< Ezayi 20 >

1 Na mobu oyo mokonzi monene ya basoda, oyo Sargoni, mokonzi ya Asiri, atindaki, ayaki kobundisa mpe kobotola engumba Asidodi;
In the year that Tartan came to Ashdod, when Sargon the king of Assyria sent him, and he fought against Ashdod and took it;
2 kaka na tango wana, Yawe alobaki maloba oyo na nzela ya Ezayi, mwana mobali ya Amotsi: « Kende, longola bilamba ya saki na nzoto na yo, mpe basapato na makolo na yo. » Mpe asalaki kaka bongo; akomaki kotambola bolumbu mpe makolo ngulu.
at that time the LORD spoke by Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, “Go, and loosen the sackcloth from off your waist, and take your sandals from off your feet.” He did so, walking naked and barefoot.
3 Bongo Yawe alobaki: « Lokola mosali na Ngai, Ezayi, atamboli bolumbu mpe makolo ngulu mibu misato mpo na kozala elembo mpe ekamwiseli na miso ya Ejipito mpe ya Kushi,
The LORD said, “As my servant Isaiah has walked naked and barefoot three years for a sign and a wonder concerning Egypt and concerning Ethiopia,
4 mokonzi ya Asiri akomema bakangami ya Ejipito mpe bawumbu ya Kushi bolumbu mpe makolo ngulu: ezala bilenge to bampaka, bakotambola bolumbu mpe makolo ngulu mpo na soni ya Ejipito.
so the king of Assyria will lead away the captives of Egypt and the exiles of Ethiopia, young and old, naked and barefoot, and with buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.
5 Bato nyonso oyo batiaki elikya na bango na Kushi mpe bakomaki lofundu mpo na Ejipito bakokweya mpe bakotonda na soni.
They will be dismayed and confounded, because of Ethiopia their expectation, and of Egypt their glory.
6 Na mokolo wana, bavandi ya esanga bakoloba: ‹ Tala, makambo nini ekomeli bato oyo biso tozalaki kotiela mitema? Tozalaki kokima epai na bango mpo na kozwa lisungi mpe lobiko liboso ya mokonzi ya Asiri. Biso sik’oyo tokosuka ndenge nini? › »
The inhabitants of this coast land will say in that day, ‘Behold, this is our expectation, where we fled for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria. And we, how will we escape?’”

< Ezayi 20 >