LORD, “him who offers in the high place, and him who burns incense to his gods.
36 « Mpe motema na Ngai ezali kolela Moabi ndenge flite ebetaka, ezali kolela lokola flite mpo na bato ya Kiri-Eresheti. Bomengo na bango nyonso esili kobunga.
Therefore my heart sounds for Moab like flutes, and my heart sounds like flutes for the men of Kir Heres. Therefore the abundance that he has gotten has perished.
37 Bakokoli suki ya mito ya bato nyonso, bakati moto moko na moko mandefu mpe bazokisi moto moko na moko na loboko.
For every head is bald, and every beard clipped. There are cuttings on all the hands, and sackcloth on the waist.
38 Na likolo ya bandako nyonso ya Moabi mpe na bisika nyonso oyo bato balekelaka, ezali na likambo mosusu te, kaka ebembe; pamba te nabebisi Moabi lokola eloko oyo bato balingaka te, » elobi Yawe.
On all the housetops of Moab, and in its streets, there is lamentation everywhere; for I have broken Moab like a vessel in which no one delights,” says the LORD.
39 « Tala ndenge nini apanzani, tala ndenge nini bazali kolela! Ndenge nini Moabi apesi mokongo na soni! Moabi akomi eloko ya kotiola, eloko ya koyoka na miso ya bato nyonso oyo bazingeli ye. »
“How it is broken down! How they wail! How Moab has turned the back with shame! So will Moab become a derision and a terror to all who are around him.”
40 Tala liloba oyo Yawe alobi: « Tala ndenge nini mpongo ezali kokita na elulu mpe etandi mapapu na yango likolo ya Moabi.
For the LORD says: “Behold, he will fly as an eagle, and will spread out his wings against Moab.
41 Bakobotola Kerioti mpe bandako na yango oyo batonga makasi. Na mokolo wana, mitema ya basoda ya mpiko ya Moabi ekokoma lokola motema ya mwasi oyo azali na pasi ya kobota.
Kerioth is taken, and the strongholds are seized. The heart of the mighty men of Moab at that day will be as the heart of a woman in her pangs.
42 Mokili ya Moabi ekobebisama mpe ekotikala lisusu ekolo te; pamba te ebetaki tembe na Yawe.
Moab will be destroyed from being a people, because he has magnified himself against the LORD.
43 Somo, libulu mpe motambo ezali kozela bino bato ya Moabi, » elobi Yawe.
Terror, the pit, and the snare are on you, inhabitant of Moab,” says the LORD.
44 « Moto nyonso oyo akokima somo akokweya na libulu, mpe moto nyonso oyo akobima na libulu akokangama na motambo, pamba te nakoyeisa mobu ya etumbu na mokili ya Moabi, » elobi Yawe.
“He who flees from the terror will fall into the pit; and he who gets up out of the pit will be taken in the snare, for I will bring on him, even on Moab, the year of their visitation,” says the LORD.
45 « Bato oyo bazali kokima bakozanga lisungi na elili ya engumba ya Eshiboni, pamba te moto moko ewuti na Eshiboni, moto ebimi na ndako ya mokonzi Sikoni, etumbi bandako batonga makasi ya Moabi mpe mito ya bato ya lolendo.
“Those who fled stand without strength under the shadow of Heshbon; for a fire has gone out of Heshbon, and a flame from the middle of Sihon, and has devoured the corner of Moab, and the crown of the head of the tumultuous ones.
46 Oh Moabi, mawa na yo! Bato ya Kemoshi babebisami, bana na yo ya mibali bakangami na bowumbu, mpe bana na yo ya basi bakokende na bowumbu!
Woe to you, O Moab! The people of Chemosh are undone; for your sons are taken away captive, and your daughters into captivity.
47 Nzokande, na mikolo ekoya, nakozongisa lokumu ya Moabi, » elobi Yawe. Kosambisama ya Moabi esuki awa.
“Yet I will reverse the captivity of Moab in the latter days,” says the LORD. Thus far is the judgement of Moab.

< Jeremi 48 >