< Augstā Dziesma 7 >
1 Cik skaisti ir tavi soļi kurpēs, tu valdnieka meita. Tavi gurni tā ir salikti kā divas sprādzes, ko gudra meistara roka darījusi.
[[Lov.]] How beautiful are thy feet in sandals, O prince's daughter! The roundings of thy hips are like neck ornaments, The work of the hands of the artificer;
2 Tavs klēpis ir kā apaļš biķeris, kam dzēriena netrūkst; viņš ir kā kviešu kopa, apsprausta ar lilijām.
Thy navel is like a round goblet, that wanteth not the spiced wine; Thy belly like a heap of wheat, inclosed with lilies;
3 Tavas krūtis ir kā divas stirnas, kā kalnu kazas dvīņi.
Thy two breasts are like two young twin gazelles;
4 Tavs kakls ir kā tornis no ziloņkauliem, tavas acis ir kā tie dīķi Hešbonē pie Batrabim vārtiem, tavs deguns ir kā tornis uz Lībanus, kas pret Damasku skatās.
Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; Thine eyes are like the pools at Heshbon, by the gate of Bath-rabbim; Thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon, which looketh toward Damascus;
5 Tava galva uz tevis ir kā Karmels, un tavi kuplie galvas mati kā purpurs, ķēniņš ar bizēm saistīts.
Thy head upon thee is like Carmel, And the hair of thy head like purple; The king is captivated by thy locks.
6 Cik skaista un cik mīlīga tu esi, ak mīlestība ar saviem jaukumiem!
How fair, how pleasant art thou, love, in delights!
7 Šis tavs augums ir līdzīgs palma kokam un tavas krūtis vīna ķekariem.
This thy stature is like the palm-tree, And thy breasts like clusters of dates.
8 Es sacīšu: es kāpšu uz palma koku, es tveršu viņa zarus, lai tavas krūtis ir kā ķekari pie vīna koka, un tava vaiga smarža kā āboli,
I will go up, say I to myself, upon the palm-tree; I will take hold of its boughs, And thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, And the fragrance of thy nose like apples,
9 Un tava mute kā labs vīns, kas manam draugam viegli ieiet un miegaino lūpas dara runājam.
And thy mouth like the best wine— [[M.]] — that goeth down smoothly for my beloved, Flowing over the lips of them that sleep.
10 Es piederu savam draugam, un sirds viņam nesās uz mani.
I am my beloved's, And his desire is toward me.
11 Nāc, mans draugs, ejam laukā, mitīsim ciemos.
Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the country; Let us lodge in the villages!
12 Iesim agri uz vīna dārziem, lūkosim, vai vīna koks zied, vai jaunie pumpuri sprāgst, un granātu koki plaukst. Tur es tev rādīšu savu mīlestību.
Then will we go early to the vineyards, To see whether the vine putteth forth, Whether its blossom openeth, And the pomegranates bud forth; There will I give thee my love!
13 Tie dudaīm dod smaržu, un pie mūsu durvīm ir visādi dārgi augļi, jauni un veci; mans draugs, es tos priekš tevis esmu glabājusi.
The love-apples give forth fragrance; And at our doors are all kinds of precious fruits, new and old: I have kept them for thee, my beloved!