< Augstā Dziesma 6 >

1 Kurp tavs draugs ir nogājis, tu visu skaistākā starp sievām? Uz kuru pusi tavs draugs ir griezies, ka mēs līdz ar tevi viņu meklējam.
You who are the most beautiful of all the women, where has the one who loves you gone? [If you tell us] which [RHQ] direction he went, we will go with you to search for him.
2 Mans draugs ir nogājis savā dārzā, pie tām smaržīgām dobēm, pa dārzu pastaigāties un lilijas lasīt.
The one who loves me has now come [to me, who am like] [MET, EUP] his garden, He has come to [enjoy my (charms/physical attractions) which are like] [MET, EUP] spices, to enjoy cuddling up to me [EUP, MET], and [kissing my lips, which are like] [MET] lilies.
3 Mans draugs ir mans un es esmu viņa, kas starp lilijām gana.
I belong to the one who loves me, and the one who loves me belongs to me; he [enjoys kissing] my lips like [MET] [a shepherd enjoys] taking care of [his sheep].
4 Tu esi skaista, mana draudzene, tā kā Tirca, mīlīga kā Jeruzāleme, briesmīga kā kara spēki ar karogiem.
My darling, you are beautiful, like [SIM] Tirzah [the capital city of Israel] and Jerusalem [the capital city of Judah are beautiful]; you are as exciting [MET] as a [group/battalion of] troops holding up their banners.
5 Nogriez savas acis no manis, jo tās mani pārvarējušas. Tavi mati ir kā kazu pulks, kas guļ uz Gileād kalna.
Quit looking at me like that, because your eyes excite me very much. Your [long black] hair [moves from side to side] like [SIM] a flock of [black] goats [moving down the slopes] of Gilead [Mountain].
6 Tavi zobi ir kā avju pulks, kas nāk no peldēšanas, kas visas dvīņus vedās, un neviena starp viņām nav neauglīga.
Your teeth are [very white] like [SIM] a flock of sheep [whose wool] has just been shorn and that have come up from being washed [in a stream]. You have all of your teeth; none of them is missing.
7 Tavi vaigi ir kā granātābola puses aiz tava galvas apsega.
Beneath your veil, your cheeks are like [SIM] the halves of a pomegranate.
8 Sešdesmit ir ķēniņienes un astoņdesmit liekas sievas un tas jaunavu pulks nav izskaitāms.
Even if a king had 60 queens and 80 (concubines/slave wives) and more young women than anyone can count,
9 Bet viena vienīga ir mans balodis, mana sirds skaidrā, tā vienīgā savai mātei, tā mīļākā savai dzemdētājai. Kad tās meitas viņu redz, tad tās viņu teic, ķēniņienes un liekās sievas viņu slavē.
[none of them would be like] my dove, who is perfect, you who are your mother’s only daughter, whom your mother considers to be very precious. [Other] young women who see you say that you are fortunate, and the queens and concubines recognize that you [are very beautiful].
10 Kas tā tāda, kas spīd kā auseklis, skaista kā mēnesis, skaidra kā saule, briesmīga kā karaspēki ar karogiem?
Who is [RHQ] this woman who is [as delightful] as [SIM] the dawn, as fair/delightful [to look at] as [the light of] the moon, as exciting as a [group/battalion of] troops holding up their banners?
11 Es nogāju riekstu dārzā, redzēt zaļos augļus pie upes, un lūkot, vai vīna koks zied un granātu koki plaukst.
I went down to some walnut trees to look at the new plants that were growing in the valley. I wanted to see if the grapevines had budded or if the pomegranate trees were blooming.
12 Es nesajutu, ka mana dvēsele mani bija pacēlusi uz manas slavētās tautas goda ratiem.
[But] before I realized it, my desire [to make love caused me to be as excited as] a prince riding in a chariot.
13 Atgriezies, atgriezies, ak Sulamite! Atgriezies, atgriezies, ka mēs tevi varam skatīt. Ko jūs redzat pie Sulamites? Kā diešanu pie Mahānaīma.
You who are the perfect one, come back [to us], in order that we may see you! Why do you want to look at this woman who is perfect, like [SIM] you like to watch two rows/lines of people dancing?

< Augstā Dziesma 6 >