< 2 Masolo ya Kala 28 >

1 Akazi azalaki na mibu tuku mibale ya mbotama tango akomaki mokonzi, mpe akonzaki mibu zomi na motoba na Yelusalemi. Asalaki makambo mabe na miso ya Yawe; nzokande, Davidi, koko na ye, asalaki makambo ya sembo.
Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. He didn’t do that which was right in the LORD’s eyes, like David his father,
2 Alandaki banzela oyo bakonzi ya Isalaele batambolaki na yango mpe asalaki kutu banzambe ya bikeko ya bibende banyangwisa na moto mpo na banzambe Bala.
but he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, and also made molten images for the Baals.
3 Atumbaki mbeka ya malasi kati na Lubwaku ya Beni-Inomi mpe abonzaki bana na ye ya mibali na moto kolanda misala ya nkele ya bikolo oyo Yawe abenganaki liboso ya bana ya Isalaele.
Moreover he burned incense in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and burned his children in the fire, according to the abominations of the nations whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.
4 Abonzaki bambeka mpe atumbaki mbeka ya malasi, na bisambelo ya likolo ya bangomba, na bangomba mike mpe na se ya banzete ya mibesu.
He sacrificed and burned incense in the high places, and on the hills, and under every green tree.
5 Yawe, Nzambe na ye, akabaki ye na maboko ya mokonzi ya Siri. Bato ya Siri babetaki ye, bazwaki bato na ye ebele na bowumbu mpe bamemaki bango na Damasi. Nzambe akabaki ye lisusu na maboko ya mokonzi ya Isalaele, oyo abebisaki biloko na ye mpe alongaki ye.
Therefore the LORD his God delivered him into the hand of the king of Syria. They struck him, and carried away from him a great multitude of captives, and brought them to Damascus. He was also delivered into the hand of the king of Israel, who struck him with a great slaughter.
6 Na mokolo moko, Peka, mwana mobali ya Remalia, abomaki basoda nkoto nkama moko na tuku mibale kati na Yuda, bango nyonso bazalaki basoda ya mpiko; pamba te basundolaki Yawe, Nzambe ya bakoko na bango.
For Pekah the son of Remaliah killed in Judah one hundred twenty thousand in one day, all of them valiant men, because they had forsaken the LORD, the God of their fathers.
7 Zikiri, moto ya bitumba ya Efrayimi, abomaki Maaseya, mwana mobali ya mokonzi; Azirikami, mobateli biloko ya ndako ya mokonzi; mpe Elikana, molandi ya mokonzi.
Zichri, a mighty man of Ephraim, killed Maaseiah the king’s son, Azrikam the ruler of the house, and Elkanah who was next to the king.
8 Bato ya Isalaele bakangaki kati na bandeko na bango bato nkoto nkama mibale: basi, bana mibali mpe bana basi; bazwaki bomengo ebele ya bitumba mpe bamemaki yango na Samari.
The children of Israel carried away captive of their brothers two hundred thousand women, sons, and daughters, and also took away much plunder from them, and brought the plunder to Samaria.
9 Kuna na Samari, ezalaki na mosakoli moko ya Yawe, kombo na ye « Odedi. » Abimaki liboso ya mampinga tango bazalaki kozonga na Samari mpe alobaki na bango: « Tala, na kanda makasi na Ye mpo na Yuda, Yawe, Nzambe ya batata na bino, akabi bango na maboko na bino, mpe bobomi bango na kanda oyo ekomi kino na likolo.
But a prophet of the LORD was there, whose name was Oded; and he went out to meet the army that came to Samaria, and said to them, “Behold, because the LORD, the God of your fathers, was angry with Judah, he has delivered them into your hand, and you have slain them in a rage which has reached up to heaven.
10 Mpe sik’oyo, bolingi kokomisa bato ya Yuda mpe ya Yelusalemi bawumbu na bino? Kasi bino moko, bozali mpe na ngambo te liboso ya Yawe, Nzambe na bino?
Now you intend to degrade the children of Judah and Jerusalem as male and female slaves for yourselves. Aren’t there even with you trespasses of your own against the LORD your God?
11 Boyoka ngai sik’oyo! Bozongisa bandeko na bino, oyo bokangi lokola bawumbu, pamba te kanda makasi ya Yawe ezali likolo na bino. »
Now hear me therefore, and send back the captives that you have taken captive from your brothers, for the fierce wrath of the LORD is on you.”
12 Kati na bakambi ya Efrayimi, bamosusu batelemelaki ba-oyo bawutaki na bitumba. Ezalaki Azaria, mwana mobali ya Yoanani; Berekia, mwana mobali ya Meshilemoti; Ezekiasi, mwana mobali ya Shalumi; mpe Amasa, mwana mobali ya Adilayi.
Then some of the heads of the children of Ephraim, Azariah the son of Yochanan, Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth, Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and Amasa the son of Hadlai, stood up against those who came from the war,
13 Balobaki na bango: « Bosengeli te komema bakangami oyo awa, soki te tokomema ngambo epai na Yawe. Boni, bolingi lisusu kobakisa masumu mpe ngambo na biso! Ngambo na biso eleki penza monene, mpe kanda makasi ya Yawe ezali likolo ya Isalaele. »
and said to them, “You must not bring in the captives here, for you intend that which will bring on us a trespass against the LORD, to add to our sins and to our guilt; for our guilt is great, and there is fierce wrath against Israel.”
14 Basoda batikaki bakangami mpe bomengo ya bitumba na miso ya bakambi mpe ya lisanga mobimba.
So the armed men left the captives and the plunder before the princes and all the assembly.
15 Sima, bato oyo baponaki na bakombo na bango bazwaki bakangami mpe balendisaki bango; bazwaki kati na bomengo ya bitumba bilamba, mpe balatisaki ba-oyo nyonso bazalaki bolumbu. Bapesaki bango bilamba, basapato, bilei mpe masanga; mpe bapakolaki ba-oyo bazokaki kisi, bamemaki na likolo ya ba-ane ba-oyo bakokaki kotambola te mpe bazongisaki bango na Jeriko, engumba ya banzete ya mbila, epai ya bandeko na bango. Sima, bazongaki na Samari.
The men who have been mentioned by name rose up and took the captives, and with the plunder clothed all who were naked among them, dressed them, gave them sandals, gave them something to eat and to drink, anointed them, carried all the feeble of them on donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers. Then they returned to Samaria.
16 Na tango yango, mokonzi Akazi atindaki bato epai ya bakonzi ya Asiri mpo na kosenga lisungi.
At that time King Ahaz sent to the kings of Assyria to help him.
17 Bato ya Edomi bayaki lisusu kobundisa Yuda mpe bamemaki bakangami,
For again the Edomites had come and struck Judah, and carried away captives.
18 wana bato ya Filisitia bakotaki na makasi kati na bingumba ya etando mpe ya sude ya Yuda. Bazwaki na makasi Beti-Shemeshi, Ayaloni, Gederoti, Soko, Timina mpe Gimizo elongo na bamboka na yango ya zingazinga, mpe bavandaki kuna.
The Philistines also had invaded the cities of the lowland and of the South of Judah, and had taken Beth Shemesh, Aijalon, Gederoth, Soco with its villages, Timnah with its villages, and also Gimzo and its villages; and they lived there.
19 Yawe asambwisaki Yuda likolo ya Akazi, mokonzi ya Isalaele, pamba te atindikaki bato ya Yuda na mabe mpe azangaki boyengebene liboso ya Yawe.
For the LORD brought Judah low because of Ahaz king of Israel, because he acted without restraint in Judah and trespassed severely against the LORD.
20 Na esika ya kosunga ye, Tigilati-Pilezeri, mokonzi ya Asiri, ayaki kobundisa ye mpe azwaki ye lokola monguna.
Tilgath-pilneser king of Assyria came to him and gave him trouble, but didn’t strengthen him.
21 Akazi azwaki ndambo ya biloko ya Tempelo ya Yawe, ya ndako ya mokonzi mpe ya bandako ya bakambi; mpe apesaki yango epai ya mokonzi ya Asiri. Kasi atako bongo, azwaki kaka lisungi te.
For Ahaz took away a portion out of the LORD’s house, and out of the house of the king and of the princes, and gave it to the king of Assyria; but it didn’t help him.
22 Wana azalaki kati na pasi, mokonzi Akazi akobaki lisusu kosala makambo ya nkele na miso ya Yawe:
In the time of his distress, he trespassed yet more against the LORD, this same King Ahaz.
23 abonzaki bambeka epai ya banzambe ya Damasi oyo elongaki ye, pamba te amilobelaki: « Lokola banzambe ya bakonzi ya Siri bayaka kosunga bato na bango, ngai mpe nakobonzela bango bambeka mpo ete baya kosunga ngai! » Kasi esalaki ete ye akweyisama, Isalaele mobimba mpe ekweyisama.
For he sacrificed to the gods of Damascus which had defeated him. He said, “Because the gods of the kings of Syria helped them, I will sacrifice to them, that they may help me.” But they were the ruin of him and of all Israel.
24 Akazi asangisaki bisalelo nyonso ya Tempelo ya Nzambe mpe abukaki-bukaki yango. Akangaki bikuke ya Tempelo ya Yawe mpe atongaki bitumbelo na babalabala nyonso ya Yelusalemi.
Ahaz gathered together the vessels of God’s house, cut the vessels of God’s house in pieces, and shut up the doors of the LORD’s house; and he made himself altars in every corner of Jerusalem.
25 Kati na bingumba nyonso ya Yuda, asalaki bisambelo ya likolo ya bangomba mpo na kobonza mbeka ya malasi epai ya banzambe mosusu. Na bongo, apesaki Yawe, Nzambe ya batata na bango, kanda makasi.
In every city of Judah he made high places to burn incense to other gods, and provoked the LORD, the God of his fathers, to anger.
26 Makambo mosusu oyo etali mokonzi Akazi mpe etamboli na ye, kobanda na ebandeli kino na suka, ekomama kati na buku ya masolo ya bakonzi ya Yuda mpe ya Isalaele.
Now the rest of his acts, and all his ways, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel.
27 Akazi akendeki kokutana na bakoko na ye, mpe bakundaki ye kati na engumba Yelusalemi, kasi kati na bakunda ya bakonzi ya Isalaele te. Ezekiasi, mwana na ye ya mobali, akitanaki na ye na bokonzi.
Ahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the city, even in Jerusalem, because they didn’t bring him into the tombs of the kings of Israel; and Hezekiah his son reigned in his place.

< 2 Masolo ya Kala 28 >