< 1 Masolo ya Kala 24 >

1 Tala bituka ya bana mibali ya Aron: Nadabi, Abiyu, Eleazari mpe Itamari.
Now these were the divisions of the sons of Aaron: The sons of Aaron: Nadab, and Abiu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar.
2 Nadabi mpe Abiyu bakufaki liboso ya tata na bango mpe batikalaki kobota te. Eleazari mpe Itamari basalaki mosala na bango ya bonganga-Nzambe.
But Nadab and Abiu died before their father, and had no children: so Eleazar, and Ithamar did the office of the priesthood.
3 Tala ndenge Davidi akabolaki bango kolanda misala oyo bapesaki bango: Tsadoki, na etuka ya Eleazari; Ayimeleki, na etuka ya Itamari.
And David distributed them, that is, Sadoc of the sons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of the sons of Ithamar, according to their courses and ministry.
4 Bamonaki ete kati na bakitani ya Eleazari, bana mibali bazalaki ebele koleka bato oyo bazalaki kati na bakitani ya Itamari. Boye, bakabolaki bana mibali ya Eleazari lokola bakonzi ya mabota zomi na motoba mpe bana mibali ya Itamari lokola bakonzi ya mabota mwambe.
And there were found many more of the sons of Eleazar among the principal men, than of the sons of Ithamar. And he divided them so, that there were of the sons of Eleazar, sixteen chief men by their families: and of the sons of Ithamar eight by their families and houses.
5 Babetaki zeke mpo na kokabola bango, pamba te kati na bakitani ya Eleazari mpe ya Itamari, ezalaki na bakambi ya Esika ya bule mpe bakambi ya mosala ya Nzambe.
And he divided both the families one with the other by lot: for there were princes of the sanctuary, and princes of God, both of the sons of Eleazar, and of the sons of Ithamar.
6 Shemaya, mokomi mikanda, mwana mobali ya Netaneeli, na libota ya Levi, akomaki bakombo na bango na miso ya mokonzi, ya bakambi, ya Nganga-Nzambe Tsadoki, ya Ayimeleki, mwana mobali ya Abiatari; mpe ya bakambi ya mabota ya Banganga-Nzambe mpe Balevi. Babetaki zeke mbala mibale mpo na etuka ya Eleazari, mpe mbala moko, mpo na etuka ya Itamari.
And Semeias the son of Nathanael the scribe a Levite, wrote them down before the king and the princes, and Sadoc the priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, and the princes also of the priestly and Levitical families: one house, which was over the rest, of Eleazar: and another house, which had the rest under it, of Ithamar.
7 Tala ndenge bakambi ya mabota baponamaki na nzela ya zeke: zeke ya liboso ekweyaki epai ya Yeoyaribi; zeke ya mibale ekweyaki epai ya Yedaeya;
Now the first lot came forth to Joiarib, the second to Jedei,
8 zeke ya misato ekweyaki epai ya Arimi; zeke ya minei ekweyaki epai ya Seorimi;
The third to Harim, the fourth to Seorim,
9 zeke ya mitano ekweyaki epai ya Malikiya; zeke ya motoba ekweyaki epai ya Miyamini;
The fifth to Melchia, the sixth to Maiman,
10 zeke ya sambo ekweyaki epai ya Akotsi; zeke ya mwambe ekweyaki epai ya Abiya;
The seventh to Accos, the eighth to Abia,
11 zeke ya libwa ekweyaki epai ya Jozue; zeke ya zomi ekweyaki epai ya Shekania;
The ninth to Jesua, the tenth to Sechenia,
12 zeke ya zomi na moko ekweyaki epai ya Eliashibi; zeke ya zomi na mibale ekweyaki epai ya Yakimi;
The eleventh to Eliasib, the twelfth to Jacim,
13 zeke ya zomi na misato ekweyaki epai ya Upa; zeke ya zomi na minei ekweyaki epai ya Yeshebeabi;
The thirteenth to Hoppha, the fourteenth to Isbaab,
14 zeke ya zomi na mitano ekweyaki epai ya Biliga; zeke ya zomi na motoba ekweyaki epai ya Imeri;
The fifteenth to Belga, the sixteenth to Emmer,
15 zeke ya zomi na sambo ekweyaki epai ya Eziri; zeke ya zomi na mwambe ekweyaki epai ya Apitsetsi;
The seventeenth to Hezir, the eighteenth to Aphses,
16 zeke ya zomi na libwa ekweyaki epai ya Petaya; zeke ya tuku mibale ekweyaki epai ya Ezekieli;
The nineteenth to Pheteia, the twentieth to Hezechiel,
17 zeke ya tuku mibale na moko ekweyaki epai ya Yakini; zeke ya tuku mibale na mibale ekweyaki epai ya Gamuli;
The one and twentieth to Jachin, the two and twentieth to Gamul,
18 zeke ya tuku mibale na misato ekweyaki epai ya Delaya; zeke ya tuku mibale na minei ekweyaki epai ya Maazia.
The three and twentieth to Dalaiau, the four and twentieth to Maaziau.
19 Ezalaki ndenge wana nde bakabolaki bango mpe bazalaki kolandana kati na mosala mpo na kokota kati na Tempelo ya Yawe. Bazalaki kosala misala na bango kolanda mibeko oyo tata na bango, Aron, apesaki bango, mpe ndenge Yawe, Nzambe ya Isalaele, atindaki ye.
These are their courses according to their ministries, to come into the house of the Lord, and according to their manner under the hand of Aaron their father: as the Lord the God of Israel had commanded.
20 Tala bakitani mosusu ya Levi oyo bazalaki bakambi ya bituka: Shubaeli, mpo na etuka ya Amirami; Yedeya, mpo na etuka ya Shubaeli;
Now of the rest of the sons of Levi, there was of the sons of Amram, Subael: and of the sons of Subael, Jehedeia.
21 Yishiya, mpo na etuka ya Reabia;
Also of the sons of Rohobia the chief Jesias.
22 Shelomoti, mpo na etuka ya Yitseari; Yaati, mpo na etuka ya Shelomiti.
And the son of Isaar Salemoth, and the son of Salemoth Jahath:
23 Bana mibali ya Ebron: mwana ya liboso, Yeriya; mwana ya mibale, Amaria; mwana ya misato, Yaazieli; mpe mwana ya minei, Yekameami;
And his son Jeriau the first, Amarias the second, Jahaziel the third, Jecmaan the fourth.
24 Shamiri, mpo na etuka ya Mishe, mwana mobali ya Uzieli;
The son of Oziel, Micha: the son of Micha, Samir.
25 Zakari, mpo na etuka ya Yishiya, ndeko mobali ya Mishe.
The brother of Micha, Jesia: and the son of Jesia, Zacharias.
26 Bana mibali ya Merari: Maali mpe Mushi. Beno, mpo na etuka ya Yaaziya.
The sons of Merari: Moholi and Musi: the son of Oziau: Benno.
27 Bakitani ya Merari: na nzela ya mwana na ye ya mobali Yaaziya: Beno, Shoami, Zakuri mpe Ibiri.
The son also of Merari: Oziau, and Seam, and Zacchur, and Hebri.
28 Na nzela ya mwana na ye ya mobali Maali: Eleazari oyo atikalaki kobota te.
And the son of Moholi: Eleazar, who had no sons.
29 Mpo na Kishi: Yerameeli, mwana na ye ya mobali.
And the son of Cis, Jeramael.
30 Bana mibali ya Mushi: Maali, Ederi mpe Yerimoti. Bango wana nde bazalaki bakitani ya Levi kolanda bituka na bango.
The sons of Musi: Moholi, Eder, and Jerimoth. These are the sons of Levi according to the houses of their families.
31 Bango mpe babetaki zeke lokola bandeko na bango ya mibali, bakitani ya Aron, na miso ya mokonzi Davidi, ya Tsadoki, ya Ayimeleki, ya bakambi ya mabota ya Banganga-Nzambe mpe ya Balevi. Boye bazalaki komona mabota nyonso ndenge moko, ezala libota ya kulutu to ya leki.
And they also cast lots over against their brethren the sons of Aaron before David the king, and Sadoc, and Ahimelech, and the princes of the priestly and Levitical families, both the elder and the younger. The lot divided all equally.

< 1 Masolo ya Kala 24 >