< Cakarijas 12 >
1 Tā Kunga vārda spriedums par Israēli. Tā saka Tas Kungs, kas debesis izpletis un zemi dibinājis un radījis cilvēka garu iekš viņa:
[This is] a message from Yahweh concerning Israel. Yahweh is the one who stretched out the sky, who created the earth, and who (gave life to humans/caused humans to be alive). This is what he says:
2 Redzi, Jeruzālemi Es darīšu par straipalējamo biķeri visām tautām visapkārt, un tas nāks arī pār Jūdu, kad Jeruzālemi apsēdīs.
“I will soon cause Jerusalem to be [like] [MET] a cup full [of very strong alcoholic drink], and the people of other nations who drink it will stagger around. And they will come and attack Jerusalem and [the other towns in] Judah.
3 Un notiks tai dienā, Es Jeruzālemi darīšu par nastas akmeni visām tautām; visi, kas viņu grib uzcelt, tie ievainosies, un visas pasaules tautas pret viņu sapulcēsies.
At that time, [the armies of] all the nations will gather to attack Jerusalem, but I will cause [the leaders of] Judah to be [like] [SIM] a very heavy rock, and all who [try to] lift it will be badly injured.
4 Tai dienā, saka Tas Kungs, Es visus zirgus sitīšu ar bailību un viņu jātniekus ar bezprātību, bet pār Jūda namu Es atvēršu savas acis un tautām sitīšu visus zirgus ar aklību.
At that time I will cause every [one of their enemies’] horses to panic, and their riders to become crazy. I [IDM] will protect the people of Judah, but I will cause all their enemies’ horses to become blind.
5 Tad Jūda virsnieki savā sirdī sacīs: stiprums man ir Jeruzālemes iedzīvotāji iekš Tā Kunga Cebaot, sava Dieva.
Then the leaders of Judah will say to themselves, ‘The people in Jerusalem are strong because the Commander of the armies of angels is their God.’
6 Tai dienā Es Jūda virsniekus celšu kā degošu ugunskuru malkā un kā degošu lāpu kūlīšos, un pa labo un kreiso pusi tie aprīs visas tautas visapkārt, un Jeruzāleme vēl paliks savā vietā Jeruzālemē.
At that time I will enable the leaders of Judah to be like [SIM] a pan containing hot coals [that is put] in a woodpile [to set it on fire], or like [SIM] a burning torch [that is put] in a [field of] ripe grain [to set it on fire]. The leaders of Judah [and their army] will destroy the people of the surrounding nations in all directions. But [the people of] Jerusalem will remain safe.
7 Un Tas Kungs papriekš izpestīs Jūda dzīvokļus, lai Dāvida nama augstība un Jeruzālemes iedzīvotāju godība nelielās pret Jūdu.
And [I], Yahweh, will protect the tents of [the soldiers in other places in] Judah before [I rescue the people of Jerusalem], in order that the leaders of Jerusalem [DOU] will not be honored more than [the people in other places in] Judah [are honored].
8 Tai dienā Tas Kungs pasargās Jeruzālemes iedzīvotājus, un pats nespēcīgākais viņu starpā tai dienā būs kā Dāvids, un Dāvida nams būs kā Dievs, kā Tā Kunga eņģelis viņu priekšā.
At that time, I will protect [MET] the people of Jerusalem. When that happens, even the weakest people in Jerusalem will be [strong] like [King] David [was]. And the descendants [MTY] of David will [rule the people] like I [would], as though an angel sent from [me], Yahweh, was their leader.
9 Un tai dienā Es meklēšu izdeldēt pagānus, kas ceļas pret Jeruzālemi.
At that time, I will prepare to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem.”
10 Bet pār Dāvida namu un pār Jeruzālemes iedzīvotājiem Es izliešu žēlastības un lūgšanas garu. Un tie uz Mani raudzīsies, ko tie ir cauri dūruši. Un par Viņu tie žēlosies, kā žēlojās par vienīgo, un tie gauži par Viņu vaimanās, ka vaimanā par pirmdzimto.
“I, [Yahweh, ] will cause the descendants [MTY] of [King] David to act very kindly and mercifully. They will look at me, [the one] who has been stabbed, and they will cry bitterly, like people cry for a firstborn son [who has died] [DOU].
11 Tai dienā Jeruzālemē būs lielas raudas, kā raudāja pie HadadRimona Meģidus lejā.
At that time, many people in Jerusalem will be crying bitterly, like people cried [when King Josiah was killed in the battle] at Hadad-Rimmon on the Megiddo Plain.
12 Un zeme žēlosies, ikviena cilts par sevi, Dāvida nama cilts sevišķi un viņu sievas sevišķi, un Nātana nama cilts sevišķi un viņu sievas sevišķi, Levja nama cilts sevišķi un viņu sievas sevišķi.
Many people in Judah will cry, each family by themselves: the male descendants of David by themselves, and their wives by themselves, the male descendants of [David’s son] Nathan by themselves, and their wives by themselves,
13 Šimejus cilts sevišķi un viņu sievas sevišķi, -
the male descendants [MTY] of Levi by themselves, and their wives by themselves, the male descendants of [Levi’s grandson] Shimei by themselves, and their wives by themselves,
14 Visas citas ciltis, ikviena par sevi, un viņu sievas par sevi.
and all the other members [of the kings’ clans and the priests’ clans] by themselves, and their wives by themselves.”