< 1 Petelo 3 >

1 Bino mpe basi, botosaka mibali na bino mpo ete, soki ezali na ndambo ya mibali oyo bandimaka Liloba na Nzambe te, bakoma kondima na nzela ya bizaleli malamu ya basi na bango, ata soki bateyi bango Liloba te,
So also ye wives, be ye subject to your husbands; that, by your pleasing behavior, ye may gain over, without difficulty, those who obey not the word,
2 tango bakomona bino kotambola na bomoi ya peto mpe ya botosi.
when they see, that ye conduct yourselves with reverence and chastity.
3 Bolukaka kaka te kokoma kitoko na libanda na nzela ya kokanga suki, kolata babiju ya wolo to bilamba ya kitoko;
And adorn not yourselves with the external ornaments of curls of the hair, or of golden trinkets, or of costly garments.
4 kasi bolukaka nde kitoko ya bomoto ya kati: esilaka te, ewutaka na molimo ya boboto mpe ya kimia, ezali na motuya mingi na miso ya Nzambe.
But adorn yourselves in the hidden person of the heart, with a mild and uncorrupted spirit, an ornament that is precious before God.
5 Ezalaki ndenge wana nde basi ya bule oyo, na kala, bazalaki kotia elikya na bango na Nzambe bazalaki komikomisa kitoko. Bazalaki kotosa mibali na bango,
For so also the holy women of old, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, and were subject to their husbands:
6 lokola Sara oyo atosaki Abrayami kino kobenga ye « nkolo na ngai. » Bozali bana basi ya Sara soki bosali bolamu mpe bopesi nzela te na bobangi.
just as Sarah was subject to Abraham, and called him, My lord: whose daughters ye are, by good works, while ye are not terrified by any fear.
7 Bino mpe mibali, bovandaka na bwanya elongo na basi na bino, boyebaka ete bazali bato na bolembu. Bopesaka bango lokumu, pamba te bango mpe basengeli kozwa elongo na bino bomoi kowuta na Nzambe, na ngolu na Ye, mpo ete eloko moko te ekanga losambo na bino.
And ye husbands, likewise, dwell with your wives according to knowledge, and hold them in honor, as the feebler vessels; because they also will inherit with you the gift of eternal life: and let not your prayers be hindered.
8 Mpo na kosukisa, bozalaka, bino nyonso, na makanisi moko, boyokelanaka mawa, bolinganaka lokola bandeko, bozalaka bato malamu mpe bato ya komikitisa.
The summing up, is, that ye all be in harmony, that ye be sympathetic with them who suffer, and affectionate one to another, and be merciful and kind.
9 Bozongisaka te mabe na mabe to mafinga na mafinga, kasi bozongisaka mabe na mapamboli; pamba te Nzambe abengaki bino na kopambola mpo ete bino mpe boyamba mapamboli lokola libula na bino.
And that ye recompense to no one evil for evil, neither railing for railing; but, in contrariety to these, that ye bless: for to this were ye called, that ye might inherit a blessing.
10 Solo, moto nyonso oyo azali na posa ya kolinga bomoi mpe kobika mikolo ya esengo asengeli kobatela lolemo na ye mosika na mabe, mpe bibebu na ye mosika na maloba ya lokuta;
Therefore, whoever chooseth life, and desireth to see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile;
11 asengeli kokima mabe mpe kosala bolamu, koluka kimia mpe kokoba na yango,
let him turn away from evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and follow after it.
12 pamba te miso ya Nkolo etalaka bato ya sembo, mpe matoyi na Ye eyokaka losambo na bango. Kasi Nkolo apesaka bato mabe mokongo.
Because the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears ready to hear them: but the face of the Lord is against the wicked.
13 Nani akosala bino mabe soki bomipesi na kosala bolamu?
And who will do you harm, if ye are zealous of good works?
14 Bokozala kutu bato ya esengo, ezala soki bokomona pasi mpo na bosembo. Bobangaka bato te mpe bomitungisaka te.
But if it should occur, that ye suffer on account of righteousness, happy are ye. And be not terrified, by those who would terrify you, nor be agitated:
15 Kasi, kati na mitema na bino, bopesaka Klisto lokumu lokola Nkolo. Botatolaka tango nyonso tina ya elikya na bino epai ya bato nyonso oyo bakotuna bino tina yango,
but sanctify the Lord the Messiah, in your hearts. And be ye ready for a vindication, before every one who demandeth of you an account of the hope of your faith,
16 kasi botatolaka yango na boboto, na limemia mpe na mitema peto, mpo ete bato oyo balobaka mabe na tina na etamboli na bino ya malamu kati na Klisto bakufa soni.
in meekness and respect, as having a good conscience; so that they who speak against you as bad men, may be ashamed, for having calumniated your good conduct in the Messiah.
17 Eleki malamu komona pasi na kosala bolamu, soki yango ezali mokano ya Nzambe, na esika ete omona pasi na kosala mabe.
For it is profitable to you, that ye suffer evil while ye do good deeds, if this should be the pleasure of God; and not, while ye do evil deeds.
18 Pamba te Ye moko Klisto oyo atikalaki kosala ata mabe moko te amonaki pasi, mbala moko mpo na libela, mpo na masumu ya bato mabe; akufaki mpo na bato mabe, mpo na komema bino epai ya Nzambe. Babomaki Ye kati na nzoto, kasi Molimo azongisaki Ye na bomoi.
For the Messiah also once died for our sins, the righteous for sinners; that he might bring you to God. And he died in body, but lived in spirit.
19 Ezali mpe kaka na nguya ya Molimo yango nde akendeki kosakola elonga na Ye epai ya milimo oyo ezalaki ya kokangama kati na boloko,
And he preached to those souls, which were detained in Hades,
20 milimo oyo etosaki te na tango ya kala, na tango oyo Nzambe azalaki kokanga motema wana azalaki kozela ete Noa asilisa kotonga masuwa. Kati na masuwa yango, motango moke kaka ya bato, bato mwambe, nde babikisamaki na mayi ya mpela.
which were formerly disobedient, in the days of Noah, when the long suffering of God commanded an ark to be made, in hope of their repentance; and eight souls only entered into it, and were kept alive in the waters.
21 Mayi yango ezali elilingi ya libatisi oyo ebikisi bino sik’oyo. Libatisi yango elongolaka mbindo ya nzoto te, kasi ezali mokano ya kotambola na motema peto liboso ya Nzambe; mpe ezali kobikisa bino na nzela ya lisekwa ya Yesu-Klisto
And ye also, by a like figure, are made alive by baptism, (not when ye wash your bodies from filth, but when ye confess God with a pure conscience, ) and by the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah;
22 oyo akotaki kati na Likolo, avandi na ngambo ya loboko ya mobali ya Nzambe mpe azali kokonza ba-anjelu, banguya mpe milimo ya mipepe na likolo.
who is taken up to heaven, and is on the right hand of God, and angels, and authorities, and powers, are subject to him.

< 1 Petelo 3 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark