< Cakarijas 6 >
1 Un es atkal pacēlu savas acis un skatījos, un redzi, tur četri rati iznāca starp diviem kalniem, un tie kalni bija vara kalni.
Then I looked again and I saw four chariots coming out from between two mountains that looked like bronze.
2 Priekš tiem pirmiem ratiem bija sarkani zirgi, un priekš tiem otriem ratiem melni zirgi,
The first chariot was pulled by red horses, the second by black horses,
3 Un priekš tiem trešiem ratiem balti zirgi, un priekš tiem ceturtiem ratiem bija raibi stipri zirgi.
the third by white horses, and the fourth by dappled grey horses—all of them strong horses.
4 Un es atbildēju un sacīju uz to eņģeli, kas ar mani runāja: kas tie tādi, mans kungs?
“My lord, what are these?” I asked the angel I was talking to.
5 Tad tas eņģelis atbildēja un sacīja: šie ir tie četri debess vēji, kas iznāk, kad tie bija stāvējuši priekš visas pasaules valdnieka.
“They are going out to the four winds of heaven, after presenting themselves to the Lord of all the earth,” the angel explained.
6 Priekš kuriem ratiem tie melnie zirgi ir, tie iziet uz ziemeļa zemi, un tie baltie šiem iziet pakaļ. Un tie raibie iziet uz dienvidu zemi.
The chariot with the black horses went north, the one with the white horses went west, and the one with the dappled grey horses went south.
7 Un tie stiprie zirgi izgāja un meklēja pārstaigāt zemi. Jo viņš bija sacījis: ejat, pārstaigājiet zemi, un tie pārstaigāja zemi.
When the strong horses came out they were eager to set off to patrol the earth. And he said, “Go and patrol the earth!” So they left and patrolled the earth.
8 Un viņš mani aicināja un uz mani runāja un sacīja: redzi, šie, kas ir izgājuši uz ziemeļa zemi, Manu Garu ir klusinājuši ziemeļa zemē. -
Then the angel called to me, saying, “Look! Those who went north have achieved what the Lord wanted in the land of the north.”
9 Un Tā Kunga vārds notika uz mani sacīdams:
Then the Lord gave me another message:
10 Ņem no tiem aizvestiem, no Ķeldajus, no Tobias un no Jedajas, - un ej tai dienā un ej Josijas, Cefanijas dēla, namā, kur tie no Bābeles pārnākuši.
Take the gifts brought by Heldai, Tobijah, and Jedaiah, the exiles returning from Babylon, and go immediately to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah.
11 Un ņem sudrabu un zeltu un taisi kroni un liec to galvā augstam priesterim Jozuam, Jocadaka dēlam,
Use the silver and the gold they brought to make a crown, and place it on the head of Josiah, son of Jehozadak, the high priest.
12 Un runā uz viņu un saki: tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot: redzi, vīrs, kam vārds ir Cemaks (Atvase), izplauks no savas vietas, un tas uztaisīs Tā Kunga namu.
Tell him this is what the Lord Almighty says: Look! The man who is called the Branch will grow from where he is and will build the Lord's Temple.
13 Tiešām, viņš uztaisīs Tā Kunga namu, un viņš nesīs to godības glītumu un sēdēs un valdīs uz sava goda krēsla un būs priesteris uz sava goda krēsla, un miera padoms būs starp abiem.
He is the one who will build the Lord's Temple, and he will be the one given the honor to rule from both the royal throne and the priestly throne and there will be peace and understanding between the two roles.
14 Un tas kronis būs Tā Kunga namā par piemiņu Ķelemam un Tobijam un Jedajam un Cefanijas dēla laipnībai.
The crown will be kept in the Temple of the Lord as a memorial to Heldai, Tobijah, Jedaiah, and Joshua the son of Zephaniah.
15 Un tie, kas ir tālu, atnāks un strādās pie Tā Kunga nama, un jūs manīsiet, ka Tas Kungs Cebaot mani pie jums sūtījis. Tas notiks, kad jūs klausīt klausīsiet Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, balsij.
People who live in distant lands will come and build the Temple of the Lord, and you will know that the Lord Almighty sent me to you. This will happen if you listen attentively to what the Lord tells you.